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Index > OS Construction > Setting up PML4 table

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Joined: 25 Jul 2014
Posts: 32
AnonymousUser 07 Aug 2014, 19:27
Hello all I have been working on a Bootloader and I am trying to enter Long mode from Protected mode and All I have left is to set up the PML4 table But I haven't been able to find any good references on how to do that here is a snippet of what I have done:
lidt [IDT]
         ;disable paging
        mov cr0, eax
        xor    eax, 1 << 31
        mov eax, cr0
        ; Enter long mode.
    mov eax, 10100000b                ; Set the PAE and PGE bit.
    mov cr4, eax
        ;Note: Will not work no table                        
        mov cr3, edx ; Point CR3 at the PML4.
        mov ecx, 0xC0000080               ; Read from the EFER MSR. 
    or eax, 0x00000100                ; Set the LME bit.
    mov ebx, cr0                      ; Activate long mode -
    or ebx,0x80000001                 ; - by enabling paging and protection simultaneously.
    mov cr0, ebx        
        jmp 0x8:Long_Mode
        [BITS 64]

Thanks in advance
Post 07 Aug 2014, 19:27
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Posts: 32
AnonymousUser 07 Aug 2014, 23:43
I Just tried this:
[BITS 16]
org 0x2000


 jmp  main
;                                ;
;                                ;
;    Constants   ;
;                                ;
%DEFINE COLS    80                      ; width and height of screen

X_POS:  db 0
Y_POS:  db 0

;    Enabling    ;
;    The A20     ;
;         line           ;

        IN AL, 0x92         ; A20, using fast A20 gate
    MOV CL, AL
    AND CL, 2
    JNZ .skip            ; if a20 bit seems set, don't touch it
    OR AL, 2
    OUT 0x92, AL



;first stage of bootloader is loaded at the address 0x07c0:0
        ;second stage of bootloader is loaded at address 0x200:0x0
   xor ax, ax         ; All segments set to 0, flat memory model
   mov ds, ax
   mov es, ax
   mov gs, ax
   mov fs, ax
   mov ss, ax
   ; Set stack top SS:0xffff
   mov sp, 0x0FFFF

        mov [CDDriveNumber], dl
        lgdt [GDT_32];load the gdt
        call EnableA20
        mov eax, cr0
        or eax, 1
        mov cr0, eax
         ; Flush CS and set code selector
        jmp 0x8:Protected_Mode
        [BITS 32];Declare 32 bits
        ;set up segment registers
        XOR   AX, AX
        MOV   AX, 0x10 
        MOV   DS, AX
        MOV   ES, AX
        MOV   FS, AX
        MOV   GS, AX
        MOV   SS, AX
        MOV   ESP, 0x900000
        ;prints an A to the top of the screen
        call clear
        mov eax, cr0
        or eax, 1 << 31
        mov cr0, eax
        xor bx, bx
        mov bx, LOAD_SUCCESS
        call sPrint
        mov bx, Entered_PMODE
        call sPrint
        ;Disable paging
        ;lidt [IDT]
        xor eax, eax
        mov ebx, 0x100000
                mov ecx, ebx
                or ecx, 3
                mov [table_768+eax*4], ecx
                add ebx, 4096
                inc eax
                cmp eax, 1024
                je .end
                jmp .fill_table
        mov al, 0xFF                                                            ; set out 0xFF to 0xA1 and 0x21 to disable all IRQs
        out 0xA1, al
        out 0x21, al

