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Roman 30 Aug 2020, 03:45
This problem https://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?p=215729#215729
For this reason I implement somthing like c math.
 db 'int(ark ,a ,b ) flt(foh ) vec4(z1 ) mat()',13,10
 db 'ark = 10*2; a = 3; b = a +5; foh = a + b +2',13,10
 db 'z1 = a ,b ,foh ,4+ark ',13,10,0

I have big 3d level and i need to use floats data.

Now i search in first line 'int(' than search in next lines 'ark'
If i found ark(ark =) i put in TabInt pToText and calc ark value and get 20(put value in TabInt+4)
Than search a(a =), than search b(b = ) and foh(foh =) and z1(z1 =).

My problem how i must do ? Replace in next lines all ark to value 20 and replace a to 3 ?
I don`t understood how do this more beautiful.
Than cal b.
I do not understand clear how to proceed next steps.

Last edited by Roman on 30 Aug 2020, 07:10; edited 4 times in total
Post 30 Aug 2020, 03:45
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bitRAKE 30 Aug 2020, 03:56
If 'ark' is on the right-hand side of equation then it must be found and replaced with value at location. To find previous 'ark' will need a back-reference of some type. Could be as simple as a table of pointers to first 'ark' string and it's value. Searching the table, you'd get the pointer and see if strings match.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 30 Aug 2020, 03:56
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Roman 30 Aug 2020, 04:04
If i start from end text.
'z1 = a ,b ,foh ,4+ark '

I found ark.
And what do than next ? Because z1 = a,b,foh,4+20(i don`t want copy 4 times z1)
I want copy one time z1 to another text buffer with digits(without a,b,ark,foh)
And get this TextBuf2 'z1 = 3,8,13,4+20'
Post 30 Aug 2020, 04:04
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Roman 30 Aug 2020, 04:15
How i see(my vision).
For z1 i find all values(in z1) and put in TabVec4 text pointers to 'a','b','ark','foh'

In this case i get for z1 5 text pointers. First pointers to ' =' start z1, second pointer to text 'a =' and etc

Than i copy z1 to TextBuf2 'z1 = 3,8,13,4+20'
Post 30 Aug 2020, 04:15
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bitRAKE 30 Aug 2020, 06:27
That seems like it would work for most cases.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 30 Aug 2020, 06:27
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Roman 30 Aug 2020, 07:06

That seems like it would work for most cases.

But write parser is not simple job.
Post 30 Aug 2020, 07:06
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Roman 30 Aug 2020, 11:41
Revolution placed my thread in HLL !
For this reason i using phyton ! Smile

In phyton i could do:
ark = 10*2; a = 3; b = a +5; foh = a + b +2
z1 = a ,b ,foh ,4+ark 

And get in out file z1 dd 3f,8f,13f,24f
Its good for 3D games.

PS: It's a pity I didn't this in fasm Sad
Post 30 Aug 2020, 11:41
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bitRAKE 30 Aug 2020, 15:28
Roman wrote:
But write parser is not simple job.
IMHO. the easiest way to start is with stack-based machines because you'll need to delay calculations. The stack can act like local context. Unless you want to use RPN - that's easier to code.

Let me know if you want an example - I can adapt my four-state method to parse this. I'm almost done with my next example in that series.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 30 Aug 2020, 15:28
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Roman 31 Aug 2020, 06:46
Let me know if you want an example - I can adapt my four-state method to parse this.

It be very good.
 db 'int(ark ,a ,b ) flt(foh ) vec4(z1 ) mat()',13,10
 db 'ark = 10*2; a = 3; b = a +5; foh = a + b +2',13,10
 db 'z1 = a ,b ,foh ,4+ark ',13,10,0    
Post 31 Aug 2020, 06:46
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bitRAKE 01 Sep 2020, 00:31
    The changes need to the parser are trivial.
  • change comment character to "#" (any will do)
  • let letter groups consist of numbers, too.
This results in:
        enter 32,0
        ; assume every token is one byte w/o whitespace! yikes!
        imul rax,[input_bytes],27
        mov [result_bytes],rax
        invoke HeapAlloc,[hHeap],4,[result_bytes]
        mov [result_buffer],rax

        push rsi rdi rbx
        mov rsi,[input_buffer]
        mov r11,[result_bytes]
        mov rdi,[result_buffer]
        add r11,rdi ; memory limit of output
        call FourState
        sub r11,rdi ; unused bytes
        sub [result_bytes],r11 ; actual output bytes (not including null byte)
        xor eax,eax
        pop rbx rdi rsi


