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Index > Windows > DLL import problem on Windows8

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Joined: 13 Nov 2013
Posts: 2
Location: Italia
andreagighi 13 Nov 2013, 10:53
I've a problem with this source code only on windows 8. All other O.S. works perfectly, and i dont know what is the problem.
I've search for other problem posted on this forum but not found a solution.

Someone can help on it ?

format PE GUI 4.0 DLL

include 'C:\FASM\INCLUDE\win32a.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable

settings        db      'settings', 0
blowfish        db      'blowfish', 0
bfishy          db      'bfishy',0
engine          db      'engine.dll', 0
loaded          db      '-=[bfishy - authlogin of the sea]=- --<<by Fyyre>>--', 0
iniValue        dd      0
addr_tmp        dd      0
tmp1            dd      ?
tmp2            dd      ?
blowfish_addr   dd      0
srch_byte       db      0
srch_dword      dd      0
kamael_addr     dd      0
db                      0
db                      0
db                      0
db                      0
block1          dd      0
block2          dd      0
block3          dd      0
block4          dd      0
db                      0
db                      0
db                      0
db                      0

section '.text' code readable executable

entry $
  push    ebp
  mov     ebp, esp
  push    ecx
  cmp     dword [ebp+0Ch], 1
  jnz     @F
  call    BlowfishKey
  call    ThreadLibraryCalls
  mov    eax, 1
  mov    esp, ebp
  pop    ebp

  mov     ebp, esp
  push    4h
  push    1000h
  push    100h
  push    0
  push    -1
  call    [VirtualAllocEx]
  mov     [tmp1], eax
  push    bfishy
  call    [GetModuleHandleA]
  lea     ebx, [tmp1]
  push    100h
  push    ebx
  push    eax
  call    [GetModuleFileNameA]
  add     edi, 100h
  add     ebx, 100h
  dec     ebx
  cmp     byte [ebx], '.'
  jnz     @B
  mov     dword [ebx], '.ini'
  lea     ebx, [tmp1]
  push    ebx
  push    24h
  lea     eax, [iniValue]
  push    eax
  push    0
  push    blowfish
  push    settings
  call    [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
  mov     eax, [esp-0Ch]
  mov     esi, eax
  ;ascii to hex routine... =)
  xor     eax, eax
  xor     ebx, ebx
  mov     bl, byte [esi]
  mov     cx, 24h
  sub     bl, 30h
  cmp     bl, 09h
  jle     @next
  sub     bl, 07h
  cmp     bl, 0fh
  jle     @next
  sub     bl, 20h
  imul    eax, 0010h
  add     eax, ebx
  cmp     cx, 01Dh
  je      @1D
  cmp     cx, 15h
  je      @15
  cmp     cx, 00Dh
  je      @0D
  cmp     cx, 5
  je      @5
  inc     esi
  mov     bl, byte [esi]
  dec     cx
  jmp     @makehex
  mov     dword [ds:block1], eax
  jmp     @continue
  mov     dword [ds:block2], eax
  jmp     @continue
  mov     dword [ds:block3], eax
  jmp     @continue
  mov     dword [ds:block4], eax
  push    engine
  call    [GetModuleHandleA]
  xchg    eax, esi
  mov     [addr_tmp], esi               ;save address, no need to call GetModuleHandleA twice.
  mov     al, 081h
  mov     [srch_byte], al
  mov     dx, 175h                      ;if dx == 0, we are a Kamael thru Gracia client.
  lea     edi, [srch_byte]
  mov     cx, 1
  jne     @search
  cmp     byte [esi], 0E1h              ;searching this way... least amount of problems, imo.
  jne     @search
  cmp     dx, 0
  je      Kamael
  dec     dx
  cmp     dword [esi+1], 03FFFFFFEh
  jne     @search
  sub     esi, 0Bh                      ;start of blowfish function in engine.dll
  mov     dword [edi], 0
  lea     edx, [ebp-4]                  ;dwOldProtect, who cares Smile
  push    edx
  push    4h                            ;PAGE_READWRITE
  push    5                             ;five bytes
  push    esi                           ;address
  push    -1                            ;-1 is pseudo handle to our process (l2.exe)
  call    [VirtualProtectEx]
  mov     byte [esi], 0E9h              ;jmp to
  mov     edx, BlowfishInterlude        ;my blowfish function for Interlude
  sub     edx, esi
  sub     edx, 5h
  mov     dword [ds:esi+1], edx