        ; Setup long mode.
        mov eax, cr0                                                            ; read from CR0
        and eax, 0x7FFFFFFF                                                     ; clear paging bit
        mov cr0, eax                                                            ; write to CR0
        mov eax, cr4                                                            ; read from CR4
        or eax, 0x000000A0                                                      ; set the PAE and PGE bit
        mov cr4, eax                                                            ; write to CR4

        mov eax, [table_768]                                    ; point eax to PML4 pointer location
        or eax, 0x0000000B                                                      ; enable write-through
        mov cr3, eax                                                            ; save PML4 pointer into CR3
        mov ecx, 0xC0000080                                                     ; read from the EFER MSR
        rdmsr                                                                           ; read MSR
        or eax, 0x00000101                                                      ; set the LME and SYSCALL/SYSRET bits
        wrmsr                                                                           ; write MSR

        lgdt [GDT_64.Pointer]                                                   ; load 64bit GDT pointer
        mov eax, cr0                                                            ; read from CR0
        or eax, 0x80000000                                                      ; set paging bit
        mov cr0, eax                                                            ; write to CR0
        jmp 0x8:Long_Mode
        [BITS 64]
        xor bx, bx
        mov bx, Entered_LMODE
        call sPrint
        [BITS 32]
        mov edi, VIDEO_MEM
        mov BYTE[edi], ' '
        mov BYTE[edi+1], 14
        rep stosw
        MOV BYTE[X_POS], 0x0
        MOV BYTE [Y_POS], 0x0
                jmp .start
                call NewLine
                MOV BYTE[EDI], ' '
                jmp .Next
                MOV EDI, VIDEO_MEM
                xor ecx, ecx
                xor eax, eax
                mov     ecx, COLS*2             ; Mode 7 has 2 bytes per char, so its COLS*2 bytes per line
                mov     al, BYTE [Y_POS]        ; get y pos
                mul     ecx                     ; multiply y*COLS
                push    eax                     ; save eax--the multiplication
                mov     al, byte [X_POS]        ; multiply _CurX by 2 because it is 2 bytes per char
                mov     cl, 2
                mul     cl
                pop     ecx                     ; pop y*COLS result
                add     eax, ecx
                add edi, eax
                mov al,BYTE[bx]
                cmp al, 0x0;check if end
                je .Done
                cmp al, 0xA;check if new line
                je .Row
                mov BYTE[edi],al 
                mov BYTE[edi+1], TEAL
                INC BX
                inc     BYTE[X_POS]             ; go to next character
                cmp     BYTE[X_POS], COLS               ; are we at the end of the line?
                je      .Row                    ; yep-go to next row
                jmp .start
        inc BYTE[Y_POS]
        MOV BYTE[X_POS], -1
Entered_PMODE:  db "You have succcessfully entered Protected Mode Very Happy",0xA, 0
LOAD_SUCCESS:   db "Stage 2 Loaded Successfully",0xA, 0
CDDriveNumber:  db 0
Entered_LMODE:  db "You have successfully entered Long Mode Very Happy !!!!!!!!!!!",0xA,0

;null descriptor
dd 0
dd 0
;data descriptor
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db 10011010b
db 11001111b
db 0
;code descriptor
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db 10010010b
db 11001111b
db 0
align 4

    dq 0x0000000000000000             ; Null Descriptor - should be present.
    dq 0x0020980000000000             ; 64-bit code descriptor. 
    dq 0x0000900000000000             ; 64-bit data descriptor. 
    dw $ - GDT_64 - 1                    ; 16-bit Size (Limit) of GDT.
    dd GDT_64                            ; 32-bit Base Address of GDT. (CPU will zero extend to 64-bit)

    .Length       dw 0
    .Base         dd 0

PML4_POINTER:;blank table
        dd 0                                                                            
table_768: dd 0


Still no luck Note: it does go into Protected mode correctly.

