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Index > Windows > Fasm as simple one-section PE encryptor

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Grom PE

Joined: 13 Mar 2008
Posts: 114
Location: i@grompe.org.ru
Grom PE 14 Jul 2008, 22:31
Fasm is really powerful, isn't it? =)
See comments.

; Simple PE encryptor
; v0.50
; for flat assembler by Grom PE
; What it does
; ============
; Finds a section that contains code, and if there's enough
; space and it doesn't contain any directories, makes it
; writeable, expands, encrypts with xor, inserts decrypting
; code in the end of section, and updates entry point.
; It won't process DLL or any other relocateable image!
; Other than that, there's few checks made, so
;             USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
; Usage
; =====
; Create crypto.bat file with following text:
;   @echo off
;   call fasm fasmcrypto.asm %2 -dsubject='%1'
; Now you can encrypt your executables by writing:
;   crypto myprog.exe myprog_encrypted.exe

format binary as 'exe'

encrypt_constant = 71h

; === Useful macros ===

macro getword offs*, variable*
  local there
    there = $
    file subject:offs, 2
    load variable word from there
  end virtual  

macro getdword offs*, variable*
  local there
    there = $
    file subject:offs, 4
    load variable dword from there
  end virtual  

macro patchfile name
    file name
    p_filesize = $ - @b
  end virtual
  p_start = ($-$$)
  p_pointer = 0
  p_filename equ name

macro patchat address
  p_pointer = p_pointer - p_start + ($-$$)
  p_toadd = address - ($-$$)

  if address >= 0
    if p_toadd >= 0
      if p_pointer + p_toadd <= p_filesize
        file p_filename: p_pointer, p_toadd
        p_addpart = 0
        if p_pointer < p_filesize
          p_addpart = p_filesize - p_pointer
          file p_filename: p_pointer, p_addpart
        end if
        rb p_toadd - p_addpart
      end if
      "Error: can't move backwards."
    end if
    "Error: invalid address, must be >= 0."
  end if

  p_start = ($-$$)
  p_pointer = p_pointer + p_toadd

macro patchend
  p_pointer = p_pointer - p_start + ($-$$)
  p_toadd = p_filesize - ($-$$)

  if p_toadd >= 0
    if p_pointer + p_toadd <= p_filesize
      file p_filename: p_pointer, p_toadd
      p_addpart = 0
      if p_pointer < p_filesize
        p_addpart = p_filesize - p_pointer
        file p_filename: p_pointer, p_addpart
      end if
      db p_toadd - p_addpart dup 0
    end if
  end if

; === Loading and calculating ===

getword 0, mz_header

if mz_header <> 'MZ'
  "Error: Not valid MZ file."
end if

getdword 3Ch, pe_offset
getdword pe_offset, pe_signature

if pe_signature <> 'PE'
  "Error: Not valid PE file."
end if

getword pe_offset + 6, number_of_sections
getword pe_offset + 14h, size_of_optional_header
getdword pe_offset + 28h, entry_point

repeat number_of_sections
  section_offset = pe_offset + 18h + size_of_optional_header + (%-1)*28h
  getdword section_offset + 8  , section_virtual_size
  getdword section_offset + 0Ch, section_rva
  if section_virtual_size + section_rva > entry_point
  end if
end repeat

getdword pe_offset + 74h, number_of_directories

repeat number_of_directories
  getdword pe_offset + 78h + (%-1)*8, directory_rva
  if directory_rva <> 0
    if % = 6
      "Error: Won't process relocatable image."
    end if
    if section_virtual_size + section_rva > directory_rva
      "Error: Directories in code section are not supported."
    end if
  end if
end repeat

getdword section_offset + 10h, section_physical_size
getdword section_offset + 14h, section_physical_offset
getdword section_offset + 24h, section_attributes

if section_physical_size - section_virtual_size < our_code_end - our_code
  "Error: No free space to add code."
end if

getdword pe_offset + 34h, image_base

new_entry_point = section_virtual_size + section_rva

; === Writing modified file ===

patchfile subject

patchat pe_offset + 28h
  dd new_entry_point

patchat section_offset + 8h
  dd section_virtual_size + our_code_end - our_code

patchat section_offset + 24h
  dd section_attributes or 80000000h

patchat section_physical_offset

    file subject:section_physical_offset, section_virtual_size

    repeat section_virtual_size
      load a byte from startcrypt + %-1
      store byte a xor encrypt_constant at startcrypt + %-1
    end repeat

patchat section_physical_offset + section_virtual_size

    mov ecx, section_virtual_size
    xor byte [image_base + section_rva + ecx - 1], encrypt_constant
    loop decrypt
    jmp entry_point - section_rva + section_physical_offset


Tell me what you think.
Post 14 Jul 2008, 22:31
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Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 1150
Location: Russian Federation
comrade 15 Jul 2008, 04:41
Good job, really elaborate. Clever use of the command-line definitions to alter the compilation process.

