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Joined: 29 Jul 2003
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VitalOne 04 Jan 2004, 02:25
Here's a calc macro I made that calculates using binary operations and returns the value in eax. It allows you do things like calc [var],"*",[var2],"+",6

macro calc arg,[args]
mov eax,arg
local flag
flag = -1
if args eqtype ""
   if args='+'
   else if args='-'
   else if args='*'
   else if args='/'
   end if
   if flag=0    ;Addition
        add eax,args
   else if flag=1 ;Subtraction
        sub eax,args
   else if flag=2 ;Multiplication
        mov ecx,args
        mul ecx
   else if flag=3 ;Division
        xor edx,edx
        mov ecx,args
        div ecx
   end if
end if

So you could do something like calc [var],'/',3,'+',[var2] (32-bit for now) . The only problem I have is that it doesn't follow the order of operations (PEMDAS). Is there anyway to make it follow the order?
Post 04 Jan 2004, 02:25
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scientica 04 Jan 2004, 12:39
/me bashes head against wall, what was I thinking - untested code was wroly (re)written by me.

;-tested- (and works)
macro calc arg,[operation, variable]
 mov eax,arg
 if operation eqtype "" ; basic error check
    if operation='+'
         add eax, variable
    else if operation='-'
         sub eax, variable
    else if operation='*'
         mov ecx, variable
         mul ecx
    else if operation='/'
         xor edx, edx
         mov ecx, variable
         div ecx
         display "Invalid operation, must be either '+', '-', '*' or '/'",10 ; 10,13 in windows/DOS
         display "operation = ", operation, 10
    end if
 end if

macro calc2 arg, [op, variable] {
 mov eax,arg
    if 1 op 1 eq 1+1
         add eax, variable
    else if 1 op 1 eq 1-1
         sub eax, variable
    else if 1 op 1 eq 1*1
         mov ecx, variable
         mul ecx
    else if 1 op 1 eq 1/1
         xor edx, edx
         mov ecx, variable
         div ecx
         display "Invalid operation, must be either +, -, * or /",10 ; 10,13 in windows/DOS
    end if
virtual at 0
 dd 0
end virtual

;;; db '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',10
calc [var],'/',3,'+',[var2]
dd 90909090h
;;; db 10,'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',10
calc2 [var], /, 3, +, [var2]
;;; db 10,'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',10    

gives this output when running the compiled file thru ndisasm:
[frekla@ns1 tmp]$ fasm test.asm test.txt && /usr/bin/ndisasm test.txt 
flat assembler  version 1.50
1 passes, 46 bytes.
00000000  66A10000          mov eax,[0x0]
00000004  6631D2            xor edx,edx
00000007  66B903000000      mov ecx,0x3
0000000D  66F7F1            div ecx
00000010  6603060400        add eax,[0x4]
00000015  90                nop
00000016  90                nop
00000017  90                nop
00000018  90                nop
00000019  66A10000          mov eax,[0x0]
0000001D  6631D2            xor edx,edx
00000020  66B903000000      mov ecx,0x3
00000026  66F7F1            div ecx
00000029  6603060400        add eax,[0x4]
[frekla@ns1 tmp]$     


... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 04 Jan 2004, 12:39
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scientica 04 Jan 2004, 13:22
Perhaps I should explain the code above:
bot macros operates like this, get argument, do operation with next argument, get operation, do operation on result of previous operation - just like old calculators Smile
the calc macro takes arguments in the form:
calc first_term, '{operation}', second_term, ...( '{operation}', n_term)
the calc2 does tha same but does not use quoted argurments (thus you use + instead of '+' ), couldn't get it to wok with eqtype so it ended up two macros :/

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 04 Jan 2004, 13:22
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Tommy 04 Jan 2004, 19:22
Hi Scientica!

I modified your macro a little bit so that the output will be more optimized... Wink

MAX_X = 32

macro pow2 val {
  x = 0
  z = 1
  result = 1
  repeat MAX_X
    result = result * 2
    if result = val
      x = z
    end if
    z = z + 1
  end repeat

macro assign reg,val {
  if val eqtype 0
    if val < 256
      xor e#reg#x,e#reg#x
      mov reg#l,val
      mov e#reg#x,val
    end if
    mov e#reg#x,val
  end if

macro multiply val {
  if val eqtype 0
    if val > 1
      pow2 val
      if x > 0
        shl eax,x
        assign c,val
        mul ecx
      end if
    end if
    assign c,val
    mul ecx
  end if

macro divide val {
  if val eqtype 0
    if val > 1
      pow2 val
      if x > 0
        shr eax,x
        xor edx,edx
        assign c,val
        div ecx
      end if
    end if
    xor edx,edx
    assign c,val
    div ecx
  end if

macro calc arg,[op,argn] {
    assign a,arg
    if 1 op 1 eq 1+1
      if argn eq 1
        inc eax
        add eax,argn
      end if
    else if 1 op 1 eq 1-1
      if argn eq 1
        dec eax
        sub eax,argn
      end if
    else if 1 op 1 eq 1*1
      multiply argn
    else if 1 op 1 eq 1/1
      divide argn
      display "Invalid operation",13,10
    end if

calc 15,+,45,/,6,*,32    
00000000  31C0              xor eax,eax
00000002  B00F              mov al,0xf
00000004  83C02D            add eax,byte +0x2d
00000007  31D2              xor edx,edx
00000009  31C9              xor ecx,ecx
0000000B  B106              mov cl,0x6
0000000D  F7F1              div ecx
0000000F  C1E005            shl eax,0x5    

Post 04 Jan 2004, 19:22
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VitalOne 05 Jan 2004, 02:11
Thanks guys, except it still doesn't follow the order of operations. I'm a bit confused...does anyone have any idea on how to get it follow the order of operations?

Thanks for improving my macro anyway.
Post 05 Jan 2004, 02:11
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scientica 05 Jan 2004, 02:33
You mean like div and multiply goes before plus and minus? I'ts possible to solve, by adding support for paranthesis (and angle brackets ("<>")) - I think that requires a good nights sleep, but it's "do-able" I think.

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 05 Jan 2004, 02:33
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VitalOne 09 Jan 2004, 06:56
But it would have to push the calculation in the <> to the stack, then some how at the end find out the order where it was, then calculate...how?
Post 09 Jan 2004, 06:56
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scientica 09 Jan 2004, 23:49
I thougt of something like:
calc 15,+,45,/, (, <6,+,5,> ),*,32    

which would first do 15+45, and then recurse (call it self with 6,+,5 as argument ), and then divide, and finally multiply by 32.

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 09 Jan 2004, 23:49
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 10 Jan 2004, 01:11
You can use the "equ" and "restore" combination to do a kind of stack operations on symbolic constants.
Post 10 Jan 2004, 01:11
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