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> OS Construction > VBE (vesa 3) Goto page 1, 2 Next |
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Dex4u 15 Jan 2008, 13:57
I have a vesa demo, put your mode and see what happens.
http://www.dex4u.com/demos/VesaDemo.zip Last edited by Dex4u on 23 Feb 2008, 14:21; edited 1 time in total |
15 Jan 2008, 13:57 |
vid 15 Jan 2008, 14:54
does 4F01 tell you that mode is supported with LFB? In other words, is bit 7 of ModeAttributes set?
15 Jan 2008, 14:54 |
Stabia 15 Jan 2008, 14:56
Thanks, I try it 3 days ago, the mode is OK, the LFB bit is OK, all is in order, but my simply code wont works.
I try other modes vith b14 : it's the same, the commutation of line*pixel is ok but the b14 is clear in the result mode and there is no LFB ! I wait the answer of ASRock ... for a long time ! |
15 Jan 2008, 14:56 |
vid 15 Jan 2008, 15:00
Quote: the LFB bit is OK in Mode Description structure returned by 4F01? by the way, you shouldn't use fixed mode numbers, those are deprecated. you should list available modes and pick one of those. |
15 Jan 2008, 15:00 |
Stabia 15 Jan 2008, 16:09
Yes, and no ! i have make a typographic error, bit7 (NOT b14) in 'ModeAttributes' (= 0xb9) if bx=0x4115 (or 0x4122, 0x4118 ...)
in the list there is no mode with b14 only without b14 but 0x4f02 return OK (0x004F), in the list there where exotics modes since 0x211 0x20F ... perheaps 16/9 resolutions? |
15 Jan 2008, 16:09 |
vid 15 Jan 2008, 16:19
I think your bug is calling 4F01 with 0x4115 as mode number. Mode number is only 0x0115, those upper bits are specific for 4F02, etc...
15 Jan 2008, 16:19 |
Stabia 15 Jan 2008, 16:47
Ok 'vid' but is the same because if I try 0x4f01 and bx=0x115 ModeAttributes' = 0xb9 mean that's ok for LFB even so 0x4f02 (bx=0x4115) switch only on 0x115
15 Jan 2008, 16:47 |
vid 15 Jan 2008, 17:10
Then i quess your VESA doesn't support LFB, and it is faulty VBE implementation for fixed mode numbers. You shouldn't use them anyway - list available modes.
btw, what is your VESA version? |
15 Jan 2008, 17:10 |
DJ Mauretto 15 Jan 2008, 17:18
try my vesa utility,give you some info about your vesa card and LFB support
http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?p=57922#57922 |
15 Jan 2008, 17:18 |
Stabia 15 Jan 2008, 21:10
thanks 'vid' for you interest : probabily the graphic-bios is faultly. ( vesa 3 )
but i see that SG3 cards have others modes and another liste before the first normal one. tante grazie Mauretto tuo utilitario è ottimo, ma, è sempré la stessa cosà : modo 0x0115, OK LFB OK pero cummutazione NO ! (fa per me un'imbraccio al'ermo di Verdi al' pincio !) |
15 Jan 2008, 21:10 |
vid 15 Jan 2008, 21:54
can you post the code?
15 Jan 2008, 21:54 |
Stabia 15 Jan 2008, 22:54
it's a part of my init sequence (is for a lab analyser)
comments are in French but easy to understand Code: ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mode graphique <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< push 0 pop es ; utile ? déjà 0 mov di, ADR_PILE_INIT - 0x500 ; un tampon de 512 octets en haut de la pile mov [es:di], dword 'VBE2' mov ax, 0x4f00 ; test VBE (vesa étendu) int 0x10 cmp ax, 0x004f jne .erreur xor eax, eax mov eax, [es:di + 0x0a] ; capacités générales du controleur mov [fs:VBE_capa1], al mov ax, [es:di + 0x12] ; taille mémoire vidéo en bloc de 64 k. mov [fs:VBE_nbBloc], ax mov ax, [es:di + 34] mov eax, [es:di + 0x0e] ; table des modes vidéo - terminée par 0xFFFF avec une seconde aprés pour les S3 cmp eax, 0 je .PMID mov esi, eax and esi, 0xffff shr eax, 16 mov [fs:VBE_Modes], eax PMID: mov edi, 0 push word 0xc000 pop es mov ecx, 0x8000 ; mov al,'P' mov eax, 'PMID' cld @@: repne scasb jcxz .erreur cmp dword [es:edi-1], eax jne @B dec edi ; verifier checksum ; jne @B ; ici la structure est trouvée a es:di xor eax, eax mov ax, [es:edi + 10] mov [fs:VBE_SegEcr], ax push 0 pop