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Index > DOS > String to Standart Output always in same line

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Joined: 01 Dec 2011
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Cmostransistor 01 Dec 2011, 16:31
Hello together,

Im currently creating a programm which reads the current System Time (using int21 2ch) and writes it constantly into the DOS-console (using int21 09h) in "HH:MM:SS:hh0" format.

Reading, converting and writing the time into the string works.

But when i do this in a loop, it always creates a new line in the Console.

How can i prevent this? So that each new time is at the same position in the console.

Sry for my bad english:)
I hope someone will understand my problem.
Post 01 Dec 2011, 16:31
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edfed 01 Dec 2011, 17:18
you have to displace the cursor before to rewrite over a field.
Post 01 Dec 2011, 17:18
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 01 Dec 2011, 17:22
Hello Try This:
org 100H

  MOV     AX,0013H
    INT     10H

  MOV     AX,0x2C00
   INT     21H

     MOV     SI,Time
     ADD     SI,1
        MOVZX   AX,CH                   ; Hour
      CALL    @Bin2Ascii_16

   MOVZX   AX,CL                   ; Minute
    MOV     SI,Time
     ADD     SI,4
        CALL    @Bin2Ascii_16

   MOVZX   AX,DH                   ; Second
    MOV     SI,Time
     ADD     SI,7
        CALL    @Bin2Ascii_16

   MOVZX   AX,DL                   ; 1/100 Seconds
     MOV     SI,Time
     ADD     SI,10
       CALL    @Bin2Ascii_16

   MOV     AX,0200H
    XOR     BX,BX
       MOV     DH,12                   ; Row
       MOV     DL,14                   ; Column
    INT     10H

     MOV     DX,Time
     MOV     AX,0900H
    INT     21H

     MOV     DI,Time
     MOV     AL,30H
      MOV     [DI],AL
     MOV     [DI+ 1],AL
  MOV     [DI+ 3],AL
  MOV     [DI+ 4],AL
  MOV     [DI+ 6],AL
  MOV     [DI+ 7],AL
  MOV     [DI+ 9],AL
  MOV     [DI+ 10],AL
    MOV     AX,0100H
    INT     16H

     JZ      @B

      MOV     AX,0003H
    INT     10H




   MOV     CX,10
    XOR     DX,DX
       DIV     CX
  ADD     DL,30H
      MOV     [SI],DL
     SUB     SI,1
        OR      AX,AX
       JNZ     @B


Align 16

Time     DB 30h,30h,':'
        DB 30h,30h,':'
        DB 30h,30h,':'
        DB 30h,30h
  DB '$'



Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 01 Dec 2011, 17:22
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Posts: 2
Cmostransistor 01 Dec 2011, 18:38
At first thanks for the fast reply.

Your code works very good, but it cant figure out how to change mine.

How i need to change this?:

format MZ
stack 100h

segment daten
zeit db 'hh:mm:ss:hs0$'

segment ute
entry ute:start

     mov ax,daten
        mov ds,ax

        mov ah,2Ch
  int 21h
    mov al,ch                               
    call formatieren
    mov [zeit],al
       add ah,'0'            
    mov [zeit+1],ah
    mov al,cl
   call formatieren
    mov [zeit+3],al
     add ah,'0'
        mov [zeit+4],ah
    mov al,dh
   call formatieren
    mov [zeit+6],al
     add ah,'0'
        mov [zeit+7],ah

 mov al,dl
   call formatieren
    mov [zeit+9],al
     add ah,'0'
        mov [zeit+10],ah
    call ausgabe
    jmp short start
     call ende

        mov dx,zeit
 mov ah, 09h
 int 21h
       mov ah,4ch
  int 21h
        xor ah,ah            
    mov bl,10             
    div bl                
    add al,'0'            

