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Joined: 30 Jun 2004
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windwakr 23 Jan 2010, 00:31
Ok, nevermind....I just have to add 'double' before the float in the glClearDepth invoke....
But why don't I need it in "invoke glClearColor,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5"?

EDIT: I see why I don't need it there, glClearColor only uses single-precision floats.

OK Then, I guess I don't need your help for now. Although, if you see something bad or wrong in my code you can point it out to me.

OpenGL is confusing....

OLDEDIT: It seems the functions in the procs eat the return address........

Please ignore the bad code formatting, too many anonymous labels, bad variable naming, lack of comments, etc.

The problem is in the proc CreateGLWindow at the very end, where it call the procs ResizeGLScene and InitGL. Those two procs crash upon executing their ret instruction.

Anyone have any ideas?

You won't be able to assemble this, missing includes. Plus the code is incomplete.
;NEHE Tutorial #1 port to FASM by windwakr
;Some bits of code borrowed from bitshifter....hope you don't mind....

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'win32ax.inc'
include 'opengl32.inc'
include 'gdistuff.inc'

section '.code' code readable executable

        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,fsmsg,fstitle,MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION
        cmp     eax,IDNO
        jne     @f
        mov     [fullscreen],0
        stdcall CreateGLWindow,windowtitle,640,480,16,[fullscreen]
        cmp     eax,1
        jne     @f
        invoke  ExitProcess,0
        invoke  GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0
        or      eax,eax
        jz      end_loop
        invoke  TranslateMessage,msg
        invoke  DispatchMessage,msg
        jmp     msg_loop

        invoke  ExitProcess,[msg.wParam]

proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd, wmsg, wparam, lparam
        cmp     [wmsg],WM_DESTROY
        je      .wmdestroy
        invoke  DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  PostQuitMessage,0
        xor     eax,eax

proc CreateGLWindow stdcall windowtitle, width, height, bits, fullscreen
    windowfail db 'Window creation error.',0
    regfail db 'Failed to register the window class.',0
    modeunsuptitle db 'Mode unsupported.',0
    modeunsupport db 'The requested fullscreen mode is not supported by',13,10,'your video card. Use windowed mode instead?',0
    closing db 'Program will now clode.',0

        mov     [WindowRect.left],0
        mov     eax,[width]
        mov     [WindowRect.right],eax
        mov     [WindowRect.top],0
        mov     eax,[height]
        mov     [WindowRect.bottom],eax
        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        mov     [wc.hInstance],eax
        invoke  LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION
        mov     [wc.hIcon],eax
        invoke  LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
        mov     [wc.hCursor],eax
        invoke  RegisterClass,wc
        test    eax,eax
        jnz     @f
        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,addr regfail,error,MB_OK or MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
        mov     eax,1
        cmp     [fullscreen],1
        jne     .2
        mov     edi,dmScreenSettings
        mov     ecx,sizeof.DEVMODE shr 2
        xor     eax,eax
        rep     stosd
        mov     [dmScreenSettings.dmSize],sizeof.DEVMODE
        mov     eax,[width]
        mov     [dmScreenSettings.dmPelsWidth],eax
        mov     eax,[height]
        mov     [dmScreenSettings.dmPelsHeight],eax
        mov     eax,[bits]
        mov     [dmScreenSettings.dmBitsPerPel],eax
        mov     [dmScreenSettings.dmFields],DM_BITSPERPEL or DM_PELSWIDTH or DM_PELSHEIGHT
        invoke  ChangeDisplaySettings,dmScreenSettings,CDS_FULLSCREEN
        cmp     eax,DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL
        je      .2
        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,addr modeunsupport,addr modeunsuptitle,MB_YESNO or MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
        cmp     eax,IDYES
        je      @f
        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,addr closing,error,MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP
        mov     eax,1
        mov     [fullscreen],0
        cmp     [fullscreen],1
        jne     @f
        mov     [dwExStyle],WS_EX_APPWINDOW
        mov     [dwStyle],WS_POPUP
        invoke  ShowCursor,FALSE
        jmp .1
        mov     [dwExStyle],WS_EX_APPWINDOW or WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE
        mov     [dwStyle],WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
        invoke  AdjustWindowRectEx,WindowRect,dwStyle,FALSE,dwExStyle

