flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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m3ntal 31 Jan 2015, 16:37
![]() Quote: * Universal Assembler. Both Native/Translation and/or Virtual/Emulation POWER MACHINE ARCHITECTURE (UPDATED) ADDRESSING MODES ![]() POWER SYSTEM INTERRUPTS (PSEUDO IDEAS) Code: #1: MAIN 0. Main.Initialize() 1. Main.Exit() 2. Main.Set.Event('Name',FP) 3. Main.Set.Error(N,'Reason',FP) 4. Main.Error(N) 5. Main.Fatal(N) 6. Main.Get.CPU(T,'Name,Speed,X') 7. Main.Get.Memory(T,'Speed,Used,Remain,X') 8. Main.Get.Slash() 9. Main.Get.Drives(T='CDE') 10. Main.Get.Drive.Available('C') 11. Main.Get.Drive.Used('C') 12. Main.Get.Screen('W,H,BPP') 13. Main.Etc()... #2: MEMORY 0. Memory.Allocate(N) 1. Memory.Reallocate(P,N) 2. Memory.Destroy(P) 3. Memory.Set(P,V,N) 4. Memory.Copy(A,B,N) 5. Memory.Zero.Index(A,I,S,N) ; A[+I*S]=0s,S 6. Memory.Get.Index(P,A,I,S,N) ; P=A[+I*S],S 7. Memory.Set.Index(P,A,I,S,N) ; A[+I*S]=P,S 8. Memory.Expand.Index(A,I,S) ; *A[+I*S]++ 9. Memory.Reduce.Index(A,I,S) ; *A[+I*S]-- ; P=Pointer, A=Raw array address (void *A), ; I=Index, S=Size of Index, N=# Indices ; available for 'Error: Array[?] Exception'. ; To insert Index[I], Expand(A[+I*S]) ; then Set(A[+I*S]) #3: TIME 0. Time.Mode('Name') 1. Time.Get('Name') 2. Time.Set('Name',N) 3. Time.Get.Count() 4. Time.Get.Cycles() 5. Time.Delay(MS) 6. Time.Set.Timer(FP,MS) #4: FILE 0. File.Get(P) 1. File.Set(P) 2. File.Mode(X) 3. File.Open(Name) 4. File.Create(Name) 5. File.Close() 6. File.Get.Size() 7. File.Seek(R,N) 8. File.Read(P,N) 9. File.Write(P,N) 10. File.Load(Name) 11. File.Save(Name,P,N) 12. File.Get.Drive() 13. File.Set.Drive(C) 14. File.Get.Name(P) 15. File.Get.Directory(P) 16. File.Set.Directory(P) 17. File.Up.Directory() 18. File.Copy(Old,New) 19. File.Move(Old,New) 20. File.Rename(Old,New) 21. File.Delete(Name) 22. File.Find(Key) 23. File.Find.Next() 24. File.Find.End() 25. File.Get.Create.Time(T,'TIME,DATE') 26. File.Set.Create.Time(T,'TIME,DATE') 27. File.Get.Access.Time(T,'TIME,DATE') 28. File.Set.Access.Time(T,'TIME,DATE') 29. File.Get.Modify.Time(T,'TIME,DATE') 30. File.Set.Modify.Time(T,'TIME,DATE') #5: DRAW 0. Set.Screen(P,X,Y,W,H,BPP) 1. Get.XY(X,Y) 2. Clear.Screen(C) 3. Draw.Screen() 4. Show.Screen() 5. Render(X,Y,W,H) 6. Render.Box(B) 7. Draw.Pixel(X,Y,C) 8. Draw.Line.H(X,Y,W,C) 9. Draw.Line.V(X,Y,H,C) 10. Draw.Box(X,Y,W,H,C) 11. Draw.Box.B(B,C) 12. Draw.Fade(X,Y,W,H,A,B) 13. Draw.Shade(X,Y,W,H,A,B) 14. Draw.Scanline(P,X,Y,W) 15. Draw.Scanline.X(TYPE,P,X,Y,N,A,B) 16. Draw.Bitmap(P,X,Y,W,H) 17. Draw.Bitmap.X(TYPE,P,X,Y,W,H,A,B) #6. BOX 0. Box.Set(B,X,Y,W,H) 1. Box.Move(B,X,Y) 2. Box.Size(B,W,H) 3. Box.Nudge(B,X,Y) 4. Box.Align(B,C,A) 5. Box.Align.In(B,C,A,X,Y) #7. COLOR 0. RGB(R,G,B) 1. RGB.X(TYPE,R,G,B) 2. Get.RGB(&R,&G,&B) 