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Index > Windows > Optimizing pseudo random generator

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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
Posts: 192
nmake 12 Dec 2012, 06:24
This pseudo algorithm by George Marsaglia is the one I am using. And I am disappointed by the performance, I can create about 1.8 billion pseudo random numbers using 4 cores per second. I've seen people do up to 2 billion numbers on just a single core using c++. That's miles away from the performance of my implementation.

Could anyone take a look and see where it can be improved?
; random generator for main thread
proc random uses esi,bufptr
        ; initialize sse registers
        mov eax,num_65535
        mov edx,mainseed
        mov esi,[bufptr]

        movaps xmm7,[eax]          ; xmm7=65535   (PERMANENT)
        movaps xmm6,[eax+16]       ; xmm6=16      (PERMANENT)
        movaps xmm5,[eax+32]       ; xmm5=36969   (PERMANENT)
        movaps xmm4,[eax+48]       ; xmm4=18000   (PERMANENT)
        movaps xmm0,[edx]          ; xmm0=V       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm1,[edx+16]       ; xmm1=U       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm2,xmm0           ; xmm2=V       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm3,xmm1           ; xmm3=U       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)

        mov ecx,[count]
        add ecx,[remainder]

        ; Generate random numbers
        align 16
        pand xmm0,xmm7     ; V AND 65535
        pand xmm1,xmm7     ; U AND 65535

        ; Multiply
        pmulld xmm0,xmm5   ; * 36969
        pmulld xmm1,xmm4   ; * 18000

        ; Shift right V and U by 16
        psrad xmm2,xmm6    ; V SHR 16
        psrad xmm3,xmm6    ; U SHR 16

        ; Add (xmm0 and xmm1 now contains complete new values)
        paddd xmm0,xmm2    ; (V AND 65535) + (V SHR 16)
        paddd xmm1,xmm3    ; (U AND 65535) + (U SHR 16)

        ; Store new V and U in xmm2 and xmm3
        movdqa xmm2,xmm0
        movdqa xmm3,xmm1

        ; SHL V by 16 on the return value registers
        pslld xmm2,xmm6 ; V SHL 16
        paddd xmm2,xmm1;paddq xmm2,xmm1 ; V + U

        ; save random value
        movntdq [esi],xmm2;movdqa [edi],xmm2

        ; move new V and U back to the altered xmm2 and xmm3 from xmm0 and xmm1
        movaps xmm2,xmm0
        movaps xmm3,xmm1

        add esi,16
        sub ecx,1
        jnz .loop


section '.data' data readable writeable
        align 16
        mainseed     rd 8    ; unique seeds to main thread
        align 16
        num_65535    dd 65535
                     dd 65535
                     dd 65535
                     dd 65535

        num_16       dd 16
                     dd 0
                     dd 0
                     dd 0

        num_36969    dd 36969
                     dd 36969
                     dd 36969
                     dd 36969

        num_18000    dd 18000
                     dd 18000
                     dd 18000
                     dd 18000

The algorithm in c++ view:
private static uint GetUint()
    V = 36969 * (V & 65535) + (V >> 16);
    U = 18000 * (U & 65535) + (U >> 16);
    return (V << 16) + U;
Algorithm explained in steps:

1. set V to a non-zero initial value.
2. set U to a non-zero initial value.

3. multiply L.O word of V by 36969
4. add H.O word of V to the result

5. Repeat steps 3-4 for U but multiply by 18000 instead
6. SHIFT left V and add U and return it

V and U are both 32 bit unsigned integers. I hope there are better instructions to use and better way to implement it.
Post 12 Dec 2012, 06:24
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Joined: 20 May 2009
Posts: 767
tthsqe 12 Dec 2012, 09:05
this seems to be memory bound.

If I take out the writes to memory (the two movntdq), I get ~1.8billion numbers per second on one core of an i5-3320M.

If I do write the results to memory (un-comment the two movntdq), I get ~0.8billion numbers per second.

I would just say that your computer has a low memory bandwidth.

And, do you know if the c++ test you mentioned was writing the results back to memory?

this is what I was testing:

format PE GUI 5.0
entry Start

include 'win32ax.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable

;private static uint GetUint()
;    V = 36969 * (V & 65535) + (V >> 16);
;    U = 18000 * (U & 65535) + (U >> 16);
;    return (V << 16) + U;

random:      ; ecx: count , esi: buffer

        push  ebp
         mov  ebp,esp
         and  esp,-16
         sub  esp,64

         mov  eax,65535
        movd  xmm0,eax
      pshufd  xmm0,xmm0,0
      movdqa  dqword[esp+16*0],xmm0

         mov  eax,16
        movd  xmm0,eax
      pshufd  xmm0,xmm0,0
      movdqa  dqword[esp+16*1],xmm0

         mov  eax,36969
        movd  xmm0,eax
      pshufd  xmm0,xmm0,0
      movdqa  dqword[esp+16*2],xmm0

         mov  eax,18000
        movd  xmm0,eax
      pshufd  xmm0,xmm0,0
      movdqa  dqword[esp+16*3],xmm0

        shr  ecx,1     ; 2x unroll

        movaps xmm0,dqword[mainseed+16*0]       ; xmm0=V       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm1,dqword[mainseed+16*1]       ; xmm1=U       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm2,xmm0                ; xmm2=V       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm3,xmm1                ; xmm3=U       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)

        movaps xmm4,dqword[mainseed+16*1]       ; xmm4=V       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm5,dqword[mainseed+16*2]       ; xmm5=U       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm6,xmm4                ; xmm6=V       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)
        movaps xmm7,xmm5                ; xmm7=U       (Re-Use, Re-Calculate)

