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Index > DOS > [CRACKING] Altimate (almost) CRACKer released only 288 bytes

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The worst crime ever possible
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Joined: 08 Dec 2006
Posts: 1905
DOS386 02 Jul 2007, 23:07
; ACRACK - Altimate (almost) CRACKer for APACK'ed files
; (CL) Copyleft 2007 Public Domain - ABUSE at YOUR own risk !!!

format binary as "EXE"

; Code size: $1'0000 File size: $1'0020
; Reserve: 0 Stack: $1000

org 0

 db "MZ"
 dw $20           ; Last block
 dw $81           ; Blocks
 db 0,0           ; No relocs
 db 2,0           ; Header size
 dw $0100         ; Min
 dw $0100         ; Max
 dw $1000         ; Stack segment
 dw $1000         ; Stack size / pointer in bytes !!!
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0   ; CHK, IP, CS 
 dw $1C           ; Useless reloc offset
 db 0,0           ; Useless "overlay"
 db 0,0,0,0       ; Padding / empty reloc

org 0

   push cs
   push cs
   pop  ds
   pop  es

   mov   dx,tx4
   mov   ah,9
   int   $21

   mov   ax,[$0110]
   cmp   ax,$5757         ; Check it
   jnz   llcompatfail
   mov   byte [$0110],$90 ; Crack it

   call  $0100            ; Decompress it
   sub   di,$0100         ; Uncompressed size
   mov   [$FE],di

   xor   cx,cx
   mov   dx,tx0
   mov   ah,$3C
   int   $21              ; Create / open for write
   jc    llsavfail

   mov   bx,ax            ; Handle
   mov   ah,$40
   mov   cx,[$FE]         ; Size
   mov   dx,$0100

   int   $21              ; Save
   jc    llsavfail

   mov   ah,$3E
   int   $21
   jc    llsavfail        ; Close

   mov   dx,tx1
   pushw $4C00
   jmp   short llexit

    mov   dx,tx2
    pushw $4CFF
    jmp   short llexit

    mov   dx,tx3
    pushw $4CFF

    mov  ah,9
    int  $21
    mov  dx,tx5
    int  $21
    pop  ax
    int  $21

tx0: db 'CRACKED.COM',0
tx1: db 'Smile$'
tx2: db 'Compatibility Sad$'
tx3: db 'Save failure Sad$'
tx4: db 'ACRACK - Altimate (almost) CRACKer for APACK',$27,'ed files',$0D,$0A
     db '(CL) 2007 P.D. - ABUSE at YOUR own risk !!' ; pass Very Happy
tx5: db $0D,$0A,$0D,$0A,$24,0,0

Download now:
(1380 bytes ZIP , source included) UPDATED

How to use:


- - APACKED.COM : File you want to crack/decompress (APACK'ed .COM only !!!)

- - GARBAGE.GAR : Anything to bloat resulting file to 65568 at least Shocked

- Execute X.EXE -> CRACKED.COM will be saved Shocked

Note this works:

1. With APACK only
2. .COM only
3. Not necessarily with all versions / files (tested just 2)

There is a partial error checking: should usually not attempt to decompress something that was not packed with APACK.

NOTE: APACK is not the same as ASPACK, download ASPACK cracker
(not by me, source in MA$M, does not work in DOS) here:

Well, seems that I solved in 2 days a HUGE problem:


that 20 people could not solve within 100 posts Shocked ... or doesn't the possibility to unpack solve the GPL absurdities at all Laughing ?

Bug Nr.: 12345

Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!!

Status: Closed: NOT a Bug

Last edited by DOS386 on 20 Feb 2008, 23:43; edited 6 times in total
Post 02 Jul 2007, 23:07
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rugxulo 03 Jul 2007, 00:26
There's already a small tool (IUP) that can unpack aPACK'd .COMs (not sure about .EXEs), but I think I had a bit of trouble getting it working in FreeDOS (dunno why, can't remember, needs more testing to be certain). Nevertheless, good job, NTOSKRNL_VXE! Wink


Last edited by rugxulo on 12 Jul 2007, 19:16; edited 1 time in total
Post 03 Jul 2007, 00:26
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Joined: 08 Dec 2006
Posts: 1905
DOS386 03 Jul 2007, 22:35
> I mean, FreeDOS' attrib.com is only 5,044 bytes UPX'd

Evil or Very Mad

> There's already a small tool (IUP)

COOL. Smile Didn't know Shocked

Test: Under EDR-Evil or Very Mad-BAN-Evil or Very Mad-DOS, it works, and outputs exactly the same as
my cracker Shocked - and under FreeDOS it indeed doesn't work - it writes the cracked
file correctly but fails to close it - available as "lost cluster chain" without exact size only Confused

My unpacker (cracker) remains the only way to decompress FreeDOS utils under FreeDOS Shocked

> fix your terminology

SORRY I won't Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

> please explain

NEVER change a winning team : Since my (unpacking) cracker has much more downloads than any other of my attachments (reasons are obvious, aren't Laughing ) , it would be pretty stupid to change, wouldn't it ? Shocked

Bug Nr.: 12345

Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!!

Status: Closed: NOT a Bug

Last edited by DOS386 on 12 Jul 2007, 22:26; edited 2 times in total
Post 03 Jul 2007, 22:35
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f0dder 03 Jul 2007, 23:09
Umm, why do you call it a "cracker" when it's an unpacker? Please, fix your terminology Smile
Post 03 Jul 2007, 23:09
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Hayden 04 Jul 2007, 13:57
um why? is it a cracker? please explain...

New User.. Hayden McKay.
Post 04 Jul 2007, 13:57
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m 12 Jul 2007, 06:30
Exmplain to me too!
Post 12 Jul 2007, 06:30
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rugxulo 12 Jul 2007, 19:15
Maybe because aPACK adds a modified unpacker stub to each executable, so you can't directly unpack only one as we're talking about many subtle variants. At least, that's my guess.
Post 12 Jul 2007, 19:15
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edfed 05 Oct 2007, 00:53
it is une honte de cracker
just think about poor inginers of MS
how will they earn money if you hack everythings Wink
Post 05 Oct 2007, 00:53
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