3. Get.RGB.X(TYPE,&R,&G,&B) 4. Alpha(A,B,N) 5. Colorize('RGB',N) 6. Grayscale(C) 7. Lightness(C,N) #8. IMAGE 0. Image.Create(P) Image.Destroy(P) Image.Get(P) Image.Set(P) Image.Move(X,Y) Image.Size(W,H) Image.Draw() Image.Rotate(X) Image.Etc() #9. FONT 0. Font.Create(P) Font.Destroy(P) Set.Font(F) Set.Font.Color(C) Draw.C(C) Draw.Text() Make.Text.Box(T,B) Font.Etc() #10. SOUND 0. Sound.Create(P) 1. Sound.Destroy(P) 2. Sound.Load('Name') 3. Music.Load('Name') 4. Sound.Play() 5. Sound.Stop() 6. Sound.Rewind() 7. Sound.Position(N) 8. Sound.Volume(N) 9. Sound.Surround.3(A,B,C) 9. Sound.Surround.5(A,B,C,D,E) #11: DEVICE 0. Get.Key(X) 1. Get.Keys(P,N) 2. Get.Mouse.XY() 3. Get.Mouse.Buttons() 4. If.Key(K) 5. If.Select(B) 6. If.Click(B) 7. If.Gamepad(X) 8. Vibrate.Gamepad(N) #12. CONSOLE 0. Console.Create(X,Y,W,H,MAX) 1. Console.Set.Color(C) 2. Console.Set.Font(Style) 3. Console.Set.Font.Color(C) 4. Console.Wait.Key() 5. Console.Read.C(C) 6. Console.Read.T(T) 7. Console.Read.N(N) 8. Console.Write.C(C) 9. Console.Write.T(T) 10. Console.Write.N(N) 11. Console.Etc() #13. WINDOW 0. Window.Create() 1. Window.Etc #14. NETWORK 0. Socket.Create() 1. Socket.Etc() #15. MAIL Mail.Send(X) Mail.Etc(X) #16. GPS (ABAKIS>INCLUDE>ARM>MOBILE>GPS.INC) 0. GPS.Create() GPS.Etc() #17. PHONE 0. Phone.Call(X) Phone.Answer(X) Phone.Etc... ... NO MORE TIME! WHAT IS "ASSEMBLER"? Quote: "Assembler"; Any language that has the capability to write machine code directly (db/dd/dx) or a LL language that translates directly to machine code with little or no layers of HL abstraction. This definition is from one who actually makes assemblers and compilers for multiple CPUs. Programmers who only use Intel MASM32 style and have never made an assembler or compiler may disagree. Code: ; ___ ___ _ _____ ____ ; / _ \/ _ \ |/|/ / -_) __/ ; / .__/\___/__,__/\__/_/ ; /_/_ _ ___ _____/ / (_)__ ___ ; / ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \/ / _ \/ -_) ; /_/_/_/\_,_/\__/_//_/_/_//_/\__/ ; Power-Machine Universal Assembler. ; Utilizes Intel+ARM+M68K+Similar. ; Efficient ISA does the maximum in ; minimal space. Random preview: if r1<=12345678h and r1>r2+(r3*r4)+r5 let r0=12ABCDEFh, r1=r2+(r3<<r4)+12345678h let4 *r7++=*(ip+(r8*r9)+r10) pushm r0-r1,r3-r4,r6-r7,r9-r11,r13-r14 add r5, ip+1234CAFEh, 256*MB idiv r1, r2, r3, r4 mul r3, r7+(r8>>r9)+r10, r12 sub r7, &sp[r10*r11]->r12, 7BABE12h popm r1-r2,r4-r5,r7-r8,r10-r12,r14-ip end Last edited by m3ntal on 03 Feb 2015, 14:49; edited 1 time in total |
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m3ntal 01 Feb 2015, 22:56
