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Kazyaka 04 Dec 2011, 23:01
I'm looking for smallest PE source code which works for Windows Xp - Windows 7, 32/64-bite with all service packs. I've found here 675B PE. I tested it on Win Xp (32) SP3 and Win 7 (64) and it runs correctly. Someone has simpler?

Last edited by Kazyaka on 05 Dec 2011, 07:38; edited 1 time in total
Post 04 Dec 2011, 23:01
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mindcooler 05 Dec 2011, 04:32
You can shave off a few bytes by

* removing "PE " from string
* removing ".dll" from kernel32
* using register addressing for calls and pointers
* moving code into theader

But you won't get below the 513 byte limit on W7, as it doesn't like filealigns less than $200.
Post 05 Dec 2011, 04:32
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Kazyaka 05 Dec 2011, 14:54
This advice is so useful for me.
* removing "PE " from string
* removing ".dll" from kernel32
It's easy to do. Now I can remove '.dll' from every library name.
* using register addressing for calls and pointers
I don't understand it. Can you explain me, please?
* moving code into theader
I think it was about 'header'. But how can I do it?

Here's my program (526B):
 ;      manual PE 
        image_base      equ 0x400000 
        alignment       equ 0x4 
        stack_reserve   equ 0x1000 
        stack_commit    equ 0x1000 
        heap_reserve    equ 0x1000 
        heap_commit     equ 0x1000 
 ;      dos header 
 ;      pe header 
 ;      optional header 
 ;      directory entries 
 ;      import header 
 ;      code directory 
 ;      import directory 
 format binary as "exe"
                dw 'MZ'                 ; DOS signature 
                db 0x3A dup(0)          ; unused 
                dd 0x40                 ; PE header address 
                db 'PE',0,0             ; PE signature 
                dw 0x014C               ; cpu (386) 
                dw 1                    ; number of sections 
                dd 0                    ; timestamp 
                dd 0                    ; symbol table address 
                dd 0                    ; number of symbols 
                dw sizeof.header        ; size of optional header 
                dw 0x010F               ; characteristics 
                dw 0x010B               ; magic 
                dw 0                    ; linker version 
                dd 0                    ; size of code section 
                dd 0                    ; size of initialised data 
                dd 0                    ; size of uninitialise data 
                dd code_directory       ; entry point address 
                dd 0                    ; base of code 
                dd 0                    ; base of data 
                dd image_base           ; base of image 
                dd alignment            ; section alignment 
                dd alignment            ; file alignment 
                dw 0                    ; os version major 
                dw 0                    ; os version minor 
                dw 0                    ; image version major 
                dw 0                    ; image version minor 
                dw 4                    ; subsystem version major 
                dw 0                    ; subsystem version minor 
                dd 0                    ; win32 version (reserved) 
                dd sizeof.image         ; image size 
                dd code_directory       ; header size 
                dd 0                    ; checksum 
                dw 0x0002               ; subsystem (GUI) 
                dw 0                    ; dll characteristics 
                dd stack_reserve        ; stack reserve size 
                dd stack_commit         ; stack commit size 
                dd heap_reserve         ; heap reserve size 
                dd heap_commit          ; heap commit size 
                dd 0                    ; loader flags (obsolete) 
                dd 16                   ; number of directory entries 
                dq 0                    ; export 
                dd import_directory     ; import section rva 
                dd sizeof.import        ; import section size 
                dq 14 dup(0)            ; the rest 
                dq '.import'            ; name 
                dd sizeof.import        ; virtual size 
                dd code_directory       ; rva 
                dd sizeof.import        ; raw size 
                dd code_directory       ; raw pointer to data 
                dd 0                    ; pointer to relocations 
                dd 0                    ; pointer to line numbers 
                dw 0                    ; number of relocations 
                dw 0                    ; number of line numbers 
                dd 0x0E0000020          ; characteristics 
                align alignment
                push 0 
                push title+image_base 
                push message+image_base 
                push 0 
                push 0 
                title: db 'Title',0
                message: db 'Hello world',0
                dd 0,0,0,kernel_name,kernel_table 
                dd 0,0,0,user_name,user_table 
                dd 0,0,0,0,0 
                kernel_name db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0 
                user_name db 'USER32.DLL', 0 
                ExitProcess dd _ExitProcess 
                dd 0 
                MessageBox dd _MessageBox+0000h 
                dd 0 
                _MessageBox db 0, 0, 'MessageBoxA', 0 
                _ExitProcess db 0,0,'ExitProcess',0 
                sizeof.import = file_end-import_directory 
                sizeof.header = import_header-optional_header 
                sizeof.image = file_end 

