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Joined: 11 Mar 2006
Posts: 55
Location: Cuba
flash 08 Apr 2012, 02:14
I am using qemu. But since i must make some work on ubuntu i decided to install a dual boot with W7 and Ubuntu 11.10.
Then i choose to work mostly in W7 and use VMware to access ubuntu partition throw a virtual machine. It work fine all the time.
So i write my test codes over ubuntu virtual machine that runs qemu eventualy. From this virtual machine, the following code works great at qemu. But some how strange happens if i boot ubuntu real partition, in this case the same code (even the compiled binary) throws General protection fault Sad. And it is indicating code 123h: irq source and fault because machine check exception(12h). I am completely stucked to find the cause of this behavior. Some body have encountered similar effects?? I am doing something wrong?
This is the code, just set pm, load some sectors via pio and lba48 and executes it at 0x80000 and the interrupts "used" are 0,1,13,32,33 and 40.
note: when i call ints separately (via software and avoiding sti) there are no problems. An other interesting thing is that replacing hlt by iret at int 13 isr makes all work fine except for the general protection fault string on screen. What happens here?

format binary as 'img'
org 7C00h
               mov     ah,0x02                 ; Leer
                mov     al,0x8                  ; 8 sectores
                mov     ch,0x00                 ; desde la pista cero
                mov     cl,0x02                 ; comenzando por el segundo sector
                mov     dh,0x00                 ; y en la cabeza cero
                mov     dl,0x80                 ; Utilizar el primer disco duro
                mov     bx,0x8000               ; copiar en 8000:0
                mov     es,bx
                mov     bx,0x0000
            @@: int     0x13                    ; listo!
                jc      @b

 @@: mov     ax,0x2401               ; activar la línea A20
             int     0x15
                jc      @b

         lgdt    fword [gdtr]             ; Inicializar el registro de descriptores globales
                mov     eax,cr0
                or      al,1                  ; activar el modo protegido
                mov     cr0,eax
                jmp     8:protectedMode           ; activar los selectores del modo protegido
 protectedMode: jmp     80000h                  ; Ejecutar el código que se cargó desde disco

align 4
                dq 0000000000000000h               ; descriptor nulo 
                dq 00cf9a000000ffffh            ; código con máximos privilegios
            dq 00cf92000000ffffh            ; datos con máximos privilegios

          gdtr: dw (gdt.end-gdt)-1
                dd gdt

times 510-($-$$) db 0
                 dw 0aa55h

org 80000h

            mov     ax,16                           ; Update ds and ss 
         mov     ds,ax
               mov     ss,ax
;                    IRQ remap

            mov     al,0x11         
            out     0x20,al
             out     0xA0,al

         mov     al,0x20         
            out     0x21,al
             mov     al,0x28
             out     0xA1,al
             mov     al,0x4          
            out     0x21,al
             mov     al,0x2
              out     0xA1,al
             mov     al,1            
            out     0x21,al
             out     0xA1,al

         xor     al,al
               out     0x21,al
             out     0xA1,al         

                lidt    fword [idtr]

            mov     al,36h                          ; "change" timer base
             out     43h,al
              mov     al,00h
              out     40h,al
              mov     al,0ffh
             out     40h,al

;          Código con excepciones

           mov     edi,0b806fh                     ; Ugly way to prepare date area
             mov     ecx,25
          @@:     mov     [edi],byte 01001110b
                add     edi,2
               loop    @b

              mov     al,0ah                          ; Set RTC interrupt frequency
               out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              or      al,0fh                          ; divisor
           mov     ah,al
               mov     al,0ah
              out     70h,al
              mov     al,ah
               out     71h,al

          mov     al,0bh                          ; Activate RTC interrupt
            out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              or      al,64                           ; set bit 6
         mov     ah,al
               mov     al,0bh
              out     70h,al
              mov     al,ah
               out     71h,al
         jmp     $

;          Interrupt service routines

      div_cero: cli
            mov     esi,divz
            mov     edi,0b8000h
         mov     ah,74h
              call    Print

       trap: cli
             mov     esi,flt_msg
         mov     edi,0b8000h
         mov     ah,74h
              call    Print

         mov     esi,gp_msg
          mov     edi,0b8000h
         mov     ah,74h
              call    Print
               pop     eax
         mov     ch,74h
              call    PrintHex

      timer:     cli
         inc     [syscount]
          mov     edi,0b8130h
         mov     eax,[syscount]
              mov     ch,4eh
              call    PrintHex
            mov     al,20h                          ; end of interruption
               out     20h,al


      keyboard: cli                                     ; simple keymap use
         in      al,60h
              test    al,128
              jnz     done
                mov     ah,9
                mov     edi,[screenpos]
             mov     esi,keymap
          xor     ebx,ebx
             mov     bl,al
               mov     al,[esi+ebx ]
               mov     [edi],ax
            add     edi,2
               mov     [screenpos],edi
       done:     mov     al,20h
              out     20h,al

