flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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fasmnewbie 02 Jun 2015, 20:36
Noted. |
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fasmnewbie 08 Jun 2015, 08:05
prtdbl is a 64-bit precision string conversion of raw FP data. It offers no precision or rounding control. Some motivated beginners may attempt their own precision or rounding policy over a FP data. Below is a routine that can offer more control to precision and rounding by splitting a double precision data to integral and precision part to make it easier to do just that.
Code: ;------------------------------ ;## @dblsplit(1)/2 ; Split a double into two parts ; Return integral in RAX ; Return fraction in RBX ;------------------------------ dblsplit: push rdx sub rsp,140 ;local data space mov [rsp],rax ;copy mov [rsp+8],rax lea rdx,[rsp+16] ;Save FPU fsave [rdx] ; mov rbx,rax xor rdx,rdx ;Negative marker finit ;Clear FPU fstcw [rsp+138] ; bts word[rsp+138],10 ;Round down fldcw [rsp+138] ; fld qword[rsp] ;Load value fabs ;Absolute it test rax,rax ;If negative, jns .nope mov rdx,1 ;Marker up .nope: fld qword[rsp+8] ;load the same value fabs fistp qword[rsp+8] ;turn it to integer fild qword[rsp+8] ;Re-load it fsub st1,st0 ;Substract true vs integral fstp qword[rsp] ;Save to integral fabs fstp qword[rsp+8] ;Remainder as fraction mov rax,[rsp] ;integral part mov rbx,[rsp+8] ;fraction part cmp rdx,1 jne .done bts rax,63 ;Negate it if negative .done: lea rdx,[rsp+16] ;Restore FPU frstor [rdx] add rsp,140 ;Restore stack pop rdx ; ret This routine will return the integral part in RAX and the fraction part in RBX. Beginners can start working on each different part separately and combine the result to form a FP representation with more customized precision and rounding control. Please note that this works only normal FP data. Sample usage: Code: mov rax,-45.3234 call dblsplit ;now RAX contains -45.00 ;RBX contains 0.3234 Hope this would be useful. p/s This is not part of the attached routines. You can add this routine to the current one without any problem (to Linux and Win version). Happy coding. |
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fasmnewbie 13 Jun 2015, 14:33
I updated the library (June 13th, 2015). Deleted some, added some other routines. Please test the prtxmm/dumpxmm routine because my knowledge of SSE instructions is quite limited at the moment. prtxmm/dumpxmm now supports byte-level integer instructions (hopefully). Thanks and be cool.
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fasmnewbie 15 Jun 2015, 18:18
June 16th,2015
I updated the flib today for my midnite coding routine. Nothing fancy. Just introduced another routine and patching up here and there. I think this is the final revision for flib. |
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fasmnewbie 18 Jun 2015, 11:54
June 18th. New lib uploaded
I uploaded FCORE.zip as the replacement for FLIB. I introduced "sleep" function in this release. Also added "prtdble", a prtdbl extension that takes decimal places as the 2nd argument in RBX. I think this library is complete now and has almost every routines required by beginners to start learning assembly programming quite comfortably. Enjoy your coding. |
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fasmnewbie 19 Jun 2015, 03:52
A little correction to function "sleep" for Linux version. Just a line of code;
Code: ;-------------------------------- ;#42 : sleep(1) ;OBJ : Put execution at sleep ;-------------------------------- ;RAX : Milliseconds (unsigned) ; > reg64,imm,[dq] ;-------------------------------- ;NOTE : 1000ms = 1s. ;RETN : - ;-------------------------------- sleep: push r11 push rdi push rsi push rax push rcx push rdx mov rdi,1000000 ;convert to nano mul rdi cmp rax,1000000000 ;if > 1s jae .over push rax push 0 jmp .ok .over: xor rdx,rdx mov rcx,1000000000 ;<---- change to this one div rcx and rdx,0xffff push rdx ;nano push rax ;sec .ok: lea rsi,[rsp+8] ;nano lea rdi,[rsp] ;sec mov rax,35 syscall add rsp,16 pop rdx pop rcx pop rax pop rsi pop rdi pop r11 ret Sorry for the inconvenience. |
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fasmnewbie 20 Jun 2015, 12:46
I added prtregd (display register in decimal) and str2flt. Also included alternatives to getdbl, getflt and getint routines. I think those are the last additions to the current library and I am not maintaining the library anymore. Hope those are enough for beginners. Enjoy it and happy coding.