New arithmetic scheme. Highest efficiency. Endless possibilities. Maximum information in minimum space. Allows the greatest optimizations. Most versatile, a little under 16*2=32 addressing modes (X,*(X)). Easy. Same operands for all arithmetic. Much smaller and smarter than the equivelant in Intel, ARM and especially Java bytecode. Code: ALU=AAAA=0-15 = AND OR XOR TST SHL SHR SAR ROR ADD SUB ADC SBC MUL IMUL DIV IDIV ALU R,R = 1001.AAAA RRRR.RRRR ALU R,I = 1010.AAAA RRRR.VVSS (I) ALU R,X = 1011.AAAA RRRR.MODE <M> ALU R,*X = 1100.AAAA RRRR.MODE <M> ALU *X,R = 1101.AAAA MODE.RRRR <M> ALU *X,I = 1110.AAAA MODE.VVSS <M>(I) ALU R,R,R = 1000.AAAA 0001 RRRR RRRR.RRRR ALU R,R,I = 1000.AAAA 0010.RRRR RRRR.VVSS (I) ALU R,R,X = 1000.AAAA 0011.RRRR.RRRR.MODE <M> ALU R,X,R = 1000.AAAA 0100.RRRR.MODE.RRRR <M> ALU R,X,I = 1000.AAAA 0101.RRRR.MODE.VVSS <M>(I) ALU R,I,X = 1000.AAAA 0110.RRRR.VVSS.MODE (I)<M> ALU R,R,R,R = 1000.AAAA 0111.0000 RRRR.RRRR RRRR.RRRR RESERVED = 1000.AAAA 1XXX.XXXX DIV A,B,C = A=B/C ; 32BIT source/result MUL A,B,C = A=B*C DIV A,B,C,D = A=C:B/D ; optional 64BIT MUL A,B,C,D = B:A=C*D TRULY THE BEST! POWER MACHINE ARCHITECTURE ((C), UPDATED EVERY 2-3 DAYS) DISASSEMBLY Code: ; 0CA0 push r10 ; 08B0 pop r11 ; 0E6EDB pushm r0-r1,r3-r4,r6-r7,r9-r11,r13-r14 ; 0ADDB6 popm r1-r2,r4-r5,r7-r8,r10-r12,r14-r15 ; 4012 let r1=r2 ; 4174 let r7=1 ; 4170 let r7=0 ; 417F78563412 let r7=12345678h ; 42720F0378563412 let r7=r15+12345678h ; 42A7BCDE let r10=r11+(r12*r13)+r14 ; 42ADBCDE let r10=r11+(r12>>r13)+r14 ; 42A8BCFF let r10=r11+(r12<<1111b)+(111b*4) ; 42A9BCFF78563412 let r10=r11+(r12<<11111b)+12345678h ; 98AB add r10, r11 ; 99AB sub r10, r11 ; A274 xor r7, 1 ; A378 tst r7, FFFFFFFFh ; AA7F78563412 adc r1, 12345678h ; BB1D2345 sbc r1, r2+(r3<<r4)+r5 ; BC1823FF mul r1, r2+(r3<<1111b)+(111b*4) ; 8E1234 div r1, r2, r3, r4 ; A7E4 ror r14, 1 OBJECTIVE. 2-DO: All my life's programming experiences have been for this moment: Quote: * Write FASM macros to translate PM to I32+ARM Last edited by m3ntal on 06 Feb 2015, 16:23; edited 2 times in total |
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m3ntal 02 Feb 2015, 04:28
Last edited by m3ntal on 06 Feb 2015, 16:22; edited 1 time in total |
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m3ntal 06 Feb 2015, 16:22
Update: Power Assembler + Disassembler: POWER.ZIP. Not finished or official. Only the beginning. Nice disassembly produced by macros:
Code: ; POWER DISASSEMBLER ; OFFSET_CODE______________ASM____________________________ ; $1122334455667788 00000000 $0000 bkp 00000002 $01ABCD sys $ABCD 00000005 $02ABCD exc $ABCD 00000008 $0C07 push r7 0000000A $0807 pop r7 0000000C $0E6EDB pushm 0110111011011011b 0000000F $0ADDB6 popm 1101110110110110b 00000012 $4012 let r1=r2 00000014 $4147 let r7=1 00000016 $4107 let r7=0 00000018 $4187 let r7=$FFFFFFFF 0000001A $41C777 let r7=$77 0000001D $41D71234 let r7=$1234 00000021 $41E7AABBCC let r7=$AABBCC 00000026 $41F712345678 let r7=$12345678 