Some german words in there, sorry. Very Happy
Post 01 Dec 2011, 18:38
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 01 Dec 2011, 19:29
learn this Wink
format MZ
stack 100h

segment daten
zeit db 'hh:mm:ss:hs0$'

segment ute
entry ute:start


        mov      ax,daten
        mov         ds,ax

   mov     ax,0013h
    int     10h
     mov     ax,0003h
    int     10h

     mov     dx,3d4h
     mov     ax,2d0ah                        ; Cursor Off
        out     dx,ax

        mov     ah,2Ch
        int   21h
        mov  al,ch                               
        call        formatieren
        mov      [zeit],al
        add        ah,'0'            
        mov     [zeit+1],ah
        mov  al,cl
        call   formatieren
        mov      [zeit+3],al
        add      ah,'0'
        mov         [zeit+4],ah
        mov      al,dh
        call   formatieren
        mov      [zeit+6],al
        add      ah,'0'
        mov         [zeit+7],ah

        mov  al,dl
        call   formatieren
        mov      [zeit+9],al
        add      ah,'0'
        mov         [zeit+10],ah
    mov     ax,0200h
    xor     bx,bx
       mov     dh,1                    ; Row
       mov     dl,34                   ; Column
    int     10h

        call         ausgabe
 mov     ah,01
       int     16h
        jz       @b
    xor     ax,ax
       int     16h

     mov     dx,3d4h
     mov     ax,0d0ah                        ; Cursor On
 out     dx,ax

        mov        ah,4ch
        int   21h

        mov  dx,zeit
        mov  ah, 09h
        int  21h
        xor       ah,ah            
           mov     bl,10             
          div     bl                
          add     al,'0'            

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 01 Dec 2011, 19:29
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 01 Dec 2011, 20:27
The line break in DOS consist of two characters, CR=13 and LF=10. CF is Carriage Return and it moves cursor back to the start of the line, while LF is Line Feed and moves cursor down to the next line.
So to do what you need, it is enough to use just alone CR character. Modify your "zeit" definition this way:
zeit db 'hh:mm:ss:hs0',13,'$'    
and it will work without any further modifications.
Post 01 Dec 2011, 20:27
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freecrac 02 Dec 2011, 15:12
Another method for an output to the screen (without involving software interupts) is to write any ASCII directly to the videoram. The address of the textmode(3) on VGAs begin in 0B800:0 and for monochrom displays in 0B00:0.

The content of the textram includes the ASCII-byte itself and its attribute-byte with the foreground and background color. This picture shows an output of this textram:

Depending on how many rows we are using for a line and how many lines we using for our hole screen (example 132x25, 80x25 or 80x50 etc.), we have to calculate the offset-address in that form: Row * 2 * Line.


Post 02 Dec 2011, 15:12
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smiddy 02 Dec 2011, 18:33
freecrac wrote:
Another method for an output to the screen (without involving software interupts) is to write any ASCII directly to the videoram. The address of the textmode(3) on VGAs begin in 0B800:0 and for monochrom displays in 0B00:0.

The content of the textram includes the ASCII-byte itself and its attribute-byte with the foreground and background color. This picture shows an output of this textram:

Depending on how many rows we are using for a line and how many lines we using for our hole screen (example 132x25, 80x25 or 80x50 etc.), we have to calculate the offset-address in that form: Row * 2 * Line.



I'm at work, just getting a sneak into what is being posted. I have some codes that can put the text modes up to 160 columns. I'll post them later...I researched them in 2004 and 2005, there are likely more now.
Post 02 Dec 2011, 18:33
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smiddy 03 Dec 2011, 17:31
Ok, here's one for 160 x 64:

;; ScreenMode160x64 - Change screen size if machine is capable.



    mov ax,4F02h                    ; VESA Call
    mov bx,6Bh                      ; 160 x 64 screen size
    int 10h                         ; Call the interrupt
    cmp al,4Fh                      ; Compare to check if call is supported
    jne .Done                       ; If not supported, head out
    cmp ah,1                        ; Compare to see if the call was successful
    jne .Done                       ; If not successful, head out
                                    ; If successful, update BIOS
    push es                         ; Save ES
    mov ax,0                        ; Place 0 into AX
    mov es,ax                       ; Put 0 into ES
    mov ax,160                      ; Place number of columns in AX
    mov [es:44Ah],ax                ; Set number of columns in BDA
    mov al,63                       ; Place number of columns in AL
    mov [es:484h],al                ; Set number of rows - 1 in BDA
    pop es                          ; Restore original ES   

