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Index > Macroinstructions > crc32 calculation using crc32 opcode

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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 23 Mar 2017, 16:23
; rdx - String, cl - Length
if RawMode
        xor     r8d,r8d
        or      eax,-1
        lea     r9,[TableCRC32]
.1:     mov     r8b,[rdx]
        inc     rdx
        xor     r8b,al
        shr     eax,8           ; Crc shr 8
        xor     eax,[r8*4+r9]   ; Tab[Crc xor Byte] xor (Crc shr 8)
        dec     cl
        jnz     .1
        not     eax             ;xor eax,-1
        xor     eax,eax
.1:     crc32   eax,byte [rdx]
        inc     rdx
        dec     cl
        jnz     .1
end if

I want both methods to give the same results. How to use crc32 opcode? What is badly?

smaller is better
Post 23 Mar 2017, 16:23
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Joined: 09 Oct 2009
Posts: 434
Location: Australia
redsock 23 Mar 2017, 21:14
Since you didn't include a reference to your CRC32 table(s), the CRC32 instruction does the fixed Castagnoli polynomial (0x11EDC6F41) which is incompatible with most of the things I needed CRC32 for. See my own implementation at https://2ton.com.au/library_as_html/crc.inc.html. Also see Mark Adler's (zlib author) answer here for CRC32C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17645167/implementing-sse-4-2s-crc32c-in-software and this discussion over at Intel: https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-isa-extensions/topic/302146

2 Ton Digital - https://2ton.com.au/
Post 23 Mar 2017, 21:14
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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 03 May 2019, 16:09

; CRC32C sample calculation for small strings using Intel CRC32 instruction and without it

format PE console
entry Start
stack 4096

section '.flat' readable writable


macro CRC32Ini
  local R
  virtual at 0
    CRC32Table rd 256
  end virtual

  repeat 256
    R = %-1
    repeat 8
      R = R shr 1 xor (CRC32C_POLYNOMIAL * R and 1)
    end repeat
    store dword R at CRCStart:+%*4-4
  end repeat

macro CRC32Str
  CRC32Value = 0xFFFFFFFF

macro CRC32End Name
  local P,T,NameStart
  virtual at 0
    db Name
  Length = $
  end virtual

  repeat Length
    load P byte from NameStart:(%-1)
    load T dword from CRCStart:+(P xor (CRC32Value and 0xFF))*4
    CRC32Value = CRC32Value shr 8 xor T
  end repeat
  CRC32Value = CRC32Value xor 0xFFFFFFFF

macro DoCRC32 Name
  CRC32End Name
  dd CRC32Value

DoCRC32 "This is a very long string which is used to test the CRC-32-Castagnoli function."

Str0 db "This is a very long string which is used to test the CRC-32-Castagnoli function."

        mov     ebx,Str0        ;Start
        mov     ecx,StrE        ;Finit
        call    CalcCRC32C      ;eax=0x20CB1E59

        call    MakeCRC32Table

        mov     edx,Str0        ;Start
        mov     ecx,StrE        ;Finit
        call    CalcCRC32T      ;eax=0x20CB1E59

        or      eax,-1
        crc32   eax,byte [ebx]
        inc     ebx
        cmp     ebx,ecx
        jnz     @B
        not     eax             ;xor eax,-1

        xor     ebx,ebx
        or      eax,-1
@@:     mov     bl,[edx]
        inc     edx
        xor     bl,al
        shr     eax,8           ;Crc shr 8
        xor     eax,[ebx*4+TableCRC32]  ;Tab[Crc xor Byte] xor (Crc shr 8)
        cmp     edx,ecx
        jnz     @B
        not     eax             ;xor eax,-1

        push    edi
        lea     edi,[TableCRC32]
        mov     ecx,CRC32C_POLYNOMIAL
        xor     edx,edx
.NextI: mov     eax,edx
        mov     dh,8
.LoopI: shr     eax,1
        jnc     @F
        xor     eax,ecx
        dec     dh
        jnz     .LoopI
        inc     dl
        jnz     .NextI
        pop     edi

align 4
TableCRC32      rd 256    

smaller is better
Post 03 May 2019, 16:09
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