flat assembler
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Lightning Stalker 20 Feb 2011, 23:39
For some reason I'm having a lot of trouble with this. (I'm such a noob) What I'm trying to do is have a form with 2 buttons and when I hit enter, to have the focus to switch to the other button. You hit enter once and it sets a break on the serial port, and press it again to clear it.
There has to be a way of doing this without using a message processing loop and CreateWindowxxx. I tried calling DefWindowProc and DefDlgProc, from my dialog proc, but neither seems to work. There is an example here: http://afsalm.wordpress.com/2008/09/04/how-to-set-focus-to-a-control-when-a-dialog-startup/ It's probably really easy, but for some reason I can't seem to grasp it. The two buttons are B_SET and B_CLEAR. For instance I tried: Code: invoke DefWindowProc,[hWnd],WM_NEXTDLGCTL,B_SET,TRUE But nothing happens. Thanks for looking at this.
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Lightning Stalker 21 Feb 2011, 00:26
I attached it, but here it is in post form. Or do you mean to post the variable declarations? They're in a separate file.
Code: ;======================================================================= format PE GUI 4.0 ;======================================================================= include 'win32a.inc' ;* include 'rc.inc' ;* ;======================================================================= section '.code' code readable executable entry $ invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [hInstance],eax invoke DialogBoxParam,eax,D_MAIN,0,dlg_proc,0 invoke ExitProcess,0 ;======================================================================= proc dlg_proc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam cmp [uMsg],WM_CLOSE jne @F .end_dlg: invoke EndDialog,[hWnd],0 .exit_true: mov eax,TRUE ret @@: cmp [uMsg],WM_INITDIALOG jne @F invoke CreateFile,com1,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,0 cmp eax,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE je .ThrowError mov [FileHandle],eax invoke DefWindowProc,[hWnd],WM_NEXTDLGCTL,B_SET,TRUE jmp .exit_true @@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- cmp [uMsg],WM_COMMAND jne .exit_false mov eax,[wParam] ; Start looking for hotkeys dec eax ; case 1 of wparam = enter pressed jz .SET ; enter key = toggle break status dec eax ; case 2 of wparam = esc pressed jz .end_dlg ; esc = close window ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- cmp [wParam],B_CLEAR jne @F .CLEAR: invoke ClearCommBreak,[FileHandle] call GetError invoke SetDlgItemText,[hWnd],EDIT_1,ErrorMsg jmp .exit_true @@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- cmp [wParam],B_SET jne @F .SET: invoke SetCommBreak,[FileHandle] call GetError invoke SetDlgItemText,[hWnd],EDIT_1,ErrorMsg invoke DefWindowProc,[hWnd],WM_NEXTDLGCTL,B_CLEAR,TRUE jmp .exit_true @@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; cmp [wParam],?? ; << add new command ; jne @F ; jmp .exit_true ;@@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- .exit_false: xor eax,eax ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- .ThrowError: invoke MessageBox,0,ErrorMsg,SerialErr,MB_OK jmp .end_dlg ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- .Toggle: mov eax,[CommBreak] cmp eax,TRUE je B_CLEAR jmp B_SET endp proc GetError invoke GetLastError mov [ErrNum],eax invoke wsprintf,ErrorMsg,wstr,[ErrNum] add esp,12 ret endp ;======================================================================= ;======================================================================= include 'idata.inc' include 'data.inc' ;======================================================================= section '.rsrc' resource data readable ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- include "dialogs.tab" ;* ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- include "dialogs.dat" ;* ;======================================================================= Code: section '.data' data readable writeable ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; initialized data here ; hello db "hello",0 com1 db "COM1",0 SerialErr db "Serial Port Error!",0 ErrorMsg rb 50 FileHandle dd ? wstr db "Error Code %i",0 ErrNum dd ? CommBreak dd FALSE ;======================================================================= align 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; uninitialized data here ; hInstance dd ? dialogs.tab Code: resource dialogs,\ D_MAIN,LANG_ENGLISH+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,dialog0 dialogs.dat Code: dialog dialog0,"FBASE",0,0,178,48,0x10c80800,0x00000000,,"MS Sans Serif",8 dialogitem "Edit","",EDIT_1,7,8,108,13,0x50010080,0x00000200 dialogitem "Edit","",EDIT_2,7,28,108,13,0x50010080,0x00000200 dialogitem "Button","Clear",B_CLEAR,122,27,49,15,0x50010000,0x00000000 dialogitem "Button","Set",B_SET,122,7,49,15,0x50010001,0x00000000 enddialog |
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Lightning Stalker 21 Feb 2011, 00:33
BTW, are you enjoying the snow as much as I am?
