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Index > Macroinstructions > Simple listing macro for fasmg

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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 15 Oct 2017, 15:08
With the new VIRTUAL features it becomes very easy to alter the macros so that they write the listing into a separate file:
Listing? = 1

namespace Listing
        base = $$  
        offset = $
        virtual at 0
                HexDigits:: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
        end virtual
        virtual as 'lst'
        end virtual
end namespace

macro ? line&
        rmatch =nolist?, line
                Listing? =: 0
        else rmatch =list?, line
                restore Listing?
                if Listing
                        namespace Listing  
                                if ~ $$ eq base  
                                        base = $$  
                                        offset = $$  
                                end if  
                                bytes = $ - offset  
                                if $ - bytes < $$  
                                        bytes = $ - $$  
                                end if  
                                offset = $
                                address = (offset scale 0)-bytes
                                virtual Text
                                repeat 8
                                        load digit:byte from HexDigits:((address) shr ((%%-%) shl 2)) and 0Fh
                                        db digit
                                end repeat
                                db ': '
                                end virtual
                                if bytes < 0
                                        bytes = 0
                                end if
                                while bytes > 0
                                        if bytes > 8
                                                bytes_in_row = 8
                                                bytes_in_row = bytes
                                        end if
                                        if $ - bytes + bytes_in_row <= $@
                                                readable_bytes = bytes_in_row
                                        else if $ - bytes >= $@
                                                readable_bytes = 0
                                                readable_bytes = bytes_in_row - ($ - $@)
                                        end if
                                        load data:readable_bytes from $ - bytes
                                        virtual Text
                                        repeat readable_bytes
                                                load digit:byte from HexDigits:(data shr ((%-1) shl 3 + 4)) and 0Fh
                                                db digit
                                                load digit:byte from HexDigits:(data shr ((%-1) shl 3)) and 0Fh
                                                db digit,' '
                                        end repeat
                                        repeat bytes_in_row - readable_bytes
                                                db '?? '
                                        end repeat
                                        if bytes > bytes_in_row
                                                db 13,10,'          '
                                                end virtual
                                                bytes = bytes - bytes_in_row
                                                end virtual
                                        end if
                                end while
                                virtual Text
                                repeat 8-bytes
                                        db '   '
                                end repeat
                                db `line,13,10
                                end virtual
                        end namespace  
                end if
        end rmatch
end macro

macro nolist?
end macro

macro list?
end macro

end postpone    
Post 15 Oct 2017, 15:08
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 11 Jul 2018, 14:54
I had to update the above macro, because after I corrected LOAD directive to be more consistent with how it handles uninitialized data (some time ago already) the address-based variant of this macro no longer worked correctly.

The new version now writes "??" when there are an uninitialized bytes.
Post 11 Jul 2018, 14:54
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shoorick 11 Jul 2018, 17:18
Thanks! This variant works with new DATA macro for x51, but if there is a way to print listing into the console output (it is more convenient to me). It could be better a separate macro.
Post 11 Jul 2018, 17:18
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 11 Jul 2018, 17:34
shoorick wrote:
Thanks! This variant works with new DATA macro for x51, but if there is a way to print listing into the console output (it is more convenient to me). It could be better a separate macro.
Well, it is enough to remove all that "virtual Text" stuff and replace DB back with DISPLAY:
Listing? = 1

namespace Listing
        base = $$  
        offset = $
        virtual at 0
                HexDigits:: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
        end virtual
end namespace