Thanks in advance
Post 07 Aug 2014, 23:43
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BAiC 08 Aug 2014, 00:42
Tomasz built an example that does this. it's in the examples section.
Post 08 Aug 2014, 00:42
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Posts: 32
AnonymousUser 08 Aug 2014, 00:47
I don't see it in the examples section all I see is the MIDI Input topic by Tomasz Could you give me a link???
Post 08 Aug 2014, 00:47
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sinsi 08 Aug 2014, 03:46
mov eax, [table_768] doesn't load the address of the table.
lea eax, [table_768] or mov eax, table_768 gets the address.
Post 08 Aug 2014, 03:46
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AnonymousUser 08 Aug 2014, 04:04
Just tried both of those still crashing looks like the address of the gdt is : 0x2217 right before it crashes
Post 08 Aug 2014, 04:04
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BAiC 08 Aug 2014, 05:11
Post 08 Aug 2014, 05:11
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AnonymousUser 08 Aug 2014, 06:41
Ok I just tried the example like so:
;first stage of bootloader is loaded at the address 0x07c0:0 
        ;second stage of bootloader is loaded at address 0x200:0x0 
   xor ax, ax         ; All segments set to 0, flat memory model 
   mov ds, ax 
   mov es, ax 
   mov gs, ax 
   mov fs, ax 
   mov ss, ax 
   ; Set stack top SS:0xffff 
   mov sp, 0x0FFFF 

        mov [CDDriveNumber], dl 
        lgdt [GDT_32];load the gdt 
        call EnableA20 
        mov eax, cr0 
        or eax, 1 
        mov cr0, eax 
         ; Flush CS and set code selector 
        jmp 0x8:Protected_Mode 
        [BITS 32];Declare 32 bits 
        mov     eax,0x10        ; load 4 GB data descriptor
                mov     ds,ax                   ; to all data segment registers
                mov     es,ax
                mov     fs,ax
                mov     gs,ax
                mov     ss,ax

                mov     eax,cr4
                or      eax,1 << 5
                mov     cr4,eax                 ; enable physical-address extensions

                mov     edi,70000h
                mov     ecx,4000h >> 2
                xor     eax,eax
                rep     stosd                   ; clear the page tables

                mov     dword [70000h],71000h + 111b ; first PDP table
                mov     dword [71000h],72000h + 111b ; first page directory
                mov     dword [72000h],73000h + 111b ; first page table

                mov     edi,73000h              ; address of first page table
                mov     eax,0 + 111b
                mov     ecx,256                 ; number of pages to map (1 MB)
                add     edi,4
                add     eax,1000h
                loop    make_page_entries

                mov     eax,70000h
                mov     cr3,eax                 ; load page-map level-4 base

                mov     ecx,0C0000080h          ; EFER MSR
                or      eax,1 << 8              ; enable long mode
                mov     eax,cr0
                or      eax,1 << 31
                mov     cr0,eax                 ; enable paging

        jmp 0x08:Long_Mode 
        [BITS 64] 
        xor bx, bx 
        mov bx, Entered_LMODE 
        call sPrint 

Still crashes I'll go and debug it now in bochs and see what I find.

Thanks in advance
Post 08 Aug 2014, 06:41
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Location: California
BAiC 08 Aug 2014, 08:21
the example assembles fine. which means the error is in the code you included.

what's with the C shift operators (<<) ? FASM doesn't implement this syntax. use "shl" instead of "<<".

also; you're not including all of your code. so we can't test it.
Post 08 Aug 2014, 08:21
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Posts: 32
AnonymousUser 08 Aug 2014, 13:05
Here is the full code:
[BITS   16]

[ORG  0x0]

start : jmp 0x7c0:main
; boot info block
times 8-($-$$) db 0
BootInfoPrimVolDescr   resd 1
BootInfoFileLoc           resd 1
BootInfoFileLength      resd  1
BootInfoChecksum       resd 1
BootInfoReserved        resd 40

;Colors for text
%define ISO_DIRECTORY_LEN 33      ; length of constant part of directory record

