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Index > Macroinstructions > Understanding IRP, IRPS, IRPV

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Joined: 08 Dec 2013
Posts: 296
m3ntal 15 Jul 2014, 21:04
A small example I found on my PC and thought might be helpful. To view result, click Compile or press Ctrl+F9.


; irp/s iterates through a list of symbols
; separated with commas (irp) or spaces (irps)

; display ABC.123.XYZ using irp/s

irp x,\
 'A','B','C','.' {
 display x

irps x,\
 '1' '2' '3' '.' {
 display x

e equ 'X','Y','Z'

irp x, e { display x }

restore e

macro display.nl { display 0Dh, 0Ah }


; xor eax/ecx/edx

irps x,\
 'a' 'c' 'd' {
 r equ 'e'#x#'x'
 display 'xor ', r, ',', r
 restore r

; create a list then iterate through it.
; first match is needed to convert/expand
; the single "name token" e into list a,b,c

e equ 1,2,3      ; create list

n=0              ; count # items...
match a, e {     ; convert/expand
 irp x, a \{     ; iterate through list

display '#',\    ; display #
 n+'0', ':', ' '

match a, e {     ; convert/expand
 irp x, a \{     ; iterate through list
  display \      ; display all items
   x+'0', ' '

macro display.list [e] {
  match a, e \{  ; convert/expand
   irps x, a \\{ ; iterate through list
    display \    ; display all items
     x+'0', ' '

display.list 4 5 6 7

restore e ; finished

; irpv iterates through the stacked list
; of equate definitions. if the equate is
; undefined, irpv will not be processed

e equ 7       ; create equate stack
e equ 6       ; of digits
e equ 5

n=0           ; count # equates
irpv x, e {   ; iterate through stack

display \     ; display # equates
 '#', n+'0',\
 ':', ' '

irpv x, e {   ; iterate through stack
 display \    ; display all digits
  x+'0', ' '

irpv x, e {   ; restore equates
 restore e
}             ; now, e is undefined

; ensure 'e' was properly restored.
; to see this message, comment
; "; restore e" above

irpv x, e {
 'Error: Not restored'

; do this inside of a macro...

macro test1 [p] {
 common            ; once...
  local list
  list equ
  match e, p \{    ; collect and
   restore list    ; store parameters
   irps x, e \\{   ; in equate stack
    list equ x
  irpv x, list \{  ; iterate through
   display \       ; equate stack
    x+'0', ' '     ; display digits
  irpv x, list \{  ; restore each one
   restore list

test1 4 3 2 1


; ABC.123.XYZ
; xor eax,eax
; xor ecx,ecx
; xor edx,edx
; #3: 1 2 3
; 4 5 6 7
; #3: 7 6 5
; 4 3 2 1    
Post 15 Jul 2014, 21:04
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Joined: 19 Mar 2008
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baldr 16 Jul 2014, 02:00

Are you sure that in
e equ 'X','Y','Z'

irp x, e { display x }    
irp iterates? It expands to display e, then e is substituted with 'X','Y','Z' as usual. Later you're using match to expand symbolic constants, why not here?
Post 16 Jul 2014, 02:00
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revolution 16 Jul 2014, 02:08
Perhaps a better way to show if expansion is active or not is to use:
irp x, e { display x,'-' }    
If you see three dashes then you know that IRP iterated, else you'll see only one dash and know that e was not expanded. For a newbie this kind of thing would be informative.
Post 16 Jul 2014, 02:08
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m3ntal 16 Jul 2014, 03:48
baldr: I thought irp/x was an abbreviation for iterate/repeat. Match is not needed in that case.

Seems like you're always trying to discredit me, but what do you contribute? You have knowledge of macros? Please write some tutorials, make a web site, do something productive and you'll feel good about yourself.

Thanks for the suggestion, revolution.
Post 16 Jul 2014, 03:48
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baldr 16 Jul 2014, 07:25
m3ntal wrote:
Seems like you're always trying to discredit me…
Please don't be overly paranoid. Was my comment rude/embarrassing/defamatory? If you think so, please accept my sincere apologies.

OTOH, I thought it deserves to mention that irp* instant macros don't substitute symbolic constants (actually you'd used match several times later in the source exactly to overcome this).

Hope this helps.
Post 16 Jul 2014, 07:25
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