0000002C $424789 let r7=r8<<r9 0000002F $42578F let r7=r8<<1111b 00000032 $42678F let r7=r8+(111b*4) 00000035 $427ABCDE let r10=r11+(r12*r13)+r14 00000039 $42DABCDE let r10=r11+(r12>>r13)+r14 0000003D $429ABCFF123456.. let r10=r11+(r12<<11111b)+$12345678 00000045 $98AB add r10, r11 00000047 $99AB sub r10, r11 00000049 $A247 xor r7, 1 0000004B $BA712345 adc r1, r2+(r3*r4)+r5 0000004F $BBD12345 sbc r1, r2+(r3>>r4)+r5 00000053 $BCE12345 mul r1, r2+(r3<>>r4)+r5 00000057 $8E701234 div r1, r2, r3, r4 0000005B $A74E ror r14, 1 0000005D $B0C12345 and r1, r2+(r3<<r4)+r5 00000061 $B1D12345 or r1, r2+(r3>>r4)+r5 00000065 $B2E12345 xor r1, r2+(r3<>>r4)+r5 |
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m3ntal 06 Feb 2015, 17:22
Update: Power Assembler + Disassembler: POWER.ZIP. Not finished or official. I intend to create an emulator in standard C and a Abakis+C compiler that generates PM.
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m3ntal 07 Feb 2015, 12:47
[ Post removed by author. ]
Last edited by m3ntal on 10 Feb 2015, 21:33; edited 1 time in total |
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revolution 07 Feb 2015, 12:53
Can I assume that you are using this encoding as an intermediate step towards producing assembly code? Kind of like Java, .NET or The Mill?
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m3ntal 10 Feb 2015, 19:16
Improved assembler and disassembler written with FASM's macro system (for FASM Linux, Menuet, Kolibri, X). Working on translation module (TRANSLATE.INC). Code: ; $1122334455667788 00000000 $0000 bkp 00000002 $01ABCD sys $ABCD 00000005 $0C07 push r7 00000007 $0807 pop r7 00000009 $0E6EDB pushm 0110111011011011b 0000000C $0ADDB6 popm 1101110110110110b 0000000F $1012 let r1=r2 00000011 $1147 let r7=1 00000013 $1107 let r7=0 00000015 $1187 let r7=$FFFFFFFF 00000017 $11C777 let r7=$77 0000001A $11D71234 let r7=$1234 0000001E $11E7AABBCC let r7=$AABBCC 00000023 $11F712345678 let r7=$12345678 00000029 $122123 let r1=r2+r3 0000002C $123789 let r7=r8-r9 0000002F $124789 let r7=r8*r9 00000032 $12578F let r7=r8<<1111b 00000035 $12678F let r7=r8>>>1111b 00000038 $12778F let r7=r8+(111b*4) 0000003B $1281D71234 let r1=r7+$1234h 00000040 $12B10234 let r1=r2+(r3*r4) 00000044 $12B1D2341234 let r1=r2+(r3*r4)+$1234 0000004A $12C12345 let r1=r2+(r3*r4)+r5 0000004E $12917023 let r1=r2+(r3<<111b) 00000052 $1291FF23 let r1=r2+(r3<<111b)+(1111b*4) 00000056 $12A10F23 let r1=r2+(r3<<1111b) 0000005A $12A1CF2377 let r1=r2+(r3<<1111b)+$77 0000005F $9047 and r7, 1 00000061 $924A xor r10, 1 00000063 $88AB add r10, r11 00000065 $89AB sub r10, r11 00000067 $AAC12345 adc r1, r2+(r3*r4)+r5 0000006B $AB91FF23 sbc r1, r2+(r3<<111b)+(1111b*4) 0000006F $ACA10FBC mul r1, r11+(r12<<1111b) 00000073 $EE701234 div r1, r2, r3, r4 00000077 $A8C12345 add r1, r2+(r3*r4)+r5 0000007B $54F7 go $85 0000007D $ACB1D2347777 mul r1, r2+(r3*r4)+$7777 00000083 $540D go $77 00000085 $12C12345 let r1=r2+(r3*r4)+r5 This will be implemented soon: Code: let r1=r2<<r3 let r1=r2+(r3*r4) let r1=r2&(r3<<1111b) let r1=r2|(r4>>r5) let r1=r2*(r3/r4) let r1=r2/(r3*r4)>>>r5 Code: ; * LET R=R<?