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Index > Windows > registering local WNDCLASSEX - invalid value

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Joined: 22 Jan 2012
Posts: 2
Franc[e]sco 22 Jan 2012, 17:03
Hello, I'm trying to learn some fasm by making a win32 GUI. Everything went smooth until I decided to make my WNDCLASS local to WinMain proc. Even with the addr operator it wont compile:

line 72: pushd addr ..var?Tw

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'win32w.inc'

; Data
section '.data' data readable writeable

   _name TCHAR 'HelloWnd', 0
   _hwnd dd ?

   WinMain dd _WinMain

; Code
section '.code' code readable executable
   invoke GetModuleHandle, 0
   mov ebx, eax
   invoke GetCommandLine
   invoke WinMain, ebx, NULL, eax, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
   invoke ExitProcess, eax

proc WndProc uses ebx, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam
   mov ebx, [msg]
   cmp ebx, WM_CLOSE
   je .close
   cmp ebx, WM_DESTROY
   je .destroy
   jmp .default

   invoke DestroyWindow, [hwnd]
   mov eax, 0
   jmp .quit

   invoke PostQuitMessage, 0
   mov eax, 0
   jmp .quit

   invoke DefWindowProc, [hwnd], [msg], [wParam], [lParam]
   ; WINAPI return values are already stored in eax


proc _WinMain uses ebx, hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow
   local msg:MSG
   local wc:WNDCLASSEX
      szError:TCHAR rb 512

   mov eax, 0

   mov ebx, [hInstance]
   mov [wc.cbSize], sizeof.WNDCLASSEX
   mov [wc.style], 0
   mov [wc.lpfnWndProc], WndProc
   mov [wc.cbClsExtra], 0
   mov [wc.cbWndExtra], 0
   mov [wc.hInstance], ebx
   mov [wc.hIcon], NULL
   mov [wc.hCursor], NULL
   mov [wc.hbrBackground], COLOR_WINDOW+1
   mov [wc.lpszMenuName], NULL
   mov [wc.lpszClassName], _name
   mov [wc.hIconSm], NULL

   invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
   test eax, eax ; if true zero flag will be 0
   jnz .registered

      szRegFail TCHAR 'Window registration failed! GLE=0x%.8x', 0
   invoke GetLastError
   ccall [swprintf_s], addr szError, 512, addr szRegFail, eax
   invoke MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, addr szError, _name, MB_OK
   jmp .quit

   invoke CreateWindowEx,\
      HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, [hInstance], NULL

   mov [_hwnd], eax
   test eax, eax
   jz .created
      szCreationFail TCHAR 'Window creation failed! GLE=0x%.8x', 0
   invoke GetLastError
   ccall [swprintf_s], addr szError, 512, addr szCreationFail, eax
   invoke MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, addr szError, _name, MB_OK
   jmp .quit

   invoke ShowWindow, [_hwnd], [nCmdShow]
   invoke UpdateWindow, [_hwnd]

   invoke GetMessage, addr msg, NULL, 0, 0
   test eax, eax
   jz .message_loop_end
   invoke TranslateMessage, addr msg
   invoke DispatchMessage, addr msg
   jmp .message_loop

   mov eax, [msg.wParam]


; Imports
section '.idata' import data readable writeable

   library kernel32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
           user32, 'USER32.DLL',\
           msvcrt, 'MSVCRT.DLL'

   include 'api\kernel32.inc'
   include 'api\user32.inc'

   import msvcrt,\
      swprintf_s, 'swprintf_s'    

Also, just wondering: why can't I use CreateWindow since I don't need the extended stuff? It doesnt seem to exist
Post 22 Jan 2012, 17:03
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cod3b453 22 Jan 2012, 17:27
The address of wc is esp-(some value) which cannot be encoded in push so try "lea eax,[wc]" and "invoke RegisterClassEx, eax", hopefully that'll fix it.
Post 22 Jan 2012, 17:27
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Joined: 22 Jan 2012
Posts: 2
Franc[e]sco 22 Jan 2012, 17:40
That fixed it! Thanks
Post 22 Jan 2012, 17:40
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AsmGuru62 22 Jan 2012, 18:12
'CreateWindow' is a Win API macro, where exStyle is set to zero.
Post 22 Jan 2012, 18:12
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