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Joined: 16 Dec 2003
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 15:42
BTW , what this line means?

dd print-block_1h-0Ah
Post 21 Feb 2017, 15:42
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 21 Feb 2017, 15:44
emil wrote:
BTW , what this line means?

dd print-block_1h-0Ah
This is fasm's syntax. It is an address of "print" minus the address of "block_1h" and minus 0Ah.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 15:44
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 15:50
oh , you means the call to address by offset?
Post 21 Feb 2017, 15:50
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 21 Feb 2017, 15:57
emil wrote:
oh , you means the call to address by offset?
For example, if you assemble this:
db 0E8h
dd print-block_1h-5h
db 0C3h

db 0C3h    
with fasm, the result should be:
E8 01 00 00 00 C3 C3    
because there block_1h = 0 and print = 6.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 15:57
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 16:30
ok , i got it.

i know that must be asked in pelles c forum but i will ask here.

i got error when compiling this fasmg output with PellesC
// Demonstration of a pre-assembly of blocks of text 

#include <stdio.h>

char* msg = "mix c & fasm is promesing";
void print();

int main(void)
db 68h
dd msg
db 0E8h
dd print-block_1h-0Ah
db 83h,0C4h
db 4h


void print()

the line that makes the error is
dd print-block_1h-0Ah

the error is

error #3155: [asm] Expression with multiple C symbols is not allowed.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 16:30
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 21 Feb 2017, 16:38
Have you tried a syntax with "offset" keyword? It is probable that their assembler may expect it:
dd offset print - offset block_1h - 0Ah    
Post 21 Feb 2017, 16:38
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 16:48
the correct thing that PellesC accepted is
// Demonstration of a pre-assembly of blocks of text 

#include <stdio.h>

char* msg = "mix c & fasm is promesing";
void mprint();

int main(void)

db 68h
dd msg
db 0E8h
dd mprint 
db 83h,0C4h
db 4h


void mprint(void)

so can we overload the call macro so that it just print the label only , also the block
label that produced by assemble macro is not needed and make error when compiling with C.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 16:48
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 21 Feb 2017, 16:51
I'm afraid this will not work correctly, not in all the cases. You cannot just put an address of variable where a relative offset is expected or vice versa. You need to somehow calculate the right values and the expressions generated by fasmg need to be followed exactly.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 16:51
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 17:01
ok ,

i tried to solve it by using Invoke macro instead of call like this

macro Invoce procname
    dbx 1:'db 0E8h',13,10
    dbx 1:'db ',procname,13,10 
end macro


and here is the source code

// Demonstration of a pre-assembly of blocks of text 

#include <stdio.h>

char* msg = "mix c & fasm is promesing";
void print();

int main(void)

        push     msg 
        Invoce    print
        add     esp , 4

void print()


but it did nor work?
Post 21 Feb 2017, 17:01
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 21 Feb 2017, 17:04
The opcode of a CALL instruction must contain a relative offset, not the absolute address. You need to somehow compute the difference between the address of "print" and the current address (that's what the "block_x" labels were made for).
Post 21 Feb 2017, 17:04
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 17:23
ok , i got it.

but PellesC did not allow us to make more than one label in expression.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 17:23
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 21 Feb 2017, 17:39
Yes, there seems to be a limitation of the compiler that prevents us from generating the correct relative offset. I wanted to see it myself, so I downloaded the Pelles C and did some tests.

First, it uses the "offset" keyword, as I suspected. So I modified the preprocessing macros to generate expressions with "offset":
include '80386.inc'

macro extrn? names&   
        iterate name, names   
                element name : `name   
        end iterate   
end macro 

virtual at 0 
        repeat 256, c:0   
                if (c >= '0' & c <= '9') \   
                   | c = '+' | c = '-' | c = '/' | c = '*' | c = '=' | c = '<' | c = '>' | c = '(' | c = ')' \   
                   | c = '[' | c = ']' | c = '{' | c = '}' | c = ':' | c = '?' | c = '!' | c = ',' | c = '.' \   
                   | c = '|' | c = '&' | c = '~' | c = '#' | c = '`' | c = '\' | c = '"' | c = "'"   
                        db 0   
                        db 1   
                end if   
        end repeat   
end virtual   