COL: db 0
ROW:  db 0
LOADSEG equ 0x200 ; ?
LOADOFFS equ 0 ; ?
jumptarget dw LOADOFFS, LOADSEG
;macro for print
%macro Print 2
        xor ax, ax
        xor dx, dx
        mov dh, BYTE[ROW];puts the row into the dh register
        mov dl, BYTE[COL]
        xor bx, bx
        mov bl, %2
        mov si, %1
        call cPrint
        mov BYTE[COL], dl
 ;saves the rows for the next time we need to print


        mov dh, BYTE[ROW]          
    mov ah, 0x02            ;set cursor pos
    mov bh, 0x00            ;page 00
    inc dh                      ;row 00
    mov dl, 0x00            ;col. 00    
        int 0x10
        mov BYTE[ROW], dh
        mov BYTE[COL], 0


itoa:;number is passed into ax
jmp .beggining

neg ax
push ax

mov al, '-'
mov ah, 0xe 
int 0x10
pop ax
jmp .top
xor bx , bx
mov cx, 10;mov into cx 10
cmp ax, 0
jl .negate

        ;divide by 10 and push remainder onto stack 
        xor dx, dx;clear out remainder
        div cx ;divide ax by 10
        push dx;push the remainder onto the stack for later
        inc bx;count the number of digits
        test ax,ax;if ax = 0 then stop
jne .top

        pop ax;restore the remainder
        add ax, '0';convert to ASCII
        mov ah, 0xe;print
        int 0x10
        dec bx;get ready for the next digit
        cmp bx, 0;if not zero then jump to .loop        
jne .loop

cPrint:                   ; Routine: output string in SI to screen

        ;Paramaters for Input 
    mov ah, 09h             ; Must be 9 to print color
    mov cx, 0x01                        ;x position
    lodsb                   ; Get character from string
    test al, al
    je .done                ; If char is zero, end of string
    int 0x10                 ; Otherwise, print it

    mov ah, 0x02                        ;set cursor position
    mov bh, 0x00                        ;page
    inc dl              ;column
    int 0x10                            ;changes the cursor position so the next char can be written at the new location
    jmp .top


;clears the screen and sets the cursor position to the top left 
    mov ah, 0x0F            ;get current video mode
    mov al, 0x00            ;reset register
    int 0x10                ;get video mode
    mov ah, 0x00            ;set video mode
    int 0x10                ;reset screen
    mov ah, 0x02            ;set cursor pos
    mov bh, 0x01            ;page 00
    mov dh, 0x00            ;row 00
    mov dl, 0x00            ;col. 00
    int 0x10            ;set pos
        mov BYTE[ROW], DH
        mov BYTE[COL],0

        ;/* Read the sector into memory. */
                        mov     ah,042h
                        xor     al,al
                        mov     si, DiskAddressPacket
                        mov     dl, [CDDriveNumber]
                        int     013h
        jnc    .Success         ; /* read error? */

        Print Read_Sector_Error_MSG, RED

                Print Progress_MSG , PURPLE
                inc WORD[DiskAddressPacket.SectorsToRead]
        loop    .ForLoop
                call Print_ln
        Print CHECK_DESC_MSG, TEAL
        mov es, WORD[DiskAddressPacket.Segment]
        mov di, WORD[DiskAddressPacket.Offset]
        xor bx, bx
                mov al, BYTE[ES:DI+BX]
                mov BYTE[VOLUME+BX], al
                inc bx
                cmp al, ' '
                je .Done
                jmp .top

        ;see if the Volume descriptor contains the Signature
        xor BX, BX; clear out bx
        add BX, 0x01;move into bx the offset
        xor cx, cx;clear out cx
        xor ax, ax
        mov al, BYTE[VOLUME+BX] 
        cmp al, BYTE[CD_Signature+BX-1]
        je .FOUND_IT; Compare the letters Byte by Byte to see if they are the same
        jmp .Done2
        inc CX;increments if even one letter is wrong
        Print Progress_MSG, PURPLE
        inc BX;Increments the offset
        jmp .toploop
        cmp CX, 0;if signatures don't match then stop the system and print an error Message
        jne .FAIL
        call Print_ln
        Print FOUND_CD, TEAL
        jmp .Done3
        Print FILE_NOT_FOUND, RED
        call Print_ln
        call Print_ln
        mov di, [DiskAddressPacket.Offset]
        mov es, [DiskAddressPacket.Segment]