  lea    esi, [addr_tmp]                ;ptr to base of engine.dll
  mov    esi, [esi]                     ;base of engine.dll
  mov    [srch_byte], 00Fh              ;we search for 0F B6 D5, is same in CT1, CT1.5 & Gracia.
  lea     edi, [srch_byte]
  mov     cx, 1                         ;intentional Smile
  jne     @search_CT1
  cmp     byte [esi], 0B6h
  jne     @B
  cmp     byte [esi+1], 0D5h
  jne     @B
  sub     esi, 0Ah                      ;start of blowfish function in engine.dll
  mov     dword [edi], 0
  mov     [blowfish_addr], esi
  mov     [srch_byte], 089h             ;CT1+ we must use the memory location in the original function
  lea     edi, [srch_byte]
  mov     cx, 1                         ;so let's find it.
  jne     @B
  cmp     byte [esi], 03Ch              ;yes, this is him
  jne     @B
  add     esi, 2
  mov     [kamael_addr], esi            ;save him here

  lea     edx, [ebp-4]
  push    edx
  push    4h
  push    5
  mov     ebx, [blowfish_addr]
  push    ebx
  push    -1
  call    [VirtualProtectEx]            ;PAGE_READWRITE
  mov     byte [ebx], 0E9h
  mov     edx, BlowfishCT1
  sub     edx, ebx
  sub     edx, 5h
  mov     dword [ds:ebx+1], edx

  push    bfishy
  call    [GetModuleHandleA]
  push    eax
  call    [DisableThreadLibraryCalls]   ;this is required!
  push    loaded
  call    [OutputDebugStringA]

BlowfishInterlude:                      ;no, you can't just hex edit engine.dll =p
  push    ebp
  mov     ebp, dword [ss:esp+8h]

  mov     eax, dword [block1]
  bswap   eax                           ;why this? step thru inside debugger for your answer =)
  mov     dword [ds:ebp], eax
  mov     eax, dword [block2]
  bswap   eax
  mov     dword [ds:ebp+4], eax
  mov     eax, dword [block3]
  bswap   eax
  mov     dword [ds:ebp+8], eax
  mov     eax, dword [block4]
  bswap   eax
  mov     dword [ds:ebp+0Ch], eax
  pop     ebp
  retn    0Ch

BlowfishCT1:                           ;no, you can't just hex edit engine.dll =p
  push    esi
  push    edi
  push    ecx
  xor     eax, eax
  lea     ecx, [kamael_addr]
  mov     ecx, [ecx]
  mov     ecx, [ecx]
  mov     edi, dword [block1]
  bswap   edi
  mov     dword [eax*4+ecx], edi
  add     eax, 1
  mov     edi, dword [block2]
  bswap   edi
  mov     dword [eax*4+ecx], edi
  add     eax, 1
  mov     edi, dword [block3]
  bswap   edi
  mov     dword [eax*4+ecx], edi
  add     eax, 1
  mov     edi, dword [block4]
  bswap   edi
  mov     dword [eax*4+ecx], edi
  pop     ecx
  pop     edi
  pop     esi
  retn    4

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll'

  import kernel32,\
  GetModuleHandleA,                            'GetModuleHandleA',\
  GetModuleFileNameA,                          'GetModuleFileNameA',\
  GetPrivateProfileStringA,                    'GetPrivateProfileStringA',\
  VirtualAllocEx,                              'VirtualAllocEx',\
  OutputDebugStringA,                          'OutputDebugStringA',\
  VirtualProtectEx,                            'VirtualProtectEx',\
  DisableThreadLibraryCalls,                   'DisableThreadLibraryCalls',\
  FreeLibrary,                                  'FreeLibrary'

section '.edata' export data readable writeable

  export 'bfishy',    \
         DllEntryPoint, 'DllEntryPoint'

section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable

section '.rsrc' data readable resource from 'bfishy.res'    
Post 13 Nov 2013, 10:53
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 13 Nov 2013, 11:44

Last edited by revolution on 13 Nov 2013, 11:53; edited 1 time in total
Post 13 Nov 2013, 11:44
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Joined: 13 Nov 2013
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andreagighi 13 Nov 2013, 11:49
Updated to 5.0
p.s. remember this code works perfectly on windows 7/xp....

Already read this post and followed instruction... but the problem remain with this error:
Post 13 Nov 2013, 11:49
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Joined: 17 Nov 2011
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Sasha 13 Nov 2013, 12:44
Check if my second errormsg.dll works ok. It has a .rsrc section, too.
Post 13 Nov 2013, 12:44
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