        mov     eax,[dwStyle]
        or      eax,WS_CLIPSIBLINGS
        or      eax,WS_CLIPCHILDREN
        mov     ebx,[WindowRect.right]
        sub     ebx,[WindowRect.left]
        mov     ecx,[WindowRect.bottom]
        sub     ecx,[WindowRect.top]
        invoke  CreateWindowEx,[dwExStyle],_class,[windowtitle],eax,0,0,ebx,ecx,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL
        test    eax,eax
        jnz     @f
        stdcall KillGLWindow
        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,addr windowfail,error,MB_OK or MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
        mov     eax,1
        mov     [hwnd],eax
        mov     eax,[bits]
        mov     [pfd.cColorBits],al
        invoke  GetDC,[hwnd]
        mov     [hdc],eax
        invoke  ChoosePixelFormat,[hdc],pfd
        invoke  SetPixelFormat,[hdc],eax,pfd
        invoke  wglCreateContext,[hdc]
        mov     [hrc],eax
        invoke  wglMakeCurrent,[hdc],[hrc]
        invoke  ShowWindow,[hwnd],SW_SHOW
        invoke  SetForegroundWindow,[hwnd]
        invoke  SetFocus,[hwnd]
        stdcall ResizeGLScene,[width],[height]
        stdcall InitGL
        mov     eax,0

proc KillGLWindow stdcall

proc ResizeGLScene stdcall width,height
        cmp     [height],0
        jnz     @f
        mov     [height],1
        invoke  glViewport,0,0,[width],[height]
        invoke  glMatrixMode,GL_PROJECTION
        invoke  glLoadIdentity
        fild    [width]
        fst     [orthographic_right]
        fild    [height]
        fst     [orthographic_bottom]
        fstp    [perspective_aspect]
        invoke  gluPerspective,double 45.0,double [perspective_aspect],double 0.1,double 100.0
        invoke  glMatrixMode,GL_MODELVIEW
        invoke  glLoadIdentity

proc InitGL stdcall
        invoke  glShadeModel,GL_SMOOTH
        invoke  glClearColor,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5
        invoke  glClearDepth,double 1.0
        invoke  glEnable,GL_DEPTH_TEST
        invoke  glDepthFunc,GL_LEQUAL

proc DrawGLScene stdcall
        invoke  glClear,GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
        invoke  glLoadIdentity

section '.data' data readable writeable

  _class db 'OGLTEST',0
  _error db 'Startup failed.',0

  error db 'ERROR',0
  fsmsg db 'Would you like to run in fullscreen mode?',0
  fstitle db 'Start fullscreen?',0
  windowtitle: db 'OpenGL Test',0

  hdc dd 0
  hrc dd 0
  hwnd dd 0

  orthographic_right dd 0
  orthographic_bottom dd 0
  perspective_aspect dd 0

  WindowRect RECT

  dwExStyle dd 0
  dwStyle dd 0

  wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,_class
      PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW or PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL or PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER,PFD_TYPE_RGBA,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,0,0,\
  rc RECT

  msg MSG
  dmScreenSettings DEVMODE

  fullscreen dd 1
  active dd 1
  keys rb 256

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

  include 'api\kernel32.inc'
  include 'api\user32.inc'
  include 'api\gdi32.inc'
  include 'api\opengl32.inc'
  include 'api\glu32.inc'

----> * <---- My star, won HERE

Last edited by windwakr on 25 Jan 2010, 20:11; edited 1 time in total
Post 23 Jan 2010, 00:31
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windwakr 23 Jan 2010, 02:04
Ok, I'm done with this for the night. I have just two problems right now.