>R = 0001.**** <AA>.RRRR RRRR.RRRR ; * LET R=R<?>I = 0001.**** <AA>.RRRR RRRR.VVSS (I) ; * LET R=R<?>X = 0001.**** <AA>.RRRR RRRR.MODE <M> ; * LET R=\ = 0001.**** <AA>.<AA> RRRR.RRRR ; R<?>R<?>R RRRR.RRRR (4 BYTES) ; * LET R=\ = 0001.**** <AA>.<AA> <AA>.RRRR ; R<?>R<?>R\ RRRR.RRRR RRRR.RRRR (5 BYTES) ; <?>R ; EXAMPLE: LET R1=R2*(R3/R4)<<R5 (5 BYTES) Updated addressing modes for new let expressions. ![]() POWER-MACHINE VS VIRTUAL MACHINE "Virtual Machines" (Java+CIL) are "toy assemblers" that can't access memory (*p++=0) or do expressions: r10=r11+(r12<<11111b)+$12345678, equates to arrays and structures, a[i*s]->x. Not usable for systems programming. Not standalone source; requires .CLASS, constant table, library imports. ![]() PS: To design tables, documents, software, architecture, etc, I use Microsoft Publisher (since 97') and Open Office on Android (MiniX 5 HDMI) or Linux (RPI). ENDIAN: HIGH VS LOW PM is high-endian. Quote: "What's the difference between low and high endian?" Code: for i=0, i<n, i++ ; loop i=0 to n ; ... ; high-endian, left to right end ; the way humans read, 0-n for i=n, i>0, i-- ; loop i=n from 0 ; ... ; low-endian, backwards, n-0 end revolution: Yes, an intermediate language, but not like Java, a "Native Machine" that will feature both translation + emulation. Example: Code: sub r1, r2+(r3<<r4)+r5 ; PM r1-=r2+(r3<<r4)+r5; // C mov eax, [esi+?3] ; INTEL mov ecx, [esi+?4] shl eax, cl add eax, [esi+?2] add eax, [esi+?5] sub [esi+?1], eax ldr r1, [r12, ?1] ; ARM ldr r2, [r12, ?2] ldr r3, [r12, ?3] ldr r4, [r12, ?4] ldr r5, [r12, ?5] add r0, r2, r3 lsl r4 add r0, r5 sub r1, r0 str r1, [r12, ?1] Quote: Power-Machine; Smaller than Intel+ARM+Bytecode. Stronger than ARM and M68K. |
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m3ntal 16 Feb 2015, 18:25
Maximum compression based on probability. I can't release all my special algorithms (must get another official (C), mailed to myself), but I can show general techniques that I've developed. Pseudo.. ![]() (Legal: No business/corporation can patent my ideas and prevent anyone from using them. In US, a patent is too expensive for "poor" individuals (say <$7K yearly) and you've gotta have big $ to defend it. BS. I have 1,000s of inventions and product designs and could never afford a patent. All for (C) on code+programs) |
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m3ntal 17 Feb 2015, 15:44
Why *2 for IP and *4 for BP?
