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Joined: 21 Feb 2010
Posts: 252
adroit 23 Feb 2010, 16:06
I spent the last few hours trying to figure out how to get user's input. But I was unsuccessful. So I took a look at some code from "console fun" by Bitshifter. The coding was brilliant (from my perspective). I tried to duplicate the code in my way, but it didn't work. Please tell the errors in the code:
Let's say the user enters: "MeshNix"
The program would output: "Hi MeshNix!!!" the go on a new line, then prompt again.
The virtual keys such as backspace don't work.
And also when the enter key is pressed, the prompt comes back on the same line instead of a newline
org 100h

jmp Start

buffer   rb 16
length   db 0
maxlen   db 15
startmsg db 'Enter something here: ',0
nextmsg1 db 'Hi ',0
nextmsg2 db '!!!',0
newline  db 13,10,0

    ;set to graphic mode 3
    mov al,03h
    mov ah,0
    int 10h
     ;reset prompt buffer
     mov [buffer],0     ;set buffer to 0
     mov [length],0     ;set length to 0
     mov di,buffer

     ;print prompt
     mov si, startmsg
     call PrintString
     ;wait for keystroke
     xor ax,ax
     int 16h

     ;handle special keys
     cmp al,1Bh    ;VK_ESCAPE
     je .vk_escape
     cmp al,08H    ;VK_BACK
     je .vk_back
     cmp al,1DH    ;VK_RETURN
     je .vk_return

     ;is buffer full
     mov ah,[length]
     cmp ah,[maxlen]
     je .input

     ;append character to buffer
     mov byte[di],al
     inc di
     mov byte[di],0
     inc [length]

     ;print character
     call PrintChar
     jmp .input

     ;exit program

     ;remove character from buffer
     dec di          ;decrease buffer pointer
     mov byte[di],0  ;insert NULL terminator
     dec [length]    ;decrement rompt length
     jmp .input

     ;check form empty command buffer
     cmp [length],0
     je .input
     call ProcessInput
     jmp .reset

;Call procedures
     jmp GetChar     ;skip echo - no character in al as yet
       mov ah,0Eh
       int 10h
     ;Get character from string
       mov al,[si]   ;extract character from string
       inc si        ;step up on stack (skip last byte)
       or al,al      ;is string complete printer (is al =0)
       jz .finish    ;if so end procedure
       jmp EchoChar  ;else repeat process
    ;return to call address

    ;print character
     mov ah,0Eh
     int 10h
     ret             ;return to call address
    ;process input from user

     inc si
     ;print nextmsg1
     mov si,nextmsg1
     call PrintString
     inc si
     ;print data in buffer
     mov si,buffer
     call PrintString
     inc si
     ;print nextmsg2
     mov si,nextmsg2
     call PrintString
     inc si

Help me please!!! Very Happy

Post 23 Feb 2010, 16:06
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Location: Piraeus, Greece
Picnic 23 Feb 2010, 18:31
Hi MeshNix,

The INT 21h / AH=0Ah interrupt provides a simple way to read user input. Idea
See the last post by daluca here
Post 23 Feb 2010, 18:31
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bitshifter 23 Feb 2010, 19:41
This may be the problem:
cmp al,1DH    ;VK_RETURN    

It should be
cmp al,0DH   ;VK_RETURN    
Post 23 Feb 2010, 19:41
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Posts: 252
adroit 23 Feb 2010, 19:59
Thanks, a lot guys.
Bitshifter, I change the virtual key value to 0Dh instead of 1Dh and it worked, but it still prints the text on the the same line. What is the problem?

Picnic, I checked the post and i'm kinda studying it to see how it worked, but I don't think that's the kind of code I want. I like Bitshifter's code because it was (what I would call) raw.

Thanks again guys
Help me if you could...

Post 23 Feb 2010, 19:59
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bitshifter 23 Feb 2010, 20:09
You need to specify newlines...
Change your code to this and its fixed!
nextmsg1 db 13,10,'Hi ',0
nextmsg2 db '!!!',13,10,0    
Post 23 Feb 2010, 20:09
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Picnic 23 Feb 2010, 20:43
MeshNix wrote:
I like Bitshifter's code because it was (what I would call) raw.
I welcome your choice, just highlight this simple mechanism. Smile
Post 23 Feb 2010, 20:43
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Joined: 21 Feb 2010
Posts: 252
adroit 24 Feb 2010, 23:05
Thanks a lot
Post 24 Feb 2010, 23:05
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