1. When I press F1, the window just closes. It doesn't switch between fullscreen/windowed like it should.

2. I can't move, resize, minimize the window, only close it with escape.

I've attached it and the necessary includes in case anyone wants to take a look through it.

Filename: opengl_test.zip
Filesize: 23.9 KB
Downloaded: 319 Time(s)

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Post 23 Jan 2010, 02:04
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 23 Jan 2010, 03:33
Commenting "cmp [wmsg],WM_SYSCOMMAND" solves second part. It can also be solved with this:
        cmp     [wparam], SC_SCREENSAVE
        je      @f
        cmp     [wparam], SC_MONITORPOWER
        je      @f
        jmp     .defwndproc
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish    
Post 23 Jan 2010, 03:33
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baldr 23 Jan 2010, 03:45

1. CreateGLWindow appears to return 0 if everything went OK, yet you jump to end_loop after call to switch to fullscreen returns 0.

2. WM_SYSCOMMAND notification is important for default window behavior. Pass to DefWindowProc all unprocessed notifications.
Post 23 Jan 2010, 03:45
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windwakr 23 Jan 2010, 03:50
Wow, thanks for the help guys. I wouldn't have found those mistakes by myself.

It's working fine now. Smile

I'm surprised you guys were even able to find your way through my code, it's such a mess.

EDIT: Lol....ugh. I guess it isn't working as fine as I thought it was. After making those fixes it appears to work, but when I go ahead and try to change it to follow the second NEHE tutorial, nothing appears.

I change the 'DrawGLScene' code to this:
proc DrawGLScene stdcall
        invoke  glClear,GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
        invoke  glLoadIdentity

        invoke  glTranslatef,-1.5,0.0,-6.0
        invoke  glBegin,GL_TRIANGLES
          invoke  glColor3f,1.0,1.0,1.0
          invoke  glVertex3f,0.0,1.0,0.0
          invoke  glVertex3f,-1.0,-1.0,0.0
          invoke  glVertex3f,1.0,-1.0,0.0
        invoke  glEnd
        invoke  glTranslatef,3.0,0.0,0.0
        invoke  glBegin,GL_QUADS
          invoke  glColor3f,1.0,1.0,1.0
          invoke  glVertex3f,-1.0,1.0,0.0
          invoke  glVertex3f,1.0,1.0,0.0
          invoke  glVertex3f,1.0,-1.0,0.0
          invoke  glVertex3f,-1.0,-1.0,0.0
        invoke glEnd

And it should show a triangle and square....but it doesn't....

EDIT: The glClear is getting executed fine, so I don't know what's going on....probably something to do with ResizeGLScene screwing up some important setting....

EDIT2: Yep, it's the Aspect Ratio. When I put in 1.3333 it appears fine. So the calculation of it is messed up.

EDIT3: LOL, just had to change 'perspective_aspect' from dd to dq....... Laughing

Now that this boring set-up stuff if finally out of the way, I can get on to the fun part.

EDIT4: Ahhhh, texture loading....gonna have to come up with some other way of loading than what the tutorials use, as GLAUX isn't really an option here.

EDIT5: Found another bug. I was passing the location and not the contents of the variables for the styles in 'AdjustWindowRectEx' causing the client size to be off by a few pixels...

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Post 23 Jan 2010, 03:50
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bitshifter 23 Jan 2010, 10:22
Thats why i made this OpenGL demo...
So people would not have to screw around making framework!
Post 23 Jan 2010, 10:22
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Madis731 23 Jan 2010, 23:43
@bitshifter: Only the people that have looked inside the attachments have realized what it is. Maybe "opengl first person camera" should be renamed to something appropriate, like the [CONTRIBUTION] flag I found one day Smile
I plan to use it in the future...
Post 23 Jan 2010, 23:43
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 23 Jan 2010, 23:58
bitshifter, I've added your example to Windows FAQ. Please check if I'm describing it correctly.
Post 23 Jan 2010, 23:58
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windwakr 25 Jan 2010, 00:34
EDIT: Lol, I got it....apparently BMPs use BGR instead of RGB.....

