; SHA-256: (fasmg implementation by bitRAKE (Rickey Bowers Jr.))
; Some test messages to confirm algorithm:
; (@ https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/nessie/testvectors/hash/sha/index.html)
iterate __MESSAGE__,\
,\; E3B0C442 98FC1C14 9AFBF4C8 996FB924 27AE41E4 649B934C A495991B 7852B855
db "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq",\
\; 248D6A61 D20638B8 E5C02693 0C3E6039 A33CE459 64FF2167 F6ECEDD4 19DB06C1
db "abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu",\
\; CF5B16A7 78AF8380 036CE59E 7B049237 0B249B11 E8F07A51 AFAC4503 7AFEE9D1
db 8 dup "1234567890",\
\; F371BC4A 311F2B00 9EEF952D D83CA80E 2B60026C 8E935592 D0F9C308 453C813E
file __FILE__
; Initialize hash values (first 32 bits of the fractional part of the square root of the first 8 primes 2..19):
iterate H,0x6A09E667,0xBB67AE85,0x3C6EF372,0xA54FF53A,0x510E527F,0x9B05688C,0x1F83D9AB,0x5BE0CD19
h#% = H ; (note how these and v% below are one based)
end iterate
; Message pre-processing (padding such that the bits in the message (L) are:
; L 1 00..00 <L as 64 bit integer> = k*512 total bits
virtual at 0
message_bits = ($ shl 3)
db 0x80 ; first pad byte has high bit set (must output one bit)
while ($ + 8) mod 64
db 0
end while
dq message_bits bswap 8 ; Note: big-endian
repeat $ shr 6,current_block:0
; Load block into working space [w_]:
repeat 16,_:0
load w#_ dword from (current_block shl 6)+(_ shl 2)
w#_ = w#_ bswap 4 ; Note: big-endian
end repeat
repeat 48,_:16,_16:0,_15:1,_7:9,_2:14
s0_a rightrotate w#_15,7,32
s0_b rightrotate w#_15,18,32
s0 = s0_a xor s0_b xor (w#_15 shr 3)
s1_a rightrotate w#_2,17,32
s1_b rightrotate w#_2,19,32
s1 = s1_a xor s1_b xor (w#_2 shr 10)
w#_ = (w#_16 + w#_7 + s1 + s0) and $FFFF'FFFF
end repeat
; Initialize working variables [v_] to current hash value:
repeat 8
v#% = h#%
end repeat
; Compression function main loop:
repeat 64,_:0
s0_a rightrotate v1,2,32
s0_b rightrotate v1,13,32
s0_c rightrotate v1,22,32
temp2 = ((v1 and v2) xor (v1 and v3) xor (v2 and v3))\; majority
+ (s0_a xor s0_b xor s0_c)
s1_a rightrotate v5,6,32
s1_b rightrotate v5,11,32
s1_c rightrotate v5,25,32
temp1 = ((v5 and v6) xor ((not v5) and v7))\; choice
+ (s1_a xor s1_b xor s1_c)\
+ v8 + K#_ + w#_
v8 = v7
v7 = v6
v6 = v5
v5 = v4 + temp1
v4 = v3
v3 = v2
v2 = v1
v1 = temp1 + temp2
end repeat ; compression
; Add the compressed chunk to the current hash value:
repeat 8
h#% = h#% + v#%
end repeat
end repeat ; message_blocks
end virtual
; Display resulting hash:
repeat 8
h#% Show_Hexadecimal 8
display ' '
end repeat
display 10
end iterate ; __MESSAGE__
; Array of round constants (first 32 bits of the fractional part of the cube root of the first 64 primes 2..311):
iterate k,\
repeat 1,_:%-1
K#_ := k
end repeat
end iterate
; minor support routines:
struc rightrotate value*,bits*,range*
local rshift
; clamp rotate to range
rshift = bits mod range
; ignore bits outside range
. = (((value) and ((1 shl range)-1)) shr rshift) \
or (((value) and ((1 shl rshift)-1)) shl (range - rshift))
end struc
virtual at 0
HexDigits:: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
end virtual
struc Show_Hexadecimal force_digits=0
local digits,nibble,char
if force_digits > 0
; to zero pad field or truncate output
digits = force_digits
else if . = 0
digits = 1
else ; variable length nibble calculation
digits = ((bsr .)+3) shr 2
end if
repeat digits
; need to output high nibbles first (or zero padding)
nibble = (. shr (4 * (%% - %))) and $F
load char byte from HexDigits:nibble
display char
end repeat
; update for possible further use
. = . shr (4*digits)
end struc