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Index > Macroinstructions > My Macro to build tables of bits

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Joined: 04 Mar 2008
Posts: 563
Location: Germany
hopcode 06 Mar 2009, 02:02
Hallo All,
here an useful macro (but not my final version) to create tables of bits.
Usage is very simple:

<bittable tablename,numbits,ranges>

where numbits *should* be a multiple of 8 and
ranges could be in the form "10->20" (ascending) or single numbers indicating the bit to set, like "10","27"

For example, to create a "valid" chars ascii table of 128 bits
bittable validascii,128,\
     41h->5Ah,\   ;A-Z
     30h->39h,\     ;0-9
     20h,\       ;space        
     61h->7Ah,\ ;a-z
     9,0Dh,0Ah  ;tab,cr,lf

Here the macro

macro buildtable argtable,argstart,argend {
 local posstart,posend
 local initbyte,totalbits,bytestart
 local part1,part3,tmpbyte
 totalbits = argend - argstart +1
 bytestart = argstart / 8
 posstart = argstart mod 8
 posend = argend mod 8              
 if totalbits < 9 & totalbits > 1
  if posstart = 0 | posstart < posend
    initbyte = 00000001b
    repeat totalbits-1
    initbyte = initbyte shl 1
   initbyte = initbyte or 1
   end repeat
  repeat posstart
      initbyte = initbyte shl 1
  end repeat
  initbyte = initbyte and 0FFh
        load tmpbyte byte from argtable+bytestart
   store (initbyte or tmpbyte) at argtable+bytestart               
  ;display "/in 2 bytes/"
   ;data in 2 bytes  1<sum<9 bits
        ;---------first byte-------------                       
    initbyte = 0FFh
      repeat posstart
      initbyte = initbyte shl 1
  end repeat
 load tmpbyte byte from argtable+bytestart
   initbyte = initbyte and 0FFh
        store (initbyte or tmpbyte) at argtable+bytestart               
    ;---------second byte-------------
  initbyte = 00000001b
        repeat posend
        initbyte = initbyte shl 1
   initbyte = initbyte or 1
   end repeat
  load tmpbyte byte from argtable+bytestart+1
 initbyte = initbyte and 0FFh
        store (initbyte or tmpbyte) at argtable+bytestart+1             
 end if
 else if totalbits = 1
 ;single bit
 initbyte = 00000001b
         repeat posstart
      initbyte = initbyte shl 1
  end repeat
 load tmpbyte byte from argtable+bytestart
   initbyte = initbyte and 0FFh
        store byte (initbyte or tmpbyte) at argtable+bytestart          
   ;-------------------variable bytes------------------
  ; store first bits
  part1 = 0FFh
        repeat posstart
      part1 = part1 shl 1 
       end repeat
  load tmpbyte byte from argtable+bytestart
   part1 = part1 and 0FFh
      store byte (part1 or tmpbyte) at argtable+bytestart             
    totalbits = totalbits - (8 - posstart)

 numbytes = totalbits / 8
    if numbytes > 0
   repeat numbytes
      ;store full byte
    store byte 0FFh at argtable+bytestart+%
    end repeat
  totalbits = totalbits - (8 * numbytes)
     end if
 if totalbits > 0
  initbyte = 00000001b
        ;store last bits
     repeat totalbits-1
           initbyte = initbyte shl 1
           initbyte = initbyte or 1
   end repeat
         load tmpbyte byte from argtable+bytestart+numbytes+1
        initbyte = initbyte and 0FFh
        store byte (initbyte or tmpbyte) at argtable+bytestart+numbytes+1              
    end if                          
end if

macro bittable argname,argbitmap,[argranges] {
  db (argbitmap/8) dup (0)

  define status 0
 match =0 p1->p2,status argranges        \{
  buildtable argname,p1,p2
  define status 1
 match =0,status    \{
  buildtable argname,argranges,argranges
  define status 1

 display "#------ Bittable generator --------x",13,10
 display "|   macro to create tables of bits |",13,10
 display "|   by hopcode[mrk]                |",13,10
 display "|      Datum: 5/03/2009            |",13,10
 display "x------- ------------------- ------x",13,10
 display " ---------------------------------- ",13,10
 display "        -  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  -",13,10
 display " ---------------------------------- ",13,10
 repeat (argbitmap/8) 
  load a byte from argname+(%-1)
  tmp = a
  display "           "
  repeat 8
    a = tmp and 10000000b
       a = a shr 7
 display_decimal a
   display " "
       tmp = tmp shl 1
  end repeat
  display " | "
  display_decimal (%-1)*8 
  display 13,10 
end repeat
bittable varbyte,128,\
              30h->39h,\          ;0-9
                41h->5Ah,\          ;A-Z
                61h->7Ah,\          ;a-z
                20h,9,0Dh,0Ah   ;space,tab,cr,lf

Hope it will be useful.
Post 06 Mar 2009, 02:02
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