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Index > DOS > Support MS COFF OBJ for DOS and proc, endp, struct in DOS

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Kenneth Zheng

Joined: 30 Apr 2008
Posts: 14
Location: Shanghai, China
Kenneth Zheng 07 Oct 2010, 14:07
1. I've upgraded the macro package onto the fasm_macro_0.02.zip. Please use it.
2. Added RELOC_ADDR macro for using COFF OBJ file.
3. There are three programs for playing DOS, WIN32 and WIN64 ASM program with proc, endp and struct.
examples\dos\doscoff : COFF OBJ for DOS DEMO
examples\dos\dos_seg: proc, endp and struct for DOS
examples\win\template3: proc, endp and strcut for WIN32
examples\win64\template3: proc, endp and strcut for WIN64

Hi, Guys:
I've come back after one year. The reason is that I have to change my work job during that time. Please see the attached files for two new features for DOS development:
1. Support MS COFF OBJ for DOS.
We known that FASM doesn't support MS OMF OBJ format for DOS, it only produce COM and EXE MZ format. But I hope that we can find one temp solution to beyound this limition. Please try the alink.exe , it can combine COFF and OMF objs onto one DOS EXE and COM MZ format. Of course, it need some of programs skill to implement it.

Please see below code for it:
include         'PRIVATE\DOS.INC'

section '.text' code
 public _Start
        org     0h
        mov     eax, 0
        sub     eax, 8
        mov     esp, eax
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, ds
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     es, ax
        mov     gs, ax
        xor     ebx, ebx
        call    near @f
        pop     bx
        sub     ebx,@b                 ;Calculate the Loaded Address
        mov     ah,9
        lea     edx, [hello]
        add     edx, ebx                 ;Get the Runtime Adddress
        int     21H
        mov     ax,4c00H
        int     21H

section '.data' data shareable
        hello   db      'COFF OBJ Format for DOS Demo Program',0DH,0AH
                db      'Hello, The FASM World!',0DH,0AH
                db      'Designer:Kenneth Zheng 2003/07/16','$'  

@echo off
\fasm\fasm.exe  doscoff.asm      doscoff.obj
alink -oEXE  doscoff.obj

alink.exe is one open source and free linker, you can find its source code from below web link:

2. Support proc, endp and strcut for DOS 16 bit program.
We known that Tomasz has supported proc32.inc and proc64.inc, but he doesn't present proc16.inc. So I've made it and combine proc16.inc, proc32.inc and proc64.inc onto one file proc.inc.
It means that you only include one file 'proc.inc' onto your ASM file, you can use proc, endp, structure ionto the 16bit, 32bit and 64bit ASM files.

Please see the examples\dos\dos_seg\dos_seg.asm:
FORMAT           MZ
ENTRY             main:start          ; program entry point
STACK          100h                    ; stack size
include         'private\dos.inc'
segment main                          ; main program segment
        ;call    extra:dummy_proc
        ccall        test_proc,1234h
        mov  ax,'F'
        call    extra:write_char_f,cs,ax
        call    extra:write_text,text,hello
 mov     ax,4C00h
    int     21h
proc     test_proc c uses eax ebx dx, \
        local test_local:WORD, hello1[10]:BYTE
    mov     ax,[test_para]
      mov     [test_local],ax
     mov     bx,[test_local]
    mov     al,[hello2]

hello2 db 'xxxx'
segment text
  hello DB       0Dh,0Ah,09h,'Hello world! --Test HLL procedures on DOS platform'
        DB      0Dh,0Ah,09h,"Author:Kenneth Zheng Date:March 03th, 2004"
    DB      0Dh,0Ah,24h
segment extra
proc_far write_text str_seg,str_offset
        local local_proc:WORD
   push    ds
  mov     ax,[str_seg]
        mov     ds,ax
       mov     dx,[str_offset]
     mov     ah,9h
       int     21h
 mov     ax,write_char_n
     mov     [local_proc],ax
     mov     ax,'N'
    call    [local_proc],ax
     pop     ds
proc       write_char_n char
   push    ds
       mov     ax,cs
       mov     ds,ax
       mov     ah,2
        mov     dx,[char]
   xor     dh,dh
       int     21h
        pop     ds
proc_far write_char_f char_seg,char
    push    ds
       mov     ax,[char_seg]
       mov     ds,ax
       mov     ah,2
        mov     dx,[char]
   xor     dh,dh
       int     21h
        pop     ds

proc_far dummy_proc
 local local_proc:WORD
   mov     ax,[local_proc]

