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Index > Linux > How to call GTK 3 functions with FASM?

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Joined: 22 Mar 2016
Posts: 3
BPS 22 Mar 2016, 08:58
Hello Smile

I'm currently learning assembler (FASM) for fun, so I started to rewrite some of my C programs.

I have program which uses GTK, it creates status icon:

int main(void)
gtk_init(0, 0);
// Status icon
GtkStatusIcon *status_icon = gtk_status_icon_new_from_icon_name("exit");
g_signal_connect(status_icon, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_button_press), 0);

// main loop
return 0;

and now I'm trying to translate above to assembler. Right now I got this:

push 0
push 0
call gtk_init
add esp, 8

push status_icon_stock
call gtk_status_icon_new_from_icon_name
add esp, 4
mov eax, [status_icon]

push 0
push 0
push 0
push on_button_press
push button_press_event
push [status_icon]
call g_signal_connect_data
add esp, 24

call gtk_main

status_icon dd 0
exit_dialog dd 0
vbox dd 0
exit_button dd 0
status_icon_stock db 'exit', 0
clicked_str db 'clicked', 0
application_exit_stock db 'application-exit', 0
button_press_event db 'button-press-event', 0

But when I try to run it I get error saying that status_icon is NULL.

Why my C code is working and assembly is not? Am I missing something? mov eax, [status_icon] does not put valid pointer in status_code variable?

Full code can be viewed here: https://github.com/4544fa8d/i3-exit

thanks Smile
Post 22 Mar 2016, 08:58
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revolution 22 Mar 2016, 09:23
I think you forgot to save the handle:
call gtk_status_icon_new_from_icon_name
mov [status_icon],eax ;<--- save the handle here
add esp, 4
Post 22 Mar 2016, 09:23
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BPS 22 Mar 2016, 15:26
Och, I switched places of source and destination, I don't know how could have I missed it Very Happy.


Now I moved forward and have another error:

        cmp eax, GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE
        jne return

        mov eax, 11             ;sys_execve
        mov ebx, dbus_filename
        mov ecx, dbus_shutdown_args
        mov edx, 0
        int 80h

        call gtk_main_quit

                push [exit_dialog]
                call gtk_widget_destroy
                add esp, 4
                ; int 03h
                ret             ; <- Segmentation fault (core dumped)
                int 03h

        push 0
        push 0
        push 0
        push on_button_press
        push button_press_event
        push [status_icon]
        call g_signal_connect_data
        add esp, 24

        call gtk_main

Breakpoint show that "segmentation fault" on ret instruction in my "on_button" function.
How can I return from on_button function?

Full updated code is at: https://github.com/4544fa8d/i3-exit

thanks Smile
Post 22 Mar 2016, 15:26
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revolution 23 Mar 2016, 05:14
So I expect you have some stack corruption in there somewhere. You didn't show all the code* so I can only guess.

* I see the github link. Not going there, sorry.
Post 23 Mar 2016, 05:14
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Joined: 22 Mar 2016
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BPS 23 Mar 2016, 10:22

format ELF

extrn gtk_init
extrn gtk_main
extrn gtk_button_set_always_show_image
extrn gtk_status_icon_new_from_icon_name
extrn gtk_window_set_default_size
extrn gtk_image_new_from_icon_name
extrn gtk_dialog_run
extrn gtk_main_quit
extrn gtk_button_set_image
extrn gtk_widget_destroy
extrn gtk_widget_show_all
extrn gtk_dialog_response
extrn gtk_button_new
extrn gtk_dialog_get_content_area
extrn gtk_dialog_new
extrn gtk_box_pack_start
extrn g_signal_connect_data

sys_execve = 11


public main

        push [exit_dialog]
        call gtk_dialog_response
        add esp, 8

        call gtk_dialog_new
        mov [exit_dialog], eax

        push [exit_dialog]
        call gtk_dialog_get_content_area
        add esp, 4
        mov [vbox], eax

        push 300
        push 300
        push [exit_dialog]
        call gtk_window_set_default_size
        add esp, 12

        call gtk_button_new
        mov [exit_button], eax

        push 1
        push [exit_button]
        call gtk_button_set_always_show_image
        add esp, 8

        push application_exit_stock
        call gtk_image_new_from_icon_name
        add esp, 8

        push eax
        push [exit_button]
        call gtk_button_set_image
        add esp, 8

        push 0
        push 0
        push 0
        push on_exit_button
        push clicked_str
        push [exit_button]
        call g_signal_connect_data
        add esp, 24

        push 5
        push 1
        push 1
        push [exit_button]
        push [vbox]
        call gtk_box_pack_start
        add esp, 20

        push [vbox]
        call gtk_widget_show_all
        add esp, 4

        push [exit_dialog]
        call gtk_dialog_run
        add esp, 4

        cmp eax, GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE
        jne return

        mov eax, 11             ;sys_execve
        mov ebx, dbus_filename
        mov ecx, dbus_shutdown_args
        mov edx, 0
        int 80h

        call gtk_main_quit

                push [exit_dialog]
                call gtk_widget_destroy
                add esp, 4
                ; int 03h
                ret             ; <- Segmentation fault (core dumped)
                int 03h

        push 0
        push 0
        call gtk_init
        add esp, 8

        push status_icon_stock
        call gtk_status_icon_new_from_icon_name
        add esp, 4
        mov [status_icon], eax

        push 0
        push 0
        push 0
        push on_button_press
        push button_press_event
        push [status_icon]
        call g_signal_connect_data
        add esp, 24

        call gtk_main

status_icon dd 0
exit_dialog dd 0
vbox dd 0
exit_button dd 0
status_icon_stock db 'exit', 0
clicked_str db 'clicked', 0
application_exit_stock db 'application-exit', 0
button_press_event db 'button-press-event', 0
dbus_filename db 'dbus-send', 0
dbus_shutdown_args db '--system --print-reply --dest=\"org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit\" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Stop', 0

Post 23 Mar 2016, 10:22
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revolution 25 Mar 2016, 04:51
At first glance there does not appear to be anything obvious wrong.

You can try a few things though. Check that the stack pointer the same upon entry and just before the ret. And/or, simplify the entire procedure to just a ret (or maybe some minimal instructions) and see if that exhibits the same problem.
Post 25 Mar 2016, 04:51
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petelomax 07 Apr 2016, 18:12
hasty post deleted [after posting I saw dbus_shudown_args had already been fixed]
Post 07 Apr 2016, 18:12
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