flat assembler
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Teehee 14 Jun 2010, 17:35
baldr wrote: The most obvious size optimization is merging .EAXToStringInDecimal with .EAXToStringInHexa (similar to .EAXToStringInBinary / .EAXToStringInDecimal synergy). Indeed, I saw now i can put the three functions together. Quote: if-then-else structure in .EAXToStringInHexa can be converted to if-then (lea edx, [edx+'0'] leaves eflags intact). It can even be branchless (CF is useful). oh.. indeed, i changed this: Code: cmp edx, 10 ; 10 = A jae .hex add edx, '0' ; ascii offset jmp .skipHex .hex: add edx, '7' ; Hex offset (A,B,C,D,E,F) .skipHex: by this: Code: cmp edx, 10 ; 10 = A jnae .skpHx add edx, 'A'-'9'-1 ; Hex offset (A,B,C,D,E,F) .skpHx:add edx, '0' ; ascii offset But i don't understood the lea edx, [edx+'0'] thing. Ok, i supose its like add edx, '0'. but why i would preffer it i didn't understand. Quote: If you'll keep .EAXToStringInHexa separate from .EAXToStringInDecimal, there are probably many ways how it can be improved. I'd like to know some of these improvements to improve up my knowledges. (like the tip u gave me above). _________________ Sorry if bad english. |
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revolution 14 Jun 2010, 19:12
Teehee wrote: But i don't understood the lea edx, [edx+'0'] thing. Ok, i supose its like add edx, '0'. but why i would preffer it i didn't understand. |
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edemko 14 Jun 2010, 23:17
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Teehee 15 Jun 2010, 19:29
i didn't understand the sbb / das thing..
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edemko 15 Jun 2010, 19:38
i was understanding the trick for 40 minutes
refer to the intel mans and own practice |
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edemko 16 Jun 2010, 17:48
feryno's tricky amazing:
http://fdbg.x86asm.net/fdbg0022.zip -> \fdbg0022\fdbg0022\fta16_hexa_proc_ftr.inc Code: hexa_64_rax_aligned: ; put rax value to ASCII hexadecimal 16 byte buffer at [rdi] ; rdi must be aligned 16 bswap rax movdqa xmm3,dqword [Sum1] movdqa xmm4,dqword [Comp1] movdqa xmm2,dqword [Mask1] movdqa xmm5,dqword [Num1] movq xmm1,rax movdqa xmm0,xmm1 psrlq xmm1,4 pand xmm0,xmm2 pand xmm1,xmm2 punpcklbw xmm1,xmm0 movdqa xmm0,xmm1 pcmpgtb xmm1,xmm4 pand xmm1,xmm5 paddb xmm0,xmm3 paddb xmm0,xmm1 movdqa dqword [rdi],xmm0 bswap rax ret ; ... ; \fdbg0022\fdbg0022\hexa_data.inc align 16 Sum1 dq 3030303030303030h, 3030303030303030h Mask1 dq 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fh, 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fh Comp1 dq 0909090909090909h, 0909090909090909h Num1 dq 0707070707070707h, 0707070707070707h |
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baldr 16 Jun 2010, 23:13
Supplemental SSE3 (Core2+) contains interesting instruction: pshufb. It can be used as SIMD 4-bit xlat.
Code: mov eax, 0x76543210 ; 76'54'32'10 (numbers mean nibble index, not value) bswap eax ; 10'32'54'76 movd xmm0, eax shr eax, 4 ; .1'03'25'47 (dot means insignificant zero nibble) movd xmm1, eax punpcklbw xmm1, xmm0 ; 10'.1'32'03'54'25'76'47 (high half of xmm not shown) pand xmm1, [nibble_mask] ; .0'.1'.2'.3'.4.'5'.6'.7 (need to clear only bit 7 of each byte) movdqa xmm0, [hex_digits] pshufb xmm0, xmm1 ; x0'x1'x2'x3'x4'x5'x6'x7 (x# is a hex digit for nibble #) movq qword[edi], xmm0 align 16 label hex_digits dqword db '0123456789ABCDEF' label nibble_mask dqword db 16 dup 15 SSE4.1 has pblendvb which can be used to improve parallelism in feryno's function (precalc nibble+'0' and nibble-10+'A', then choose latter for nibble>9). |
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edemko 23 Jun 2010, 23:50
Good night.
I was a poem. [edit]edit:[/edit]int64 zero test fixed Code: /* enu: stores int64 into a bsa-string(bsa_new for more details). low = value's low 32bits hi = value's high 32bits options = 00..07: non zero value will be triple separator 31..31: 1 - value can be signed, 0 - do not buf35bytes = area to form a bsa-string in eax <- bsa.body examples: stdcall i2a,-1,-1,$80000000,buf35bytes invoke MessageBoxA,0,eax,0,0 stdcall i2a,-1,-1,$00000000,buf35bytes invoke MessageBoxA,0,eax,0,0 stdcall i2a,-1,-1,$00000020,buf35bytes invoke MessageBoxA,0,eax,0,0 stdcall i2a,0,-1,$80000000 or "'",buf35bytes invoke MessageBoxA,0,eax,0,0 */ proc i2a; low,hi,options,buf35bytes ;2^64-1 = 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 ;2^63-1 = 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 mov eax,[esp+4] ;low xchg ebx,[esp+8] ;hi xchg ecx,[esp+12] ;options xchg edi,[esp+16] ;buf35bytes push edx esi ;EDX for remainder & ESI for 10 pushfd add edi,34 ;switch buf35bytes's end mov ch,0 mov byte[edi],ch ;put Arno; @feryno likes that film btr ecx,31 ;signed mode? jnc .signless bt ebx,31 ;is value signed in signed mode? jnc .signless bts ecx,31 ;we'll look for it to put '-' soon not ebx ;negate value neg eax ;... sbb ebx,-1 ;... .signless: mov esi,10 ;thanks @Picnic for the "What's Special About This Number?.mht" .loop:xor edx,edx ;@revolution, i can divide big, thanX add ch,01'000001b ;make CF=1 at every step 4; increase stored chars count jnc .not_triple cmp cl,dl cmovnz edx,ecx ;put user triple separator jnz .store .not_triple: xchg eax,ebx div esi ;div hi xchg eax,ebx div esi ;div low add dl,'0' ;0..9 -> '0'..'9' .store: dec edi ;<-rise bsa header<- mov [edi],dl MOV EDX,EAX ;test int64 for zero OR EDX,EBX ;... jnz .loop bt ecx,31 ;so, has '-' been? jnc .store_bsa_header inc ch ;increase digit count dec edi mov byte[edi],'-' ;mayonnaise, hi @ouadji, hi @edfed .store_bsa_header: and ch,00'111111b ;drop CF bits movzx ecx,ch mov [edi-4],ecx ;bsa.body_len inc eax mov [edi-8],eax ;bsa.ref_count = 1 mov eax,edi ;bsa.body popfd pop esi edx mov edi,[esp+16] mov ecx,[esp+12] mov ebx,[esp+8] ret 16 ;i've been disconnected 2 times, so won't edit endp |
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