    xor BX, BX;clears out bx
        xor si, si ;clears out si
        xor cx, cx
        MOV CX, [ES:DI+32]
                MOV AL,BYTE[ES:DI+BX] ;moves a byte of a possible start of a file entry
                cmp AL,BYTE[STAGE2];compares it with file I want
                je .Done;if it is then jump out of loop
                INC BX;get ready for next file entry
        jmp .top
        Print Found_Possible_FILE, TEAL;prints it found a possible file
        XOR SI, SI;Clear out for use
        ;=INC BX
        ;INC SI
        xor cx, cx;clear out for use as counter
        .top2:;compares strings to see if they are the same
                ;xor ax, ax;clears out acx
                ;prints out a letter to the screen
                MOV AL, BYTE[ES:DI+BX]
                MOV AH, 0xE
                INT 0x010
                xor ax, ax
                MOV AL, BYTE [ES:DI+BX]
                cmp AL, BYTE[STAGE2+SI]
                je .Success
                call Print_ln
                jmp .top
                        ;Print Progress_MSG, PURPLE;progress message
                        INC BX;get ready for next character
                        INC SI;get ready for next character     
                        INC CX; increment counter 
        cmp CX, WORD[STAGE_2_LEN] 
        jne .top2
        ;call clear
        call Print_ln
        Print File_Found, TEAL;prints found file if found
        call Print_ln
        Print Reading_Sectors, TEAL;prints reading sector message
        ;call clear
        %define STAGE2_LEN 12            ; STAGE2.BIN;1
        %define ISO_DIRECTORY_LEN 33      ; length of constant part of directory record
        %define ISO_DIRECTORY_LBA_OFFSET 2  ; offset of LBA member of structure

   ; Set SEG:OFFSET to 0x2000 load address
   mov word [DiskAddressPacket.Offset], 0
   mov word [DiskAddressPacket.Segment], 0x200
   ; Adjust BX
   mov di, bx   ; save bx and get rid of it. Only want to use ES:DI
   xor bx, bx
   ; Adjust ES:DI to point to LBA / Extent member of directory structure
   sub di, STAGE2_LEN
   ; Now [ES:DI] -> LBA / Extent of directory record in both endian formats; grab little endian format into EAX
   mov eax, [ES:DI]
   ; Now EAX = LBA to start loading from. Store it
   mov dword [DiskAddressPacket.End], EAX
   ; Should calculate this from extentSize field: sector count = (extentSize / sectorSize) + 1
   mov word [DiskAddressPacket.SectorsToRead], 4
        xor cx, cx;clears out cx
        mov cx, 0x01;puts in cx 0x04 for how many sectors to read
        call Read_Sectors;calls the read sectors
        Print READ_SUCCESS, TEAL;if it gets here that means it was successful
        ;jump to where the file is located and run it
        call Print_ln
        MOV AX, ES
        call itoa
        mov AL, ':'
        MOV AH, 0xE
        INT 0x010

        MOV AX, DI
        call itoa
        call Print_ln
        ;call clear
        mov dl, [CDDriveNumber]

        push    0x200
        push    0x000
        .FAIL:;it failed so print that the file wasn't found and halt the system
        ;call Print_ln
        Print FILE_NOT_FOUND, RED
        ;first stage of bootloader is loaded at the address 0x07c0:0x0
        ;second stage of bootloader is loaded at address 0x5000:0x0
        mov ax, 0x07c0
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax
    ;Set up Stack
        xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0xFFFE
        mov     [CDDriveNumber],dl
        call clear