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fasmnewbie 26 Jun 2015, 09:41
This morning I realized that this library is missing one extremely important component - the ability to view the content of the stack as the code progresses. So I updated the main zip (FCORE.zip) to include this important piece of routine which is a must-have. The routine is stackview and stackviewd to display its content in decimal. One Linux example (Windows version should behave the same);
Code: format ELF64 executable 3 mov rax,4 ;Start with 'empty' stack. traverse 4 items call stackview ;view stack call newline push 35h ;push one item mov rax,4 ;traverse 4 items call stackview ;view stack call newline push 34h ;push another item mov rax,4 ;traverse 4 items call stackview ;view stack call newline pop rcx ;Pop one item mov rax,4 ;view 4 items at once call stackview ;Display reduced stack. call newline mov rax,rcx ;confirm RCX contains the last item popped call prthex call exit With the following output (stack grows downwards). The (*) is the TOS and the value in [..] is the stack address. Code: [00007FFF32C5EB68] 00007FFF32C6097E [00007FFF32C5EB60] 0000000000000000 [00007FFF32C5EB58] 00007FFF32C60975 [00007FFF32C5EB50] 0000000000000001* [00007FFF32C5EB60] 0000000000000000 [00007FFF32C5EB58] 00007FFF32C60975 [00007FFF32C5EB50] 0000000000000001 [00007FFF32C5EB48] 0000000000000035* [00007FFF32C5EB58] 00007FFF32C60975 [00007FFF32C5EB50] 0000000000000001 [00007FFF32C5EB48] 0000000000000035 [00007FFF32C5EB40] 0000000000000034* [00007FFF32C5EB60] 0000000000000000 [00007FFF32C5EB58] 00007FFF32C60975 [00007FFF32C5EB50] 0000000000000001 [00007FFF32C5EB48] 0000000000000035* 34 Sorry for the late addition. I didn't realize it until today. This offers a slight advantage over the the debugger because beginners can see the effect immediately as the coding progresses. |
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fasmnewbie 29 Jun 2015, 22:38
People might ask why I am creating this library...
The answer is simple: I'd love to see FASM gains much more acceptance in learning institutions. By having a simple library like this, decision makers would be encouraged to adopt FASM as their main assembler for related courses in their institutions. And MASM or NASM-infested instructors now can easily compare codes and understand / appreciate FASM much easier for adoption. I know the chance is slim due to lack of FASM-speaking reference materials. But with this very small small step, who knows what lies ahead. There are fence-sitters out there who still can't decide which assembler to use. But my code is in poor condition. Hope others can help to make it better and and on par with other similar library (in other ASM language) which I found are far more advanced. So I hope I did not harm to FASM as a whole with this small small effort. Until next time. |
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redsock 30 Jun 2015, 07:05
I had/have similar hopes with my own x86_64 library (https://2ton.com.au/HeavyThing/) and since I GPLv3'd it early this year, I must say there are far fewer people interested in "assembler made easy" than I originally thought there were.
I like your library's simplicity of covering the bases and wish you luck toward your goal in any case Cheers ![]() |
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fasmnewbie 04 Jul 2015, 04:36
I added 2 more routines (fpdinfo, fpfinfo) to enable beginners to analyze floating point binary for double and float.
