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JohnFound 24 Dec 2018, 12:31
I meant the Mint repository package name should be "libxft2".

And of course you need the 32bit library installed, although I am not very sure how they are installed in Mint.
Post 24 Dec 2018, 12:31
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revolution 24 Dec 2018, 13:24
Hmm, I'm not sure either:
~ sudo apt-get install libxft2
[sudo] password for revolution: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
libxft2 is already the newest version (2.3.2-1).    
Post 24 Dec 2018, 13:24
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revolution 24 Dec 2018, 14:09
This works:
sudo apt-get install libxft2:i386    
I get ~120 fps on my awesome dev laptop. Smile
Post 24 Dec 2018, 14:09
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revolution 24 Dec 2018, 15:21
It should probably be noted that this is for the X11 server. Most Linux distros that incorporate a GUI use X11. But for those distros that don't have X11, or don't have a GUI, then something else (like using the frame buffer) will be needed.
Post 24 Dec 2018, 15:21
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revolution 25 Dec 2018, 09:31
For an even lower level of drawing in Linux, here is some simple code to draw directly to the frame buffer:
format ELF executable 3
entry main

FRAME_BUFER_NAME        equ '/dev/fb0'
TEST_COLOUR             = 0x00ffff00    ; Yellow
TEST_DELAY              = 2000          ; 2 seconds

SYS_EXIT                = 1
SYS_WRITE               = 4
SYS_OPEN                = 5
SYS_CLOSE               = 6
SYS_IOCTL               = 54
SYS_MUNMAP              = 91
SYS_NANOSLEEP           = 162
SYS_MMAP_PGOFF          = 192

NULL                    = 0
O_RDWR                  = 2
PROT_READ               = 1     ;Page can be read
PROT_WRITE              = 2     ;Page can be written
MAP_SHARED              = 1     ;Share changes

struc fb_fix_screeninfo {
        .id             rb 16           ; identification string eg "TT Builtin"
        .smem_start     rd 1            ; Start of frame buffer mem (physical address)
        .smem_len       rd 1            ; Length of frame buffer mem
        .type           rd 1            ; see FB_TYPE_*
        .type_aux       rd 1            ; Interleave for interleaved Planes
        .visual         rd 1            ; see FB_VISUAL_*
        .xpanstep       rw 1            ; zero if no hardware panning
        .ypanstep       rw 1            ; zero if no hardware panning
        .ywrapstep      rw 1            ; zero if no hardware ywrap
        .align_0        rw 1
        .line_length    rd 1            ; length of a line in bytes
        .mmio_start     rd 1            ; Start of Memory Mapped I/O (physical address)
        .mmio_len       rd 1            ; Length of Memory Mapped I/O
        .accel          rd 1            ; Indicate to driver which specific chip/card we have
        .capabilities   rw 1            ; see FB_CAP_*
        .reserved       rw 2            ; Reserved for future compatibility
        .align_1        rw 1

struc fb_bitfield {
        .offset         rd 1            ; beginning of bitfield
        .length         rd 1            ; length of bitfield
        .msb_right      rd 1            ; != 0 : Most significant bit is right

struc fb_var_screeninfo {
        .xres           rd 1            ; visible resolution
        .yres           rd 1
        .xres_virtual   rd 1            ; virtual resolution
        .yres_virtual   rd 1
        .xoffset        rd 1            ; offset from virtual to visible
        .yoffset        rd 1            ; resolution
        .bits_per_pixel rd 1            ; guess what
        .grayscale      rd 1            ; 0 = color, 1 = grayscale, >1 = FOURCC
        .red            fb_bitfield     ; bitfield in fb mem if true color,
        .green          fb_bitfield     ; else only length is significant
        .blue           fb_bitfield
        .transp         fb_bitfield     ; transparency
        .nonstd         rd 1            ; != 0 Non standard pixel format
        .activate       rd 1            ; see FB_ACTIVATE_*
        .height         rd 1            ; height of picture in mm
        .width          rd 1            ; width of picture in mm
        .accel_flags    rd 1            ; (OBSOLETE) see fb_info.flags
        .pixclock       rd 1            ; pixel clock in ps (pico seconds)
        .left_margin    rd 1            ; time from sync to picture
        .right_margin   rd 1            ; time from picture to sync
        .upper_margin   rd 1            ; time from sync to picture
        .lower_margin   rd 1
        .hsync_len      rd 1            ; length of horizontal sync
        .vsync_len      rd 1            ; length of vertical sync
        .sync           rd 1            ; see FB_SYNC_*
        .vmode          rd 1            ; see FB_VMODE_*
        .rotate         rd 1            ; angle we rotate counter clockwise
        .colorspace     rd 1            ; colorspace for FOURCC-based modes
        .reserved       rd 4            ; Reserved for future compatibility