It runs correctly for Win XP (34b). But why it doesn't work for Win 7 (64b)?
The size is over 512 bytes.
Post 05 Dec 2011, 14:54
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mindcooler 05 Dec 2011, 15:15
I don't understand it. Can you explain me, please?

something like

mov ebp,imports
call [ebp+ExitProcess.offset]    

I think it was about 'header'. But how can I do it?

Isn't that what you have just done?

It runs correctly for Win XP (34b). But why it doesn't work for Win 7 (64b)?
The size is over 512 bytes.

Probably because you have entrypoint outside of a section.

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Post 05 Dec 2011, 15:15
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Kazyaka 05 Dec 2011, 16:19
Now everything is clear for me. I need only to fix entry point adress. I tried a lot of places and they don't work for me.
What should I do?
Post 05 Dec 2011, 16:19
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khatch 06 Dec 2011, 01:49
"mindcooler" wrote :

removing "PE " from string

iI do not understood this ;
did you mean

db 'PE',0,0 ; PE signature

I don`t think so !!!!
can you explain it for me , please .
Post 06 Dec 2011, 01:49
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mindcooler 06 Dec 2011, 03:36
Kazyaka wrote:
Now everything is clear for me. I need only to fix entry point adress. I tried a lot of places and they don't work for me.
What should I do?

Try putting your .import section at $200.

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Post 06 Dec 2011, 03:36
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mindcooler 06 Dec 2011, 03:38
I don`t think so !!!!
can you explain it for me , please .

hello: db 'Hello, PE World!'


hello: db 'Hello, World!'

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Post 06 Dec 2011, 03:38
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Kazyaka 06 Dec 2011, 17:07
I did as you said and it works only for XP (32b).

My code:
 ;      manual PE 
        image_base      equ 0x400000 
        alignment       equ 0x4 
        stack_reserve   equ 0x1000 
        stack_commit    equ 0x1000 
        heap_reserve    equ 0x1000 
        heap_commit     equ 0x1000 
 ;      dos header 
 ;      pe header 
 ;      optional header 
 ;      directory entries 
 ;      import header 
 ;      code directory 
 ;      import directory 
 format binary as "exe"
                dw 'MZ'                 ; DOS signature
                db 0x3A dup(0)          ; unused 
                dd 0x40                 ; PE header address 
                db 'PE',0,0             ; PE signature