macro ? line&
        rmatch =nolist?, line
                Listing? =: 0
        else rmatch =list?, line
                restore Listing?
                if Listing
                        namespace Listing  
                                if ~ $$ eq base  
                                        base = $$  
                                        offset = $$  
                                end if  
                                bytes = $ - offset  
                                if $ - bytes < $$  
                                        bytes = $ - $$  
                                end if  
                                offset = $
                                address = (offset scale 0)-bytes
                                repeat 8
                                        load digit:byte from HexDigits:((address) shr ((%%-%) shl 2)) and 0Fh
                                        display digit
                                end repeat
                                display ': '
                                if bytes < 0
                                        bytes = 0
                                end if
                                while bytes > 0
                                        if bytes > 8
                                                bytes_in_row = 8
                                                bytes_in_row = bytes
                                        end if
                                        if $ - bytes + bytes_in_row <= $@
                                                readable_bytes = bytes_in_row
                                        else if $ - bytes >= $@
                                                readable_bytes = 0
                                                readable_bytes = bytes_in_row - ($ - $@)
                                        end if
                                        load data:readable_bytes from $ - bytes
                                        repeat readable_bytes
                                                load digit:byte from HexDigits:(data shr ((%-1) shl 3 + 4)) and 0Fh
                                                display digit
                                                load digit:byte from HexDigits:(data shr ((%-1) shl 3)) and 0Fh
                                                display digit,' '
                                        end repeat
                                        repeat bytes_in_row - readable_bytes
                                                display '?? '
                                        end repeat
                                        if bytes > bytes_in_row
                                                display 13,10,'          '
                                                bytes = bytes - bytes_in_row
                                        end if
                                end while
                                repeat 8-bytes
                                        display '   '
                                end repeat
                                display `line,13,10
                        end namespace
                end if
        end rmatch
end macro

macro nolist?
end macro

macro list?
end macro

end postpone    

Last edited by Tomasz Grysztar on 11 Jul 2018, 18:18; edited 1 time in total
Post 11 Jul 2018, 17:34
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Location: Ukraine
shoorick 11 Jul 2018, 18:15
Very nice! It works! Thanks!

UNICODE forever!
Post 11 Jul 2018, 18:15
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 14 Jul 2018, 12:48
And here is a new version of the first listing variant, the one that lists file offsets and not addresses, modified to generate .LST file:
define Listing

namespace Listing
        offset = $%%
        virtual at 0
                HexDigits:: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
        end virtual
        virtual as 'lst'
        end virtual
end namespace

macro ? line&
        namespace Listing
                undefined_bytes = $% - $%%
                defined_bytes = $%% - offset
                if $ - undefined_bytes - defined_bytes < $$
                        defined_bytes = $ - undefined_bytes - $$
                end if
                offset = $%%
                virtual Text
                repeat 8
                        load digit:byte from HexDigits:((offset-defined_bytes) shr ((%%-%) shl 2)) and 0Fh
                        db digit
                end repeat
                db ': '
                end virtual
                column = 0
                source = `line
                while defined_bytes
                        load data:byte from : $% - undefined_bytes - defined_bytes
                        virtual Text
                                if column = 8
                                        column = 0
                                        db source,13,10,'          '
                                        source = ''
                                end if
                                load digit:byte from HexDigits:data shr 4
                                db digit
                                load digit:byte from HexDigits:data and 0Fh
                                db digit,' '
                        end virtual
                        defined_bytes = defined_bytes - 1
                        column = column + 1
                end while
                virtual Text
                        repeat 8-column
                                db '   '
                        end repeat
                        db source,13,10
                end virtual
        end namespace
end macro    
Post 14 Jul 2018, 12:48
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shoorick 14 Jul 2018, 16:58
why not replace those obsolete macros above to not puzzle new ones who wish to use them? also, it would be better to incorporate such usefull macros directly into the fasmg package as "include" folder (I do this at my PC) to keep them together, ready and up to date! Wink

here is my include folder:
- all of them are macros of the similar name

Filename: include.zip
Filesize: 4.91 KB
Downloaded: 738 Time(s)

Post 14 Jul 2018, 16:58
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 14 Jul 2018, 17:51
shoorick wrote:
why not replace those obsolete macros above to not puzzle new ones who wish to use them? also, it would be better to incorporate such usefull macros directly into the fasmg package as "include" folder (I do this at my PC) to keep them together, ready and up to date! Wink
I guess I considered them a bit too complex for the simple examples that I wanted in the basic package. But the x86 examples grew into a much more complex beasts anyway, adding a few more includes there probably wouldn't hurt. But I'm also going to include some variants of these macros in other examples in the future (including the file format tutorials that I'm starting now). My idea was to have an additional library of examples, leaving the basic package with just a couple for demonstration.
Post 14 Jul 2018, 17:51
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 09 Apr 2019, 08:51
Improved versions of listing variants from this thread are now in the official GitHub repository: https://github.com/tgrysztar/fasmg/tree/master/packages/utility
Post 09 Apr 2019, 08:51
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