segment readable writeable

handle_fb               dd INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
handle_fb_map           dd INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
handle_fb_map.len       dd ?
fixed_screeninfo        fb_fix_screeninfo
variable_screeninfo     fb_var_screeninfo

segment readable

frame_buffer_name:                      db FRAME_BUFER_NAME,0

success_opening_fb:                     db 'Open ',FRAME_BUFER_NAME,' okay (%)',10,0
success_reading_fixed_info:             db 'Read fb_fix_screeninfo okay',10,0
success_reading_variable_info:          db 'Read fb_var_screeninfo okay',10,0

show_fixed_info:                        db 'frame buff  %',10
                                        db 'frame len   %',10
                                        db 'mem start   %',10
                                        db 'mem len     %',10
                                        db 'line length %',10,0

show_variable_info:                     db 'x visible   %',10
                                        db 'y visible   %',10
                                        db 'x virtual   %',10
                                        db 'y virtual   %',10
                                        db 'x offset    %',10
                                        db 'y offset    %',10
                                        db 'pixel bits  %',10,0

clean_exit:                             db 'Everything is okay',10,0

error_opening_fb:                       db 'Cannot open ',FRAME_BUFER_NAME,10,0
error_opening_fb.exit                   = 1
error_reading_fixed_info:               db 'Cannot read fb_fix_screeninfo',10,0
error_reading_fixed_info.exit           = 2
error_reading_variable_info:            db 'Cannot read fb_var_screeninfo',10,0
error_reading_variable_info.exit        = 3
error_allocating_fb_map:                db 'Cannot allocate memory map for the frame buffer',10,0
error_allocating_fb_map.exit            = 4

segment executable

macro sys p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7 {
        macro def reg,param \{
                if ~ param eq & ~ reg eq param
                        if param eqtype 0 & param = 0
                                xor     reg,reg
                                mov     reg,param
                        end if
                end if
        def     ebp,p7
        def     edi,p6
        def     esi,p5
        def     edx,p4
        def     ecx,p3
        def     ebx,p2
        def     eax,p1
        int     0x80
        purge   def

macro printf string,[parameter] {
        local   parameter_count
        parameter_count = 0
        if ~ parameter eq
                parameter_count = parameter_count + 1
                push    parameter
        end if
        mov     eax,string
        call    simple_printf
        if parameter_count > 0
                add     esp,parameter_count * 4
        end if

main:   sys     SYS_OPEN,frame_buffer_name,O_RDWR,0
        cmp     eax,MAXIMUM_ERROR_NUMBER
        ja      .error_opening_fb
        mov     [handle_fb],eax
        printf  success_opening_fb,eax
        sys     SYS_IOCTL,[handle_fb],FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,fixed_screeninfo
        test    eax,eax
        jnz     .error_reading_fixed_info
        printf  success_reading_fixed_info
        sys     SYS_IOCTL,[handle_fb],FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO,variable_screeninfo
        test    eax,eax
        jnz     .error_reading_variable_info
        printf  success_reading_variable_info
        ;show some information that was discovered
        printf  show_fixed_info,[fixed_screeninfo.smem_start],[fixed_screeninfo.smem_len],[fixed_screeninfo.mmio_start],[fixed_screeninfo.mmio_len],[fixed_screeninfo.line_length]
        printf  show_variable_info,[variable_screeninfo.xres],[variable_screeninfo.yres],[variable_screeninfo.xres_virtual],[variable_screeninfo.yres_virtual],[variable_screeninfo.xoffset],[variable_screeninfo.yoffset],[variable_screeninfo.bits_per_pixel]
        ;setup a place in memory to access the frame buffer
        mov     eax,[variable_screeninfo.yres_virtual]
        mul     [fixed_screeninfo.line_length]
        mov     [handle_fb_map.len],eax
        sys     SYS_MMAP_PGOFF,0,eax,PROT_READ or PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,[handle_fb],0
        cmp     eax,MAXIMUM_ERROR_NUMBER
        ja      .error_allocating_fb_map
        mov     [handle_fb_map],eax
        ;draw a simple test
        mov     edi,[handle_fb_map]
        mov     eax,TEST_COLOUR
        mov     ecx,[handle_fb_map.len]
        shr     ecx,2
        rep     stosd
        ;show this awesome test screen for a short period
        mov     eax,TEST_DELAY
        call    sleep_milliseconds
        ;everything worked
        printf  clean_exit
        mov     eax,NULL
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_opening_fb
        mov     eax,error_opening_fb.exit
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_reading_fixed_info
        mov     eax,error_reading_fixed_info.exit
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_reading_variable_info
        mov     eax,error_reading_variable_info.exit
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_allocating_fb_map
        mov     eax,error_allocating_fb_map.exit
        jmp     exit