Otherwise, I hope that FASM release package can combine multi packages onto one package. And we maybe use below directory tree for example codes:
\fasm\examples\dos ==for Dos DEMO programs
\fasm\examples\win == for WIN DEMO programs
\fasm\examples\Linux == For Linux DEMO Programs
\fasm\examples\Unix == For Unix DEMO programs
\fasm\examples\WIN64 == For WIN64 DEMO programs

If you have any questions about it, please tell me. Smile

Kenneth Zheng
October 7th ,2010

Description: 1. Supported COFF OBJ for DOS
2. Supported proc, endp and struct for DOS, WIN32, WIN64 and Linux.

Filename: fasm_macro_0.02.zip
Filesize: 123.02 KB
Downloaded: 362 Time(s)

Pure Assembly Language Funs

Last edited by Kenneth Zheng on 12 Oct 2010, 09:23; edited 2 times in total
Post 07 Oct 2010, 14:07
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baldr 07 Oct 2010, 18:41
Kenneth Zheng,

How about 16-bit fixups? Add mov ax, $ anywhere, it won't get IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16 record.

I wish it was so easy. Wink
Post 07 Oct 2010, 18:41
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Kenneth Zheng

Joined: 30 Apr 2008
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Location: Shanghai, China
Kenneth Zheng 08 Oct 2010, 02:30
Hi, Baldr:
Please see below code for get current code relolcation address:

call    near @f
        pop     bx
        sub     ebx,@b                 ;Calculate the Loaded Address

For example, if this program is loaded onto 0x100 by DOS, the EBX will equal to 0x100 after executed above code.


 lea     edx, [hello]
  add     edx, ebx                 ;Get the Runtime Adddress
section '.data' data shareable
        hello   db      'COFF OBJ Format for DOS Demo Program',0DH,0AH
So used two line codes to get the runtime address.

I create one new macro (RELOC_ADDR) to implemnet above codes, it's one easy method to do it.

include         'PRIVATE\DOS.INC'

;  RELOC_ADDR - Reloated runtime Address
; Entry:
;         FloatAddr : It's need to be reloate address.
;     Exit:
;          EAX  : It point to runtime address.
;  Modified:
;              EAX
;   Processing:
;            1. Calculated the OS loading address of program.
;           2. Added the absolate address onto float address.
macro  RELOC_ADDR   FloatAddr
 local   NextInst
        push    ebx
         xor     ebx, ebx
        call    near NextInst
        pop     bx
        sub     ebx,NextInst                 ;Calculate the Loaded Address
        lea   eax, [FloatAddr]
        add eax, ebx
        pop   ebx

section '.text' code
 public _Start
        org     0h
        mov     eax, 0
        sub     eax, 8
        mov     esp, eax
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, ds
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     es, ax
        mov     gs, ax
        RELOC_ADDR hello
        mov     edx, eax
        mov     ah,9
        int     21H
        mov     ax,4c00H
        int     21H

section '.data' data shareable
        hello   db      'COFF OBJ Format for DOS Demo Program',0DH,0AH
                db      'Hello, The FASM World!',0DH,0AH
                db      'Designer:Kenneth Zheng 2003/07/16','$'     


Kenneth Zheng
October 08th, 2010

Filename: doscoff.asm
Filesize: 1.7 KB
Downloaded: 376 Time(s)

Pure Assembly Language Funs
Post 08 Oct 2010, 02:30
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rugxulo 11 Oct 2010, 20:49
This is very confusing. Well, that's typical for me, I'm no guru.


1. Support MS COFF OBJ for DOS.
We known that FASM doesn't support MS COFF OBJ format, it only produce COM and EXE MZ format.

