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Index > Linux > Symbol representing primary loaded segment virtual address

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Joined: 11 Dec 2020
Posts: 2
skeggse 11 Dec 2020, 09:35
Is there a way in fasm to get the (rip-relative, maybe) virtual address of the start of the segment that contains the ELF and program headers? The closest I've gotten is $$, but that just gets me the start of what looks like the current section. I mayyy be attempting to read those structures and manipulate the loaded memory pages themselves.
Post 11 Dec 2020, 09:35
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revolution 11 Dec 2020, 10:58
This might work for 32-bit:
format ELF executable 0
entry main

AT_NULL                 = 0
AT_SYSINFO_EHDR         = 33
SYS_EXIT                = 1
SYS_WRITE               = 4
STD_OUTPUT              = 1

struc Elf32_auxv_t {
        .a_type         rd 1
        .a_val          rd 1
virtual at 0
        Elf32_auxv_t            Elf32_auxv_t
        sizeof.Elf32_auxv_t     = $
end virtual

segment executable

        int     0x80

        mov     eax,[esp]                       ;argument count (argc)
        lea     ebx,[esp + 4 + (eax + 1) * 4]   ;skip the args and the final null
        cmp     dword[ebx],0                    ;last entry in environment?
        lea     ebx,[ebx + 4]                   ;next entry in environment
        jnz     .skip_environment
        mov     eax,[ebx + Elf32_auxv_t.a_type]
        mov     edx,[ebx + Elf32_auxv_t.a_val]
        add     ebx,sizeof.Elf32_auxv_t         ;next auxv entry
        cmp     eax,AT_NULL                     ;end of auxv table?
        jz      .auxv_done
        cmp     eax,AT_SYSINFO_EHDR
        jnz     .scan_auxv
        mov     ecx,EHDR_at
        call    write_hex
        mov     eax,SYS_WRITE
        mov     ebx,STD_OUTPUT
        mov     ecx,EHDR
        mov     edx,EHDR_len
        call    [sys_call]
        mov     eax,SYS_EXIT
        xor     ebx,ebx
        call    [sys_call]

        ;ecx = address
        ;edx = value
        mov     eax,edx
        shr     eax,28
        cmp     al,10
        sbb     al,0x69
        mov     [ecx],al
        inc     ecx
        shl     edx,4
        jnz     .next_nibble

segment readable writeable

align 4
sys_call dd default_sys_call

EHDR:           db      'EHDR at 0x'
EHDR_at         db      '00000000',10
EHDR_len        =       $ - EHDR    
Post 11 Dec 2020, 10:58
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Joined: 11 Dec 2020
Posts: 2
skeggse 14 Dec 2020, 05:34
Hey, thanks for the thorough example! I hadn't gleaned that there was an auxv table in the stack, which was the big piece I was missing. Thanks!
Post 14 Dec 2020, 05:34
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