        Print W_MSG, TEAL;prints the loading message in colour
        Print DOTS, PURPLE
        call Print_ln
        call Print_ln
        Print BOOT_MSG, TEAL
        call Print_ln
        Print BootInfoPrimVolDescr_MSG, TEAL
        MOV AX, WORD[BootInfoPrimVolDescr]
        call itoa
        call Print_ln
        Print BootInfoFileLoc_MSG, TEAL
        MOV AX,  WORD[BootInfoFileLoc]
        call itoa
        call Print_ln
        Print BootInfoFileLength_MSG, TEAL
        MOV AX, WORD[BootInfoFileLength]
        call itoa
        call Print_ln
        Print BootInfoChecksum_MSG, TEAL
        MOV AX, WORD[BootInfoChecksum]
        call itoa
        call Print_ln
        Print BootInfoReserved_MSG, TEAL
        MOV AX, WORD[BootInfoReserved]
        call itoa
        call Print_ln
        call Print_ln


        ;First find the Signature of the CD 
        Print Reading_Sectors, TEAL
        mov cx, 0x04
        call Read_Sectors
        Print READ_SUCCESS, TEAL
        call Print_ln
        ;load the Volume descriptor to the Volume variable
        call CHECK_DESC
        ;Now Load the Root Directory from the Volume Descriptor
                ;Print Reading_Sectors, TEAL
                mov es, WORD[DiskAddressPacket.Segment]
                mov di, WORD[DiskAddressPacket.Offset]
                XOR BX, BX
                MOV BX, 40 ;move in the offset

                        MOV CL,[ES:DI+BX]                   ; Grab a letter 
                        CMP CL,' '                          ; Is it a space? (Assumes end of string is space, may run out) 
                        JE .VolumeLabelDone                 ; Yes, we are done 

                        MOV [VOLUME+BX-40],CL 
                        INC BX 
                        JMP VolumeLabelLoop                 ; Need to compare BX to length of Volume Label on CD (32?) 

                                Print Reading_Sectors, TEAL
                                MOV byte [VOLUME+BX-40],0      ; End the string 

                                MOV EAX,[ES:DI+158]                 ; LBA of root directory, where all things start. 
                                ;MOV [DiskAddressPacket.End],EAX     ; Load packet with new address on CD of the root directory 
                                MOV [DiskAddressPacket.End],EAX     ; Load packet with new address on CD of the root directory 
                                xor cx, cx
                                mov cx, 0x04
                                call Read_Sectors
                                Print READ_SUCCESS, TEAL;if the program gets here it means it was a success
                                call Print_ln
        call READ_STAGE2
                Print FILE_NOT_FOUND, RED
CDDriveNumber:                          db              0x080
CD_Signature:                           db      "CD001"
CD_FILE_VER:                            db      0x01
CD_FileNameLength:                      db              0x0
CD_dir_curr_size:                       db              0x0
Reading_Sectors:                        db              "Reading sectors", 0
CHECK_DESC_MSG:                         db              "Checking for CD Signature",0
LOADING_STAGE2_MSG:                     db              "Loading Stage 2 of boot loader",0
STAGE_2_LEN:                            DW              0xC
File_Found:                                     db              "File for Stage 2 of the bootloader was found!!",0
LOADING_STAGE2_FAILED:          db      "Failed to load Stage 2 of the boot loader !!!!!",0
Found_Possible_FILE:            db              "Found Possible File: ",0
Colon:                                          db              ":",0
FILE_ENTRY:                                     db              0
JolietSig                               DB      25h, 2fh, 45h                               ; this is the value of the escape sequence for a Joliet CD 
BOOT_MSG:                                       DB              "Boot Info Table:", 0                           
DOTS:                                           db              ".....",0       
                                        ;Disk Address Packet                            
DiskAddressPacket:          db 0x010,0                                            
.SectorsToRead:             dw 1                              ; Number of sectors to read (read size of OS) 
.Offset:                    dw 0                              ; Offset :0000h
.Segment:                   dw 0x0200                         ; Segment 01000h
.End:                       dq 0x010                             ; Sector 16 or 10h on CD-ROM 