Post 03 Dec 2011, 17:31
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freecrac 05 Dec 2011, 05:51
smiddy wrote:
Ok, here's one for 160 x 64:

;; ScreenMode160x64 - Change screen size if machine is capable.



    mov ax,4F02h                    ; VESA Call
    mov bx,6Bh                      ; 160 x 64 screen size
    int 10h                         ; Call the interrupt


But the Vesa-Bios on my card do not support this modenumber because:
Starting with VBE version 2.0, VESA will no longer define new VESA mode numbers and it will no longer be mandatory to support these old mode numbers.
So we have to use the modelist inside of our VESA-Bios instead.

VBE mode numbers begin at 100h.
The format of VBE mode numbers is as follows:
D0-D8 = Mode number
If D8 == 0, this is not a VESA defined VBE mode
If D8 == 1, this is a VESA defined VBE mode
D9-D12 = Reserved by VESA for future expansion (= 0)
D11 = Refresh Rate Control Select
If D11 == 0, Use current BIOS default refresh rate
If D11 == 1, Use user specified CRTC values for refresh rate
D12-13 = Reserved for VBE/AF (must be 0)
D14 = Linear/Flat Frame Buffer Select
If D14 == 0, Use Banked/Windowed Frame Buffer
If D14 == 1, Use Linear/Flat Frame Buffer
D15 = Preserve Display Memory Select
If D15 == 0, Clear display memory
If D15 == 1, Preserve display memory

(For more details take a look into the vbe3.pdf in the puplic area from vesa.org. Need register and/or login.)
Vesamodi of my colorfull GTX 295:
(All values are hexadecimal)

0100 X=0280 Y=0190 8Bit
0101 X=0280 Y=01E0 8Bit
0102 X=0320 Y=0258 4Bit
0103 X=0320 Y=0258 8Bit
0104 X=0400 Y=0300 4Bit
0105 X=0400 Y=0300 8Bit
0106 X=0500 Y=0400 4Bit
0107 X=0500 Y=0400 8Bit
010E X=0140 Y=00C8 10Bit
010F X=0140 Y=00C8 20Bit
0111 X=0280 Y=01E0 10Bit
0112 X=0280 Y=01E0 20Bit
0114 X=0320 Y=0258 10Bit
0115 X=0320 Y=0258 20Bit
0117 X=0400 Y=0300 10Bit
0118 X=0400 Y=0300 20Bit
011A X=0500 Y=0400 10Bit
011B X=0500 Y=0400 20Bit
0130 X=0140 Y=00C8 8Bit
0131 X=0140 Y=0190 8Bit
0132 X=0140 Y=0190 10Bit
0133 X=0140 Y=0190 20Bit
0134 X=0140 Y=00F0 8Bit
0135 X=0140 Y=00F0 10Bit
0136 X=0140 Y=00F0 20Bit
013D X=0280 Y=0190 10Bit
013E X=0280 Y=0190 20Bit
0145 X=0640 Y=04B0 8Bit
0146 X=0640 Y=04B0 10Bit
014A X=0640 Y=04B0 20Bit
0160 X=0500 Y=0320 8Bit
0161 X=0500 Y=0320 20Bit
0162 X=0300 Y=01E0 8Bit
017B X=0500 Y=02D0 20Bit
017C X=0780 Y=04B0 8Bit
017D X=0780 Y=04B0 20Bit

This batchfile can be used to get the VESA-Info:
@echo off
echo e cs:0100>tmp.deb
echo B8 00 4f BF 00 02 CD 10>>tmp.deb
echo g=cs:0100 0108>>tmp.deb
echo d cs:200>>tmp.deb
echo q>>tmp.deb
debug <tmp.deb >Vesa.info
del tmp.deb