        ; Generate random numbers
        align 64
        pand xmm0,dqword[esp+16*0]
        pand xmm1,dqword[esp+16*0]
        pand xmm4,dqword[esp+16*0]
        pand xmm5,dqword[esp+16*0]
        psrad xmm2,dqword[esp+16*1]
        psrad xmm3,dqword[esp+16*1]
        psrad xmm6,dqword[esp+16*1]
        psrad xmm7,dqword[esp+16*1]
        pmulld xmm0,dqword[esp+16*2]
        pmulld xmm1,dqword[esp+16*3]
        pmulld xmm4,dqword[esp+16*2]
        pmulld xmm5,dqword[esp+16*3]
        paddd xmm0,xmm2
        paddd xmm1,xmm3
        paddd xmm4,xmm6
        paddd xmm5,xmm7
        movdqa xmm2,xmm0
        movdqa xmm3,xmm1
        movdqa xmm6,xmm4
        movdqa xmm7,xmm5

        pslld xmm0,dqword[esp+16*1]
        pslld xmm4,dqword[esp+16*1]
        paddd xmm0,xmm1
        paddd xmm4,xmm5

   ;     movntdq[esi+16*0],xmm0
   ;     movntdq[esi+16*1],xmm4

        movdqa xmm0,xmm2
        movdqa xmm4,xmm6

        add esi,32
        sub ecx,1 
        jnz .l1

        mov  esp,ebp
        pop  ebp

Start:               invoke  QueryPerformanceFrequency,Frequency

                        mov  eax,[Count]
                        shl  eax,4
                     invoke  VirtualAlloc,0,eax,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE
                        mov  [Result],eax

                     invoke  QueryPerformanceCounter,Time

                        mov  ecx,[Count]
                        mov  esi,[Result]
                       call  random

                        mov  esi,dword[Time+4*0]
                        mov  edi,dword[Time+4*1]
                     invoke  QueryPerformanceCounter,Time
                        sub  dword[Time+4*0],esi
                        sbb  dword[Time+4*1],edi

                       fild  qword[Time]
                       fild  qword[Frequency]
                       fild  dword[Count]
                      fmulp  st1,st0
                     fdivrp  st1,st0
                       fadd  st0,st0      ; 4 numbers per count
                       fadd  st0,st0      ;
                       fstp  qword[Rate]
                     invoke  sprintf,Message,MessageFormat,double [Rate]
                     invoke  MessageBoxA,0,Message,Caption,MB_OK

                     invoke  VirtualFree,[Result],0,MEM_RELEASE

                     invoke  ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable

align 16
        mainseed   dd 1,2,3,4
                   dd 5,6,7,8
                   dd 1,3,5,6
                   dd 7,5,4,3

align 8
  Time dq 0
  Frequency dq 0
  Rate dq 0

align 4
  Result dd 0
  Count dd 20000000

align 1
  Caption db 'test',0
  MessageFormat db 'numbers per second: %f',0
  Message rb 200

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

include 'api\kernel32.inc'
include 'api\user32.inc'
include 'api\gdi32.inc'

 import  msvcrt,\
Post 12 Dec 2012, 09:05
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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
Posts: 192
nmake 12 Dec 2012, 09:22
I do not know if the c++ program wrote anything back. But I do know it was windows 64 and not 32. You can read about it here: http://www.dimkovic.com/node/22
Post 12 Dec 2012, 09:22
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Posts: 767
tthsqe 12 Dec 2012, 10:34
well, ok - I think that answers it.
You have every reason to relax, dude. Smile
That code does not write the results back to a huge array
and was run on a 3.8 GHz Core i7 2687W.
My slightly modified version of your code got 1.8 billion numbers per second on my 3.3 GHz i5-3320M.
We have 3.8/3.3 * 1.8 billion = 2 billion expected numbers per second on their machine.

Try to write some 64 bit code and get it up to 3 billion numbers per second. Smile
Post 12 Dec 2012, 10:34
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cod3b453 12 Dec 2012, 19:02
I think you can reduce the calculation for both U and V to a single instruction:
; xmm1 = 0001 4650 0001 9069
; xmm0 = UUUU uuuu VVVV vvvv
pmaddwd xmm0,xmm1
; xmm0 = (18000*u)+(U shr 16) (36969*v)+(V shr 16)    
Then something like punpcklwd and paddd to get the (V shl 16) + U step Question
Post 12 Dec 2012, 19:02
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Posts: 192
nmake 12 Dec 2012, 23:24
tthsqe this is fast for 32 bit. I think, it can probably become faster too. cod3b453, good find. I will try it, I have to admit I was peeking at the mul/add instruction but never thought of doing it your way. Very smart way, I'm sure it will give a good boost.

Can we convert this algo into using a base without using division in the end? A base of 100 outputs a number between 0-99 naturally. But division is costy. Btw. more smart tricks and implementations is wanted. Very Happy
Post 12 Dec 2012, 23:24
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Posts: 192
nmake 13 Dec 2012, 01:15
I managed to set it all up using the pmaddwd to run 2 billion iterations in 481 milliseconds, without implementing the punpcklwd and paddd yet. But I believe this will become very fast. (on a single core) and this is using only 1 sse register with data, if you add 8 of them together, it will become tremendously fast.
Post 13 Dec 2012, 01:15
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