es mov cx, 0x4115 ; 0x112 640*480*32b - 0x115 800*600*32b - 0x118 1024*768*32b - 0x11b 1280*1024*32 mov ax, 0x4f01 ; test VBE (vesa étendu) int 0x10 cmp ax, 0x004f jne .erreur mov ax, [es:di + 0x00] ; capacités controleur pour ce mode mov [fs:VBE_capa2], ax mov al, [es:di + 0x02] ; capacité fenetre 1 mov [fs:VBE_capaFen1], al mov al, [es:di + 0x03] ; capacité fenetre 2 mov [fs:VBE_capaFen2], al mov ax, [es:di + 0x04] ; alignement obligatoire des adresses de fenetres mov [fs:VBE_aligneFen], word ax mov ax, [es:di + 0x06] ; taille mémoire fenetre mov [fs:VBE_tailleFen], word ax mov ax, [es:di + 0x08] ; segment fenetre 1 mov [fs:VBE_segmentFen1], word ax mov ax, [es:di + 0x0a] ; segment fenetre 2 mov [fs:VBE_segmentFen2], word ax xor eax, eax mov ax, [es:di + 0x10] ; nombre d'octet par ligne-mémoire (different résolution x) mov [fs:VBE_nbOctetLigne], word ax mov ax, [es:di + 0x12] ; largeur mov [fs:VBE_largeur], word ax mov ax, [es:di + 0x14] ; hauteur mov [fs:VBE_hauteur], word ax movzx eax, byte [es:di + 0x19] ; nombre de bits par pixel mov [fs:VBE_nbBitPixel], al mov al, [es:di + 0x1d] ; nombre de pages dans la mémoire vidéo mov [fs:VBE_nbPage], al mov eax, [es:di + 40] ; adresse LFB ATTENTION en fait selecteur sur octets 3 et 2 déplacement sur octets 0 et 1 mov ebx, eax and ebx, 0xffff mov ax, 0 shr eax, 12 add eax, ebx mov [fs:VBE_adrVideo], dword eax mov eax, [es:di + 0x2c] ; adresse "offscreen" mov [fs:VBE_adrVideo2], dword eax mov ax, [es:di + 0x30] ; taille "offscreen" mov [fs:VBE_tailleVideo2], word ax mov ax, [es:di + 0x32] ; nombre d'octet par ligne-mémoire (different résolution x) LINEAIRE mov [fs:VBE_nbOctetLigneL], word ax mov al, [es:di + 0x35] ; nombre de pages dans la mémoire vidéo LINEAIRE mov [fs:VBE_nbPageL], al mov eax, [es:di + 0x4d] ; vitesse maxi rafraichissement mov [fs:VBE_vitesseVideo], dword eax mov ax, 0x4f0a xor bx, bx int 0x10 cmp ax, 0x004f jne .erreur mov eax, 0 mov ax, es ; segment en mode réel shl eax, 4 movzx ebx, di ; déplacement add eax, ebx ; l'adresse réelle (physique) de la table du mode protégé mov bx, [es:di] ; le déplacement dans la table pour la fonction 5 add ebx, eax ; l'adresse réelle (physique) de la fonction 5 mov [fs:VBE_adrFct5], dword ebx movzx ebx, word [es:di + 2] add ebx, eax mov [fs:VBE_adrFct7], dword ebx movzx ebx, word [es:di + 4] add ebx, eax mov [fs:VBE_adrFct9], dword ebx movzx ebx, word [es:di + 6] cmp ebx, 0 je @F add ebx, eax @@: mov [fs:VBE_adrTableES], dword ebx mov esi, mess_10 mov ax, 0x4f03 ; trouver le mode actuel int 0x10 cmp ax, 0x004f jne .erreur movzx eax, bx ; conserver le mode actuel push bx mov bx, 0x4115 ; 0x112 640*480*32b - 0x115 800*600*32b - 0x118 1024*768*32b - 0x11b 1280*1024*32 + b14 = LINEAIRE ; voir b15 pour effacer ? mov ax, 0x4f02 ; changer le mode int 0x10 cmp ax, 0x004f jne .erreur mov ax, 0x4f03 ; vérifier le mode int 0x10 cmp ax, 0x004f jne .erreur mov esi, mess_12 bt bx, 14 jnc .erreur mov esi, mess_11 cmp bx, 0x4115 jne .erreur pop bx ;>>>>>>>>>>> Passage en mode protégé 32 bits <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< modeP: sidt [fs:SYS_anciennesIT] cli ; inhiber toutes les IT cld mov al, 255 ; masquer toutes les IT out 0xa1,al ; 8259A controleur d'interuptions out 0x21,al |
15 Jan 2008, 22:54 |
vid 15 Jan 2008, 23:00
looks allright... i am afraid it's really VESA bug
btw: shouldn't you check VESA version too, to make code generic? |
15 Jan 2008, 23:00 |
DOS386 16 Jan 2008, 01:34
If you have DOS available you can check my VESA code :
http://board.flatassembler.net/download.php?id=3915 (46 KiB) (LFB only !!! If you get graph with it then you have a LFB) And YES, you should avoid "fixed" mode numbers. Last edited by DOS386 on 26 Aug 2008, 04:44; edited 1 time in total |
16 Jan 2008, 01:34 |
Stabia 16 Jan 2008, 09:47
Thanks 'dos386' but I hven't DOS, I thinks the problem is an exotic (or secret !) implementation of this vesa-BIOS.