VOLUME:                                         DW 0
BootInfoPrimVolDescr_MSG:       db "Volume Descriptor: ", 0
BootInfoFileLoc_MSG         db "File Location:     ", 0  
BootInfoFileLength_MSG          db "File Length:       ", 0
BootInfoChecksum_MSG            db "Checksum:          ", 0
BootInfoReserved_MSG        db "Reserved:          ", 0                                 
W_MSG:                                          db "Loading Z-Boot", 0
STAGE2:                                         db "STAGE2.BIN;1"
Read_Sector_Error_MSG:          db "Error, failed to read sector",0
READ_SUCCESS:                           db "Sectors read correctly!",0
Progress_MSG:                           db ".",0
FILE_NOT_FOUND:                         db "Error, file not found!",0
FOUND_CD:                                       db "Found the CD Signature!", 0
times 2046 - ($ - $$)           db 0; padd out the rest of the file to 0


Stage 2

[BITS 16] 
org 0x2000 


 jmp  main 
;                                ; 
;                                ; 
;    Constants   ; 
;                                ; 
%DEFINE COLS    80                      ; width and height of screen 

X_POS:  db 0 
Y_POS:  db 0 

;    Enabling    ; 
;    The A20     ; 
;         line           ; 

    IN AL, 0x92         ; A20, using fast A20 gate 
    MOV CL, AL 
    AND CL, 2 
    JNZ .skip            ; if a20 bit seems set, don't touch it 
    OR AL, 2 
    OUT 0x92, AL 



;first stage of bootloader is loaded at the address 0x07c0:0 
        ;second stage of bootloader is loaded at address 0x200:0x0 
   xor ax, ax         ; All segments set to 0, flat memory model 
   mov ds, ax 
   mov es, ax 
   mov gs, ax 
   mov fs, ax 
   mov ss, ax 
   ; Set stack top SS:0xffff 
   mov sp, 0x0FFFF 

        mov [CDDriveNumber], dl 
        lgdt [GDT_32];load the gdt 
        call EnableA20 
        mov eax, cr0 
        or eax, 1 
        mov cr0, eax 
         ; Flush CS and set code selector 
        jmp 0x8:Protected_Mode 
        [BITS 32];Declare 32 bits 
        mov     eax,0x10        ; load 4 GB data descriptor
                mov     ds,ax                   ; to all data segment registers
                mov     es,ax
                mov     fs,ax
                mov     gs,ax
                mov     ss,ax

                mov     eax,cr4
                or      eax,1 << 5
                mov     cr4,eax                 ; enable physical-address extensions

                mov     edi,70000h
                mov     ecx,4000h >> 2
                xor     eax,eax
                rep     stosd                   ; clear the page tables

                mov     dword [70000h],71000h + 111b ; first PDP table
                mov     dword [71000h],72000h + 111b ; first page directory
                mov     dword [72000h],73000h + 111b ; first page table

                mov     edi,73000h              ; address of first page table
                mov     eax,0 + 111b
                mov     ecx,256                 ; number of pages to map (1 MB)
                add     edi,4
                add     eax,1000h
                loop    make_page_entries

                mov     eax,70000h
                mov     cr3,eax                 ; load page-map level-4 base

                mov     ecx,0C0000080h          ; EFER MSR
                or      eax,1 << 8              ; enable long mode
                mov     eax,cr0
                or      eax,1 << 31
                mov     cr0,eax                 ; enable paging

