;l_inc's print macro, can be found on the forum
include 'exmacro/print.inc'
;Taken from http://www.codecodex.com/wiki/Calculate_an_integer_square_root
fasm_sqrt_result = 0
macro fasm_sqrt n {
local root, rem, place
root = 0
rem = n
place = 0x4000000000000000
while place > rem
place = place shr 2
end while
while place
if rem >= root + place
rem = rem - root - place
root = root + place shl 1
end if
root = root shr 1
place = place shr 2
end while
fasm_sqrt_result = root
display 'ISQRT of ', d=n, ' is ', d=root, 13, 10
;Generating prime numbers up to `N`, using Sieve of Eratosthenes
;Thanks to l_inc [ http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?p=184093#184093 ]
macro generate_primes n {
local x, y, i, j, p, slimit, sbase, virtual_prime_bits
display 'Primes, up to: ', d=n, 13, 10
virtual at 0
; 0, 1 - not primes
; 2, .. - probrably primes
db 1111'1100b
db 1 + (n - 1) / 8 dup 1111'1111b
repeat (n + 1) / 8 + 1
i = % - 1
load x byte from i
repeat 8
j = % - 1
p = i * 8 + j
if p > n
end if
if x and (1 shl j)
sbase = p * p
slimit = 1 + (n - sbase) / p
if slimit > 0
repeat slimit
j = sbase + p * (% - 1)
load y byte from j / 8
y = y and (not (1 shl (j and 7)))
store byte y at j / 8
end repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end virtual
repeat (n + 1) / 8 + 1
i = % - 1
load x byte from virtual_prime_bits:i
repeat 8
j = % - 1
if x and (1 shl j)
p = i * 8 + j
if p > n
end if
dq p
display d=p, 13, 10
end if
end repeat
end repeat
;Binary search of value with specific type in a specific region [left; right) - right bound not included
;Searches for the left most value, which is equal to `value`
;Returns (sets bisearch_result) address of first value, which is greater or equal to `value`
macro bisearch value, type, left, right {
local x, l, m, r, base
display 'Binary search:', 13, 10
display 'l', 9, 'm', 9, 'r', 9, 'x', 13, 10
if type eq byte
size = 1
else if type eq word
size = 2
else if type eq dword
size = 4
else if type eq qword
size = 8
display 'Invalid type: `', `type, 13, 10
end if
l = 0
r = (right - left - 1) / size
while l <= r
m = (l + r) shr 1
load x type from left + m * size
display d=l, 9, d=m, 9, d=r, 9, d=x, 13, 10
if value <= x
r = m - 1
l = m + 1
end if
end while
bisearch_result = left + l * size
fasm_sqrt 1 shl 20
generate_primes fasm_sqrt_result
x = 444
bisearch_result = -1
bisearch x, qword, Primes, EndPrimes
load p qword from bisearch_result
display 'First prime, which is >= ', d=x, ': ', d=p, 13, 10