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Joined: 31 Mar 2010
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shadowomf 19 Feb 2012, 17:27

I have a small problem with the locals macro, not the macro itself but I don't know how to make the following example work:
    proc WinMain hInst, hPrevInst, CmdLine, CmdShow
            windowClassName TCHAR 'OPENGL64DUMMY', 0
            windowClass WNDCLASSEX sizeof.WNDCLASSEX, 0, DummyWindowProc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, windowClassName, 0
            message MSG
        ; new window class for dummy window
        mov [windowClass.hInstance], rcx
        invoke LoadIcon, rax, 17
        mov [windowClass.hIcon], rax
        invoke LoadCursor, 0, IDC_ARROW
        mov [windowClass.hCursor], rax
        invoke RegisterClassEx, addr windowClass

The above code does not assemble and results in an fasm error (invalid value in the line
windowClass WNDCLASSEX sizeof.WNDCLASSEX, 0, DummyWindowProc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, windowClassName, 0
When I use a global variable as windowClassName it does work without problems. However I would like to keep things seperated.

Is there any way to make it work?

And one more Question, I am using the "w" (Unicode) header version, is TCHAR the right way to do it or would a "du" be better?

Thanks in advance.
Post 19 Feb 2012, 17:27
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revolution 19 Feb 2012, 20:33
The problem is you are trying to make the assembler do this:
mov [ebp+offset1],ebp+offset2    
You could try this:
windowClass WNDCLASSEX sizeof.WNDCLASSEX, 0, DummyWindowProc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'OPENGL64DUMMY', 0    
Post 19 Feb 2012, 20:33
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SFeLi 19 Feb 2012, 21:39
shadowomf wrote:
windowClassName TCHAR 'OPENGL64DUMMY', 0

Do you really need this? Maybe:
proc foo ; Note that all local labels start with a dot.
        .pt     POINT
        .buffer rb 32

        stdcall [GetCursorPos], addr .pt
        ccall   [wsprintf], addr .buffer, .fmt, [.pt.x], [.pt.y]
        stdcall [MessageBox], 0, addr .buffer, .title, MB_ICONINFORMATION

  .fmt db 'Cursor at %u:%u',0
  .title db 'CursorPos',0
; This way you can "keep things seperated" without initializing locals with the bunch of MOVs.    

Last edited by SFeLi on 19 Feb 2012, 21:52; edited 2 times in total
Post 19 Feb 2012, 21:39
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revolution 19 Feb 2012, 21:49
SFeLi wrote:
every name/label in foo should start with a dot.
This is not a necessary condition. Labels inside locals can start with any non-numeric character. The macros use an equ to define the label and later it is released with restore.
Post 19 Feb 2012, 21:49
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SFeLi 19 Feb 2012, 21:55
revolution, thank you for the correction. I don't use proc macros, but several years ago I had some problems with locals and I just remembered to use the dot for everything Smile
Post 19 Feb 2012, 21:55
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shadowomf 19 Feb 2012, 22:52
Thank you for your fast reply.


The problem is you are trying to make the assembler do this:

mov [ebp+offset1],ebp+offset2    

Maybe I'm a bit slow but why doesn't the following work? (I also tried it without brackets.)
        mov rax, [windowClassName]
        mov [windowClass.lpszClassName], rax


You could try this:
windowClass WNDCLASSEX sizeof.WNDCLASSEX, 0, DummyWindowProc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'OPENGL64DUMMY', 0    

Sadly this doesn't work.

Do you really need this? Maybe:
proc foo ; Note that all local labels start with a dot.
        .pt     POINT
        .buffer rb 32

        stdcall [GetCursorPos], addr .pt
        ccall   [wsprintf], addr .buffer, .fmt, [.pt.x], [.pt.y]
        stdcall [MessageBox], 0, addr .buffer, .title, MB_ICONINFORMATION

  .fmt db 'Cursor at %u:%u',0
  .title db 'CursorPos',0

; This way you can "keep things seperated" without initializing locals with the bunch of MOVs.

Even thouggh it looks a bit strange, it does work, thank you.
Using the TCHAR thingy results in an error, but "du" doesn't, is there anything that TCHAR does that "du" doesn't?

Post 19 Feb 2012, 22:52
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yoshimitsu 20 Feb 2012, 00:44
windowClassName is a byte array, means with your code you get 8 bytes out of it which would be 'OPENGL64' and move it into windowClass.lpszClassName which should actually contain an address of string.
To be more precise, windowClassName is a symbolic equation for ebp+8, so it's not an actual address and therefore to calculate its real address you have to use lea:
lea rax,[windowClassName] ;it gets substituted for lea rax,[ebp+xx]
mov [windowClass.lpszClassName],rax    

PS: brackets are always needed when accessing memory.
Post 20 Feb 2012, 00:44
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shadowomf 20 Feb 2012, 10:12
Now I think I've got it.
Thank you all.
Post 20 Feb 2012, 10:12
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