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Index > Compiler Internals > [fasmg] "preprocesses" double quotes to single quotes

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Mike Gonta

Joined: 26 Dec 2010
Posts: 243
Mike Gonta 06 May 2019, 00:03
Using the macro ? line& to process the individual lines of a file returns lines with matched double quotes converted to single quotes.
And for example: "xyz's" becomes 'xyz''s'.
I'm sure there is a good technical reason why this is done internally.
However, it would be nice (as a general purpose engine) to receive the original lines.

Mike Gonta
look and see - many look but few see

Post 06 May 2019, 00:03
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 06 May 2019, 08:23
A tokenized line that fasm[g] operates on loses many properties of the original and it is generally not possible to recover the exact source text from it. For instance, if a source uses a C-like quote escaping scheme, you're going to lose it no matter what.

But when you need to work with the original sequence of characters, there are some tricks that make it possible, like in this example I prepared recently when talking about a similar problem with jacobly:

macro READ_RAW_SOURCE path
        if RAW_SOURCE <> path
                RAW_SOURCE = path
                virtual at 0
                        file path
                        pos = 0
                        linepos = 0
                        linenum = 1
                        while pos <= $
                                if pos < $
                                        load c:byte from pos
                                        c = 10
                                end if
                                if c = 13 | c = 10
                                        repeat 1, n:linenum
                                                load RAW_SOURCE.n : pos-linepos from linepos
                                        end repeat
                                        linenum = linenum + 1
                                        if pos+1 < $
                                                load d:byte from pos+1
                                                if (c = 13 & d = 10) | (c = 10 & d = 13)
                                                        pos = pos + 1
                                                end if
                                        end if
                                        linepos = pos + 1
                                end if
                                pos = pos + 1
                        end while
                end virtual
        end if
end macro

macro ?! line&
        match =go =wild: foo, line
                READ_RAW_SOURCE __FILE__
                repeat 1, n:__LINE__
                        display RAW_SOURCE.n,13,10
                end repeat
                display `line,13,10
        end match
end macro

        db ? ; comment
go wild:     this line's going to be read raw from the source; in entirety
go wild:     "\""    
Post 06 May 2019, 08:23
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Mike Gonta

Joined: 26 Dec 2010
Posts: 243
Mike Gonta 06 May 2019, 20:40
I was wondering why the match doesn't work in this example.
macro ?! line&
  repeat 1, n:__LINE__
    source = RAW_SOURCE.n
  end repeat
  match =go? foo , source
    display source,13,10
;    display source,13,10
  end match
end macro

        db ? ; comment
go wild:     this line's going to be read raw from the source; in entirety
go wild:     "\""    

Mike Gonta
look and see - many look but few see

Post 06 May 2019, 20:40
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 07 May 2019, 07:37
Mike Gonta wrote:
I was wondering why the match doesn't work in this example.
The RAW_SOURCE.n is a string value. You can operate on it numerically, as on any other string:
  if source and 0FFFFh = 'go' | source and 0FFFFh = 'Go' | source and 0FFFFh = 'GO' | source and 0FFFFh = 'gO'
    display source,13,10
  end if    
MATCH, however, operates on tokenized text. It is possible to tokenize a string at assembly time with EVAL:
  repeat 1, n:__LINE__
    eval 'define source ',RAW_SOURCE.n
  end repeat
  match =go? foo , source
    display `foo,13,10
  end match    
But then you have gone the full circle, because tokenizing the raw text is getting you the same what you had in "line" argument already.

Therefore: in your example use "line" when you need to MATCH, use "source" when you need to work with original, raw text.
Post 07 May 2019, 07:37
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