                dw 0x014C               ; cpu (386) 
                dw 1                    ; number of sections 
                dd 0                    ; timestamp 
                dd 0                    ; symbol table address 
                dd 0                    ; number of symbols 
                dw sizeof.header        ; size of optional header 
                dw 0x010F               ; characteristics 
                dw 0x010B               ; magic 
                dw 0                    ; linker version 
                dd 0                    ; size of code section 
                dd 0                    ; size of initialised data 
                dd 0                    ; size of uninitialise data 
                dd code_directory       ; entry point address 
                dd 0                    ; base of code 
                dd 0                    ; base of data 
                dd image_base           ; base of image 
                dd alignment            ; section alignment 
                dd alignment            ; file alignment 
                dw 0                    ; os version major 
                dw 0                    ; os version minor 
                dw 0                    ; image version major 
                dw 0                    ; image version minor 
                dw 4                    ; subsystem version major 
                dw 0                    ; subsystem version minor 
                dd 0                    ; win32 version (reserved) 
                dd sizeof.image         ; image size 
                dd code_directory       ; header size 
                dd 0                    ; checksum 
                dw 0x0002               ; subsystem (GUI) 
                dw 0                    ; dll characteristics 
                dd stack_reserve        ; stack reserve size 
                dd stack_commit         ; stack commit size 
                dd heap_reserve         ; heap reserve size 
                dd heap_commit          ; heap commit size 
                dd 0                    ; loader flags (obsolete) 
                dd 16                   ; number of directory entries 
                dq 0                    ; export 
                dd import_directory     ; import section rva 
                dd sizeof.import        ; import section size 
                dq 39 dup(0)            ; the rest
                dq '.import'            ; name 
                dd sizeof.import        ; virtual size 
                dd code_directory       ; rva 
                dd sizeof.import        ; raw size 
                dd code_directory       ; raw pointer to data 
                dd 0                    ; pointer to relocations 
                dd 0                    ; pointer to line numbers 
                dw 0                    ; number of relocations 
                dw 0                    ; number of line numbers 
                dd 0x0E0000020          ; characteristics 
                align alignment
                push 0 
                push title+image_base 
                push message+image_base 
                push 0 
                push 0 
                title: db 'Ramzes',0
                message: db 'Hello world',0
                dd 0,0,0,kernel_name,kernel_table 
                dd 0,0,0,user_name,user_table 
                dd 0,0,0,0,0 
                kernel_name db 'KERNEL32',0
                user_name db 'USER32', 0
                ExitProcess dd _ExitProcess 
                dd 0 
                MessageBox dd _MessageBox+0000h 
                dd 0 
                _MessageBox db 0, 0, 'MessageBoxA', 0 
                _ExitProcess db 0,0,'ExitProcess',0 
                sizeof.import = file_end-import_directory 
                sizeof.header = import_header-optional_header 
                sizeof.image = file_end 

Last edited by Kazyaka on 01 Jul 2012, 09:07; edited 1 time in total
Post 06 Dec 2011, 17:07
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mindcooler 06 Dec 2011, 17:29
You can't have section alignment under $1000.

        alignment       equ 0x1000     

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Post 06 Dec 2011, 17:29
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Kazyaka 06 Dec 2011, 19:05
OK. But now size of file is 4 271 bytes!
Post 06 Dec 2011, 19:05
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mindcooler 07 Dec 2011, 01:32
Instead of aligning the section to $1000, align it to $200 and org to $1000. Note that you need to keep track of the raw addresses of items after the org and adjust accordingly.
Post 07 Dec 2011, 01:32
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Kazyaka 07 Dec 2011, 14:50
It crashes.
 ;      manual PE  
        image_base      equ 0x400000  
        alignment       equ 0x200
        stack_reserve   equ 0x1000  
        stack_commit    equ 0x1000  
        heap_reserve    equ 0x1000  
        heap_commit     equ 0x1000  
 ;      dos header  
 ;      pe header  
 ;      optional header  
 ;      directory entries  
 ;      import header  
 ;      code directory  
 ;      import directory  
 format binary as "exe" 
                dw 'MZ'                 ; DOS signature 
                db 0x3A dup(0)          ; unused  
                dd 0x40                 ; PE header address  
                db 'PE',0,0             ; PE signature 