        ;eax = string
        ;stack = parameters
        ;supports only % to expand to an unsigned decimal number
        mov     edi,esp
        mov     esi,eax
        test    al,al
        jz      .done
        cmp     al,'%'
        jnz     .print_char
        add     edi,4
        mov     eax,[edi]
        mov     ecx,10
        push    -1
        xor     edx,edx
        div     ecx
        push    edx
        test    eax,eax
        jnz     .next_digit
        pop     eax
        test    eax,eax
        js      .next_char
        add     al,'0'
        call    simple_print_char
        jmp     .print_digits
        call    simple_print_char
        jmp     .next_char

        ;al = char
        push    eax
        sys     SYS_WRITE,HANDLE_STD_OUTPUT,esp,1
        pop     eax

        ;eax = time period in milliseconds
        xor     edx,edx
        mov     ecx,1000
        div     ecx
        imul    edx,1000000
        push    edx             ; tv_nsec
        push    eax             ; tv_sec
        sys     SYS_NANOSLEEP,esp,0
        add     esp,8

exit:   mov     ebp,eax
        mov     ebx,[handle_fb_map]
        cmp     ebx,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
        jz      .fb_map_closed
        sys     SYS_MUNMAP,ebx,[handle_fb_map.len]
        mov     ebx,[handle_fb]
        cmp     ebx,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
        jz      .fb_closed
        sys     SYS_CLOSE,ebx
        sys     SYS_EXIT,ebp    
Note that if X is running then you probably won't see anything. Switch to a console TTY and it should show a solid yellow screen for 2 seconds.

It uses no libraries and doesn't need any external resources except for the OS kernel.

It assumes that you have fb0 as your frame buffer device. It also assumes that you are using 32-bits/pixel. If either of those assumptions is wrong then it will probably look weird or just not work.

You need to run it with admin privilege else it won't be able to access the frame buffer.

Last edited by revolution on 25 Dec 2018, 16:17; edited 2 times in total
Post 25 Dec 2018, 09:31
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JohnFound 25 Dec 2018, 10:54
@revolution: It works on my system even without root, because fb0 device is in the group "video" where my user has access.

BTW, I can try to make a framebuffer version of FreshLib GUI part. The hard part will be that the library expects at least root level windows support from the OS. So I should somehow emulate windows in the OS interface layer.
Post 25 Dec 2018, 10:54
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revolution 25 Dec 2018, 12:17
JohnFound wrote:
BTW, I can try to make a framebuffer version of FreshLib GUI part. The hard part will be that the library expects at least root level windows support from the OS. So I should somehow emulate windows in the OS interface layer.
Some people, like me, won't be able to run a framebuffer version of a GUI app at a user privilege.

Actually I find it strange that I see nothing when the X windows are shown. I guess it uses a different buffer for display. I wonder how to get access to that buffer?
Post 25 Dec 2018, 12:17
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revolution 25 Dec 2018, 12:58
By way of comparison, here is a 64-bit version of framebuffer access:
format ELF64 executable 3
entry main

FRAME_BUFER_NAME        equ '/dev/fb0'
TEST_COLOUR             = 0x00ffff00    ; Yellow
TEST_DELAY              = 2000          ; 2 seconds

SYS_WRITE               = 1
SYS_OPEN                = 2
SYS_CLOSE               = 3
SYS_MMAP                = 9
SYS_MUNMAP              = 11
SYS_IOCTL               = 16
SYS_NANOSLEEP           = 35
SYS_EXIT                = 60

