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Index > Main > Why does this switch to protected mode crash?

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Joined: 26 Sep 2015
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mikestylz 27 Nov 2015, 03:02
I've been making a bootloader for longer than I'd like to admit, and switching to protected mode has been the reason why. My code to switch looks like the following :

mov eax, cr0
or eax, 0x1
mov cr0, eax
jmp pm

jmp $  

GDT looks like this :

dd 0x0
dd 0x0
dw 0x9FFF
dw 0x7C00
db 0x0
db 10011010b
db 01000000b
db 0x0
dw 0x7BFF
dw 0x0500
db 0x0
db 10010110b
db 01000000b
db 0x0
dw 0x0000
dw 0x0000
db 0x0A
db 10010110b
db 01000111b
db 0x0
dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
dd gdt_start

I know that I'm doing something absolutely wrong, and I wish to be corrected as mercilessly as possible.
Post 27 Nov 2015, 03:02
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Posts: 60
jiangfasm 27 Nov 2015, 05:54
Hello.you use far jump.
JMP dword select : Address
Post 27 Nov 2015, 05:54
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El Tangas

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El Tangas 29 Nov 2015, 14:23
Exactly, FASM optimizes jumps so you have to force a far jump to load the code segment selector in CS.

From FASM manual:


1.2.5 Jumps and calls

The operand of any jump or call instruction can be preceded not only by the size operator, but also by one of the operators specifying type of the jump: short, near of far. For example, when assembler is in 16-bit mode, instruction jmp dword [0] will become the far jump and when assembler is in 32-bit mode, it will become the near jump. To force this instruction to be treated differently, use the jmp near dword [0] or jmp far dword [0] form.

When operand of near jump is the immediate value, assembler will generate the shortest variant of this jump instruction if possible (but will not create 32-bit instruction in 16-bit mode nor 16-bit instruction in 32-bit mode, unless there is a size operator stating it). By specifying the jump type you can force it to always generate long variant (for example jmp near 0) or to always generate short variant and terminate with an error when it's impossible (for example jmp short 0).

The types of jumps:
short, is equivalent to "ADD IP, signed displacement"
near, equivalent to "MOV IP, immediate"
far, equivalent to "MOV CS, immediate" and "MOV IP, immediate" all in one instruction. This is what you need.
Post 29 Nov 2015, 14:23
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revolution 29 Nov 2015, 14:30
El Tangas wrote:
The types of jumps:
short, is equivalent to "ADD IP, signed displacement"
near, equivalent to "MOV IP, immediate"
far, equivalent to "MOV CS, immediate" and "MOV IP, immediate" all in one instruction. This is what you need.
"Near" is also an offset from [E|R]IP.
Post 29 Nov 2015, 14:30
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El Tangas

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El Tangas 29 Nov 2015, 14:50
Ah, k I wrote that from memory. But there is an absolute jmp without changing CS, isn't there?
Post 29 Nov 2015, 14:50
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revolution 29 Nov 2015, 23:43
El Tangas wrote:
Ah, k I wrote that from memory. But there is an absolute jmp without changing CS, isn't there?
For indirect calls only.
call [destination]
call eax    
Post 29 Nov 2015, 23:43
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CrazyZero 19 Jan 2016, 11:03
You must know a point what is the mechanism of addressing method of protected mode, when you know how to tranfrom a logical address to a linear address, you could find your answer.
Post 19 Jan 2016, 11:03
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