This Vesa.info-file contains the pointer to the modelist and the modelist of the vesa-bios:

-e cs:0100

1537:0100 00.
 B8 00.00 00.4f 00.BF 00.00 00.02 00.CD 00.10

-g=cs:0100 0108

AX=004F BX=0000 CX=0000 DX=0000 SP=FFEE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0200
DS=1537 ES=1537 SS=1537 CS=1537 IP=0108 NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC
1537:0108 0000 ADD [BX+SI],AL DS:0000=CD
-d cs:200

1537:0200 56 45 53 41 00 03 1E B5-00 C0 01 00 00 00 22 02 VESA..........".
1537:0210 37 15 E0 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7...............
1537:0220 00 00 00 01 01 01 02 01-03 01 04 01 05 01 06 01 ................
1537:0230 07 01 0E 01 0F 01 11 01-12 01 14 01 15 01 17 01 ................
1537:0240 18 01 1A 01 1B 01 30 01-31 01 32 01 33 01 34 01 ......
1537:0250 35 01 36 01 3D 01 3E 01-45 01 46 01 4A 01 60 01 5.6.=.>.E.F.J.`.
1537:0260 61 01 62 01 66 01 67 01-70 01 7B 01 7C 01 7D 01 a.b.f.g.p.{.|.}.
1537:0270 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

With one of these vesamodi from our modelist we can get the modinfo.
This batchfile use the vesamode "017D" from the modelist above:
@echo off
echo e cs:0100>tmp.deb
echo B8 01 4f BF 00 03 B9 7D 01 CD 10>>tmp.deb
echo g=cs:0100 010B>>tmp.deb
echo d cs:0300>>tmp.deb
echo q>>tmp.deb
debug <tmp.deb >VesaMode.info
del tmp.deb

This VesaMode.info-file contains informations about the vesamode "017D".

-e cs:0100

1537:0100 00.
 B8 00.01 00.4f 00.BF 00.00 00.03 00.B9 00.7D
1537:0108 00.01 00.CD 00.10

-g=cs:0100 010B

AX=004F BX=0000 CX=017D DX=0000 SP=FFEE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0300
DS=1537 ES=1537 SS=1537 CS=1537 IP=010B NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC
1537:010B 0000 ADD [BX+SI],AL DS:0000=CD
-d cs:0300

1537:0300 BF 03 07 00 40 00 40 00-00 A0 00 00 C8 85 00 C0 ....@.@.........
1537:0310 00 1E 80 07 B0 04 08 10-01 20 01 06 00 01 01 08 ......... ......
1537:0320 10 08 08 08 00 08 18 00-00 00 08 01 00 00 00 00 ................
1537:0330 00 00 00 1E 01 01 08 10-08 08 08 00 08 18 60 E4 ..............`.
1537:0340 AD 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
1537:0350 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
1537:0360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
1537:0370 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

Post 05 Dec 2011, 05:51
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 05 Dec 2011, 08:12
This is my VBE utility Wink


Anyway you are OFFTOPIC Laughing

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 05 Dec 2011, 08:12
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freecrac 05 Dec 2011, 13:47
DJ Mauretto wrote:
This is my VBE utility Wink


Inside of your VBE utility-sources i found only an old VBE 1-modetable and inside of the code the modenumber 11Bh are in use i think for the resolution of 1280x1024x16M.
On this way it isn´t possible to know, if this resolution exist on modern VBE 2/3 Bios and mayby if an other number is linked to this resolution.

Anyway you are OFFTOPIC Laughing

Some VESA-Bios provide extended textmodes and so it is possible to use them also with a standard output. I am not sure if it OFFTOPIC, because they are rare in use?

@smiddy: On wich videocard do you test this textmode?

