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Index > Windows > Option rom searching for a string?

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Joined: 12 Jan 2013
Posts: 37
phpdevpad 25 Jan 2013, 18:33
I have this new code but I want it to work like the old one. How can I make it? My problem is that bp pointer or so?

seg000:1722 sub_1722        proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_1759+2Dp
seg000:1722 arg_0           = dword ptr  4
seg000:1722 arg_4           = dword ptr  8
seg000:1722 arg_8           = dword ptr  0Ch
seg000:1722                 push    bp
seg000:1723                 mov     bp, sp
seg000:1725                 mov     edi, [bp+arg_0]
seg000:1729                 mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
seg000:172F                 jmp     short loc_1751
seg000:1731 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:1731 loc_1731:                               ; CODE XREF: sub_1722+33j
seg000:1731                 cmp     dword ptr es:[edi], 4353494Dh
seg000:173A                 jnz     short loc_174D
seg000:173C                 cmp     dword ptr es:[edi+4], 4749532Eh
seg000:1746                 jnz     short loc_174D
seg000:1748                 mov     eax, edi
seg000:174B                 jmp     short loc_1757
seg000:174D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:174D loc_174D:                               ; CODE XREF: sub_1722+18j
seg000:174D                                         ; sub_1722+24j
seg000:174D                 add     edi, [bp+arg_8]
seg000:1751 loc_1751:                               ; CODE XREF: sub_1722+Dj
seg000:1751                 cmp     edi, [bp+arg_4]
seg000:1755                 jb      short loc_1731
seg000:1757 loc_1757:                               ; CODE XREF: sub_1722+29j
seg000:1757                 pop     bp
seg000:1758                 retn
seg000:1758 sub_1722        endp

seg000:10D7                 push    es
seg000:10D8                 push    edi
seg000:10DA                 call    near ptr 0F510h
seg000:10DD                 xor     edi, edi
seg000:10E0                 mov     es, di
seg000:10E2                 mov     edi, eax
seg000:10E5                 jmp     short loc_110A
seg000:10E7 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:10E7 loc_10E7:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:1111j
seg000:10E7                 cmp     dword ptr es:[edi], 4353494Dh
seg000:10F0                 jnz     short loc_1103
seg000:10F2                 cmp     dword ptr es:[edi+4], 4749532Eh
seg000:10FC                 jnz     short loc_1103
seg000:10FE                 mov     eax, edi
seg000:1101                 jmp     short loc_1144
seg000:1103 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:1103 loc_1103:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:10F0j
seg000:1103                                         ; seg000:10FCj
seg000:1103                 add     edi, 8000h
seg000:110A loc_110A:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:10E5j
seg000:110A                 cmp     edi, 0FFFFFC00h
seg000:1111                 jb      short loc_10E7
seg000:1113                 xor     edi, edi
seg000:1116                 jmp     short loc_113B
seg000:1118 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:1118 loc_1118:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:1142j
seg000:1118                 cmp     dword ptr es:[edi], 4353494Dh
seg000:1121                 jnz     short loc_1134
seg000:1123                 cmp     dword ptr es:[edi+4], 4749532Eh
seg000:112D                 jnz     short loc_1134
seg000:112F                 mov     eax, edi
seg000:1132                 jmp     short loc_1144
seg000:1134 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:1134 loc_1134:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:1121j
seg000:1134                                         ; seg000:112Dj
seg000:1134                 add     edi, 8000h
seg000:113B loc_113B:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:1116j
seg000:113B                 cmp     edi, 7FFFFh
seg000:1142                 jb      short loc_1118
seg000:1144 loc_1144:                               ; CODE XREF: seg000:1101j
seg000:1144                                         ; seg000:1132j
seg000:1144                 call    near ptr 0F629h
seg000:1147                 pop     edi
seg000:1149                 pop     es
seg000:114A                 retn
Post 25 Jan 2013, 18:33
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Joined: 12 Jan 2013
Posts: 37
phpdevpad 28 Jan 2013, 00:10
I tried lea bp, myaddress to no avail. In myaddress was a data structure 4 bytes start address, 4 bytes end address, and 4 bytes offset but that didn't work. This could should load the misc.bin from the option rom.

Update: I have also tried absolute addressing and I have copy and paste and move the original code around. That doesn't work either. The problem is the misc.sig isn't found and the error message is right there. I have also unpacked the -lzh5- data and compressed it again but my guts says me the repacked data doesn't work. It gives me a totally different error message.
Post 28 Jan 2013, 00:10
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