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Index > Windows > How to acces to the Ole properties

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Joined: 29 Oct 2004
Posts: 46
kidscracker 30 Oct 2004, 23:01
i'm looking for some information about how to create and acces to OLE OBJECTS and browse webpages in my application thx
Post 30 Oct 2004, 23:01
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comrade 30 Oct 2004, 23:46
It would be very hard with assembly.

I attach an example in pure C (no C++) and MASM.

Description: masm
Filename: webbrowser.zip
Filesize: 24.08 KB
Downloaded: 377 Time(s)

Description: example in C
Filename: cwebpage.zip
Filesize: 46.73 KB
Downloaded: 362 Time(s)

comrade (comrade64@live.com; http://comrade.ownz.com/)
Post 30 Oct 2004, 23:46
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Joined: 29 Oct 2004
Posts: 46
kidscracker 02 Nov 2004, 16:55
Thanx comrade, your example really help me. I tried to do that uisng the ole classes, but I didn't find the CLSID of the WebBrowser Objects, it isn't in he the header files of the Visual C++ 6.0.
Post 02 Nov 2004, 16:55
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comrade 02 Nov 2004, 18:26
those aren't my examples Smile
Post 02 Nov 2004, 18:26
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kidscracker 02 Nov 2004, 22:21
Well Anyway, you gave those examples, so i thank U,
Post 02 Nov 2004, 22:21
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vbVeryBeginner 19 Dec 2004, 04:19
hi, i try to convert the browser MASM code into FASM version
i don't know which part i might get wrong, coz i couldn't find it Sad
upon execution, it coz stack fault but the application is able to display
the requested webpage normally.

BROWSER caused a stack fault in module SHLWAPI.DLL at 0137:70bd3381.
EAX=00534750 CS=0137 EIP=70bd3381 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00000000 SS=013f ESP=00531ee0 EBP=00532310
ECX=00532108 DS=013f ESI=70e91308 FS=3a87
EDX=d205228c ES=013f EDI=00000104 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
57 56 53 8d 8d d0 fb ff ff ff 75 0c e8 68 e9 ff 
Stack dump:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 

format PE GUI 4.0
include '%fasminc%\win32a.inc'
entry start

IDD_DIALOG1 equ 101
IDC_WBR1     equ 1001
WBM_NAVIGATE        equ WM_USER+100

section '.data' data readable writeable
    wndClsName      db 'WB_DEMO',0
    wndTitle        db 'The Hello Program',0

      wndCls  WNDCLASSEX
  wndMsg  MSG

     wbDllName       db 'wbdll.dll',0

      url1            db 'H:\sulaiman_v2\fasm\tut_24.html',0

 rect            RECT

section '.sdata' readable shareable writeable
 insH            dd ?
        cmdLine         dd ?
        wbDllH          dd ?
        wndH            dd ?

section '.code' code readable executable
        invoke  GetModuleHandle,NULL
                mov  [insH],eax
     invoke  InitCommonControls
  invoke  LoadLibrary,wbDllName
               mov  [wbDllH],eax
   invoke  GetCommandLine
              mov  [cmdLine],eax

              mov  [wndCls.cbSize],sizeof.WNDCLASSEX
              mov  [wndCls.style],CS_HREDRAW + CS_VREDRAW
         mov  [wndCls.lpfnWndProc],proc_window
               mov  [wndCls.cbClsExtra],NULL
               mov  [wndCls.cbWndExtra],DLGWINDOWEXTRA
             push [insH]
         pop  [wndCls.hInstance]
             mov  [wndCls.hbrBackground],COLOR_BTNFACE + 1
               mov  [wndCls.lpszMenuName],NULL
             mov  [wndCls.lpszClassName],wndClsName
      invoke  LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
               mov  [wndCls.hIcon],eax
             mov  [wndCls.hIconSm],eax
   invoke  LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
           mov  [wndCls.hCursor],eax
   invoke  RegisterClassEx,wndCls
      invoke  CreateDialogParam,[insH],IDD_DIALOG1,NULL,proc_window,NULL
  invoke  ShowWindow,[wndH],SW_SHOWNORMAL
     invoke  UpdateWindow,[wndH]

   invoke  GetMessage,wndMsg,NULL,0,0
          or   eax,eax
                je   window_message_loop_end
        invoke  TranslateMessage,wndMsg
     invoke  DispatchMessage,wndMsg
              jmp  window_message_loop_start
      invoke  FreeLibrary,[wbDllH]
        invoke  ExitProcess,0

proc proc_window,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
           push ebx esi edi
            cmp  [uMsg],WM_INITDIALOG
           je   .wmINITDIALOG
          cmp  [uMsg],WM_SIZE
         je   .wmSIZE
                cmp  [uMsg],WM_DESTROY
              je   .wmDESTROY
             cmp  [uMsg],WM_CLOSE
                je   .wmCLOSE

             invoke  DefWindowProc,[hWnd],[uMsg],[wParam],[lParam]
                       jmp  .wmBYE

                  mov  eax,[hWnd]
                     mov  [wndH],eax
             invoke  SendDlgItemMessage,[hWnd],IDC_WBR1,WBM_NAVIGATE,0,url1
                      jmp  .wmBYE

                invoke  GetClientRect,[hWnd],rect
                   add  [rect.top],30
                  sub  [rect.bottom],30
               invoke  GetDlgItem,[hWnd],IDC_WBR1
                  mov  edx,[rect.bottom]
                      shr  edx,1
          invoke  MoveWindow,eax,[rect.left],[rect.top],[rect.right],edx,TRUE
                 jmp  .wmBYE

               invoke  DestroyWindow,[hWnd]
                        jmp  .wmBYE

             invoke  PostQuitMessage,NULL
                        jmp  .wmBYE

         pop  edi esi ebx

section '.idata' import data readable
library        kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
        user32,  'USER32.DLL',\

include '%fasminc%\apia\Kernel32.inc'
include '%fasminc%\apia\User32.inc'
include '%fasminc%\apia\Comctl32.inc'

section '.rsrc' resource from "browser.res"
Post 19 Dec 2004, 04:19
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vbVeryBeginner 19 Dec 2004, 04:21

Description: all files in side
Filename: browser.rar
Filesize: 6.39 KB
Downloaded: 349 Time(s)

Post 19 Dec 2004, 04:21
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Verbosity in development

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vid 19 Dec 2004, 12:17
proc proc_window,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam 
                push ebx esi edi 

shouldn't there be some "enter" macro?
Post 19 Dec 2004, 12:17
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Joined: 15 Aug 2004
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Location: \\world\asia\malaysia
vbVeryBeginner 19 Dec 2004, 12:54
WndProc proc hWin:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM
  LOCAL   rect:RECT

i thought it is the same as below in my code

section '.data' data readable writeable 
    rect            RECT 

by the way, i tried ur suggestion but the result still the same Sad
proc proc_window,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
        rect RECT


                        lea  eax,[rect]
             invoke  GetClientRect,[hWnd],eax
                    add  [rect.top],30
                  sub  [rect.bottom],30
               invoke  GetDlgItem,[hWnd],IDC_WBR1
                  mov  edx,[rect.bottom]
                      shr  edx,1
          invoke  MoveWindow,eax,[rect.left],[rect.top],[rect.right],edx,TRUE
                 jmp  .wmBYE
Post 19 Dec 2004, 12:54
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