I updated the Documentation to enable beginners to use Section and Segment instead of the default flat model. I modified stackview/d/u so that the address is shown on the right side of the data. This makes more sense in terms of bytes addressing and offset, for example, [rbp-1] would be confusing if I placed the address on the left (Most Significant) side. I tested the code quite thoroughly and found no more fatal / non-fatal bugs. If you found one, you can write it here and I'll see what I can do. Until a bug is found, this is the final version of FCORE. Good luck. |
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fasmnewbie 08 Jul 2015, 17:53
Fixed a minor bug in fpfinfo.
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fasmnewbie 01 Aug 2015, 03:14
There's a thread by Picnic if beginners wish to extend their knowledge on console-based graphics and other cool stuff.
http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=15394 |
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fasmnewbie 22 Sep 2015, 09:14
I uploaded a slightly improved versions with some minor additions of routines that I think are necessary for beginners. In addition, I also included the 32-bit versions of the library just in case someone need it. The 32-bit versions are direct adoption from its 64-bit siblings.
Some of the new routines introduced; 1. mulf, addf, subf, divf Considering the facts that beginners often mistakenly use ADD, MUL, SUB and DIV for floating point use instead of integers. These would softly introduce them to floating point operations before even actually learning about SSE and FPU. 2. sse_round and fpu_round Allow users to set the rounding mode of SSE and FPU. 3. factorial, log10 and ln10 I think that's it for now. The zip file is EASY64.zip found at the first post. Enjoy. |
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TmX 22 Sep 2015, 09:57
Thanks fasmnewbie.
Gotta learn this stuff on weekend ![]() |
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fasmnewbie 23 Sep 2015, 15:15
I missed the dblsplit update due to some mixed up in source files. The old one isn't wrong but this is more compact and shorter. It's applicable to both 64-bit versions.
Code: ;------------------------------------ ;dblsplit(1)/2 ;Split a double into parts ;------------------------------------ ;RAX : The FP value to split ;------------------------------------ ;Ret : Integral part in RAX ; : Fraction part in RBX ;Note : Value in should in FP format ; : Deals normal FP value only ;------------------------------------ dblsplit: push rbp mov rbp,rsp sub rsp,512 and rsp,-16 fxsave [rsp] call fpu_round.zero push rax fld qword[rsp] fld qword[rsp] frndint fsub st1,st0 fstp qword[rsp] mov rax,[rsp] fabs fstp qword[rsp] pop rbx fxrstor [rsp] mov rsp,rbp pop rbp ret Last edited by fasmnewbie on 24 Sep 2015, 12:35; edited 1 time in total |
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fasmnewbie 23 Sep 2015, 15:19
TmX wrote: Thanks fasmnewbie. |
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fasmnewbie 25 Sep 2015, 19:34
I updated the zip file to reflect a recent addition of fpu_tag so that a user can quickly verify an FPU register's status quickly. This is actually an information from the FPU's Tag word register.
Example; Code: format PE64 console include 'win64axp.inc' finit ;Init FPU call fpu_tag ;View default Tag status fldpi ;Load PI fldz ;Load a zero call fpu_tag ;See the status of the Tag word call exitp Will produce this output Code: T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11=FFFF T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 00 01 11 11 11 11 11 11=1FFF I think that's the final addition of routine to the library. I can't think of any other basic routine that can further help beginners going through those 'difficult' phases in learning assembly programming. I think 110 routines for 64-bit version and 109 for 32-bit versions are more than enough. IMO, this is the most complete native assembly library routine one can find from the internet, although not the best. Anyway, good luck and happy coding. |
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JohnFound 25 Sep 2015, 20:47
fasmnewbie wrote: I updated the zip file to reflect a recent addition of... Isn't it better to adopt some version control system. This way all changes will be easily followed and the history will be saved as well. I would suggest using Fossil scm, because it has the same minimalistic spirit as assembly programming itself. You can host your repositories free at Chisel or on your own hosting (with fossil it is very easy). _________________ Tox ID: 48C0321ADDB2FE5F644BB5E3D58B0D58C35E5BCBC81D7CD333633FEDF1047914A534256478D9 |
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