Hello. I make a simple example (using 32). This read some integers and I want to using with SSE , but I don't know to make this .
This is a test.txt file :
$ cat test.txt
12 23 33
23 34 44
45 22 55
34 45 22
Also , my asm example is this:
format elf
extrn 'fopen' as fopen:dword
extrn 'feof' as feof:dword
extrn 'fscanf' as fscanf:dword
extrn 'printf' as printf:dword
extrn 'exit' as exit:dword
public main
section '.data' writable
file_ptr rd 1
integer rd 1
file_name db "test.txt",0
mode db "r",0
fmt_in db " %d ",0
fmt_out db "Read number %d",10,0
section '.text' executable
push mode
push file_name
call fopen
add esp, 8
mov [file_ptr], eax
push [file_ptr]
call feof
add esp, 4
cmp eax, 0
jnz .exit_loop
push integer
push fmt_in
push [file_ptr]
call fscanf
add esp, 12
push [integer]
push fmt_out
call printf
add esp, 8
jmp .loop_start
push 0
call exit
The big problem is how to set to working with sse ( using mnemonics of sse ).
Thank you. Regards.