NULL                    = 0
O_RDWR                  = 2
PROT_READ               = 1     ;Page can be read
PROT_WRITE              = 2     ;Page can be written
MAP_SHARED              = 1     ;Share changes

struc fb_fix_screeninfo {
        .id             rb 16           ; identification string eg "TT Builtin"
        .smem_start     rq 1            ; Start of frame buffer mem (physical address)
        .smem_len       rd 1            ; Length of frame buffer mem
        .type           rd 1            ; see FB_TYPE_*
        .type_aux       rd 1            ; Interleave for interleaved Planes
        .visual         rd 1            ; see FB_VISUAL_*
        .xpanstep       rw 1            ; zero if no hardware panning
        .ypanstep       rw 1            ; zero if no hardware panning
        .ywrapstep      rw 1            ; zero if no hardware ywrap
        .align_0        rw 1
        .line_length    rd 1            ; length of a line in bytes
        .align_1        rd 1
        .mmio_start     rq 1            ; Start of Memory Mapped I/O (physical address)
        .mmio_len       rd 1            ; Length of Memory Mapped I/O
        .accel          rd 1            ; Indicate to driver which specific chip/card we have
        .capabilities   rw 1            ; see FB_CAP_*
        .reserved       rw 2            ; Reserved for future compatibility
        .align_2        rw 1

struc fb_bitfield {
        .offset         rd 1            ; beginning of bitfield
        .length         rd 1            ; length of bitfield
        .msb_right      rd 1            ; != 0 : Most significant bit is right

struc fb_var_screeninfo {
        .xres           rd 1            ; visible resolution
        .yres           rd 1
        .xres_virtual   rd 1            ; virtual resolution
        .yres_virtual   rd 1
        .xoffset        rd 1            ; offset from virtual to visible
        .yoffset        rd 1            ; resolution
        .bits_per_pixel rd 1            ; guess what
        .grayscale      rd 1            ; 0 = color, 1 = grayscale, >1 = FOURCC
        .red            fb_bitfield     ; bitfield in fb mem if true color,
        .green          fb_bitfield     ; else only length is significant
        .blue           fb_bitfield
        .transp         fb_bitfield     ; transparency
        .nonstd         rd 1            ; != 0 Non standard pixel format
        .activate       rd 1            ; see FB_ACTIVATE_*
        .height         rd 1            ; height of picture in mm
        .width          rd 1            ; width of picture in mm
        .accel_flags    rd 1            ; (OBSOLETE) see fb_info.flags
        .pixclock       rd 1            ; pixel clock in ps (pico seconds)
        .left_margin    rd 1            ; time from sync to picture
        .right_margin   rd 1            ; time from picture to sync
        .upper_margin   rd 1            ; time from sync to picture
        .lower_margin   rd 1
        .hsync_len      rd 1            ; length of horizontal sync
        .vsync_len      rd 1            ; length of vertical sync
        .sync           rd 1            ; see FB_SYNC_*
        .vmode          rd 1            ; see FB_VMODE_*
        .rotate         rd 1            ; angle we rotate counter clockwise
        .colorspace     rd 1            ; colorspace for FOURCC-based modes
        .reserved       rd 4            ; Reserved for future compatibility

segment readable writeable

handle_fb               dq INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
handle_fb_map           dq INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
handle_fb_map.len       dq ?
fixed_screeninfo        fb_fix_screeninfo
variable_screeninfo     fb_var_screeninfo

segment readable

frame_buffer_name:                      db FRAME_BUFER_NAME,0

success_opening_fb:                     db 'Open ',FRAME_BUFER_NAME,' okay (%)',10,0
success_reading_fixed_info:             db 'Read fb_fix_screeninfo okay',10,0
success_reading_variable_info:          db 'Read fb_var_screeninfo okay',10,0

show_fixed_info:                        db 'frame buff  %',10
                                        db 'frame len   %',10
                                        db 'mem start   %',10
                                        db 'mem len     %',10
                                        db 'line length %',10,0

show_variable_info:                     db 'x visible   %',10
                                        db 'y visible   %',10
                                        db 'x virtual   %',10
                                        db 'y virtual   %',10
                                        db 'x offset    %',10
                                        db 'y offset    %',10
                                        db 'pixel bits  %',10,0