IP is only guaranteed to be even. 32BIT integers must be aligned by 2. The +-2/4 after depends on forward/reverse and if there are 1-2 "$data immediate/s" following. BP should be *4. Why 0-F? It should be F-0. Just easier for me to read. I'm not trying to reverse bits. I'm only against reversing the bytes in addition to the bits. Need: rev r, 16/24/32. Why +-N? Why not + signed N as in X86? Why separate the sign in some instructions (ie, go/call/ip/bp) and make it a choice? That's what gives it the power in both directions. Example: +-(10BIT*2) has twice the range of + signed (10BIT*2). Maybe this will help understand: Code: 1. XXXX.00&+.AAAA.[B#] ; MOV @4=&BP[+-#4*4] 2. XXXX.1000.AAAA.[B-] ; MOV BP[-#4*4]=@4 1. BP+-(I4*4). Locals and parameters. Un/signed makes sense with 14-16 maximum parameters 2. BP-(I4*4). Just locals, - for twice the negative range As for arithmetic, sign is chosen by the instruction. mov1=unsigned bytes. Why not do this for 15BIT immediate? INNN... Code: 1NNN.NNNN.NNNN.NNNN: Move R0=I15 0XXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXXX: Remaining instructions Code: 0001.XXXX.XXXX.XXXX I'd like to create a "Visual Encoder" (/CPU Designer) program that allows me/anyone to design encodings, insert BITs and "variable sections". It should tell exactly how many configurations are remaining everytime you set/click a bit or insert a non-bit/"V section": AAAA reserves way more bits than a hard-coded 1010b. Users will know the consequences of every little choice. In order to design the "best" CPU - smallest and most capable - one would have to analyze executables and the frequency of common syntaxes: like A+B/(A+B*C)/*A++=*B++ (not ADD R,I/*M/X, that depends on CPU). How to create an OIC with fixed 16BIT-size instructions? (One-Instruction CPU) This seems like a good idea for beginners: Code: XXXX.%**+.+#AA.ABBB ; XXX1%4 *@3/++=*@3/++ ; ONE LINE CPU On any CPU that has 16 "reserved" BITs available, one can implement a subarchitecture within it. ARM32 PSR has some unused/undocumented BITs. I don't know if the CPU expects them to have certain values. ARM can't do this in 1 instruction: *A++=*B++. Motorola and Miracl3 can. Intel can only do it with: rep movs/stos/x edi++=esi++, ecx. For examples of *A++=*B++, see Abakis > TEXT/DRAW modules. |
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m3ntal 18 Feb 2015, 06:20
Miracle Encoder. Micro-CPU architecture. 256 registers. Superior to Intel+ARM in just a few bits. Design your dream CPU. Mailed to myself same day. 3 copies.
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codestar 19 Feb 2015, 02:49
Hi, everyone. I'll try to explain this "Miracle Encoder"...
Leftmost nibble (F-C) is your "selector, base, exponent" to categorize instructions comparable to chapters of a book or folders which expand and collapse. In this column, there are 16 choices, 0-15. 4K*16=64K possible instructions. Rightmost 12BITs (1-C|B-0) are the "mantissa" sections or sub-chapter/s (yellow). They can have 4K (2^12|1<<12) different configurations each, literally 4096 HC ("Hard-coded", 1010b, B/W, not shown yet) instructions following, connected by the yellow "Lines of Uniqueness" - not sure what to call this - with an exception to the NON-bit sections (let's call this "SC/VBITs, Soft-Coded") displayed in color which cause collisions in the pattern. #Immediate and "#Data word 12BIT" (DXXXh) are also SC/VBITs. Registers A-D can be any variable length from 1-C|B-0. "V Section" can any named variable that is not recognized by the encoder. It could auto-generate an assembler, disassembler & emulator for you/anyone to test your CPU and it could auto-verify the operands, registers, immediates, and their sizes, but the [V] sections would be user-defined. Example: if CODE=0001b, then mov. Users can create and share instructions ![]() Price of VBITs (NON-1-0, NON-yellow): 12=4096. 6=2048. 4=1024. 2=512. 