Ok, I managed to butcher most of bitshifter's texture loading into my program, with modifications to load 24-bit BMPs, but there is an odd problem.

The colors are all wrong. I don't understand why. I've tried changing the offset for the start where I load the pixel data in the BMP from, but they're still messed up.

Here's my files:

The BMP has blue words, but loads as orange...

Pretty much everything you would need to look at is in the LoadGLTexture procedure.

bitshifter wrote:
Thats why i made this OpenGL demo...
So people would not have to screw around making framework!

But it's more of a learning experience doing it my way.

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Post 25 Jan 2010, 00:34
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bitshifter 25 Jan 2010, 08:50
The problem is that i use RGB RAW image with 12
byte header and your loading a BGR 24bpp bitmap...
You can use LoadImage for 24bpp bitmap very easily...

EDIT: I fix it for u Razz
invoke  glTexImage2D,GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,3,[width],[height],0,GL_BGR,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,esi

Have fun!
Post 25 Jan 2010, 08:50
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windwakr 25 Jan 2010, 17:16
bitshifter wrote:
The problem is that i use RGB RAW image with 12
byte header and your loading a BGR 24bpp bitmap...
You can use LoadImage for 24bpp bitmap very easily...

Hmmm, That LoadImage shortens my texture loading code by a lot. It's probably much slower than what I was doing, but it makes my code look a lot neater:
proc  LoadGLTexture stdcall texture,texid
    hbmp dd 0
    bmp BITMAP
        invoke  glGenTextures,1,[texid]
        test    eax,eax
        jz      .done
        mov     [hbmp],eax

        invoke  GetObject,eax,sizeof.BITMAP,addr bmp

        invoke  glBindTexture,GL_TEXTURE_2D,[texid]
        invoke  glTexParameteri,GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR
        invoke  glTexParameteri,GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR
        invoke  glTexImage2D,GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,3,[bmp.bmWidth],[bmp.bmHeight],0,GL_BGR,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,[bmp.bmBits]

        invoke  DeleteObject,[hbmp]


EDIT: I fix it for u Razz
invoke  glTexImage2D,GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,3,[width],[height],0,GL_BGR,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,esi

Have fun!

Yeah, that's the first thing I tried when I found out BMPs were stored as BGR.

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Post 25 Jan 2010, 17:16
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bitshifter 25 Jan 2010, 17:28
Once you begin to use 8/24/32 bpp images, you
will understand why i choose custom image format.
Sure a Targa (TGA) can do it, but they are bloated.
And to use BMP i would need 24 bpp image and 8 bpp mask.
Then have to make alpha mask at runtime, very slowly.
Sure, having to convert images is time consuming but worth it.
I make image in Photoshop, then export as linear RAW no header.
Then use my fps2raw converter program to insert 12 byte header.
Photoshop can open image as RAW with 12 byte header as specified.
Just though i might explain why i made this decision...
Have fun Smile
Post 25 Jan 2010, 17:28
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bitshifter 25 Jan 2010, 19:29
Awww man...
I just found a bug in my code (and yours)

glBindTexture takes texture ID value (not pointer)

Funny that it worked though Confused

So to fix this...
invoke glBindTexture,GL_TEXTURE_2D,[id]

Also loading code need to be corrected...
invoke  glGenTextures,1,[texid]
mov     eax,[texid] ; Get value that pointer points to!
invoke  glBindTexture,GL_TEXTURE_2D,dword[eax] 

Sorry about this...
I will correct my sources and re-upload them...
Of course with some new changes as well...
Post 25 Jan 2010, 19:29
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windwakr 25 Jan 2010, 19:51
Nice find.

Fixed up my sources:

EDIT: Ok, 1 more fix for mine....I need to add this:
invoke  glPixelStorei,GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,4       

In the loader too. Something about BMPs padding on new lines.

