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Index > DOS > The Hilbert Curve in FASM

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Joined: 21 Feb 2010
Posts: 252
adroit 04 Nov 2010, 02:57
I was read an ebook about techniques in C language and I found this interesting topic: the Hilbert curve.
I can't understand 'C' so I just copied the directions and made this code to follow them. N.B: The directions code wasn't originally implemented in this program. It was done for something else.

Here here's the code:
; Hilbert Curve Render
; This program doesn't perform any mathematical algorithm to
; generate the Hilbert curve. Instead, it draws each line segment
; according to the directions. If the directions are:
; Up, Right, Down, Left.  It will draw one line upwards. Then,
; from the last position (the end of the first lines segment), it
; draws one line rightwards, then one line downwards and then one
; leftwards. These directions will form a rectangle (square).
  org 100h
              mov ax,0013h
              int 10h
              mov [x_pos],SCREEN_WIDTH/2
              mov [y_pos],SCREEN_HEIGHT/2
              sub [x_pos],36
              add [y_pos],36

              mov si,dir
              call DrawHilbertCurve

              xor ax,ax
              int 16h
              mov ax,0003h
              int 10h
              mov ax,4C00h
              int 21h

              mov ah,0Ch
              mov al,[colour]
              mov bh,0
              mov cx,[x_pos]
              mov dx,[y_pos]
              int 10h

              mov [counter],LINE_LENGTH
              call PutPixel
              sub [x_pos],SCREEN_WIDTH
              dec [counter]
              jnz @b                           ; jump if _counter <> = 0
              ret                              ; else, exit function

              mov [counter],LINE_LENGTH
              call PutPixel
              add [x_pos],SCREEN_WIDTH
              dec [counter]
              jnz @b                           ; jump if _counter <> = 0
              ret                              ; else, exit function

              mov [counter],LINE_LENGTH
              call PutPixel
              dec [x_pos]
              dec [counter]
              jnz @b                           ; jump if _counter <> = 0
              ret                              ; else, exit function

              mov [counter],LINE_LENGTH
              call PutPixel
              inc [x_pos]
              dec [counter]
              jnz @b                           ; jump if _counter <> = 0
              ret                              ; else, exit function

              mov al,[si]
              inc si
              or al,al
              jz .return
              mov bx,6                         ; _drawgrid_addr index counter (size: word)
              mov ah,4
              or ah,ah
              jz .loop
              cmp al,ah
              je @f
              dec ah
              sub bx,2
              jmp .check_for_direction
              call [draw_line_addr+bx]         ; call a draw line function
              mov [colour],0xF                 ; restore colour
              jmp .loop
              inc si

  LINE_LENGTH   = 10
; directional characters for grid drawing sequence
  U     = 1     ; up
  D     = 2     ; down
  L     = 3     ; left
  R     = 4     ; right
  ENDSQ = 0     ; end direction sequence
; x & y coordinates
  x_pos   dw 0
  y_pos   dw 0
; counter variable
  counter db 0
; colour variable
  colour  db 0
; draw line function addresses
  draw_line_addr dw DrawLineUp,DrawLineDown,DrawLineLeft,DrawLineRight
; hilbert curve directions
  dir db U,R,U,L,U,U,R,D,R,U,R,D,D,L,D,R,R,U,R,D,R,R,U,L,U,R,U,L,L,D,L,U,U,U,R
      db D,R,R,U,L,U,R,U,L,L,D,L,U,L,L,D,R,D,D,L,U,L,D,L,U,U,R,U,L,ENDSQ    

Try changing the LINE_LENGTH constant to something smaller to get a smaller curve.

This is only my first attempt at the curve, so next, I plan to study the equation behind the curve an implement it in Assembly language. (I suppose it is going to be hard).


Last edited by adroit on 02 Jul 2012, 16:32; edited 3 times in total
Post 04 Nov 2010, 02:57
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revolution 04 Nov 2010, 05:41
Post 04 Nov 2010, 05:41
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Joined: 21 Feb 2010
Posts: 252
adroit 08 Nov 2010, 00:13
Thanks for this, revolution!! This is really helpful! Nice work bitRAKE.
Post 08 Nov 2010, 00:13
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Joined: 21 Feb 2010
Posts: 252
adroit 02 Jul 2012, 16:33
I thought that I'd share the book that I was referring to above. It's far beyond where I am now but it might be useful those those of you who are advanced programmers: Matters Computational: Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code by Jorg Arndt
Post 02 Jul 2012, 16:33
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