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Joined: 26 Feb 2016
Posts: 2
r88 04 May 2016, 03:28
Update for fasmw source, VERSION 0.95.11 (fasm 1.71.06). Add toolbar and tooltips. I 'm using other IDE and this code is for learning.

last changes
; mov [tbab.hInst], NULL
; mov [tbab.nID], 0 ;hTbBmp
; invoke ImageList_GetImageCount, [hImageList] ; here =0 or ...
; mov ecx, eax
; invoke SendMessage,[hToolBar],TB_ADDBITMAP,ecx, tbab

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

directory RT_MENU,menus,\
RT_MANIFEST, _manifest

resource _manifest,1,LANG_NEUTRAL,manifest
resdata manifest
file 'RESOURCE\manifest.txt'
;db '<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="X86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"/> </dependentAssembly> </dependency> </assembly>'

he he Smile

Description: Update for fasmw source, VERSION 0.95.11
Filename: upd_FASMW.rar
Filesize: 27.06 KB
Downloaded: 1100 Time(s)

Post 04 May 2016, 03:28
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Joined: 16 Aug 2016
Posts: 2
poby1 26 Aug 2016, 06:41
I have tried a bunch of editors and they all pretty much suck. I used fresh for a while but the lack of a redo was just doing my head in. I absolutely need redo functionality! Also fresh has no simple ctrl-A to select all. But it does have a lot of features I don't need

Flat editor is damn near perfect. It just need syntax coloring and maybe a recent file list to open from and I would be in heaven. It isn't burdened with useless junk. It's a simple straightforward interface I love.

Now about that syntax coloring, any idea when this might be added? Is this project still active?
Post 26 Aug 2016, 06:41
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 04 Sep 2016, 16:41
poby1 wrote:
Now about that syntax coloring, any idea when this might be added? Is this project still active?
Both fasmw and fasmd, which use flat editor as their editor engine, already have syntax highlighting and you can refer to their source to see how it is done (the implementation is going to be dependent on the UI code, because flat editor core does not implement any UI itself).
Post 04 Sep 2016, 16:41
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Joined: 16 Aug 2016
Posts: 2
poby1 06 Sep 2016, 20:54
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
poby1 wrote:
Now about that syntax coloring, any idea when this might be added? Is this project still active?
Both fasmw and fasmd, which use flat editor as their editor engine, already have syntax highlighting and you can refer to their source to see how it is done (the implementation is going to be dependent on the UI code, because flat editor core does not implement any UI itself).

I'm using flat assembler 1.71.54, flat editor 3.12, interface 0.98.03

I'm not seeing much syntax highlighting.

Instructions, labels, registers etc are all the same color. How can this be fixed so it looks more like other editors that colorise to differentiate between different things?
Post 06 Sep 2016, 20:54
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 07 Sep 2016, 13:06
The fasm's tables and core functions are all at hand there, so you could perhaps quickly patch-up a variant of "fasm_syntax" function in fasmw that would color instructions and other symbols from these tables:
proc fasm_syntax lpLine,uChars,lpColors
        push    ebx esi edi
        mov     esi,[lpLine]
        mov     edi,[lpColors]
        mov     ebx,characters
        mov     ecx,[uChars]
        xor     edx,edx
        cmp     al,20h
        je      .syntax_space
        cmp     al,3Bh
        je      .syntax_comment
        mov     ah,al
        or      al,al
        jz      .syntax_symbol
        or      edx,edx
        jnz     .syntax_neutral
        cmp     ah,27h
        je      .syntax_string
        cmp     ah,22h
        je      .syntax_string
        cmp     ah,24h
        je      .syntax_pascal_hex
        cmp     ah,39h
        ja      .syntax_neutral
        cmp     ah,30h
        jae     .syntax_number
        inc     edx
        inc     edi
        loop    .scan_syntax
        jmp     .done
        call    .recognize_name
        inc     edi
        loop    .scan_syntax
        jmp     .done
        call    .recognize_name
        mov     al,1
        loop    .scan_syntax
        jmp     .done
        or      edx,edx
        jz      .unrecognized_name
        dec     esi
        sub     esi,edx
        mov     ecx,edx
        call    get_instruction
        jnc     .recognized_instruction
        call    get_data_directive
        jnc     .recognized_instruction
        mov     edi,preprocessor_directives
        call    get_directive
        jnc     .recognized_instruction
        call    get_symbol
        jnc     .recognized_symbol
        xor     edx,edx
        xchg    ecx,edx
        sub     edi,ecx
        mov     al,1
        rep     stosb
        xchg    ecx,edx
        xchg    ecx,edx
        sub     edi,ecx
        mov     al,2
        rep     stosb
        xchg    ecx,edx
        cmp     ecx,1
        je      .syntax_neutral
        mov     al,[esi]
        mov     ah,al
        or      al,al
        jz      .syntax_neutral
        cmp     ah,24h
        jne     .syntax_number
        cmp     ecx,2
        je      .syntax_neutral
        mov     al,[esi+1]
        or      al,al
        jz      .syntax_neutral
        mov     al,2
        loop    .number_character
        jmp     .done
        mov     ah,al
        xchg    al,ah
        or      ah,ah
        jz      .check_character
        cmp     al,20h
        je      .check_character
        cmp     al,3Bh
        je      .check_character
        mov     al,2
        loop    .number_character
        jmp     .done
        mov     al,3
        dec     ecx
        jz      .done
        cmp     al,ah
        jne     .syntax_string
        mov     al,3
        dec     ecx
        jz      .done
        cmp     al,ah
        je      .syntax_string
        xor     edx,edx
        jmp     .check_character
        cmp     al,20h
        jne     .syntax_comment
        inc     edi
        loop    .process_comment
        jmp     .done
        mov     al,4
        loop    .process_comment
        pop     edi esi ebx
Just update this function in fasmw.asm and re-assemble it. This variant re-uses some of the color indexes, you'd also need to extend the table of colors to accommodate more indexes if you wanted to differentiate them more.

But in fasm many features are defined in form of additional macros, various symbols may get re-defined, etc. For this reason I never tried to include such feature in the basic IDE, leaving it to implement by more complex ones, like Fresh (it used to be based on the same editor core as fasmw, but then it moved to use its own one).
Post 07 Sep 2016, 13:06
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Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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JohnFound 07 Sep 2016, 15:51
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
(it used to be based on the same editor core as fasmw, but then it moved to use its own one).

No, it is still based on FASMW editor, but the old version. Smile
I am slowly working on a new editor, but it is not based on Win API and can not be used in the current version 2.x of Fresh. It is prepared for the next 3.x series.

Tox ID: 48C0321ADDB2FE5F644BB5E3D58B0D58C35E5BCBC81D7CD333633FEDF1047914A534256478D9
Post 07 Sep 2016, 15:51
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