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fasmnewbie 03 May 2014, 16:48
MariaSM wrote:
fasmnewbie wrote:

Seems like it may take you forever to understand revolution and ASMGuru here. I modified this code from my library and I intentionally leave one part buggy for you to figure out. It deals only with lower case characters. Learn from it and read carefully of what Guru and revolution are saying. Take your time.

org 100h
        xor si,si
get:    call get$
        cmp al,0dh
            je ok
        mov [chr+si],al
        sub al,61h
        movzx di,al
        add [chr2+di],1
        inc si
        cmp si,20
            je ok
        jmp get
ok:     call nline
        xor di,di
done:   cmp [chr2+di],'a'
            ja change
        inc di
good:   cmp di,24
            je exit
        jmp done
change: xor ax,ax
        mov al,[chr2+di]
        sub al,61h
        mov dl,[chr2+di]
        call prtc
        mov dl,'='
        call prtc
        call prtnum
        call nline
        inc di
        cmp [chr2+di],'a'
            ja change
        jmp good
get$:   mov ah,1
        int 21h
nline:  mov dl,0dh
        call prtc
        mov dl,0ah
        call prtc
prtc:   push ax
        mov ah,2
        int 21h
        pop ax
prtnum: pusha
        xor si,si
        xor dx,dx
        mov cx,10
.start: div cx
        push dx
        xor dx,dx
        inc si
        test ax,ax
            jz .prt
        jmp .start
.prt:   dec si
        pop ax
        add al,30h
        mov dl,al
        call prtc
        test si,si
            jz .done
        jmp .prt
.done:  popa
exit:   mov ah,1
        int 21h
        mov ah,4ch
        int 21h

chr db 20 dup(?),0
chr2 db 24 dup(61h)    

welcome to fasm

I don't understant the output. What is "b=1 b=1..."?

That's the bug I told you about. It should display the character and the number of times it appears in the string you entered.

welcome to fasm
Post 03 May 2014, 16:48
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MariaSM 03 May 2014, 16:55
fasmnewbie wrote:
MariaSM wrote:
fasmnewbie wrote:

Seems like it may take you forever to understand revolution and ASMGuru here. I modified this code from my library and I intentionally leave one part buggy for you to figure out. It deals only with lower case characters. Learn from it and read carefully of what Guru and revolution are saying. Take your time.

org 100h
        xor si,si
get:    call get$
        cmp al,0dh
            je ok
        mov [chr+si],al
        sub al,61h
        movzx di,al
        add [chr2+di],1
        inc si
        cmp si,20
            je ok
        jmp get
ok:     call nline
        xor di,di
done:   cmp [chr2+di],'a'
            ja change
        inc di
good:   cmp di,24
            je exit
        jmp done
change: xor ax,ax
        mov al,[chr2+di]
        sub al,61h
        mov dl,[chr2+di]
        call prtc
        mov dl,'='
        call prtc
        call prtnum
        call nline
        inc di
        cmp [chr2+di],'a'
            ja change
        jmp good
get$:   mov ah,1
        int 21h
nline:  mov dl,0dh
        call prtc
        mov dl,0ah
        call prtc
prtc:   push ax
        mov ah,2
        int 21h
        pop ax
prtnum: pusha
        xor si,si
        xor dx,dx
        mov cx,10
.start: div cx
        push dx
        xor dx,dx
        inc si
        test ax,ax
            jz .prt
        jmp .start
.prt:   dec si
        pop ax
        add al,30h
        mov dl,al
        call prtc
        test si,si
            jz .done
        jmp .prt
.done:  popa
exit:   mov ah,1
        int 21h
        mov ah,4ch
        int 21h

chr db 20 dup(?),0
chr2 db 24 dup(61h)    

welcome to fasm

I don't understant the output. What is "b=1 b=1..."?