macro x86.parse_operand_value ns,op   
        local buffer,is_name,auto_extrn  
        define buffer op:   
        while 1   
                match sym tail, buffer   
                        define buffer tail   
                        load is_name:1 from Name_XLAT:`sym and 0FFh   
                        if is_name  
                                if defined auto_extrn.sym & (auto_extrn.sym | ~ defined sym) 
                                        extrn sym  
                                        auto_extrn.sym := 1 
                                else if ~ defined sym  
                                        auto_extrn.sym := 0 
                                end if  
                        end if   
                end match   
        end while   
        x86.parse_operand_value ns,op   
end macro 

virtual at 0   
        HEX_digits:: db '0123456789ABCDEF'    
end virtual   

macro hex? value   
        local number,digit   
        number = value   
        if number < 0   
                dbx 1:'-'   
                number = - number   
        end if   
        repeat 1 + (bsr number shr 2)   
                load digit:1 from HEX_digits:number shr ((%%-%)*4) and 0Fh   
                if %=1 & digit > '9'   
                        dbx 1:'0'   
                end if   
                dbx 1: digit   
        end repeat   
        dbx 1: 'h'   
end macro   

macro db? values&  
        local position,byte  
        position = $  
        iterate value, values  
                byte = value  
                if % = 1  
                        dbx 1:'db '  
                        dbx 1:','  
                end if   
                hex byte  
                position = position + 1  
                ; org position  
        end iterate   
        dbx 1:13,10  
        org position  
end macro  

macro dw? values&  
        local position,word  
        position = $  
        iterate value, values  
                word = value  
                if % = 1  
                        dbx 1:'dw '  
                        dbx 1:','  
                end if   
                hex word  
                position = position + 2  
                ; org position  
        end iterate  
        dbx 1:13,10   
        org position  
end macro  

macro dd? values&  
        local position,poly  
        position = $  
        iterate value, values  
                poly = value  
                if % = 1  
                        dbx 1:'dd '  
                        dbx 1:','  
                end if   
                if poly relativeto 0  
                        hex poly   
                        repeat elementsof poly  
                                if poly scale % < 0  
                                        dbx 1:'-'   
                                        if - poly scale %  > 1  
                                                hex - poly scale %  
                                                dbx 1:'*'   
                                        end if   
                                        if % > 1   
                                                dbx 1:'+'   
                                        end if   
                                        if poly scale % > 1  
                                                hex poly scale %  
                                                dbx 1:'*'   
                                        end if   
                                end if
                                dbx 1:'offset '
                                dbx 1:string poly metadata %  
                        end repeat   
                        if poly scale 0  
                                if poly scale 0 > 0  
                                        dbx 1:'+'   
                                end if   
                                hex poly scale 0  
                        end if   
                end if   
                position = position + 4  
                ; org position  
        end iterate  
        dbx 1:13,10   
        org position  
end macro  

virtual at 0   
 source:: file 'source.txt'    
 .length = $    
end virtual    

position = 0     
block_start = -1    
inline = -1 
block_number = 0 

macro assemble id,text    
        local output,name,base    
        output dbx 1:'block_'    
        hex id    
        load name:$-output from output    
        dbx 1:':',13,10    
        element base : name    
        org base    
        eval text    
end macro    

while position < source.length     
        if position < source.length - 1     
                load signature:2 from source:position     
                load signature:source.length-position from source:position    
        end if     
        if signature = '<@' & block_start < 0     
                block_start = position + 2     
                position = position + 2     
        else if signature = '@>' & block_start > 0     
                load text:position-block_start from source:block_start    
                block_number = block_number + 1    
                assemble block_number,text    
                position = position + 2     
                block_start = -1    
        else if signature and 0FFh  = '!' & block_start < 0 & inline < 0  
                inline = position + 1  
                position = position + 1  
        else if signature and 0FFh  = 10 & block_start < 0 & inline > 0  
                load text:position-inline from source:inline  
                block_number = block_number + 1 
                assemble block_number,text    
                position = position + 1 
                inline = -1           
                if block_start < 0   & inline < 0      
                        dbx 1:signature and 0FFh    
                end if     
                position = position + 1     
        end if     
end while    

And then I prepared a snippet which uses only instructions that do not need relative displacements:
// source.txt

#include <stdio.h> 

char* msg = "mix c & fasm";
void print(); 

int main(void) 
        push    [msg]
        mov     ebx,print
        call    ebx

void print(char* m)
The generated output is:
#include <stdio.h>

char* msg = "mix c & fasm";
void print();

int main(void)
db 0FFh,35h
dd offset msg
db 0BBh
dd offset print
db 0FFh,0D3h


void print(char* m)
And because it uses no relative offsets and thus has no expressions containing more than one "offset" symbol, it compiles and runs correctly.

