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Joined: 19 Jun 2003
Posts: 439
fasm9 16 Aug 2004, 13:20

How to implement stack in FASM?
something display like this.

debian:~# stack
input number sequence:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

output number sequence:
5, 4, 3, 2, 1

debian:~# _

Post 16 Aug 2004, 13:20
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Joined: 21 Jun 2003
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Location: Penndel, PA [USA]
crc 16 Aug 2004, 15:49
Hmm, a LIFO (last in, first out) stack. Well, I have a plenty of experience with these Smile. This sample doesn't include input or output of the numbers, but it does work.

; These macros are from RetroForth
macro dup
        sub esi,4
        mov [esi],eax
macro drop { lodsd }
macro swap { xchg eax, [esi] }
macro upsh a
        mov eax, a
macro upop a
        mov a, eax

; LIFO Stack example
; Adapted from the RetroForth 4.x/5/x/6.x/7.x source code
; This implements enough of the stack to enable basic Forth primitives
; (implemented by macros) to be used. Provided primitives are dup, drop,
; and swap.
format ELF executable
entry start

    mov esi, mystack  (ESI points to stack memory)

    upsh 1  ;  Put the numbers 1 - 5 on the stack
    upsh 2  ;
    upsh 3  ;
    upsh 4  ;
    upsh 5  ;  At this point, 1 is on the bottom and 5 is on the top

    upop ebx   ; get the top value from stack and place in ebx
                    ; subsequent calls to 'upop' will fetch the other values
                    ; from the stack

    xor eax, eax     ;   Exit the application (this is for Linux)
    inc eax             ;
    int 0x80            ;

stack_space rb 100*4   ; Reserve space for 100 numbers
mystack       rb 4          ; Start of the stack
stacK_buffer rb 10*4     ; 10 space buffer for overflows

Some notes on the macros:

  • upsh pushes a value to the stack
  • upop pops a value from the top of the stack
  • dup duplicates the top of the stack
  • drop drops the number on the top of the stack
  • swap switches the locations of the top two numbers on the stack

EAX holds the top item on the stack, ESI is a pointer to the stack memory. All values on the stack are 32-bit integers.

Charles Childers, Programmer
Post 16 Aug 2004, 15:49
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Joined: 24 Aug 2003
Posts: 84
Dragontamer 16 Aug 2004, 17:39
If you only need temp stack space...
You could just use push/pop

But crc's is more versitile
Post 16 Aug 2004, 17:39
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