                dw 0x014C               ; cpu (386)  
                dw 1                    ; number of sections  
                dd 0                    ; timestamp  
                dd 0                    ; symbol table address  
                dd 0                    ; number of symbols  
                dw sizeof.header        ; size of optional header  
                dw 0x010F               ; characteristics  
                dw 0x010B               ; magic  
                dw 0                    ; linker version  
                dd 0                    ; size of code section  
                dd 0                    ; size of initialised data  
                dd 0                    ; size of uninitialise data  
                dd code_directory       ; entry point address  
                dd 0                    ; base of code  
                dd 0                    ; base of data  
                dd image_base           ; base of image  
                dd alignment            ; section alignment  
                dd alignment            ; file alignment  
                dw 0                    ; os version major  
                dw 0                    ; os version minor  
                dw 0                    ; image version major  
                dw 0                    ; image version minor  
                dw 4                    ; subsystem version major  
                dw 0                    ; subsystem version minor  
                dd 0                    ; win32 version (reserved)  
                dd sizeof.image         ; image size  
                dd code_directory       ; header size  
                dd 0                    ; checksum  
                dw 0x0002               ; subsystem (GUI)  
                dw 0                    ; dll characteristics  
                dd stack_reserve        ; stack reserve size  
                dd stack_commit         ; stack commit size  
                dd heap_reserve         ; heap reserve size  
                dd heap_commit          ; heap commit size  
                dd 0                    ; loader flags (obsolete)  
                dd 16                   ; number of directory entries  
                dq 0                    ; export  
                dd import_directory     ; import section rva  
                dd sizeof.import        ; import section size  
                dq 39 dup(0)            ; the rest 

                dq '.import'            ; name  
                dd sizeof.import        ; virtual size  
                dd code_directory       ; rva  
                dd sizeof.import        ; raw size  
                dd code_directory       ; raw pointer to data  
                dd 0                    ; pointer to relocations  
                dd 0                    ; pointer to line numbers  
                dw 0                    ; number of relocations  
                dw 0                    ; number of line numbers  
                dd 0x0E0000020          ; characteristics
               align alignment
               org 0x1000
                push 0  
                push title+image_base  
                push message+image_base  
                push 0  
                push 0  
                title: db 'Ramzes',0 
                message: db 'Hello world',0 
                dd 0,0,0,kernel_name,kernel_table  
                dd 0,0,0,user_name,user_table  
                dd 0,0,0,0,0  
                kernel_name db 'KERNEL32',0 
                user_name db 'USER32', 0 
                ExitProcess dd _ExitProcess  
                dd 0  
                MessageBox dd _MessageBox+0000h  
                dd 0  
                _MessageBox db 0, 0, 'MessageBoxA', 0  
                _ExitProcess db 0,0,'ExitProcess',0  
                sizeof.import = file_end-import_directory  
                sizeof.header = import_header-optional_header  
                sizeof.image = file_end  
Post 07 Dec 2011, 14:50
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mindcooler 08 Dec 2011, 02:12
dd alignment            ; section alignment    

You have a $200 section alignment again, it can't be less than $1000. And you are not adjusting raw addresses, e.g.

dd code_directory       ; raw pointer to data    

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Post 08 Dec 2011, 02:12
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Kazyaka 09 Dec 2011, 12:42
But with section alignment $1000 file has size above 4kB.
 ;      manual PE   
        image_base      equ 0x400000   
        alignment       equ 0x1000
        stack_reserve   equ 0x1000   
        stack_commit    equ 0x1000   
        heap_reserve    equ 0x1000   
        heap_commit     equ 0x1000   
 ;      dos header   
 ;      pe header   
 ;      optional header   
 ;      directory entries   
 ;      import header   
 ;      code directory   
 ;      import directory   
 format binary as "exe"  
                dw 'MZ'                 ; DOS signature  
                db 0x3A dup(0)          ; unused   
                dd 0x40                 ; PE header address   
                db 'PE',0,0             ; PE signature  