My posting above pointed to the circumstance that newer VBE-cards maybe no longer use the older modenumbers from VBE 1. Since VBE 2 the bios include an own modetable with maybe different modenumbers. These numbers can be vary between manufactureres and/or productlines. If we want to know which resolution exist using the VBE-bios, then we have to check every modenumber in the modelist of our bios with VBE-function 4F01h step by step, til we can found our resolution and/or mode attribut that we are looking for, or the modelist ends with the endmarker FFFFh.

The ModeAttributes field is defined as follows:

D0 = Mode supported by hardware configuration
0 = Mode not supported in hardware
1 = Mode supported in hardware
D1 = 1 (Reserved)
D2 = TTY Output functions supported by BIOS
0 = TTY Output functions not supported by BIOS
1 = TTY Output functions supported by BIOS

D3 = Monochrome/color mode (see note below)
0 = Monochrome mode
1 = Color mode
D4 = Mode type
0 = Text mode

1 = Graphics mode
D5 = VGA compatible mode
0 = Yes
1 = No
D6 = VGA compatible windowed memory mode is available
0 = Yes
1 = No
D7 = Linear frame buffer mode is available
0 = No
1 = Yes
D8 = Double scan mode is available
0 = No
1 = Yes
D9 = Interlaced mode is available
0 = No
1 = Yes
D10 = Hardware triple buffering support
0 = No
1 = Yes
D11 = Hardware stereoscopic display support
0 = No
1 = Yes
D12 = Dual display start address support
0 = No
1 = Yes
D13-D15 = Reserved


Personally i prefer the highest VBE-mode 1920x1200x32 of my colorfull GTX 295, because this is the native resolution of my 28" LCD monitor. (Any other resolution will be interpolate and results an unsharper view.)
For a text-output in this mode it is possible to read the ASCII character table of the bios(example: 8x8 from vector 1F) and to paint/enlarge any letter dot by dot. (This is of course far away from any standard output.)


Last edited by freecrac on 05 Dec 2011, 15:51; edited 1 time in total
Post 05 Dec 2011, 13:47
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 05 Dec 2011, 15:50
Inside of your VBE utility-sources i found only an old VBE 1-modetable and inside of the code the modenumber 11Bh are in use i think for the resolution of 1280x1024x16M.
On this way it isn´t possible to know, if this resolution exist on modern VBE 2/3 Bios and mayby if an other number is linked to this resolution.

Question Question Question Question Question

Some VESA-Bios provide extended textmodes and so it is possible to use them also with a standard output. I am not sure if it OFFTOPIC, because they are rare in use?

The topic is about this not vbe:
Hello together,

Im currently creating a programm which reads the current System Time (using int21 2ch) and writes it constantly into the DOS-console (using int21 09h) in "HH:MM:SS:hh0" format.

Reading, converting and writing the time into the string works.

But when i do this in a loop, it always creates a new line in the Console.

How can i prevent this? So that each new time is at the same position in the console.

Sry for my bad english:)
I hope someone will understand my problem.

Open a new tread for vesa vbe Wink

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 05 Dec 2011, 15:50
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freecrac 05 Dec 2011, 16:09
DJ Mauretto wrote:
Inside of your VBE utility-sources i found only an old VBE 1-modetable and inside of the code the modenumber 11Bh are in use i think for the resolution of 1280x1024x16M.
On this way it isn´t possible to know, if this resolution exist on modern VBE 2/3 Bios and mayby if an other number is linked to this resolution.

Question Question Question Question Question

Some VESA-Bios provide extended textmodes and so it is possible to use them also with a standard output. I am not sure if it OFFTOPIC, because they are rare in use?

The topic is about this not vbe:
Hello together,

Im currently creating a programm which reads the current System Time (using int21 2ch) and writes it constantly into the DOS-console (using int21 09h) in "HH:MM:SS:hh0" format.

Reading, converting and writing the time into the string works.

But when i do this in a loop, it always creates a new line in the Console.

How can i prevent this? So that each new time is at the same position in the console.

Sry for my bad english:)
I hope someone will understand my problem.

