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Matrix 19 Oct 2014, 13:52
std C
void zline_3(SDL_Surface *_screen,int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,Uint16 _color)
{ // demonstration of functional polymorphism #3
float slope, j=0;
int dx=abs(x1-x0), dy=abs(y1-y0);
int sx=(x0 < x1)?1:-1, sy=(y0 < y1)?1:-1;
int f=(dx >= dy)?1:0, k=(f)?dx:dy, c=(f)?sx:sy, d=(f)?sy:sx, i;
    for (i=0;abs(i)<=k;i+=c)

macros in std C
#define __clone__( __clone__to, __clone__from )   __typeof__ (__clone__from)  (__clone__to) = (__clone__from)

//  macro var name vs last level variable collision
#define lroundfz( _float_t_ ) ({                                    \
    float_t  f = (float_t)(_float_t_);                          \
    int64_t __tf__ = truncf(f);                                 \
    float_t  __fz__ = ( f - (float_t)__tf__ );                  \
    int32_t result,                                                 \
              __y__ = ( __fz__ > 0.0 ) - ( __fz__ < 0.0 ),          \
              __z__ = ( ( __fz__ *  __y__ ) >= ( 0.5f ) ) * __y__;  \
   result = ( __tf__ + __z__ );                                     \
   result;                                                          \

// rasterize a line on screen with starting position p1 (x0,y0), ending position p2 (x1,y1), draw with color
void zline_5(void* s, p2f_t ip1, p2f_t ip2, uint32_t icolor)
{ // demonstration of functional polymorphism #5    //  multiply version
__clone__(p1, ip1); __clone__(p2, ip2); __clone__(color, icolor);
float dx = fabsf( p2.x - p1.x ), dy = fabsf( p2.y - p1.y );
int sx = ( p1.x < p2.x )?1:-1, sy = ( p1.y < p2.y )?1:-1, f = ( dx >= dy )?1:0, c = (f)?sx:sy, d = (f)?sy:sx, i;
float k = (f) ? dx : dy, slope = (float)(d) * ( (f) ? dy / dx : dx / dy);
  for ( i = 0; abs(i) <= k; i += c ) {
  float   absis = abs(i) * slope;
  putpixel(s, lroundfz(p1.x + (f^1) * absis) + f * i, lroundfz(p1.y + f * absis) + (f^1) * i, color);

(had to disable smilies because it was parsed in codeblock)
Feel free to contribute if you have something to say...
Post 19 Oct 2014, 13:52
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 19 Oct 2014, 14:00
Why is it that C programmers like to use single letter variable names? i, j, f, z, y, x, c, d, g, i2, c5 etc. They communicate no information to the reader IMO and server to confuse things more.

Let's have a campaign against the use of short and uninformative variable names. Let's be more verbose and communicate more to the reader. It's not like there isn't enough disk space to store the source code or something.

Post 19 Oct 2014, 14:00
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Matrix 19 Oct 2014, 14:03
revolution wrote:
Why is it that C programmers like to use single letter variable names? i, j, f, z, y, x, c, d, g, i2, c5 etc. They communicate no information to the reader IMO and server to confuse things more.

Let's have a campaign against the use of short and uninformative variable names. Let's be more verbose and communicate more to the reader. It's not like there isn't enough disk space to store the source code or something.


Only did that because it was short, and locally this does not matter, those are just random temporary variables.
Post 19 Oct 2014, 14:03
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Matrix 19 Oct 2014, 14:23
More Macronizing Abstraction

So what is written in a macro will be computed at compile time,
Macro(s) can be passed to Macro(s) as input(s) so if you write a Matrix Multiplication that can be computed at compile time because you are just lazy to precalculate, it -may- be compiled as a constant.

(added inverse 2x2 matrix macro)


I think Tomasz will like this :)
Post 19 Oct 2014, 14:23
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HaHaAnonymous 27 Feb 2015, 01:10
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Post 27 Feb 2015, 01:10
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 27 Feb 2015, 01:33
The most time that you can ever save is during the initial write phase. Taking a small amount of extra time at the beginning will save more time later when you come back to the code after 12 months and wonder what hell you were doing.