                dw 0x014C               ; cpu (386)   
                dw 1                    ; number of sections   
                dd 0                    ; timestamp   
                dd 0                    ; symbol table address   
                dd 0                    ; number of symbols   
                dw sizeof.header        ; size of optional header   
                dw 0x010F               ; characteristics   
                dw 0x010B               ; magic   
                dw 0                    ; linker version   
                dd 0                    ; size of code section   
                dd 0                    ; size of initialised data   
                dd 0                    ; size of uninitialise data   
                dd code_directory       ; entry point address   
                dd 0                    ; base of code   
                dd 0                    ; base of data   
                dd image_base           ; base of image   
                dd alignment            ; section alignment   
                dd alignment            ; file alignment   
                dw 0                    ; os version major   
                dw 0                    ; os version minor   
                dw 0                    ; image version major   
                dw 0                    ; image version minor   
                dw 4                    ; subsystem version major   
                dw 0                    ; subsystem version minor   
                dd 0                    ; win32 version (reserved)   
                dd sizeof.image         ; image size   
                dd code_directory       ; header size   
                dd 0                    ; checksum   
                dw 0x0002               ; subsystem (GUI)   
                dw 0                    ; dll characteristics   
                dd stack_reserve        ; stack reserve size   
                dd stack_commit         ; stack commit size   
                dd heap_reserve         ; heap reserve size   
                dd heap_commit          ; heap commit size   
                dd 0                    ; loader flags (obsolete)   
                dd 16                   ; number of directory entries   
                dq 0                    ; export   
                dd import_directory     ; import section rva   
                dd sizeof.import        ; import section size   
                dq 39 dup(0)            ; the rest  

                dq '.import'            ; name   
                dd sizeof.import        ; virtual size   
                dd code_directory       ; rva   
                dd sizeof.import        ; raw size   
                dd code_directory       ; raw pointer to data   
                dd 0                    ; pointer to relocations   
                dd 0                    ; pointer to line numbers   
                dw 0                    ; number of relocations   
                dw 0                    ; number of line numbers   
                dd 0x0E0000020          ; characteristics 
               align alignment 
               org 0x1000 
                push 0   
                push title+image_base   
                push message+image_base   
                push 0   
                push 0   
                title: db 'Title',0  
                message: db 'Hello world',0  
                dd 0,0,0,kernel_name,kernel_table   
                dd 0,0,0,user_name,user_table   
                dd 0,0,0,0,0   
                kernel_name db 'KERNEL32',0  
                user_name db 'USER32', 0  
                ExitProcess dd _ExitProcess   
                dd 0   
                MessageBox dd _MessageBox+0000h   
                dd 0   
                _MessageBox db 0, 0, 'MessageBoxA', 0   
                _ExitProcess db 0,0,'ExitProcess',0   
                sizeof.import = file_end-import_directory   
                sizeof.header = import_header-optional_header   
                sizeof.image = file_end   

I give up.
Post 09 Dec 2011, 12:42
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mindcooler 09 Dec 2011, 21:25
Now you have section alignment and file alignment equal again.

I think you are confusing section alignment, file alignment and your section's raw and rva. Set file alignment to $200, and your .import section starts at raw $200 rva $1000 instead of raw $1000 rva $1000.
Post 09 Dec 2011, 21:25
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Kazyaka 11 Dec 2011, 17:56
I think easier is using your code. How can I remove console from program?
Post 11 Dec 2011, 17:56
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DOS386 12 Dec 2011, 02:11
> How can I remove console from program?

Set subsystem to GUY Very Happy

> You can shave off a few bytes by

* optimizing the imports, see http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=11170 "DeLL HeLL"

; WARNING this is unnecessary bloated
  _MessageBox db 0, 0, 'MessageBoxA', 0
  _ExitProcess db 0,0,'ExitProcess',0

> But with section alignment $1000 file has size above 4kB.

Then you did something wrong because my file has also section alignment $1000 but the bloat is only 1 KiB Wink

PS: my examples are supposed to run on any Windaube from 7 (lowest and oldest) to 95 (highest and newest) as well as with HX, ReactorOS, and Wine&Beer. Let me know if they don't.
Post 12 Dec 2011, 02:11
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mindcooler 12 Dec 2011, 15:49
Kazyaka wrote:
I think easier is using your code.

If you are going to use my code, why not take a look at something more recent:


Kazyaka wrote:
How can I remove console from program?


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Post 12 Dec 2011, 15:49
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Kazyaka 15 Dec 2011, 21:31
Thank you for advices!

DOS386 wrote:
Then you did something wrong because my file has also section alignment $1000 but the bloat is only 1 KiB Wink

Wrong? But what? Can you show your code, please?
Post 15 Dec 2011, 21:31
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