1=256. VBIT "purchases" are testable, returnable and refundable with "Undo/Redo action", and of course, they don't cost real money, but there's an universal concept that functionality is not without a "price"=time, work, sacrifice, energy and there are a finite number of bits which you have to manage wisely like a master accountant to optimize your CPU. How to extract a section of bits ("COD*E*")? Notice the purple COD*E* #1-#4 and the #BITs# below: #B-#8. Shift instruction right by #8 (12-4) then AND/&1111b. Code: my.opcode = (my.instruction shr 8) and 1111b ; easy Why is software so big/bloated today? (GBs+ Windows, GBs+ VS)?. 1. Immediate sizes, 32BIT+, mov dword [12345678h], 0CAFEBABEh takes about 9-10+ bytes if I remember correctly. 2. Standard address executable base is 00400000h (?), 4+ bytes per instruction. Miracl3 CPU defines the format with .section size, and it begins at 0 or anywhere. An address like 80000XXXh would be fine if there was an instruction that could load a 12BIT then OR (1 ROR 1): mor r0=80000ABCh. 3. Many other reasons. What about graphics? I'm thinking Micro-Graphics, 2-12BPP, classic consoles and old-school interfaces (inspired by Tomasz's font editor). 4BPP in grayscale or colorscale (16 shades) is good enough for small games, "applets". 12BPP R4.G4.B4 is perfect for this, compatible with RGB24 (/2 or *2, 50% loss of precision). Thoughts on High VS Low Endian. If you want to reverse the 2 bytes inside 16BIT+ ("word, half, short"), then why not reverse the 4 nibbles within those 2 bytes and the 8 "couples" (what I call them) within those 4 nibbles and the 16 bits within the 8 couples? Code: 12345678 READABLE ; HIGH-ENDIAN ELBADAER ; LOW-ENDIAN PS: No image/upload space on previous account, will be efficient this time with only small 4BPP .GIF instruction sequences, 1-3 lines, that I want to embed permanently and external image for everything else that may/will all fail/break sometime in the future. Quote: "Encodes Miracles" |
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codestar 20 Feb 2015, 01:10
![]() ![]() ![]() Note: In "bitwise currency", the price of a full line (mov1%4) is $4096 and the "bank" has $65536. |
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codestar 20 Feb 2015, 10:44
Micro-Power CPU with Miracle encodings. Old style punch-card programming made easy and modern+ with 16 registers in only 2-bytes. Here are templates (*.PUB) to design your own instructions. They can be inserted independently of the selector A-D value (create, share, trade).. CODE is the operation code, 3-4BIT. 24 (8+16) total instructions can be defined inside COD/E. A/B are the registers, @4=R0-R15. @3=R0-R7. #=Immediate. *=Value at? +=Advance pointer/s? (If 1 +, applies to both: @X+). %=Size: 1/4. |=Or. ?=Choice, in this case, ?=0: #4BIT immediate or ?=1: #16BIT with the following "$DATA word" (4+12, A/BCD, $D.BCD). Example requires 3-4 sections (12K-16K used, 52K-48K remain) and the gray 000 can expand into 7 rows below: 001b, 010b, 011b...
![]() Move Immediate #4/#12/#16/#20/#32 or Branch: GO/CALL #10. ADD/SUB IP, #10*2+-N. P=Push IP first? Call? ![]() Last edited by codestar on 23 Feb 2015, 21:36; edited 1 time in total |
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baldr 20 Feb 2015, 20:48
Those glyphs seem to be antialiased. Which filter had you used? |
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typedef 20 Feb 2015, 21:34
lol, codestar = m3ntal
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codestar 23 Feb 2015, 21:30
Data word example. ? can be used to select 20/32BIT ($D1/$D2) if there is a #8 BIT immediate or 16/28BIT if there is #4 or 12/24BIT if there is no # inside of the instruction. 20BIT direct # (non-IP) is more than ARM can load in one 32BIT instruction, and on Intel and Java/Bytecode, the immediate itself takes 4 bytes! On RPI (<=ARMv6), it takes 3-4 instructions to load this, 12-16 bytes. Miracle encoding schemes are 800%-1200%+ smaller than Intel and ARM.