CLASS_NUMBER    = 0000_0000b
CLASS_LETTER    = 0100_0000b
CLASS_SYMBOL    = 1000_0000b
CLASS_CTRL      = 1100_0000b


namespace FourState
        mov rbx,tab_UTF8
; go from the empty class to the class of first character
init:   lodsb
        xlatb                           ; byte classes and decoding
        test al,1100_0000b
        jz number_start
        jns letter_start
        jpe other_start
symbol_start: ; punc, math, etc ...     ; state initialization
        lea rdx,[rsi-1]                 ; preserve name start
        test al,1100_0000b
        jns symbol_end
        jpo symbol_more
symbol_end:                             ; state termination
        push rax
        lea rcx,[rsi-1]
        mov rax,' symbol' or ($0D shl 56)
        call _display
        pop rax
        js other_start
        jpe number_start
        lea rdx,[rsi-1]
        test al,1100_0000b
        jns letter_more
        push rax
        lea rcx,[rsi-1]
        mov rax,' letter' or ($0D shl 56)
        call _display
        pop rax
        jpo symbol_start
        js other_start
        lea rdx,[rsi-1]
        test al,1100_0000b
        jz number_more
        push rax
        lea rcx,[rsi-1]
        mov rax,' number' or ($0D shl 56)
        call _display
        pop rax
        jns letter_start
        jpo symbol_start
        and eax,0x3F
        cmp byte [Control_Table-1],al
        jbe _errorX
        push rax
        call qword [Control_Table+rax*8]
        jc _error
        pop rax
        jmp init
        movzx eax,byte [Control_Table-1]
        push rax
        mov rax,('ERROR: ' shl 8) or 13
        pop rax
        push rsi
        mov rsi,[Error_Table+rax*8]
        movzx ecx,al
        rep movsb
        pop rsi
end namespace ; FourState


  @@:   lodsb
        test al,al
        jz EndOfInput
        cmp al,10
        jz @F
        cmp al,13
        jnz @B
  @@:   sub rsi,1


        push rax

        ; don't exceed buffer - just give up if full
        mov eax,ecx
        sub eax,edx
        lea rax,[rdi+rax+8*3+3]
        cmp r11,rax
        jc .buffer_full

        mov rax,('class:' shl 16) or $090D
        pop rax
        mov rax,('value: ' shl 8) or $09
        mov al,'"'
        ; copy data string to output
        push rsi
        mov rsi,rdx
        sub ecx,edx
        rep movsb
        pop rsi

.buffer_full:   ; just don't produce more output
        pop rax


align 64
rb 7
db (sizeof Control_Table) shr 3
Control_Table Δ dq \

Error_Table dq \

Error_EOI       Δ db sizeof Error_EOI-1,       'end of input expected'
Error_NoError   Δ db sizeof Error_NoError-1,   "this doesn't happen"
Error_CtlRng    Δ db sizeof Error_CtlRng-1,    'unsupported control byte'

align 64
repeat 256,i:0
        match A =i B,: 9 10 11 12 13 32 :
                db CTRL_IGNORE or CLASS_CTRL
        if i > 127
                db $3F or CLASS_LETTER
        else if i = 0
                db CTRL_ENDOFINPUT or CLASS_CTRL
        else if i = '#'
                db CTRL_LINECOMMENT or CLASS_CTRL
        else if (i >= 'A') & (i <= 'Z')
                db (i-'A'+10) or CLASS_LETTER
        else if (i >= 'a') & (i <= 'z')
                db (i-'a'+10) or CLASS_LETTER
        else if (i >= '0') & (i <= '9')
                db (i-'0') or CLASS_NUMBER
                db (i and $3F) or CLASS_SYMBOL
        end if
        end match
end repeat    
Now, when I test your langauge,
int(ark ,a ,b ) flt(foh ) vec4(z1 ) mat()
ark = 10*2; a = 3; b = a +5; foh = a + b +2
z1 = a ,b ,foh ,4+ark    
...I get the following ouput:
        class: letter   value: "int"
        class: symbol   value: "("
        class: letter   value: "ark"
        class: symbol   value: ","
        class: letter   value: "a"
        class: symbol   value: ","
        class: letter   value: "b"
        class: symbol   value: ")"
        class: letter   value: "flt"
        class: symbol   value: "("
        class: letter   value: "foh"
        class: symbol   value: ")"
        class: letter   value: "vec4"
        class: symbol   value: "("
        class: letter   value: "z1"
        class: symbol   value: ")"
        class: letter   value: "mat"
        class: symbol   value: "()"
        class: letter   value: "ark"
        class: symbol   value: "="
        class: number   value: "10"
        class: symbol   value: "*"
        class: number   value: "2"
        class: symbol   value: ";"
        class: letter   value: "a"
        class: symbol   value: "="
        class: number   value: "3"
        class: symbol   value: ";"
        class: letter   value: "b"
        class: symbol   value: "="
        class: letter   value: "a"
        class: symbol   value: "+"
        class: number   value: "5"
        class: symbol   value: ";"
        class: letter   value: "foh"
        class: symbol   value: "="
        class: letter   value: "a"
        class: symbol   value: "+"
        class: letter   value: "b"
        class: symbol   value: "+"
        class: number   value: "2"
        class: letter   value: "z1"
        class: symbol   value: "="
        class: letter   value: "a"
        class: symbol   value: ","
        class: letter   value: "b"
        class: symbol   value: ","
        class: letter   value: "foh"
        class: symbol   value: ","
        class: number   value: "4"
        class: symbol   value: "+"
        class: letter   value: "ark"
ERROR: end of input expected    
Now, you just need to decided what to do at each token. Instead of printing the display, the logic to realize your language is needed.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 01 Sep 2020, 00:31
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Roman 01 Sep 2020, 03:23