This is somewhat similar to this.
See http://comrade.ownz.com/docs/fasm.html#selfencrypt.
Also see http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=2126.
Though everything there is used to encrypt the executable itself. Yours encrypts any executable.
Post 15 Jul 2008, 04:41
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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
Posts: 4024
Location: vpcmpistri
bitRAKE 15 Jul 2008, 06:07
Grom PE, you have a folder in my FASM/Forum directory - these kinds of demonstrations are invaluable. Very Happy

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 15 Jul 2008, 06:07
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Grom PE

Joined: 13 Mar 2008
Posts: 114
Location: i@grompe.org.ru
Grom PE 15 Jul 2008, 06:36
comrade, thanks for the interesting links!
Your obfuscating macros are amazing.
Yes, I used xor encrypting macros for programs written in fasm, but thought it wasn't so spectacular.

bitRAKE, nice to know =)
Post 15 Jul 2008, 06:36
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Grom PE

Joined: 13 Mar 2008
Posts: 114
Location: i@grompe.org.ru
Grom PE 13 Sep 2009, 16:43
Updated for the version with removed -d support.
; Simple PE encryptor
; v0.51
; for flat assembler by Grom PE
; What it does
; ============
; Finds a section that contains code, and if there's enough
; space and it doesn't contain any directories, makes it
; writeable, expands, encrypts with xor, inserts decrypting
; code in the end of section, and updates entry point.
; It won't process DLL or any other relocateable image!
; Other than that, there's few checks made, so
;             USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
; Usage
; =====
; Create crypto.bat file with following text:
;   @echo off
;   set crypttempinc=%temp%\crypt_temp.inc
;   echo define subject '%1'> %crypttempinc%
;   call fasm fasmcrypto.asm %1.cry
;   del %crypttempinc%
; Now you can encrypt your executables by writing:
;   crypto myprog.exe
; It will create myprog.cry on success.
; If you find bugs or have anything to say,
; you can contact me from my site:
;   http://grompe.org.ru/
; Regards, Grom PE

format binary as 'exe'

include '%crypttempinc%'

encrypt_constant = 71h

; === Useful macros ===

macro getword offs*, variable*
  local there
    there = $
    file subject:offs, 2
    load variable word from there
  end virtual  

macro getdword offs*, variable*
  local there
    there = $
    file subject:offs, 4
    load variable dword from there
  end virtual  

macro patchfile name
    file name
    p_filesize = $ - @b
  end virtual
  p_start = ($-$$)
  p_pointer = 0
  p_filename equ name

macro patchat address
  p_pointer = p_pointer - p_start + ($-$$)
  p_toadd = address - ($-$$)

  if address >= 0
    if p_toadd >= 0
      if p_pointer + p_toadd <= p_filesize
        file p_filename: p_pointer, p_toadd
        p_addpart = 0
        if p_pointer < p_filesize
          p_addpart = p_filesize - p_pointer
          file p_filename: p_pointer, p_addpart
        end if
        rb p_toadd - p_addpart
      end if
      "Error: can't move backwards."
    end if
    "Error: invalid address, must be >= 0."
  end if

  p_start = ($-$$)
  p_pointer = p_pointer + p_toadd

macro patchend
  p_pointer = p_pointer - p_start + ($-$$)
  p_toadd = p_filesize - ($-$$)

  if p_toadd >= 0
    if p_pointer + p_toadd <= p_filesize
      file p_filename: p_pointer, p_toadd
      p_addpart = 0
      if p_pointer < p_filesize
        p_addpart = p_filesize - p_pointer
        file p_filename: p_pointer, p_addpart
      end if
      db p_toadd - p_addpart dup 0
    end if
  end if

; === Loading and calculating ===

getword 0, mz_header

if mz_header <> 'MZ'
  "Error: Not valid MZ file."
end if

getdword 3Ch, pe_offset
getdword pe_offset, pe_signature

if pe_signature <> 'PE'
  "Error: Not valid PE file."
end if

getword pe_offset + 6, number_of_sections
getword pe_offset + 14h, size_of_optional_header
getdword pe_offset + 28h, entry_point

repeat number_of_sections
  section_offset = pe_offset + 18h + size_of_optional_header + (%-1)*28h
  getdword section_offset + 8  , section_virtual_size
  getdword section_offset + 0Ch, section_rva
  if section_virtual_size + section_rva > entry_point
  end if
end repeat

getdword pe_offset + 74h, number_of_directories

repeat number_of_directories
  getdword pe_offset + 78h + (%-1)*8, directory_rva
  if directory_rva <> 0
    if % = 6
      "Error: Won't process relocatable image."
    end if
    if section_virtual_size + section_rva > directory_rva
      "Error: Directories in code section are not supported."
    end if
  end if
end repeat

getdword section_offset + 10h, section_physical_size
getdword section_offset + 14h, section_physical_offset
getdword section_offset + 24h, section_attributes

if section_physical_size - section_virtual_size < our_code_end - our_code
  "Error: No free space to add code."
end if

getdword pe_offset + 34h, image_base

new_entry_point = section_virtual_size + section_rva

; === Writing modified file ===

patchfile subject

patchat pe_offset + 28h
  dd new_entry_point

patchat section_offset + 8h
  dd section_virtual_size + our_code_end - our_code

patchat section_offset + 24h
  dd section_attributes or 80000000h

patchat section_physical_offset

    file subject:section_physical_offset, section_virtual_size

    repeat section_virtual_size
      load a byte from startcrypt + %-1
      store byte a xor encrypt_constant at startcrypt + %-1
    end repeat

patchat section_physical_offset + section_virtual_size

    mov ecx, section_virtual_size
    xor byte [image_base + section_rva + ecx - 1], encrypt_constant
    loop decrypt
    jmp entry_point - section_rva + section_physical_offset

Post 13 Sep 2009, 16:43
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