----> * <---- My star, won HERE

Last edited by windwakr on 25 Jan 2010, 20:25; edited 1 time in total
Post 25 Jan 2010, 19:51
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Borsuc 25 Jan 2010, 20:24
bitshifter wrote:
Once you begin to use 8/24/32 bpp images, you
will understand why i choose custom image format.
Sure a Targa (TGA) can do it, but they are bloated.
100% agreed, the best format is the one that resembles your engine. Most times it's custom Smile

Previously known as The_Grey_Beast
Post 25 Jan 2010, 20:24
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windwakr 29 Jan 2010, 04:00
I'm trying to switch to the normal horizontal FOVs that are used, and away from the stupid vertical ones that OpenGL functions define, but did I get this right?

Based off this: http://glprogramming.com/dgs.php?dg=1
proc PerspectiveGL stdcall fovx:QWORD,aspect:QWORD,znear:QWORD,zfar:QWORD
    pi dq 3.141592653589793238
    top dq 0
    bottom dq 0
    left dq 0
    right dq 0
        fld     [fovx]       ;fovx
        fmul    qword[pi]    ;fovx*pi
        push    dword 360
        fidiv   dword[esp]   ;fovx*pi/360
        add     esp,4
        fptan                ;1  tan(fovx*pi/360)
        fstp    st0          ;tan(fovx*pi/360)
        fmul    qword[znear] ;tan(fovx*pi/360)*znear
        fst     [right]
        fchs                 ;-tan(fovx*pi/360)*znear
        fst     [left]
        fld     [aspect]     ;aspect  -tan(fovx*pi/360)*znear
        fdivp                ;(-tan(fovx*pi/360)*znear)/aspect
        fstp    [bottom]
        fld     [right]      ;right
        fdiv    [aspect]     ;right/aspect
        fstp    [top]

        invoke  glFrustum,double[left],double[right],double[bottom],double[top],double[znear],double[zfar]

And how would I go about converting a vertical FOV to a horizontal one? I mean, what would be the equivalent fovx to a fovy?
I've read that you just multiply fovy by the aspect ratio, but doesn't quite look right, too small......maybe it's a problem with my maths up there?

EDIT: Ok, apparently fovx = 2 * actan (aspect * tan (fovy / 2));
Don't understand it, but it seems to work right. Only reason I even need to convert it is because I still want my output to be 1:1 with the NeHe tutorials.

But Hmmmm, when I make the window really small, the picture is different. Maybe my function up there isn't working right.

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Post 29 Jan 2010, 04:00
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Alphonso 13 Feb 2010, 06:46
Hi Guys,
just thought I'd mention the NeHe fasm ported lessons 1-18 by keYMax at http://vertexland.narod.ru/data/opengl_fasm.htm
Post 13 Feb 2010, 06:46
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baldr 13 Feb 2010, 08:26

F331 th3 p0w3r 0f c0mmunity! Wink
Post 13 Feb 2010, 08:26
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bitshifter 21 Feb 2010, 07:22
Here is standard way of making projection matrix (fovy)
void InitProjectionMatrix(float fovy, int width, int height, float znear, float zfar)
   float aspect = (float)width / (float)height;
   float fovy2r = fovy * MATH_PI_DIV_360;
   float cotan = cosf(fovy2r) / sinf(fovy2r);

   g_projMatrix[0]  = cotan / aspect;
   g_projMatrix[1]  = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[2]  = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[3]  = 0.0F;

   g_projMatrix[4]  = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[5]  = cotan;
   g_projMatrix[6]  = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[7]  = 0.0F;

   g_projMatrix[8]  = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[9]  = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[10] = (zfar + znear) / (znear - zfar);
   g_projMatrix[11] = -1.0F;

   g_projMatrix[12] = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[13] = 0.0F;
   g_projMatrix[14] = (znear * zfar * 2.0F) / (znear - zfar);
   g_projMatrix[15] = 0.0F;

Have fun Smile

Coding a 3D game engine with fasm is like trying to eat an elephant,
you just have to keep focused and take it one 'byte' at a time.
Post 21 Feb 2010, 07:22
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