Code from Fasmg ?
Post 01 Sep 2020, 03:23
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Roman 01 Sep 2020, 03:28
Instead of printing the display, the logic to realize your language is needed.

Now we need get result:
z1 = 3,8,13,24

And save text to file dataFlt.asm
Or save data as binary float
Post 01 Sep 2020, 03:28
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bitRAKE 01 Sep 2020, 03:54
I only do asm in fasmg these days - sometimes it works in fasm! Back converting to fasm is not terrible -- just need to know both. :/

"z1 = 3,8,13,24" isn't valid assembly language. So, you have me confused. I'll assume you want to output a float vector: "z1 dd 3.0,8.0,13.0,24.0"

Here is the approach I'd take:

1. Every letter token gets stored on the stack: <start address>,<end address>

2. Every number is stored on stack like this: <0>,<number>

3. create control character "(" which checks if token on stack is a function name. If it is then store function pointer to active state, and set top of stack to <0,0>. Otherwise error.

4. create control character ")" which processes tokens on stack until zero; using active function pointer. Set active funtion pointer to zero when done.

5. create control character "=" which checks if token on top of stack has been defined then sets active function pointer to assign value of that type, push <0,0>. Otherwise error.

6. create control character ";" which executes active function on stack parameters.

There are many ways to evaluate the math operations.

Some questions come to mind: do you just output the last operation? you aren't interested in keeping any intermediate results?

The way you'll tackle this is just to break it into manageable pieces.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 01 Sep 2020, 03:54
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Roman 01 Sep 2020, 06:07
"z1 = 3,8,13,24" isn't valid assembly language. So, you have me confused. I'll assume you want to output a float vector: "z1 dd 3.0,8.0,13.0,24.0"

Why ?!
Simple add f and get:
z1 = 3,8,13,24
z1 = 3f,8f,13f,24f ;fasm understood symbol f

Symbol f nice. Because in float might be 2,2.2
If we do 2f,2.2f fasm understood this.

If we apply .0 we get 2.0,2.2.0 and fasm get error.

Last edited by Roman on 01 Sep 2020, 06:09; edited 1 time in total
Post 01 Sep 2020, 06:07
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revolution 01 Sep 2020, 06:09
z1 = 3,8,13,24
processed: z1=3,8,13,24
error: extra characters on line.    
Post 01 Sep 2020, 06:09
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Roman 01 Sep 2020, 06:10
z1 = 3,8,13,24 its text.
For fasm need:

z1 dd 3f,8f,13f,24f

And fasm compile this float data(from file floatData.asm)
Post 01 Sep 2020, 06:10
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bitRAKE 01 Sep 2020, 17:03
The parser is setup to parse floats like <#><.><#> -- three separate tokens. fasmg could actually parse your syntax, too (not that easy); or maybe an easier natively supported construction is possible.

For my own laguage I start by documenting why it exists, intent of operation, functionality to avoid, ..., syntax, etc. This way I have a well defined meaningful plan. Knowing what to do and why I'm doing it.
Post 01 Sep 2020, 17:03
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