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Index > Windows > GWL_USERDATA - understending

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Joined: 26 Jun 2008
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Everhest 03 Feb 2011, 20:54
Hi. Please help me find a bug.

                invoke  SetLastError, 0
                invoke  GetWindowLong,[hwnd],GWL_USERDATA
                or      eax, eax
                jz      defwndproc
                mov     [button_memory], eax

                mov     esi, eax;[button_memory]
                lea     edi, [button_data]
                mov     ecx, len_btn_data
                rep     movsb

                mov     eax, [button_memory]
                mov     edx, [eax+CREATESTRUCT.lpszClass]
                invoke  MessageBox, 0, edx, 0, 0

                lea     esi, [button_data]        
                mov     edi, [button_memory]     
                mov     ecx, len_btn_data        
                rep     movsb

                invoke  SetLastError, 0
                mov     eax, [button_memory]
                invoke  SetWindowLong, [hwnd], GWL_USERDATA, eax
                or      eax, eax
                jz      error_wnd_long

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Forgive for my bad english, I from russia...
Post 03 Feb 2011, 20:54
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revolution 03 Feb 2011, 21:01
Please describe your bug. What is (not) happening that you wish (not) to happen?
Post 03 Feb 2011, 21:01
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Everhest 03 Feb 2011, 21:52
I debugged and have understood that by a call save_user_data the code is carried out ideally. Value button_memory saved in GWL_USERDATA. I consider that the error should be here:

invoke SetLastError, 0
invoke GetWindowLong,[hwnd],GWL_USERDATA
or eax, eax
jz defwndproc
mov [button_memory], eax

mov esi, eax;[button_memory]
lea edi, [button_data]
mov ecx, len_btn_data
rep movsb

mov eax, [button_memory]
mov edx, [eax+CREATESTRUCT.lpszClass]
invoke MessageBox, 0, edx, 0, 0

MessageBox doesn't show a string lpszClass. Pointer is crashed! Why???

ps. please look source

Forgive for my bad english, I from russia...
Post 03 Feb 2011, 21:52
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revolution 03 Feb 2011, 22:25
How have you defined "button_memory" and/or "button_data"? You didn't show all your code so we don't know what those variables are. Are they global variables or local variables?

BTW: Show all your code please. Us having to guess what you have done is not helping you to solve the problem faster.
Post 03 Feb 2011, 22:25
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Everhest 03 Feb 2011, 22:47
All my source code it is attached in the first post Smile
Post 03 Feb 2011, 22:47
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MHajduk 03 Feb 2011, 23:47
in such situations I usually "go one step backwards", i.e. I cut "suspicious" parts of my code trying to obtain as clear working code as it's possible.

I recommend you to put temporarily all the button-specific data to the global structure and see if it will help. BTW, you don't really need to copy all data from the reserved block to the local variables - you may use virtual structures associated with a chosen register to which you will load (by 'GetWindowLong, [hwnd], GWL_USERDATA') the pointer of the reserved memory block. Besides, pay more attention to the values returned by the API functions. Wink
Post 03 Feb 2011, 23:47
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 04 Feb 2011, 04:07
Everhest wrote:
All my source code it is attached in the first post Smile
Hehe, you are right, I am blind. Embarassed

The answer is: When you copy the data at wmcreate all the lpsz pointers point to the stack and the data is temporary. You also have to copy each string from the stack into a buffer before exiting from wmcreate.
               invoke  VirtualAlloc, 0, len_btn_data, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
           or      eax, eax
            jz      error_mem
           mov     [button_memory], eax

            invoke  SetWindowLong, [hwnd], GWL_USERDATA, [button_memory]
               ; or      eax, eax
          ; jz      error_set_wnd_long

         mov     esi, [lparam]
               lea     edi, [button_data]
          mov     ecx, sizeof.CREATESTRUCT
            rep     movsb
;add somethng like this
    mov     esi, [lparam]
       mov     esi, [esi+CREATESTRUCT.lpszClass]
   lea     edi, [some_global_buffer_for_the_class_name]
        mov     ecx, sizeof.some_global_buffer_for_the_class_name
   rep     movsb
            ; lea     eax, [button_data]
        ; mov     edx, [eax+CREATESTRUCT.lpszClass]
         ; invoke  MessageBox, 0, edx, 0, 0
           mov     ebx, [lpcs.lpszName]
                invoke  GetParent, [hwnd]
           invoke  SendMessage, eax, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ebx
                call    save_user_data
              xor     eax, eax
            jmp     @finish    
Post 04 Feb 2011, 04:07
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Everhest 04 Feb 2011, 09:15
;add somethng like this
mov esi, [lparam]
mov esi, [esi+CREATESTRUCT.lpszClass]
lea edi, [some_global_buffer_for_the_class_name]
mov ecx, sizeof.some_global_buffer_for_the_class_name
rep movsb

Hm... Why? I want to create new component (see source) and if use global value in the code that at creation of 2 and more buttons, they will read the same sites of memory it is bad.

I recommend you to put temporarily all the button-specific data to the global structure and see if it will help.
I will try today Sad

There is one question why then this code works in new attached source code

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Forgive for my bad english, I from russia...
Post 04 Feb 2011, 09:15
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Everhest 04 Feb 2011, 09:22
see places in the source not far SetWindowLong\GetWindowLong functions.
Post 04 Feb 2011, 09:22
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 04 Feb 2011, 09:24
Everhest wrote:
Hm... Why? I want to create new component (see source) and if use global value in the code that at creation of 2 and more buttons, they will read the same sites of memory it is bad.
You have no choice. After returning from wmcreate the stack is lost, and with it the names are also lost. Unless you copy them from the stack to a safe place then you will have no chance of finding the lpsz names again. Windows stores the structure and names on the stack, after you have returned from wmcreate Windows essentially erases the stack by discarding it.
Post 04 Feb 2011, 09:24
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Everhest 04 Feb 2011, 12:40
I know and on it I do so
                invoke  VirtualAlloc, 0, len_btn_data, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ; Create safe place
                or      eax, eax
                jz      error_mem
                mov     [button_memory], eax

                cld                                                   ; Copy lparam to stack data
                mov     esi, [lparam]
                lea     edi, [button_data]
                mov     ecx, sizeof.CREATESTRUCT
                rep     movsb
                lea     eax, [button_data]
                mov     edx, [eax+CREATESTRUCT.lpszClass]
                invoke  MessageBox, 0, edx, 0, 0                                  ; Test (copy it's ok)
                mov     ebx, [lpcs.lpszName]
                invoke  GetParent, [hwnd]
                invoke  SendMessage, eax, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ebx
                invoke  SetWindowLong, [hwnd], GWL_USERDATA, [button_memory]  ; We adhere USERDATA to control the memory address (a safe place)
                call    save_user_data                                                                       ; copy stack data to sfe place
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     @finish     

Forgive for my bad english, I from russia...
Post 04 Feb 2011, 12:40
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 04 Feb 2011, 12:52
Everhest wrote:
I know and on it I do so
                mov     ebx, [lpcs.lpszName]
                invoke  GetParent, [hwnd]
                invoke  SendMessage, eax, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ebx
What if you have many different children under the same parent? They can't all store data in the Window title at the same time.
Post 04 Feb 2011, 12:52
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 04 Feb 2011, 12:54
A much better and less problematic solution is to increase the size of len_btn_data buffer and store whatever text you need in there.
Post 04 Feb 2011, 12:54
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Everhest 04 Feb 2011, 15:29
All problems consisted in pointers... Laughing

revolution and MHajduk big thanks...

Forgive for my bad english, I from russia...
Post 04 Feb 2011, 15:29
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