![]() Example addressing modes. Lines #1-2 take 1 section each. Lines #3-4 are in 1 section. Lines #5+ extend to 8 lines within the same section. #5 is for first 14-16 parameters and locals (+-4BIT), #6-8 are for locals (-5/8BIT). No &=Address operator for assignments. Total is about 4.5 sections, 18K. ![]() ARM-style modes with barrel shifter: A=B<<C. (ASL, LSL, LSR, ROR)? 2 sections for all ($$=0-3) with 3 operands and #5 BIT immediate (0-31): ![]() How to support more registers? ![]() Miracle Disassembler: Code: ; MIRACLE DISASSEMBLER ; OFFSET_CODE______________ASM____________________________ 00000000 $0602 .code #136 00000002 $D088 $data 00000004 $0000 bug 00000006 $077F sys $0000007F 00000008 $0820 push a1 0000000A $0809 pop a7 0000000C $0CFF push $000000FF 0000000E $0D12 push $12345678 00000010 $D345 $data 00000012 $D678 $data 00000014 $2801 mov a1=a2 00000016 $2829 mov a3=a7 00000018 $277F mov a12=1111111b 0000001A $1ABC mov a1=$00000ABC 0000001C $2C87 mov a1=$07ABC123 0000001E $DABC $data 00000020 $D123 $data 00000022 $3281 mov1 a1=*a2++ 00000024 $3ECA mov4 *a7=*a3++ 00000026 $37D9 mov1 *a9++=*a2++ 00000028 $3D73 mov4 *a12++=a4 0000002A $4A0A mov a1=a2[+a3] 0000002C $5A0A mov a1=a2[+a3*4] 0000002E $641F mov a1=a2[+1111b*4] 00000030 $4E0A mov a1=&a2[+a3] 00000032 $5E0A mov a1=&a2[+a3*4] 00000034 $6C1F mov a1=&a2[+1111b*4] 00000036 $460A mov a1[+a2]=a3 00000038 $5242 mov a1[+a2*4]=a3 0000003A $741F mov a1[+1111b*4]=a2 0000003C $8001 add a1,a2 0000003E $80F7 sub a12,a5 00000040 $9210 shl a1,#16 00000042 $9358 shr a3,#24 00000044 $9468 sar a4,#8 00000046 $8313 and a3,a4 00000048 $8381 or a1,a2 0000004A $980E cmp a1,#14 0000004C $E607 gif e,+$0000005A 0000004E $8D06 ror a1,a2,a3 00000050 $A008 add a1,a3,#1 00000052 $A091 sub a1,ip,#4 00000054 $A012 add a1,ip,$00000ABC 00000056 $DABC $data 00000058 $8481 not a1,a2 0000005A $E487 gif ne,-$0000004C 0000005C $8501 tst a1,a2 0000005E $8581 adc a1,a2 00000060 $8601 sbc a1,a2 00000062 $8681 mul a1,a2 00000064 $8701 div a1,a2 00000066 $A785 imul a1,a2,#4 00000068 $2800 nop 0000006A $F010 enter #1,0,0 { 0000006C $6452 mov a1=bp[+0010b*4] 0000006E $A0C0 sub a3,a1,#1 00000070 $3288 mov1 a2=*a1++ 00000072 $8509 tst a2,a2 00000074 $E052 go ne,-$00000070 00000076 $8082 sub a1,a3 00000078 $F203 leave 0000007A $F1FF } 0000007C $E901 if a1=a2 { 0000007E $2800 nop 00000080 $EE1F } 00000082 $E941 if a1<>a2 { 00000084 $0C00 push $00000000 00000086 $B40E call -$0000006A 00000088 $EE1F } ; SIZE: #138 BYTES Miracle Encoder ![]()
Last edited by codestar on 23 Feb 2015, 21:32; edited 1 time in total |
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codestar 23 Feb 2015, 21:31
baldr: None. Windows 7 default settings.
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HaHaAnonymous 23 Feb 2015, 21:37
[ Post removed by author. ]
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