       rtc: cli                                 ; just print time and date
          mov     al,0ch
              out     70h,al
              in      al,71h

          mov     edi,0b806eh             
            mov     al,4                            ; hours
             out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_bcd

                mov     [edi], byte ':'
               add     edi,2           

                mov     al,2                            ; minutes
           out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_bcd

                mov     [edi], byte ':'
               add     edi,2           

                mov     al,0                            ; seconds
           out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_bcd

                add     edi,2   

                mov     al,6                            ; day of the week
           out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_week_day

           mov     [edi], dword 4e204e2ch
              add     edi,4

           mov     al,8                            ; month
             out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_month

              add     edi,2

           mov     al,7                            ; day of the mont
           out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_bcd

                add     edi,2

           mov     al,50                           ; cantury value
             out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_bcd

                mov     al,9                            ; year value
                out     70h,al
              in      al,71h
              call    show_bcd

                mov     al,20h                          ; end of interrupt to slave and primary pics
                out     0A0h,al
             out     20h,al

            @@:     mov     al,[esi]
            cmp     al,0
                je      @f
          mov     [edi],ax
            add     edi,2
               inc     esi
         jmp     @b
      @@: ret

      PrintHex: xor  edx,edx
             mov     ebx,0f0000000h
              push    eax
         mov     cl,28
        again:     pop     eax
         push    eax
         and     eax,ebx
             shr     eax,cl
              cmp     al,10
               jb      @f
          add     al,7                    ;'A'-'9'-1
          @@: add al,'0'
            mov     ah,ch
               mov     [edi],ax
            add     edi,2
               shr     ebx,4
               sub     cl,4
                inc     edx
         cmp     edx,8
               jne     again
               pop     eax

      show_bcd:  mov     ah,al
               shr     al,4
                add     al,'0'
            mov     [edi],al
            add     edi,2
               mov     al,ah
               and     al,0fh
              add     al,'0'
            mov     [edi],al
            add     edi,2

 show_week_day: push     ecx
         xor     ah,ah
               mov     ecx,3
               mov     ebx,dias
            dec     eax
         mov     esi,eax
             shl     esi,1
               add     esi,eax
         @@:     mov     al,[ebx+esi]
                mov     [edi],al
            add     edi,2
               inc     esi
         loop    @b
          pop     ecx             

    show_month: push     ecx
         push    ebx
         test    al,00010000b
                jz      @f
          and     al,0fh
              add     al,10
           @@:     xor     ah,ah
               dec     eax
         mov     esi,eax
             shl     esi,1
               add     esi,eax
             mov     ecx,3
               mov     ebx,meses               
        @@:     mov     al,[ebx+esi]
                mov     [edi],al
            add     edi,2
               inc     esi
         loop    @b
          pop     ebx
         pop     ecx             

     dias  db 'DomLunMarMieJueVieSab'              
    meses db 'EneFebMarAbrMayJunJulAgoSepOctNovDic'
   divz db 'Divisi',162,'n por cero',0
     flt_msg db 'Trampa del sistema',0
 gp_msg db 'Error de protecci',162,'n general. C',162,'digo: ',0
   syscount dd 0
       screenpos dd 0b8000h + 320
          keymap: DB 0
            DB 27,'1234567890-=',8
            DB 9,'qwertyuiop[]',10
            DB 0,'asdfghjkl;',39,96,0,'\'
          DB 'zxcvbnm,./',0,'*',0,' '
           DB 0,'2345678901',0,'3789-456+1230.'

;                  Interrupt descriptor table

align 4
       dw div_cero and 0ffffh                  ; int 0
     dw 8
        db 0
        db 8eh
      dw div_cero shr 16

      dw trap and 0ffffh                      ; int 1
     dw 8
        db 0
        db 8eh
      dw trap shr 16

  dq 11 dup(0)                            ; ints 2 - 12
    dw general_protection and 0ffffh        ; int 13
    dw 8
        db 0
        db 8eh
      dw general_protection shr 16

    dq 18 dup(0)                            ; ints 14 - 31

  dw timer and 0ffffh                     ; int 32(irq0)
      dw 8
        db 0
        db 8eh
      dw timer shr 16

 dw keyboard and 0ffffh                  ; int 33(irq1)
      dw 8
        db 0
        db 8eh
      dw keyboard shr 16

      dq 6 dup(0)                             ; ints 34 - 39(irqs2-7)

 dw rtc and 0ffffh                       ; int 40(irq8)
      dw 8
        db 0
        db 8eh
      dw rtc shr 16

   dq 215 dup(0)                           ; ints 41 - 255

  idtr: dw(idt.end-idt)-1
   dd idt

 times (8*512)-($-$$) db 0                            ; Fill sectors, just in case

i don't hate goto
Post 08 Apr 2012, 02:14
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