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Index > DOS > Smallest Mandelbrot ever?

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Joined: 04 Oct 2012
Posts: 4
kourin 22 Oct 2012, 06:51

First of all this code is not mine: I found it on a CD-ROM, years ago, when PC magazines used to give one. And according to the comments, it comes from FIDO-Net. The compiled code is 79 bytes long!! It draws a view of the Mandelbrot surface in 320x200 VGA mode. It's a real gem, and I like to read the code once in a while. =)

; Mandelbrot found in the FIDO-Net. Very nice.
        org 100h
start:  mov ax,13h
        int 10h         ; set 320x200 256 color mode
        mov ax,0a000h
        mov ds,ax       ; load ds with video segment
        xor di,di       ; zero out screen offset
        mov bp,-200     ; load y with -(screen height)
l1:     mov si,-320     ; load x with -(screen width)
l2:     push di         ; save screen offset
        xor bx,bx       ; val1 = 0
        xor di,di       ; val2 = 0
l3:     push bx
        lea ax,[bx+di]  ; ax = val1 + val2
        sub bx,di       ; bx = val1 - val2
        imul bx         ; ans = val1^2 - val2^2
        mov bl,ah
        mov bh,dl
        lea bx,[bx+si-64]   ; val1 = (ans/256) + x - 64
        pop ax
        imul di         ; ans = val1 * val2
        mov al,ah
        mov ah,dl
        add ax,ax
        xchg ax,di
        lea di,[bp+di-56] ; val2 = (ans/128) + y - 56
        cmp bh,4
        jg draw         ; if val1 > 1024 then draw point
        inc cl          ; increment color
        jne l3
draw:   pop di          ; restore screen offset
        xchg [di],cl    ; store color, and make color = 0
        inc di          ; increment screen offset
        inc si          ; increment x
        jne l2          ; if x <> 0 then continue lp2
        inc bp          ; increment y
        jne l1          ; if y <> 0 then continue lp1
        xor ax,ax
        int 16h
        mov ax,3
        int 10h         ; set text mode
        ret             ; exit program

Post 22 Oct 2012, 06:51
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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
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CandyMan 22 Oct 2012, 13:17
Thank you kourin.
This code can be optimised to 78 bytes. Smile
Start:  mov     ax,13h
        int     10h             ; set 320x200 256 color mode
        push    0xA000
        pop     ds              ; load ds with video segment
        xor     di,di           ; zero out screen offset    

smaller is better
Post 22 Oct 2012, 13:17
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 22 Oct 2012, 13:39
CandyMan wrote:
        push    0xA000
Only if you want to drop support for 8086 & 8088 CPUs Wink
Post 22 Oct 2012, 13:39
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