flat assembler
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> Programming Language Design > [FASMG] Minimal Intel Windows |
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codestar 15 May 2015, 07:35
Standalone .EXE example. 1K.
SYSTEM.INC Code: ; SYSTEM.INC - INTEL, WINDOWS macro align n db ((n-1)-($+n-1) mod n) dup(0) end macro ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CPU ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; eax=0 ecx=1 edx=2 ebx=3 macro int3 db $CC end macro macro push_r r db $50+r end macro macro push_i i db $68 dd i end macro macro mov_ri r, i db $B8+r dd i end macro macro call_p a db $FF, $15 dd a end macro ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SYSTEM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @rva equ ($1000-$200) @base equ $400000+@rva @entry=$1000+(@main-@section) @section_size=@end_section-@section @image_size =\ ((($1000+@section_size) shr 12)+1) shl 12 @import_size=@end_import-@section macro write_exe_header dw 'MZ' db $3A dup(0) dd $40 db 'PE', 0, 0 dd $1014C, 0, 0, 0, $10F00E0, $10B, 0, 0, 0 dd @entry, 0, 0, $400000, $1000, $200 dd 1, 0, 4, 0, @image_size, $200, 0, 2 dd $1000, $1000, $1000, 0, 0, 16 dd 0, 0, $1000, @import_size dq 14 dup(0) end macro macro write_section_header dq '.one' dd @end_program-@end_section, $1000 dd @end_program-$200, $200, 0, 0, 0 dd $0E0000020 end macro macro library p& ; import library irp dll, p dd 0, 0, 0 dd @rva+dll#_name, @rva+dll#_table end irp dd 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 end macro macro import dll, p& ; import functions dll#_name db \ ; 'name.dll' `dll, '.DLL', 0 dll#_table: ; table irp name, p ; import rvas label name \ at @base+$ dd @rva+_#name end irp dd 0 irp name, p ; import names _#name dw 0 ; ordinal=0 db `name, 0 ; 'name' end irp end macro write_exe_header write_section_header align $200 @section: library KERNEL32, USER32 import KERNEL32, ExitProcess import USER32, MessageBoxA @end_import: align 16 macro main align 16 @main: end macro postpone align 16 @end_section: align $200 @end_program: end postpone ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LANGUAGE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CONSTANTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; numeric BLACK, WHITE=1, RED, GREEN, BLUE macro numeric p& local i i=0 irp q, p match name==value, q i=value name=i else match name, q name=i end match i=i+1 end irp end macro ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; VARIABLE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; int i=7, n='Z', j=$CAFEBABE scope=0 macro variable type, p& irp q, p match name==value, q label name at @base+$ type value else match name, q label name at @base+$ type 0 end match end irp end macro macro byte p& variable db, p end macro macro int p& irp q, p match name[]==values, q match {v}, values label name at @base+$ dd v else err 'Use: ={...}' end match else match name[size], q label name at @base+$ dd size dup(0) else variable dd, q end match end irp end macro macro integer p& int p end macro macro void p& int p end macro macro text p& irp q, p match name==value, q label name at @base+$ db value, 0 else match name[size], q label name at @base+$ db size dup(0) else err '' end match end irp end macro ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; macro class type esc macro type name scope='c' name: namespace name ; ... end macro macro endc! ; ... end namespace scope=0 esc end macro end macro ; EXAMPLE: ; class POINT ; int x, y ; endc ; POINT point ; 2-DO: single-line classes: ; class RGB = byte a, r, g, b ; class POINT = int x, y ; class LINE = POINT a, b ; class BOX = int x, y, w, h ; class RECT = int l, t, r, b Code: ; EXAMPLE.ASM > .EXE. ONLY 1K include 'system.inc' text title='Hello, FASMG!' text caption='Minimal Win32 Example' main push_i 0 mov_ri eax, title push_r eax mov_ri eax, caption push_r eax push_i 0 call_p MessageBoxA push_i 0 call_p ExitProcess
15 May 2015, 07:35 |
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