        jmp 0x08:Long_Mode 
        [BITS 64] 
        xor bx, bx 
        mov bx, Entered_LMODE 
        call sPrint 
        [BITS 32] 
        mov edi, VIDEO_MEM 
        mov BYTE[edi], ' ' 
        mov BYTE[edi+1], TEAL
        rep stosw 
        MOV BYTE[X_POS], 0x0 
        MOV BYTE [Y_POS], 0x0 
                jmp .start 
                call NewLine 
                MOV BYTE[EDI], ' ' 
                jmp .Next 
                MOV EDI, VIDEO_MEM 
                xor ecx, ecx 
                xor eax, eax 
                mov     ecx, COLS*2             ; Mode 7 has 2 bytes per char, so its COLS*2 bytes per line 
                mov     al, BYTE [Y_POS]        ; get y pos 
                mul     ecx                     ; multiply y*COLS 
                push    eax                     ; save eax--the multiplication 
                mov     al, byte [X_POS]        ; multiply _CurX by 2 because it is 2 bytes per char 
                mov     cl, 2 
                mul     cl 
                pop     ecx                     ; pop y*COLS result 
                add     eax, ecx 
                add edi, eax 
                mov al,BYTE[bx] 
                cmp al, 0x0;check if end 
                je .Done 
                cmp al, 0xA;check if new line 
                je .Row 
                mov BYTE[edi],al  
                mov BYTE[edi+1], PURPLE
                INC BX 
                inc     BYTE[X_POS]             ; go to next character 
                cmp     BYTE[X_POS], COLS               ; are we at the end of the line? 
                je      .Row                    ; yep-go to next row 
                jmp .start 
        inc BYTE[Y_POS] 
        MOV BYTE[X_POS], -1 
Entered_PMODE:  db "You have succcessfully entered Protected Mode Very Happy",0xA, 0 
LOAD_SUCCESS:   db "Stage 2 Loaded Successfully",0xA, 0 
CDDriveNumber:  db 0 
Entered_LMODE:  db "You have successfully entered Long Mode Very Happy !!!!!!!!!!!",0xA,0 

;null descriptor 
dd 0 
dd 0 
;data descriptor 
dw 0xFFFF 
dw 0 
db 0 
db 10011010b 
db 11001111b 
db 0 
;code descriptor 
dw 0xFFFF 
dw 0 
db 0 
db 10010010b 
db 11001111b 
db 0 
align 4 

    dq 0x0000000000000000             ; Null Descriptor - should be present. 
    dq 0x0020980000000000             ; 64-bit code descriptor.  
    dq 0x0000900000000000             ; 64-bit data descriptor.  
    dw $ - GDT_64 - 1                    ; 16-bit Size (Limit) of GDT. 
    dd GDT_64                            ; 32-bit Base Address of GDT. (CPU will zero extend to 64-bit) 

    .Length       dw 0 
    .Base         dd 0 

PML4_POINTER:;blank table 
        dd 0                                                                             
table_768: dd 0 


for me shl doesen't work I have to use those operators instead They do the same thing I need to convert to fasm I am using nasm that's why I haven't been using complete code for me when I use the shl instruction it like shl ax, 2

Thanks in advance
Post 08 Aug 2014, 13:05
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Joined: 25 Jul 2014
Posts: 32
AnonymousUser 08 Aug 2014, 13:36
The Problem seems to be happening when I enable paging here:
                mov     eax,cr0
                or      eax,1 shl 31
                mov     cr0,eax                 ; enable paging

the gdt seems to go back to address 0x0 for some reason and

cr0 = 0xe0000011 
cr2 = 0x0
cr3 = 0x0070000
cr4 = 0x0000020
EIP = 0x000020c1


That must mean something is wrong with my page table but I have no Idea what is I did it exactly as it was in the example

Thanks in advance
Post 08 Aug 2014, 13:36
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Joined: 25 Jul 2014
Posts: 32
AnonymousUser 09 Aug 2014, 16:27
I figured out what it was The problem was that I was using the 32 bit functions in 64 bit and I forgot to use lgdt[GDT_64.Pointer] thanks for the help anyways guys
Post 09 Aug 2014, 16:27
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Posts: 557
smiddy 11 Aug 2014, 14:11
Post 11 Aug 2014, 14:11
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