Open a new tread for vesa vbe Wink

Now i added the attribut-table of the VBE-modeinfo in my posting above which shows that it is possible to use VBE-Modes with a TTY standard output methode. Sorry, if you dont read the vbe3-documentation for that i give the reference, then maybe you can´t know this importend detail.

The interpretation of the term "DOS-console" and also "standard output" can be vary on this way, they are not closer specified. And this alway open a brighter view of possibilities. I hope the same to you.

Post 05 Dec 2011, 16:09
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 05 Dec 2011, 17:12
Now i added the attribut-table of the VBE-modeinfo in my posting above which shows that it is possible to use VBE-Modes with a TTY standard output methode. Sorry, if you dont read the vbe3-documentation for that i give the reference, then maybe you can´t know this importend detail.

The interpretation of the term "DOS-console" and also "standard output" can be vary on this way, they are not closer specified. And this alway open a brighter view of possibilities. I hope the same to you.

Hey, What is your problem ?
The english language ?


Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 05 Dec 2011, 17:12
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 05 Dec 2011, 17:14
Sorry, if you dont read the vbe3-documentation for that i give the reference, then maybe you can´t know this importend detail.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Stupid Beginner...

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 05 Dec 2011, 17:14
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freecrac 05 Dec 2011, 17:41
DJ Mauretto wrote:
Now i added the attribut-table of the VBE-modeinfo in my posting above which shows that it is possible to use VBE-Modes with a TTY standard output methode. Sorry, if you dont read the vbe3-documentation for that i give the reference, then maybe you can´t know this importend detail.

The interpretation of the term "DOS-console" and also "standard output" can be vary on this way, they are not closer specified. And this alway open a brighter view of possibilities. I hope the same to you.

Hey, What is your problem ?
The english language ?


LOL. (Playing an angry boy and shouting not needed.)

Maybe you are joking. The Topic is to prevent that the output takes place in a new line. Nothing else!

And be sure that can also be solved without to read or set the cursor position.

Beside this view we have to handle different resolutions that we can use.
So it is importend to check that parameter, so that our routine can be used on different wise.

If you don´t have an interest in those details then shut down., or use some more freindly words instead of shouting blurb.

Post 05 Dec 2011, 17:41
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 05 Dec 2011, 18:31
Im currently creating a programm which reads the current System Time (using int21 2ch) and writes it constantly into the DOS-console (using int21 09h)

The user is a beginner and for now he use dos function...

Anyway i showed the example to the user.
You can open a new thread for vesa vbe and teach us Laughing Laughing

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 05 Dec 2011, 18:31
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freecrac 05 Dec 2011, 20:20
DJ Mauretto wrote:
Im currently creating a programm which reads the current System Time (using int21 2ch) and writes it constantly into the DOS-console (using int21 09h)


Stop your shouting now!

The user is a beginner and for now he use dos function...

It is also a beginner lesson to write a string directly to the videoram, to prevent an output in a new line. And your are not the one who have to tell us how we have to learn a beginner lesson.


But if we won´t use DOS-functions than you are shouting and screaming like a dying big, häh, are you totally crazy boy?


Yes your are a dying big, and please SHUT DOWN boy!

Post 05 Dec 2011, 20:20
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 05 Dec 2011, 20:48
Stop your shouting now!

Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
It is also a beginner lesson to write a string directly to the videoram, to prevent an output in a new line. And your are not the one who have to tell us how we have to learn a beginner lesson.

Open a new thread and teach us to write directly in Videoram.. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
But if we won´t use DOS-functions than you are shouting and screaming like a dying big, häh, are you totally crazy boy?

I'm not a boy, I'm 43,
I'm not interested to use dos funtion or not, but the user has decided to use the dos functions
The user did not ask how to write directly to video RAM,
anyway you are out of context, open a new thread and teach us how to write directly in video ram and how use vesa vbe Laughing Laughing Laughing

Yes your are a dying big, and please SHUT DOWN boy!

the only stupid boy here is you Laughing

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 05 Dec 2011, 20:48
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