flat assembler
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> Main > Are you making something with fasmg? |
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Tomasz Grysztar 13 Jul 2016, 17:25
Once in a while it surprises me to get to know that someone created something interesting with fasmg, like it was in the case of ez80 includes. But generally speaking, I know very little about any people that actually use fasmg for anything, or even simply play with it. If you are one of them and reading this, I would be happy to know about it. Or perhaps we need a better dedicated place for fasmg-specific topics?
13 Jul 2016, 17:25 |
Akeo 27 Sep 2016, 11:08
I'm going to mention that, with some invaluable help of Tomasz, I have successfully used fasmg to create an EBC (EFI Byte Code) assembler.
For those who don't know, EBC is the instruction set UEFI applications and drivers can use to produce a single binary executable that can run across different architectures (x86_32, x86_64, Arm64 and we're working on adding Arm32). It can be considered as a kind of "Java for UEFI" if you will. To know more about EBC, please have a look at chapter 21 of the UEFI 2.6 specs. The project is called fasmg-ebc, and hosted on github. |
27 Sep 2016, 11:08 |
zhak 27 Sep 2016, 12:16
I tried fasm g a litle bit and I liked it, but I'm too afraid to move to it. Although it has so many cool features that fasm 1 is missing, and I'm always like "fasm g is cool, I should go master it and use it and move my project source to it" but then I like "it's pretty slow. and it's still new. and Tomasz said it's a sorta example engine. what if it becomes abandoned and not maintained at some point, maybe to the favor of fasm2 or something?" and some months have passed already and I still want to switch and still can't decide
27 Sep 2016, 12:16 |
Tomasz Grysztar 27 Sep 2016, 13:50
zhak wrote: "it's pretty slow. and it's still new. and Tomasz said it's a sorta example engine. what if it becomes abandoned and not maintained at some point, maybe to the favor of fasm2 or something?" |
27 Sep 2016, 13:50 |
uor99 05 Nov 2016, 10:31
I am trying to use fasmg for 51/avr/8086/arm32/win32.However,it seems that arm32 cannot be compiled in fasmg yet.
05 Nov 2016, 10:31 |
Tomasz Grysztar 05 Nov 2016, 14:54
That's what this thread is about - if someone is working on any new macros, for example ones for an ARM32 architecture, I'd recommend letting others know, so anyone interested would be able to find it and maybe even give some feedback.
There is also another thread where I collect links to known projects / macro packages. |
05 Nov 2016, 14:54 |
halak 25 Mar 2017, 02:32
Code: ; INTEL 8008 1972 MNEMONICS FLAT ASSEMBLER G MACROINSTRUCTIONS ; 2021-01-18 VITALII KHALAK (63 DNISTRYK-DUBOVYI, 82509 UKRAINE) ITERATE <MNM, OPC>, \ \ HLT, 001, RLC, 002, RFC, 003, ADI, 004, RST, 005, LAI, 006, RET, 007, \ INB, 010, DCB, 011, RRC, 012, RFZ, 013, ACI, 014, LBI, 016, \ INC, 020, DCC, 021, RAL, 022, RFS, 023, SUI, 024, LCI, 026, \ IND, 030, DCD, 031, RAR, 032, RFP, 033, SBI, 034, LDI, 036, \ INE, 040, DCE, 041, RTC, 043, NDI, 044, LEI, 046, \ INH, 050, DCH, 051, RTZ, 053, XRI, 054, LHI, 056, \ INL, 060, DCL, 061, RTS, 063, ORI, 064, LLI, 066, \ RTP, 073, CPI, 074, LMI, 076, \ \ JFC, 100, INP, 101, CFC, 102, JMP, 104, CAL, 106, \ JFZ, 110, CFZ, 112, \ JFS, 120, OUT, 121, CFS, 122, \ JFP, 130, CFP, 132, \ JTC, 140, CTC, 142, \ JTZ, 150, CTZ, 152, \ JTS, 160, CTS, 162, \ JTP, 170, CTP, 172, \ \ ADA, 200, ADB, 201, ADC, 202, ADD, 203, ADE, 204, ADH, 205, ADL, 206, ADM, 207, \ ACA, 210, ACB, 211, ACC, 212, ACD, 213, ACE, 214, ACH, 215, ACL, 216, ACM, 217, \ SUA, 220, SUB, 221, SUC, 222, SUD, 223, SUE, 224, SUH, 225, SUL, 226, SUM, 227, \ SBA, 230, SBB, 231, SBC, 232, SBD, 233, SBE, 234, SBH, 235, SBL, 236, SBM, 237, \ NDA, 240, NDB, 241, NDC, 242, NDD, 243, NDE, 244, NDH, 245, NDL, 246, NDM, 247, \ XRA, 250, XRB, 251, XRC, 252, XRD, 253, XRE, 254, XRH, 255, XRL, 256, XRM, 257, \ ORA, 260, ORB, 261, ORC, 262, ORD, 263, ORE, 264, ORH, 265, ORL, 266, ORM, 267, \ CPA, 270, CPB, 271, CPC, 272, CPD, 273, CPE, 274, CPH, 275, CPL, 276, CPM, 277, \ \ LAA, 300, LAB, 301, LAC, 302, LAD, 303, LAE, 304, LAH, 305, LAL, 306, LAM, 307, \ LBA, 310, LBB, 311, LBC, 312, LBD, 313, LBE, 314, LBH, 315, LBL, 316, LBM, 317, \ LCA, 320, LCB, 321, LCC, 322, LCD, 323, LCE, 324, LCH, 325, LCL, 326, LCM, 327, \ LDA, 330, LDB, 331, LDC, 332, LDD, 333, LDE, 334, LDH, 335, LDL, 336, LDM, 337, \ LEA, 340, LEB, 341, LEC, 342, LED, 343, LEE, 344, LEH, 345, LEL, 346, LEM, 347, \ LHA, 350, LHB, 351, LHC, 352, LHD, 353, LHE, 354, LHH, 355, LHL, 356, LHM, 357, \ LLA, 360, LLB, 361, LLC, 362, LLD, 363, LLE, 364, LLH, 365, LLL, 366, LLM, 367, \ LMA, 370, LMB, 371, LMC, 372, LMD, 373, LME, 374, LMH, 375, LML, 376 IF OPC#Q AND 305Q = 004Q MACRO MNM? X* ASSERT - 100H / 2 <= X & X < 100H DB OPC#Q, X END MACRO ELSE IF OPC#Q AND 307Q = 005Q MACRO MNM? X* ASSERT 0 <= X & (X < 8 | X MOD 8 = 0 & X < 8 * 8) IF X < 8 DB OPC#Q + 8 * X ELSE DB OPC#Q + X END IF END MACRO ELSE IF OPC#Q AND 301Q = 100Q MACRO MNM? X* ASSERT 0 <= X & X < 1 SHL 14 DB OPC#Q DW X END MACRO ELSE IF OPC#Q AND 301Q = 101Q IF OPC#Q AND 361Q = 101Q MACRO MNM? X* ASSERT 0 <= X & X < 8 DB OPC#Q + 2 * X END MACRO ELSE MACRO MNM? X* ASSERT 8 <= X & X < 32 DB OPC#Q + 2 * (X - 8) END MACRO END IF ELSE MACRO MNM? DB OPC#Q END MACRO END IF END ITERATE Last edited by halak on 31 Jan 2021, 19:47; edited 7 times in total |
25 Mar 2017, 02:32 |
Tomasz Grysztar 26 Mar 2017, 14:09
halak: thank you, I'm adding a link to this post to the other thread.
26 Mar 2017, 14:09 |
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