FASM supports COFF (DJGPP) and MS COFF objects already. So surely you don't mean that. Apparently you're trying to output 16-bit DOS .EXEs with COFF since OMF isn't currently supported???
Post 11 Oct 2010, 20:49
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Kenneth Zheng

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Kenneth Zheng 12 Oct 2010, 09:43
Hi, rugxulo:
Thank your reply for this topic. Yes, we known that FASM supported COFF OBJ for WIN and Linux, but it doesn't support OMF OBJ for DOS. But some of bigger project for DOS needs several OBJ and libary, it maybe use C language to implement some of codes. So OMF OBJ format is one important feature for big project.
Alink.exe is one open source linker, it can combine COFF OBJ and OMF OBJ and then link it onto one DOS MZ exe. It seems one good temp solution to beyond FASM limition.
Otherwise, the finally solution is that we should modifiy FASM source code to support OMF OBJ as FASMARM to do it.
I have thinked another method to do it:
1. Using FASM or other tool to create PE32 or PE32+ EXE.
2. Made one PE32 or PE32+ loader for DOS.
3. Run PE32 or PE32+ Loader to load PE32 EXE in the DOS.

Kenneth Zheng
October 12th, 2010

Pure Assembly Language Funs
Post 12 Oct 2010, 09:43
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 12 Oct 2010, 11:40
Kenneth Zheng wrote:
Otherwise, the finally solution is that we should modifiy FASM source code to support OMF OBJ as FASMARM to do it.
You would meet a few serious obstacles when trying to do it well - fasm was not designed to support 16-bit relocatable objects, since there you need relocatable far pointers and this is something that does not fit into fasm's flat design. So you would have to modify fasm really substantially in order to implement such feature properly.
Post 12 Oct 2010, 11:40
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edfed 12 Oct 2010, 12:09
or make it in the source of your program. fasm is just a compiler.
then, it can do anything as you want?
if you want to relocate code, the simple way is to use org xxx, then, load it in a segment. and then, it will be relocated.

it is a run time trick, not a compile time. then, it should be implemented in the program to run, not in the compiler.
Post 12 Oct 2010, 12:09
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rugxulo 12 Oct 2010, 22:09
1). Use Agner's ObjConv to convert to/from (DJGPP or incompatible MS) COFF, ELF, OMF, Mach-O
2). Use NASM, JWasm, LZASM (which all support OMF)
3). Use a linker (Alink, WLINK) that supports mixing different formats
4). Use DJGPP (COFF) instead of OpenWatcom (OMF) to recompile, if possible
5). Use HX, which does have a PE loader (and libs and runtime and support from various compilers)
6). (hard) hack up FASM to work Wink
Post 12 Oct 2010, 22:09
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Kenneth Zheng

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Kenneth Zheng 13 Oct 2010, 06:32
1). ObjConv can't support convert 32bit COFF onto 16BIT OMF OBJ task. I have tried to use it, it's failure.
2). Nasm, JWasm and LZASM support OMF format, but I hope that we can use FASM to do it.
3). Alink.exe can caclulate correctly relocation address with COFF OBJ, but Wlink.exe can't do it. Please see the disasmler result of DOSCOFF.EXE (DOS DEMO 1), I have used alink.exe and wlink.exe to create one DOS MZ EXE, only Alink.exe is okay and doscoff.exe executed normally. Wlink.exe created one DOSCOFF.exe but it can't run in the DOS. The reason is that wlink.exe will put all of COFF relocation address onto 0.

4). Using LD of DJGPP is one good solution.

5). HX doesn't support PE32+ format.

6). Thomas said that it is one hard work to modify FASM complier. So we have to accept his idea for it. But I think that we maybe design one COFF onto OMF OBJ tool for helpping FASM to do it.

Kenneth Zheng
October 13th, 2010

Pure Assembly Language Funs
Post 13 Oct 2010, 06:32
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Joined: 08 Dec 2006
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DOS386 14 Oct 2010, 03:06
> Please try the alink.exe , it can combine COFF and OMF objs onto one
> DOS EXE and COM MZ format. Of course, it need some of
> programs skill to implement it.

Funny. So you manipulated MS-COFF-32 to MS-COFF-16 and ALINK is able to brew a 16-bit MZ EXE from it ??? Still, no C compiler will brew a compatible MS-COFF-16 I ASS'ume Sad There is no "COM MZ format" Sad

> 5). HX doesn't support PE32+ format.

But what's the problem ??? "PE32++" is in fact PE64 - used to host 64-bit long mode code.

PS: lack of OMF support is a flaw of FASM, but I personally don't need OMF.
Post 14 Oct 2010, 03:06
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