Ok 'vid' it's true but my job is to works on this card only (industrial application) |
16 Jan 2008, 09:47 |
DOS386 16 Jan 2008, 11:23
Stabia wrote: but I haven't DOS, I thinks the problem is an exotic Maybe ... but existing code verified to work with ATI, NVIDIA and BOCHS could reveal something ... DOS (write .IMG on a floppy, delete GAMES and MEDIA, add my VESA.EXE, boot, press [0] 2x , "VESA" -> BOOM _________________ Bug Nr.: 12345 Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!! Status: Closed: NOT a Bug |
16 Jan 2008, 11:23 |
vid 16 Jan 2008, 18:39
Quote: Ok 'vid' it's true but my job is to works on this card only (industrial application) bad for you - looks like your card BIOS doesn't support LFB. There are still "tricks to get around", but i'm not sure if i'd use them in realworld app. |
16 Jan 2008, 18:39 |
Stabia 18 Jan 2008, 14:17
I have make some progress : in real mode this card dont share more than 64 k.
At this time I perfom following operations : - switch on proteted mode - copy image BIOS - found "DPMI" - create some descriptors like in VBE doc. page 21-24 but there is a problem vhen I call the init function (il things is a descriptor fault ?) my code (comments in French, if you want I can translate) : Code: ;>>>>>>>>>>> Passage en mode protégé 32 bits <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< modeP: sidt [fs:SYS_anciennesIT] ; à quoi ca sert de conserver les IT ? cli ; inhiber toutes les IT cld mov al, 255 ; masquer toutes les IT out 0xa1,al ; 8259A controleur d'interuptions out 0x21,al @@: in al, 0x64 test al, 2 jnz @B mov al, 0xd1 out 0x64, al ; 8042 clavier : activer 'ligne A20' @@: in al, 0x64 test al, 2 jnz @B mov al, 0xdf out 0x60, al @@: in al, 0x64 test al, 2 jnz @B mov al, 0xff out 0x64, al lgdt [cs:tmp_gdt] mov eax, cr0 or eax, 1 ; mode protégé and eax, 0x1fffffff ; efface b30 = cache en marche b29 ? efface b31 = pas de pagination mov cr0, eax jmp pword 0x8:modeProtege ; saut vers le 32 bit protégé avec cs = 0x8 align 8 tmp_gdt: dw 0x40-1 ; longeur de la table - 1 dd tmp_gdt ; adresse physique de la table dw 0 ; rien, ces 8 octets sont en fait l'indice [0] de la table qui ; ... n'est pas utilisé dans les descripteurs : pour laisser la ; ... possibilité d'un registre de segment à 0 ; sel 0x08 dw 0xffff ; limite 0-15 dw 0x0000 ; base 0-15 db 0x00 ; base 16-23 dw 11001111b *256 + 10011010b ; P=1 | DPL=00 | S=1 code ou data | type = 1010 code execute lire ; G=1 : 4Ko. | D=1 : 32 bits | L=0(pas 64 bits!) | AVL=0 | limite 16-19 = 1111 db 0x00 ; base 24-31 ; sel 0x10 dw 0xffff dw 0x0000 db 0x00 dw 11001111b *256 + 10010010b ; P=1 | DPL=00 | S=1 code ou data | type = 0010 data écrire lire ; G=1 : 4Ko. | B=1 : 32 bits | L=0(pas 64 bits!) | AVL=0 | limite 16-19 = 1111 db 0x00 ; sel 0x18 vbe_copie: ; 100000 0x8000 VOIR 'vbe_code' dw 0x8000 dw 0x0000 db 0x010 dw 01000000b *256 + 10010010b ; P=1 | DPL=00 | S=1 code ou data | type = 0010 data écrire lire ; G=0 : 1o. | B=1 : 32 bits | L=0(pas 64 bits!) | AVL=0 | limite 16-19 = 0000 db 0x00 ; sel 0x20 vbe_data: ; 108000 0x600 dw 0x600 dw 0x8000 db 0x010 dw 01000000b *256 + 10010010b ; P=1 | DPL=00 | S=1 code ou data | type = 0010 data écrire lire ; G=0 : 1o. | B=1 : 32 bits | L=0(pas 64 bits!) | AVL=0 | limite 16-19 = 0000 db 0x00 ; sel 0x28 vbe_pile: ; 108600 0x400 dw 0x400 dw 0x8600 db 0x010 dw 00000000b *256 + 10010010b ; P=1 | DPL=00 | S=1 code ou data | type = 0010 data écrire lire ; G=0 : 1o. | B=0 : 16 bits | L=0(pas 64 bits!) | AVL=0 | limite 16-19 = 0000 db 0x00 ; sel 0x30 vbe_code: ; 100000 0x8000 VOIR 'vbe_copie' dw 0x8000 dw 0x0000 db 0x010 dw 00000000b *256 + 10011010b ; P=1 | DPL=00 | S=1 code ou data | type = 1010 code execute lire ; G=0 : 1o. | B=0 : 16 bits | L=0(pas 64 bits!) | AVL=0 | limite 16-19 = 0000 db 0x00 ; sel 0x38 vbe_ecran: ; 108a00 ; 800*600*4 1 920 000 0x1D4C00 1 875 Ko. / 4 = 0x1d5 dw 0x1d5 dw 0x8a00 db 0x010 dw 11000000b *256 + 10010010b ; P=1 | DPL=00 | S=1 code ou data | type = 0010 data écrire lire ; G=1 : 4Ko. | B=1 : 32 bits | L=0(pas 64 bits!) | AVL=0 | limite 16-19 = 0000 db 0x00 ; sel 0x40 ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CODE 32 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< use32 align 4 modeProtege: mov ax, 0x10 ; second descripteur dans la GTD (0 non-utilisé) mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov gs,ax mov ss,ax mov fs,ax mov es,ax mov esp, ADR_PILE_INIT mov eax, cr0 ; bt eax, 0 ; jnc erreurNoire and eax, 1 cmp eax, 0 je erreurNoire ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mode graphique <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< mov esi, 0xc0000 mov edi, ADR_BASE_BIOS mov ecx, 0x8000/4 ; 32Ko. rep movsd ; recopie du BIOS mov edi, ADR_BASE_BIOS mov ecx, 0x2000 mov eax, 'PMID' ; mov eax, 'DIMP' cld repne scasd jcxz erreurP jmp @F erreurP: jmp erreurBleue @@: sub edi, 4 ; verifier checksum ; jne @B ; ici la structure est trouvée mov [ADR_VAR_SYS+VBE_adrPMID], edi movzx eax, word[edi + 4] add eax, ADR_BASE_BIOS mov [ADR_VAR_SYS+VBE_adrAppel], eax movzx eax, word[edi + 6] add eax, ADR_BASE_BIOS mov [ADR_VAR_SYS+VBE_adrInit], eax ; mov ax, word[edi + 4] ; mov [ADR_VAR_SYS+VBE_depAppel], ax ; mov ax, word[edi + 6] ; mov [ADR_VAR_SYS+VBE_depInit], ax mov [edi + 8], word 0x20 mov [edi + 10], word 0x38 mov [edi + 12], word 0x38 mov [edi + 14], word 0x38 mov [edi + 16], word 0x18 mov [edi + 18], byte 1 mov edi, ADR_VAR_BIOS xor eax, eax mov ecx, 0x600/4 rep stosd ; mettre à 0 la zone des variables du BIOS mov esp, eax add eax, 100 ; ATTENTION documentation VBE étrange = en haut de la pile mov ax, 0x28 ; la pile 16 bits de VBE mov ss, ax movsx eax, word [ADR_VAR_SYS+VBE_adrInit] call pword [eax] jmp erreurRouge the "call pword [eax] dont work an PC reboot. Last edited by Stabia on 18 Jan 2008, 14:46; edited 2 times in total |
18 Jan 2008, 14:17 |
vid 18 Jan 2008, 14:26
Stabia: edit your post and use [code] tags
18 Jan 2008, 14:26 |
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