That's the bug I told you about. It should display the character and the number of times it appears in the string you entered.

welcome to fasm

sorry but I have some problems with my code.if you can help me with this, i would remain grateful
i don't want to solve other problem with a different code
Post 03 May 2014, 16:55
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MariaSM 03 May 2014, 17:01
AsmGuru62 wrote:
The string entering code misses the max # of characters field:
First you need two bytes BEFORE the buffer and they must be set according to the link above.
So, you need 20 characters in text and 1 byte for Carriage Return plus 2 bytes for the header.
That makes it something like this:
bufMaxLen DB 20   ; Max # of characters
bufEntered DB 0     ; This is how many characters user entered
bufText DB 0 DUP(21)  ; 20 characters + CR byte

... to enter the string ...
lea dx, bufMaxLen
mov ah, 0Ah
int 21h

... to count characters ...
lea si, bufText
.. and go on ...

To output the value in CL you can just use a code like that:
(knowing that the value can be in range 0 to 20)
if (value in CL <= 9)
        CL + '0'
        print CL
else if (CL = 20)
        print '20'
else  ; CL between 10 and 19
        print '1'
        CL - 10
        CL + '0'
        print CL

But of course, it is better to learn how to convert any number to a string.
If you search the forum -- there are few examples of this.

oh.i didn't seen that.thanks.now I understood that
Post 03 May 2014, 17:01
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fasmnewbie 03 May 2014, 17:05
MariaSM wrote:
sorry but I have some problems with my code.if you can help me with this, i would remain grateful
i don't want to solve other problem with a different code
It is not about the code. Check the algorithm of solving the problem particularly in converting integer to string. As I see it, that's your biggest problem and that's what revolution meant by 'DIV' instruction. Why don't you convert that to TASM because I am no TASM guy. Put the thing to convert in AX and call the similar putnum procedure in TASM. That solves 50% of your problem.
Post 03 May 2014, 17:05
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MariaSM 03 May 2014, 17:33
fasmnewbie wrote:
MariaSM wrote:
sorry but I have some problems with my code.if you can help me with this, i would remain grateful
i don't want to solve other problem with a different code
It is not about the code. Check the algorithm of solving the problem particularly in converting integer to string. As I see it, that's your biggest problem and that's what revolution meant by 'DIV' instruction. Why don't you convert that to TASM because I am no TASM guy. Put the thing to convert in AX and call the similar putnum procedure in TASM. That solves 50% of your problem.

yes, I've understood what the purpose was..but I don't really have much time to make this program works.and I really appreciate if someone can say me, how i can do to display ah content
Post 03 May 2014, 17:33
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fasmnewbie 03 May 2014, 17:50
MariaSM wrote:
yes, I've understood what the purpose was..but I don't really have much time to make this program works.and I really appreciate if someone can say me, how i can do to display ah content

mov ah,9 ;want to display '9'?
mov dl,ah
add dl,30h
mov ah,2
int 21h    

Its all there in the code I gave you (prtc and prtnum). You just need to look harder.
Post 03 May 2014, 17:50
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MariaSM 03 May 2014, 18:45
i will do this.but i don't have time now..
for the next program i promise that i'll be more prepared'but now i really need your help
Post 03 May 2014, 18:45
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revolution 03 May 2014, 23:25
Is this a homework assignment? People who complain about having limited time for some simple task that has no real word usage trigger this question in my head.
Post 03 May 2014, 23:25
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MariaSM 04 May 2014, 10:12
yes this is a part if one homework...
Post 04 May 2014, 10:12
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AsmGuru62 04 May 2014, 12:41
If AH contains values from 0 to 20, then try this code:
cmp al, 0
je print_zero
; Divide AH by 10
shr ax, 8
mov dx, 0
mov cx, 10
div cx
; DL is a remainder of division, AL is a result.
; Ex.: If you have 17 and divide by 10 - remainder is 7, and result is 1
; 1st you print the result and then remainder:
push dx
add al, '0'
mov dl, al
mov ah, 2
int 21h
; print remainder
pop dx
add dl, '0'
int 21h
jmp all_done

; print the text "0$", like you do with other strings

; ...
Post 04 May 2014, 12:41
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MariaSM 04 May 2014, 13:50
AsmGuru62 wrote:
If AH contains values from 0 to 20, then try this code:
cmp al, 0
je print_zero
; Divide AH by 10
shr ax, 8
mov dx, 0
mov cx, 10
div cx
; DL is a remainder of division, AL is a result.
; Ex.: If you have 17 and divide by 10 - remainder is 7, and result is 1
; 1st you print the result and then remainder:
push dx
add al, '0'
mov dl, al
mov ah, 2
int 21h
; print remainder
pop dx
add dl, '0'
int 21h
jmp all_done

; print the text "0$", like you do with other strings

; ...