clean_exit:                             db 'Everything is okay',10,0

error_opening_fb:                       db 'Cannot open ',FRAME_BUFER_NAME,10,0
error_opening_fb.exit                   = 1
error_reading_fixed_info:               db 'Cannot read fb_fix_screeninfo',10,0
error_reading_fixed_info.exit           = 2
error_reading_variable_info:            db 'Cannot read fb_var_screeninfo',10,0
error_reading_variable_info.exit        = 3
error_allocating_fb_map:                db 'Cannot allocate memory map for the frame buffer',10,0
error_allocating_fb_map.exit            = 4

segment executable

macro sys p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7 {
        macro def reg,param \{
                if ~ param eq & ~ reg eq param
                        if param eqtype 0 & param = 0
                                xor     reg,reg
                                mov     reg,param
                        end if
                end if
        def     r9,p7
        def     r8,p6
        def     r10,p5
        def     rdx,p4
        def     rsi,p3
        def     rdi,p2
        def     rax,p1
        purge   def

macro printf string,[parameter] {
        local   parameter_count
        parameter_count = 0
        if ~ parameter eq
                parameter_count = parameter_count + 1
                push    parameter
        end if
        mov     rax,string
        call    simple_printf
        if parameter_count > 0
                add     rsp,parameter_count * 8
        end if

main:   sys     SYS_OPEN,frame_buffer_name,O_RDWR,0
        cmp     rax,MAXIMUM_ERROR_NUMBER
        ja      .error_opening_fb
        mov     [handle_fb],rax
        printf  success_opening_fb,rax
        sys     SYS_IOCTL,[handle_fb],FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,fixed_screeninfo
        test    rax,rax
        jnz     .error_reading_fixed_info
        printf  success_reading_fixed_info
        sys     SYS_IOCTL,[handle_fb],FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO,variable_screeninfo
        test    rax,rax
        jnz     .error_reading_variable_info
        printf  success_reading_variable_info
        ;show some information that was discovered
        mov     eax,[fixed_screeninfo.smem_len]
        mov     ebx,[fixed_screeninfo.mmio_len]
        mov     ecx,[fixed_screeninfo.line_length]
        printf  show_fixed_info,[fixed_screeninfo.smem_start],rax,[fixed_screeninfo.mmio_start],rbx,rcx
        mov     eax,[variable_screeninfo.xres]
        mov     ebx,[variable_screeninfo.yres]
        mov     ecx,[variable_screeninfo.xres_virtual]
        mov     edx,[variable_screeninfo.yres_virtual]
        mov     esi,[variable_screeninfo.xoffset]
        mov     edi,[variable_screeninfo.yoffset]
        mov     ebp,[variable_screeninfo.bits_per_pixel]
        printf  show_variable_info,rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,rbp
        ;setup a place in memory to access the frame buffer
        mov     eax,[variable_screeninfo.yres_virtual]
        mul     [fixed_screeninfo.line_length]
        mov     [handle_fb_map.len],rax
        sys     SYS_MMAP,0,rax,PROT_READ or PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,[handle_fb],0
        cmp     rax,MAXIMUM_ERROR_NUMBER
        ja      .error_allocating_fb_map
        mov     [handle_fb_map],rax
        ;draw a simple test
        mov     rdi,[handle_fb_map]
        mov     rax,TEST_COLOUR or (TEST_COLOUR shl 32)
        mov     rcx,[handle_fb_map.len]
        shr     rcx,3
        rep     stosq
        ;show this awesome test screen for a short period
        mov     rax,TEST_DELAY
        call    sleep_milliseconds
        ;everything worked
        printf  clean_exit
        mov     rax,NULL
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_opening_fb
        mov     rax,error_opening_fb.exit
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_reading_fixed_info
        mov     rax,error_reading_fixed_info.exit
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_reading_variable_info
        mov     rax,error_reading_variable_info.exit
        jmp     exit
        printf  error_allocating_fb_map
        mov     rax,error_allocating_fb_map.exit
        jmp     exit

        ;rax = string
        ;stack = parameters
        ;supports only % to expand to an unsigned decimal number
        mov     rbx,rsp
        mov     rbp,rax
        mov     al,[rbp]
        inc     rbp
        test    al,al
        jz      .done
        cmp     al,'%'
        jnz     .print_char
        add     rbx,8
        mov     rax,[rbx]
        mov     ecx,10
        push    -1
        xor     rdx,rdx
        div     rcx
        push    rdx
        test    rax,rax
        jnz     .next_digit
        pop     rax
        test    rax,rax
        js      .next_char
        add     al,'0'
        call    simple_print_char
        jmp     .print_digits
        call    simple_print_char
        jmp     .next_char