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typedef 21 Feb 2011, 00:34
I think you should put your DefWindowProc on it's own label so that every unprocessed MSG is sent to the system through it.
It seems like you are "holding" it. Look at the code above. Oh yeah, dude, It's snowing like crazy up here in Michigan... Storm O_o... I hope I have a snow day so I don't waste my time on a 4 hr art class.. LOL |
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typedef 21 Feb 2011, 00:40
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Lightning Stalker 21 Feb 2011, 01:02
Hehheh. I'm 'up here' as well.
I got it to work! For some reason, the call to GetDlgItem wasn't working right when I tried it before. This had me really upset. Thanks a lot! ![]() |
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Lightning Stalker 21 Feb 2011, 01:05
typedef wrote:
It's supposed to be Code: jmp .SET |
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typedef 21 Feb 2011, 01:18
But why jump instead of setting it up there ? That takes up some space you know ?.
Aynway, happy belated snow day dude ! LOL ![]() |
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Lightning Stalker 21 Feb 2011, 01:57
typedef wrote: But why jump instead of setting it up there ? I dunno. I used a template file and that's how it was set up. Here's the finished code, if you're interested. You can put an LED between TXD and GND on your COM1 port and watch it go on and off. The idea is to be able to identify an unknown serial cable. Code: ;======================================================================= format PE GUI 4.0 ;======================================================================= include 'win32a.inc' ;* include 'rc.inc' ;* ;======================================================================= section '.code' code readable executable entry $ invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [hInstance],eax invoke DialogBoxParam,eax,D_MAIN,0,dlg_proc,0 invoke ExitProcess,0 ;======================================================================= proc dlg_proc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam cmp [uMsg],WM_CLOSE jne @F .end_dlg: invoke EndDialog,[hWnd],0 .exit_true: mov eax,TRUE ret @@: cmp [uMsg],WM_INITDIALOG jne @F invoke CreateFile,com1,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,0 cmp eax,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE je .ThrowError mov [FileHandle],eax invoke GetDlgItem,[hWnd],B_SET invoke SetFocus,eax jmp .exit_false @@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; cmp [uMsg],?? << add new message ; jne @F ; ; jmp .exit_true ;@@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- cmp [uMsg],WM_COMMAND jne .exit_false mov eax,[wParam] ; Start looking for hotkeys cmp eax,2 ; case 2 of wparam = esc pressed jz .end_dlg ; esc = close window ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- cmp [wParam],B_CLEAR jne @F .CLEAR: invoke ClearCommBreak,[FileHandle] call GetError invoke SetDlgItemText,[hWnd],EDIT_1,ErrorMsg invoke GetDlgItem,[hWnd],B_SET invoke PostMessage,[hWnd],WM_NEXTDLGCTL,eax,TRUE jmp .exit_true @@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- cmp [wParam],B_SET jne @F .SET: invoke SetCommBreak,[FileHandle] call GetError invoke SetDlgItemText,[hWnd],EDIT_1,ErrorMsg invoke GetDlgItem,[hWnd],B_CLEAR invoke PostMessage,[hWnd],WM_NEXTDLGCTL,eax,TRUE jmp .exit_true @@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; cmp [wParam],?? ; << add new command ; jne @F ; jmp .exit_true ;@@: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- .exit_false: xor eax,eax ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- .ThrowError: invoke MessageBox,0,ErrorMsg,SerialErr,MB_OK jmp .end_dlg ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- endp proc GetError invoke GetLastError mov [ErrNum],eax invoke wsprintf,ErrorMsg,wstr,eax add esp,12 ret endp ;======================================================================= ;======================================================================= include 'idata.inc' include 'data.inc' ;======================================================================= section '.rsrc' resource data readable ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- include "dialogs.tab" ;* ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- include "dialogs.dat" ;* ;======================================================================= |
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typedef 21 Feb 2011, 02:26
well I don't have any serial devices or 'virtual ones'.
Plus, 'rc.inc' not found............You didn't post it up here. Nevermind though. I'm creating a biological virus cell implementation right now. |
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Lightning Stalker 21 Feb 2011, 03:30
lol, sorry.
Code: D_MAIN equ 1000 EDIT_1 equ 1001 EDIT_2 equ 1002 B_CLEAR equ 1003 B_SET equ 1004 IDC_BUTTON1003 equ 1003 |
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