So as long as you avoid instructions that need relative offsets, you can already use this with Pelles C. But if you wanted to use it with 64-bit instructions you'd be in a trouble, because they use RIP-relative addressing, so even memory accesses generate opcodes with relative offsets.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 17:39
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 18:04
Excellent , Tomasz,

i have modified assemble macro , so that it will automatically generate "_asm{"
and "}" terms

macro assemble id,text     
        local output,name,base 
        dbx 1:'_asm{',13,10      
        output dbx 1:'block_'     
        hex id     
        load name:$-output from output     
        dbx 1:':',13,10     
        element base : name     
        org base     
        eval text 
        dbx 1:'}',13,10         
end macro     
Post 21 Feb 2017, 18:04
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 21 Feb 2017, 18:14
As for the limitations of Pelles C compiler, perhaps you could visit its forum to look for further help. Maybe there is a way to deal with this problem that I am not aware of.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 18:14
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emil 21 Feb 2017, 18:19
i will,

thank you.
Post 21 Feb 2017, 18:19
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emil 22 Feb 2017, 14:58
HI Tomasz,

i have a work around solution .

can we overwrite the call macro so that when fasm find a call instruction then pass the line as is , and let the pelles C assembler handle it.

what do you think?
Post 22 Feb 2017, 14:58
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emil 22 Feb 2017, 16:49
BTW it works well with SphinxC-- but needs small modification,

here is the code before reprocessed
// SphinxC-- & Fasmg
#pragma option w32c //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS //speed optimization

//$ will replaced with SphinxC--main path
#includepath "$\winlib"


#Entry  main
#includelib alloc.obj win32.lib MSVCRT.lib ole32.lib

//automatic inserted asm code
#pragma option ia

char* msg = "mix c & fasm"; 

        push    [msg] 
        call     myprint 
int main(void)  
   call block_1h

void myprint(char* m) 

and here is the needed code
// SphinxC-- & Fasmg
#pragma option w32c //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS //speed optimization

//$ will replaced with SphinxC--main path
#includepath "$\winlib"


#Entry  main
#includelib alloc.obj win32.lib MSVCRT.lib ole32.lib

//automatic inserted asm code
#pragma option ia

char* msg = "mix c & fasm"; 

db 0FFh,35h
dd #msg
db 0E8h
dd #myprint-#block_1h-0Bh
db 0C3h
int main(void)  
   call block_1h

void myprint(char* m) 

so , the SphinxC-- needs '#' suffix of label , and '#' means address of just like '&' in C language.
Post 22 Feb 2017, 16:49
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 22 Feb 2017, 16:49
emil wrote:
can we overwrite the call macro so that when fasm find a call instruction then pass the line as is , and let the pelles C assembler handle it.
Well, it should be simple enough that you may be able write this kind of macros yourself:
macro call? destination
        local position
        position = $
        dbx 1: 'call ',`destination,13,10
        org position
end macro    
Also, if you need to be able to call the labels defined in fasm blocks, you have to pass them through, too:
struc (label) ? instruction&
        match :, instruction
                dbx 1: `label,':',13,10
                org label
                label instruction
        end match
end struc    
Post 22 Feb 2017, 16:49
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emil 22 Feb 2017, 17:08
ok ,

why we needs to use " position = $ " and "org position " in our macro

i am trying to get fasmg .
Post 22 Feb 2017, 17:08
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 22 Feb 2017, 17:16
emil wrote:
why we needs to use " position = $ " and "org position " in our macro
They are there to keep tracking the correct addresses of consecutive instructions. When DBX is used to generate some text into output, it shifts the $ address, but we need to keep it unchanged. On the other hand, DB/DW/DD generated by instruction macros should shift the $ address by the appropriate number of bytes.
Post 22 Feb 2017, 17:16
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