At any input, the output is "09"
Post 04 May 2014, 13:50
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AsmGuru62 04 May 2014, 14:22
I made a mistake there (my apologies).
But you still not understanding the code, and you need to.
If you would have read the code - you would have found my mistake.
You act like we have to write the code for your homework.
The mistake is in the first line:
cmp al, 0    

it must be:
cmp ah, 0    
Post 04 May 2014, 14:22
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MariaSM 04 May 2014, 14:32
AsmGuru62 wrote:
I made a mistake there (my apologies).
But you still not understanding the code, and you need to.
If you would have read the code - you would have found my mistake.
You act like we have to write the code for your homework.
The mistake is in the first line:
cmp al, 0    

it must be:
cmp ah, 0    

I corrected this part. i understood why you compared with 0..
but the output is still 0.
is it possible to be something wrong at comparison?
Post 04 May 2014, 14:32
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AsmGuru62 04 May 2014, 14:38
I never debugged the code, it is possible that it has other bugs.
Can you post your whole code here?
Post 04 May 2014, 14:38
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MariaSM 04 May 2014, 14:51

Last edited by MariaSM on 07 May 2014, 13:07; edited 2 times in total
Post 04 May 2014, 14:51
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AsmGuru62 04 May 2014, 15:06
To be consistent you may use MOV instead of LEA:

is same as:
MOV SI, OFFSET STRING     ; like you do in other places

But that is not a bug.
You are using MASM, and I use FASM, so I need some time to look into it.

Issue #2:
The incorrect use of function 0AH - DX must point to a following data:

In your code DX is always pointing to a STRING - not correct.
I think I posted the correct code in some post above.

When you ask user to enter 20 characters - MAXIMUM byte must be 20 (or even 21 to counf the 0Dh)
Of course, when you ask for a single character - MAXIMUM must be 1 (or 2)

Filename: ChCount.Asm
Filesize: 5 KB
Downloaded: 343 Time(s)

Post 04 May 2014, 15:06
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MariaSM 04 May 2014, 17:35
AsmGuru62 wrote:
To be consistent you may use MOV instead of LEA:

is same as:
MOV SI, OFFSET STRING     ; like you do in other places

But that is not a bug.
You are using MASM, and I use FASM, so I need some time to look into it.

Issue #2:
The incorrect use of function 0AH - DX must point to a following data:

In your code DX is always pointing to a STRING - not correct.
I think I posted the correct code in some post above.

When you ask user to enter 20 characters - MAXIMUM byte must be 20 (or even 21 to counf the 0Dh)
Of course, when you ask for a single character - MAXIMUM must be 1 (or 2)

Last edited by MariaSM on 07 May 2014, 13:07; edited 2 times in total
Post 04 May 2014, 17:35
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AsmGuru62 04 May 2014, 23:17
So, you need to display positions AFTER showing the # of times the character was found?
Like this?
Character: E
Count: 2
Positions: 5, 11

or like that:
Character: E
- found at position: 5
- found at position: 11
Count: 2

You see what I mean?
You can report positions DURING a search or you can report them all at once AFTER the search.

In 1st case - you just need to report the following:

POS = (SI <where char is found> minus STRING) + 1

In 2nd case you need to store these positions into
an array and then print them all AFTER search. In that case, you need an array and a counter of how many you have in that array.

Also, you probably need a function, which prints a value.
Currently it is not a function you can call - it is just some lines of code.
If you find that you need to repeat some code lines - it is a sign that you need a function for these lines.

A function is basically a label and some code after it and then RET instruction:
... do some stuff ...

and then you call the function:
MOV AH, 17
CALL PRINT_AH     ; It will print "17" (value in AH) to the console
Post 04 May 2014, 23:17
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MariaSM 05 May 2014, 05:23
AsmGuru62 wrote:
like that
Character: E
Count: 2
Positions: 5, 11

Post 05 May 2014, 05:23
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MariaSM 05 May 2014, 15:23
how can I make this? where I'm supposed to put these instructions in the program?
and about pos? how could I declare it?
Post 05 May 2014, 15:23
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