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Index > Compiler Internals > IP Overlay. A bug or not a bug? [NOT]

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Joined: 23 Oct 2009
Posts: 881
l_inc 06 Apr 2010, 23:15
Hi there. I'd like the reader to consider the following code:
format PE GUI 4.0
include 'win32a.inc'

entry start

remoteCodeOffset = 10008h-remoteCode.size
dw 0FFFFh     ;lower 16 limit bits
db 0h,0h,0h      ;lower 24 base bits
db 11111010b       ;P: 1, DPL: 11 (ring3), S: 1, Type: 1010
db 00000001b        ;G: 0 - limit in bytes, D/B: 0, L: 0, AVL: 0, 16-19 limit bits: 0001
db 0                 ;upper base byte

           mov dword[mem_ptr],eax
              mov dword[eax],0FEEBh

           lea edi,[eax+remoteCodeOffset]
              mov esi,remoteCode
          mov ecx,remoteCode.size
             rep movsb

               mov edx,eax
         and eax,000FFFFFFh
          shr edx,24
          or dword[LDT_Entry.base1],eax
               or dword[LDT_Entry.base2],edx
               invoke NtSetLdtEntries,27h,dword[LDT_Entry],dword[LDT_Entry+4],0,0,0
                and byte[LDT_Entry.type], not 1000b
         invoke NtSetLdtEntries,2Fh,dword[LDT_Entry],dword[LDT_Entry+4],0,0,0
                mov bx,2Fh

              jmp 27h:remoteCodeOffset

             invoke MessageBox,0,gotBack,gotBack,MB_OK
   invoke VirtualFree,dword[mem_ptr],0,MEM_RELEASE

data import
   library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
 import kernel32,\
 import ntdll,\
 import user32,\
end data

gotBack           db 'Got back',0

align 16
mem_ptr      dd ?

align 16
       org remoteCodeOffset
         mov ss,bx
                   mov ebx,esp
                 mov sp,100h
                 push 'ck'
                 push 'Fu'
                 call @F      ;db 0E8h,0,0
                     mov esp,ebx
         push 23h
            pop ss
              ;db 0EBh,00                             ;<-- Problem 1. Wanna have jmp $+2
               db 66h                                  ;<-- Problem 2. Wanna have no need to use such workaround
                jmp 1Bh:beBack
   .size = .end-.start    

This code just shows a message box and exits.
The line commented as "Problem 1" needs a special look. One could think, that if we uncomment the jmp $+2 instruction (well... it's HEX-equivalent), this will have no effect, causing the instruction flow simply go on. This is not true because of the actual destination address of the instruction, which is located at the first byte of an ip overlay. As long as the jmp $ instruction has been placed on the eip = 0 address (by the instruction mov dword[eax],0FEEBh), a thread executing this code will have an endless loop on eip = 0. Thus one will see no message box anymore.
Fasm recognizes this situation and doesn't allow me to write jmp $+2. Well... I could understand a warning in this case, because it's possible, that a programmer could expect another behavior, but (!) inasmuch as such instruction exists and one (me, for example Smile) could still need exactly what it does, I consider this to be a bug (same problem concerns the big real mode... I think... never used it Smile).
Or... is there any pro to leave the original fasm behavior for this case?

The second problem (referred in the comments as "Problem 2") is speaking for itself and IMHO doesn't need any additional explanation.
Post 06 Apr 2010, 23:15
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revolution 07 Apr 2010, 00:40
1. You can't jump to address 0x10000 in 16-bit code. So jmp $+2 will never work. The CPU will force IP to 0x0000. In 16-bit code IP is always masked with 0xffff so executing past 0xffff will wrap back to 0x0000.

2. Remove "USE32" and put "jmp fword 1Bh:beBack".
Post 07 Apr 2010, 00:40
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l_inc 07 Apr 2010, 12:59
You can't jump to address 0x10000 in 16-bit code. So jmp $+2 will never work.

Sure I can. The only thing I need in this case is a prefix (and surely sufficient segment limit in a descriptor). Anyway jmp $+2 is still a valid instruction on this place and it will surely work. Only in different ways depending on if there is a prefix or not.
But if you attentively read my post (well... I know you didn't Smile) you probably would understand, that eip-truncation is exactly the thing I need. And I'd like to have a possibility to write valid instructions with their mnemonics in fasm, not with a db-directive.
In 16-bit code IP is always masked with 0xffff so executing past 0xffff will wrap back to 0x0000.

You obviously didn't try to run the code. Cause if you did, you would know, that eip is not always masked with 0FFFFh. Otherwise the code would never get back to the 32-bit segment and one would never see the message box.
Remove "USE32" and put "jmp fword 1Bh:beBack".

Thanks. That worked fine.
Post 07 Apr 2010, 12:59
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revolution 07 Apr 2010, 13:11
To generate a 32-bit jmp in 16-bit mode you need this:
jmp dword $+3    
I still stand by what I said, you can't jmp past 0xffff in 16-bit code, you have to switch to 32-code (with a prefix, like you mentioned).
Post 07 Apr 2010, 13:11
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l_inc 07 Apr 2010, 13:19
As I already twice said, I don't need a 32-bit jump. I need a short 16-bit jump, that goes 64K (or even more in some cases) backwards.
Post 07 Apr 2010, 13:19
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revolution 07 Apr 2010, 13:32
If that is all you need then simply:
jmp 0    
The assembler will work it out for you. Wink

BTW: The talk about jmp $+2 is confusing the issue, you should just put the destination where you actually want to go.
Post 07 Apr 2010, 13:32
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Posts: 881
l_inc 07 Apr 2010, 13:51
Thank you. Smile My fault. Didn't think about it. The conclusion is: "not a bug". Smile Fasm proved me again its flatness (in a good sense). Smile What you code is what you get.
I still stand by what I said, you can't jmp past 0xffff in 16-bit code, you have to switch to 32-code (with a prefix, like you mentioned).

I think it's a definition question in this case. I still consider a prefixed code as 16-bit code with a redefined operand size. But at least I think you understand now, that even if we can't jump into an ip overlay with 16-bit code (we can't with your definition but we can with mine), we still can get to the ip overlay(with both definitions) if we don't use any call's or jumps.

Thanks again for the answer.
Post 07 Apr 2010, 13:51
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