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Index > High Level Languages > [SOLVED] How to produce .OBJ file for Pelles C

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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
Posts: 106
wht36 01 Jul 2011, 08:29
Inspired by Vortex tiny C startup library I am trying to do something similar but using FASM. However, when I tried to convert his source to FASM format, I seemed to hit a dead end. Here is Vortex's code
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

ExitProcess       PROTO :DWORD
GetCommandLineA     PROTO 
GetCommandLine        equ <GetCommandLineA>

main         PROTO C :DWORD,:DWORD

GPTR = 40h

hMem db 512 dup(?)


 push    esi
 push    edi
 push    ebx
 mov     esi,OFFSET hMem
     lea     edi,[esi+256]
       invoke  GetCommandLine
      lea     edx,[eax-1]
 xor     eax,eax
     mov     ch,32
       mov     bl,9
   inc     edx
 mov     cl,byte PTR [edx]
   or      cl,cl
       jz      finish
      cmp     cl,32
       je      scan
        cmp     cl,9
        je      scan
        inc     eax
 mov     dword PTR [esi],edi
 add     esi,4
       mov     cl,byte PTR [edx]
   or      cl,cl
       jz      finish
      cmp     cl,ch
       je      end_of_line
 cmp     cl,bl
       je      end_of_line
 cmp     cl,34
       jne     @f
  xor     ch,32
       xor     bl,9
        jmp     next_char
    mov     byte PTR [edi],cl
   inc     edi
       inc     edx
 jmp     restart
 mov     byte PTR [edi],0
    inc     edi
 jmp     scan    
     pop     ebx
 pop     edi
 pop     esi
 invoke  main,eax,ADDR hMem
  invoke  ExitProcess,eax

END mainCRTStartup    

*Edit* Here's my code and it's working!
format MS COFF

public mainCRTStartup as '__mainCRTStartup'
extrn '__imp__GetCommandLineA@0' as GetCommandLine:dword
extrn '__imp__ExitProcess@4' as ExitProcess:dword
extrn '_main' as main:dword

section '.text' code readable executable

 push    esi
 push    edi
 push    ebx
 mov     esi,hMem
    lea     edi,[esi+256]
       call    [GetCommandLine]
    lea     edx,[eax-1]
 xor     eax,eax
     mov     ch,32
       mov     bl,9
   inc     edx
 mov     cl,[edx]
    or      cl,cl
       jz      finish
      cmp     cl,32
       je      scan
        cmp     cl,9
        je      scan
        inc     eax
 mov     [esi],edi
   add     esi,4
       mov     cl,[edx]
    or      cl,cl
       jz      finish
      cmp     cl,ch
       je      end_of_line
 cmp     cl,bl
       je      end_of_line
 cmp     cl,34
       jne     @f
  xor     ch,32
       xor     bl,9
        jmp     next_char
    mov     [edi],cl
    inc     edi
       inc     edx
 jmp     restart
 mov     byte [edi],0
        inc     edi
 jmp     scan    
     pop     ebx
 pop     edi
 pop     esi
 push    hMem
        push    eax
 call    main
        push    eax
 call    [ExitProcess]

section '.bss' readable writeable
hMem db 512 dup(?)    
The code assembles fine into obj and links okay with Pelles C.

Notes: Pelles C will merge .text & .bss sections. It doesn't seem to recognize section data directive (so take the "data" word out). It seems to want 2 underscores for the public function, and main is called without [].

Description: Test file (both console_vortex and console_wht works)
Filename: crt_test.zip
Filesize: 3.47 KB
Downloaded: 852 Time(s)

Post 01 Jul 2011, 08:29
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typedef 01 Jul 2011, 18:01
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Post 01 Jul 2011, 18:01
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
Posts: 106
wht36 03 Jul 2011, 04:52
Er... the version of Pelles C I used is v6.50 release 4. Not sure if it will work, but try opening main.c and then put in console_wht.obj kernel32.lib msvcrt.lib in the Project options>Library and object files entry. And choose console for the subsystem and X86 for the Machine.
Post 03 Jul 2011, 04:52
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