        ;al = char
        push    rax
        sys     SYS_WRITE,HANDLE_STD_OUTPUT,rsp,1
        pop     rax

        ;rax = time period in milliseconds
        xor     edx,edx
        mov     ecx,1000
        div     rcx
        imul    rdx,1000000
        push    rdx             ; tv_nsec
        push    rax             ; tv_sec
        sys     SYS_NANOSLEEP,rsp,0
        add     rsp,16

exit:   mov     rbp,rax
        mov     rdi,[handle_fb_map]
        cmp     rdi,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
        jz      .fb_map_closed
        sys     SYS_MUNMAP,rdi,[handle_fb_map.len]
        mov     rdi,[handle_fb]
        cmp     rdi,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
        jz      .fb_closed
        sys     SYS_CLOSE,rdi
        sys     SYS_EXIT,rbp    

Last edited by revolution on 25 Dec 2018, 16:18; edited 1 time in total
Post 25 Dec 2018, 12:58
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revolution 25 Dec 2018, 14:09
Some research shows that only a subset of Linux drivers and kernels can support a buffer larger than the display. So unfortunately that means that double buffering by simply changing a pointer isn't possible on these systems.

One way around that is to create a dedicated back-buffer for drawing and copy the contents to the framebuffer during vsync. But again, not all Linux drivers and kernels support exposing vsync through IOCTL calls.

Yuck. So now you have tearing and unsynchronised animations and videos with no way to fix it? This page suggests that the DRM interface can do it. Has anyone tried it?

BTW: DRM here means Direct Rendering Manager, and not Digital Rights Management. Thankfully.
Post 25 Dec 2018, 14:09
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Furs 25 Dec 2018, 19:25
revolution wrote:
Actually I find it strange that I see nothing when the X windows are shown. I guess it uses a different buffer for display. I wonder how to get access to that buffer?
The terminals you see when you have X up are "terminal emulators". They're not actually terminals so they don't have a device to them like /dev/fb0 is. I honestly don't know how to write to them the same way as framebuffer, you might be able to find something with this info though.
Post 25 Dec 2018, 19:25
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revolution 26 Dec 2018, 01:39
But X must be using a buffer somewhere to draw the screen. Certainly it isn't accessed through fb0. Perhaps it uses the DRM/DRI interface. I haven't had a chance to try that yet.
Post 26 Dec 2018, 01:39
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xpue 09 Jun 2019, 01:30

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Post 09 Jun 2019, 01:30
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revolution 09 Jun 2019, 02:02
xpue wrote:
Just use opengl or vulkan, it probably will be faster.
Do they use the GPU to make it faster than the CPU code?
Post 09 Jun 2019, 02:02
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xpue 09 Jun 2019, 07:52

Last edited by xpue on 07 Jan 2024, 15:19; edited 1 time in total
Post 09 Jun 2019, 07:52
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revolution 09 Jun 2019, 08:02
So does X setup this shared buffer with the GPU for each window?

Is what you describe for CPU code, or does it use the GPU engine? How does opengl or vulkan make this faster than our code?
Post 09 Jun 2019, 08:02
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xpue 09 Jun 2019, 09:12

Last edited by xpue on 07 Jan 2024, 15:20; edited 2 times in total
Post 09 Jun 2019, 09:12
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When all else fails, read the source

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Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 09 Jun 2019, 09:22
Do you have example code showing how to use opengl(/xv/vdpau/vaapi/etc), or the low level kernel calls that they use?

Can it co-exist with X?
Post 09 Jun 2019, 09:22
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xpue 13 Jun 2019, 15:56

Last edited by xpue on 07 Jan 2024, 15:20; edited 1 time in total
Post 13 Jun 2019, 15:56
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macgub 14 Jun 2019, 19:43
I tried run 64 bit version o revolution's framebuffer on fatdog as root. I got: can not open /dev/fb0. I used terminal emulator. Can someone explain problem?
Post 14 Jun 2019, 19:43
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When all else fails, read the source

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Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 14 Jun 2019, 20:14
Can you run this command?
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/fb0 bs=4096 count=10    
Do you see some random colours at the top of the screen?
Post 14 Jun 2019, 20:14
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