Or put another way; thinking and writing a longer more descriptive variable name does take a modicum of extra time initially. But saves you more when you have to go back through all of it again a year later when you need to change something.
Post 27 Feb 2015, 01:33
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HaHaAnonymous 27 Feb 2015, 02:00
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Post 27 Feb 2015, 02:00
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neville 27 Feb 2015, 02:08
HaHaAnonymous wrote:

when you come back to the code after 12 months and wonder what hell you were doing.

The solution for this is documentation.

In the documentation you can describe how your program works, what every single function does and why.

Apart from that, we also have comments. But it is annoying when you have more comments than actual code in your source (that is where the documentation shines).

Just my opinion.
The best documentation is automatically created by well-written self-documenting source e.g. by using meaningful variable names Razz imo

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Post 27 Feb 2015, 02:08
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typedef 27 Feb 2015, 03:29
HaHaAnonymous wrote:
The solution for this is documentation.

Have you worked on any big projects?

neville wrote:
The best documentation is automatically created by well-written self-documenting source e.g. by using meaningful variable names Razz imo


Last edited by typedef on 27 Feb 2015, 04:52; edited 2 times in total
Post 27 Feb 2015, 03:29
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 27 Feb 2015, 03:35
typedef: Stop misquoting me. I already asked you to stop in another thread.
Post 27 Feb 2015, 03:35
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HaHaAnonymous 27 Feb 2015, 03:55
[ Post removed by author. ]

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Post 27 Feb 2015, 03:55
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typedef 27 Feb 2015, 04:50
Lol. Sorry, I forgot to take my meds. Quoted wrong person hhaha Very Happy

Feel free to edit my posts.
Post 27 Feb 2015, 04:50
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 27 Feb 2015, 05:06
HaHaAnonymous wrote:
The solution for this is documentation.
Since when do programmers ever read documentation to understand the code? Confused

The purpose of documentation is to confuse the end users and make them feel stupid.
proc f356 p1,p2,p3,p4 ;documentation for this function is on page 49
;code with no comments goes here

proc f357 p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 ;documentation for this function is on page 13
;code with no comments goes here
And naturally the page numbers do not correlate with the document because they are edited on different schedules.
Post 27 Feb 2015, 05:06
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redsock 27 Feb 2015, 06:46
Felt the need to chime in here, haha

I have written a fair amount of code that starts with a description of what the function does, and then proceed to write uncommented (and to the casual observer, difficult to follow) assembler (or C, C++, Java, Javascript, etc).

In the context of your macro expansion/confusion in C, since indeed most of those variables are indeed "random temporaries", would the code be easier to read if they were all temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4... etc?

I submit that it would not, and that a,b,c,d or x,y,z is just as easy to comprehend (if comprehension was indeed part of the original design spec).

As is often the case with purely mathematic constructs, it is up to the reader to make sense of what all those mysterious x, y, z's are, and not up to the person who came up with the equation to begin with.

IMO, code is not far off this mark Smile If the input/output of a given function is clearly documented, then in many cases (especially where naming temporaries, registers, etc is not possible OUTSIDE THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATION [emphasis added, haha]), commenting and naming variables inside said function isn't really required.

That said, if the purpose of the function is for people to learn about what is actually happening, then x,y,z doesn't work at all, nor do register names or poorly documented code (that I am also guilty of).


$0.02 thusly
Post 27 Feb 2015, 06:46
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l_inc 27 Feb 2015, 14:30
There are cases where x,y,z and i,j,k are descriptive enough. The former are good for (surprise-surprise!) coordinates, though in some cases those need to be more specific such as xMov or xPos. And the latter are generally acknowledged as indices starting with i, which is a direct abbreviation of the word, and j,k for the cases of naming clashes.

Most important is however the documentation directly embedded into the inline comments, which is especially true for assembly code, where I normally write a description to the right of instructions for each value placed into a register.

Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy
Post 27 Feb 2015, 14:30
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