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Index > Windows > CryptProtectData Problem

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Joined: 15 Jul 2011
Posts: 96
jochenvnltn 09 Jun 2018, 19:40
Hello Everyone Smile

Im trying out the CryptProtectData API to encrypt a password.
The problem is that nothing is encrypted while the function itself returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

Here's my code:

include 'win32ax.inc'
entry main

szData db $43,$00,$68,$00,$61,$00,$6e,$00,$67,$00,$65,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00

DataSize = $ - szData


     mov [datain.pbData], szData
     mov [datain.cbData], DataSize

     invoke CryptProtectData, datain, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dataout
     ;//invoke CryptUnprotectData , datain, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dataout

     call CheckError

     cinvoke wsprintfW,buf,PASS,dataout;[dataout.pbData]
     invoke MessageBoxW,0,buf,cap,MB_OK

exit: invoke ExitProcess,0

proc CheckError
     mov eax, [fs:18h]
     mov eax, [eax+34h] ;GetLastError alternative
     invoke FormatMessage,FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM+FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER,0,eax,0,error_buffer,0,0
     invoke MessageBox,0,[error_buffer],'error',MB_OK

 error_buffer dd ?

section '.data' data readable writeable

 struct DATA_BLOB
    cbData   dd ?
    pbData   dd ?
 datain      DATA_BLOB
 dataout     DATA_BLOB

 cap      du 'Result',0
 PASS     du 'Pass:  %s',10,13,0
 buf      du  64  dup (?)

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
          Crypt32, 'Crypt32.dll'

  import Crypt32,\
                   CryptUnprotectData, 'CryptUnprotectData',\

  include 'api\kernel32.inc'
  include 'api\user32.inc' 
Post 09 Jun 2018, 19:40
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DimonSoft 09 Jun 2018, 21:42
What do you expect to see and what makes you think nothing is encrypted? Seeing that you try to output the result by wsprintfW with %s placeholder I feel you don’t really understand what you get as the result of the encryption.
Post 09 Jun 2018, 21:42
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Posts: 96
jochenvnltn 09 Jun 2018, 22:04
DimonSoft wrote:
What do you expect to see and what makes you think nothing is encrypted? Seeing that you try to output the result by wsprintfW with %s placeholder I feel you don’t really understand what you get as the result of the encryption.

%s outputs it as a string. You can read about it here --> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms647550(v=vs.85).aspx
Post 09 Jun 2018, 22:04
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Walter 09 Jun 2018, 23:01
This seems to work ok.

include 'win32ax.inc' 
entry main 

szData db 'paSS94wordGoesHere!',0
DataSize = $ - szData


     mov [datain.pbData], szData
     mov [datain.cbData], DataSize

     invoke CryptProtectData, datain, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dataout 
     cinvoke wsprintf,buf,PASS,[dataout.pbData]
     invoke MessageBox,0,buf,cap,MB_OK

     invoke CryptUnprotectData, dataout, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, datain
     cinvoke wsprintf,buf,PASS,[datain.pbData]
     invoke MessageBox,0,buf,cap,MB_OK

     invoke ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable

 struct DATA_BLOB 
    cbData   dd ? 
    pbData   dd ? 
 datain      DATA_BLOB 
 dataout     DATA_BLOB 

 cap      db 'Result',0
 PASS     db 'Pass:  %s',10,13,0
 buf      db  64  dup (?)

section '.idata' import data readable writeable 

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ 
          Crypt32, 'Crypt32.dll' 

  import Crypt32,\ 
                   CryptUnprotectData, 'CryptUnprotectData',\ 

  include 'api\kernel32.inc' 
  include 'api\user32.inc'      
Post 09 Jun 2018, 23:01
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 10 Jun 2018, 02:01
I'm not sure that passwords should ever be encrypted unless you are storing them in a password vault. For most other uses they should be hashed with a salt.
Post 10 Jun 2018, 02:01
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DimonSoft 10 Jun 2018, 07:06
jochenvnltn wrote:
DimonSoft wrote:
What do you expect to see and what makes you think nothing is encrypted? Seeing that you try to output the result by wsprintfW with %s placeholder I feel you don’t really understand what you get as the result of the encryption.

%s outputs it as a string. You can read about it here --> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms647550(v=vs.85).aspx

I do know what %s does. Everyone knows. There’s absolutely no sense in using it with arrays of bytes (which is what you get after encryption).

Your code works as expected and encrypts original message. And if you want to talk about reading documentation, you’d better follow this link and then (1) add LocalFree to your code and (2) stop calling GetLastError unless the function returns FALSE. Both are not necessary to get the encrypted string but should be kept in mind if you’re going to transform your code into something larger.
Post 10 Jun 2018, 07:06
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Joined: 15 Jul 2011
Posts: 96
jochenvnltn 10 Jun 2018, 12:05
Walter wrote:
This seems to work ok.

include 'win32ax.inc' 
entry main 

szData db 'paSS94wordGoesHere!',0
DataSize = $ - szData


     mov [datain.pbData], szData
     mov [datain.cbData], DataSize

     invoke CryptProtectData, datain, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dataout 
     cinvoke wsprintf,buf,PASS,[dataout.pbData]
     invoke MessageBox,0,buf,cap,MB_OK

     invoke CryptUnprotectData, dataout, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, datain
     cinvoke wsprintf,buf,PASS,[datain.pbData]
     invoke MessageBox,0,buf,cap,MB_OK

     invoke ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable

 struct DATA_BLOB 
    cbData   dd ? 
    pbData   dd ? 
 datain      DATA_BLOB 
 dataout     DATA_BLOB 

 cap      db 'Result',0
 PASS     db 'Pass:  %s',10,13,0
 buf      db  64  dup (?)

section '.idata' import data readable writeable 

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ 
          Crypt32, 'Crypt32.dll' 

  import Crypt32,\ 
                   CryptUnprotectData, 'CryptUnprotectData',\ 

  include 'api\kernel32.inc' 
  include 'api\user32.inc'      

Thank you Walter ! You helped me out allot! thx Wink
Post 10 Jun 2018, 12:05
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