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Joined: 09 May 2006
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kaiplak 09 May 2006, 21:05
hey I'm newbie and I dled one of the examples the command line one. how do I run it, and how do I run assembly files in general. I dled the thing and i can open them. When I try to compile the asm files with the windows fasm it says cannot invoke the inc file include with the example. Can one one help and tell me how the fasm really works. Aslo are the application files the finished product of compiled asm code, is there ever a .exe file created?

Som3t!m3s it is better to do or die! there my sig is smaller happy ya bunch of fascists!
Post 09 May 2006, 21:05
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vid 09 May 2006, 21:38
problem are lines like: include "%FASMINC%\..." (... can be anything)

you must set environment variable FASMINC.
right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> New

and name = FASMINC, value = path to your INCLUDE directory inside FASM directory.
Post 09 May 2006, 21:38
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Verbosity in development

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vid 09 May 2006, 21:43
PS: in my opinion, you should change your signature font size, drawing too much attention to yourself, if you don't have anything useful to say, isn't very helpful to community. And that's why we are here, to help to each other....
Post 09 May 2006, 21:43
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kaiplak 09 May 2006, 22:04
didn't work bra!!!! nice try though, that dumb cmd line is a bunch of crap, the include examples with the fasm work fine but the dumb cmd line that someone did sucks why show incorrect examples. Don't be hatin against my immense importance in the communty bra!

Som3t!m3s it is better to do or die! there my sig is smaller happy ya bunch of fascists!
Post 09 May 2006, 22:04
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MichaelH 10 May 2006, 02:21
In cmd.asm you'll find two lines

include 'win32a.inc'
include 'cmd.inc'

'cmd.inc' is in the same folder as cmd.asm so will be found however 'win32a.inc' is in the include folder in the fasm folder you installed. If you follow Vid's suggestion and add "FASMINC" to the environment variables, you'll have to change

include 'win32a.inc'


include '%FASMINC%\win32a.inc'

and all will work.

However another way is to add "include" to the environment variables -

right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> New

and name = Include, value = path to your INCLUDE directory inside FASM directory.

cmd.asm should then work unmodified.

Also add the path to fasm.exe to the path environment variable -

right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables

and name = Path, value = path to your FASM directory. Make sure you separate each directory in the valuse field with a ;

This way your can open a cmd window, cd to the folder with the cmd.asm in it, type: fasm cmd.asm cmd.exe ..... why would you do this? Because then you can use your favourite Editor that can run external tools (like EditPlus or Crimson Editor .... do a google search).

Fasm is the simplest thing ever to build programs with ..... it's the writing of assembler code that's a bit difficult Wink
Post 10 May 2006, 02:21
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kaiplak 10 May 2006, 07:26
MichaelH wrote:
In cmd.asm you'll find two lines

include 'win32a.inc'
include 'cmd.inc'

'cmd.inc' is in the same folder as cmd.asm so will be found however 'win32a.inc' is in the include folder in the fasm folder you installed. If you follow Vid's suggestion and add "FASMINC" to the environment variables, you'll have to change

include 'win32a.inc'


include '%FASMINC%\win32a.inc'

and all will work.

However another way is to add "include" to the environment variables -

right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> New

and name = Include, value = path to your INCLUDE directory inside FASM directory.

cmd.asm should then work unmodified.

Also add the path to fasm.exe to the path environment variable -

right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables

and name = Path, value = path to your FASM directory. Make sure you separate each directory in the valuse field with a ;

This way your can open a cmd window, cd to the folder with the cmd.asm in it, type: fasm cmd.asm cmd.exe ..... why would you do this? Because then you can use your favourite Editor that can run external tools (like EditPlus or Crimson Editor .... do a google search).

Fasm is the simplest thing ever to build programs with ..... it's the writing of assembler code that's a bit difficult :wink:

so your advice didn't work. I put in those paths on my system ot just my profile. I have a laptop and windows xp so yeah. C:\Program Files\shit\fasmw166\INCLUDE is one of the pathways is this a correct way of putting in the value?

Som3t!m3s it is better to do or die! there my sig is smaller happy ya bunch of fascists!
Post 10 May 2006, 07:26
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shoorick 10 May 2006, 08:30
at first tell us what you did exactly and what you got. "does not work" is not enough to understand your problem and to give you practical advise.
at second I agree with vid about your signature - we are not hating anyone - just it looks like text of signature is more valuable then body of your post.
Post 10 May 2006, 08:30
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okasvi 10 May 2006, 15:17
how about making tutorial video about how to set %fasminc% Razz

anyone got Camstasia installed? Razz
Post 10 May 2006, 15:17
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 10 May 2006, 15:42
Since many versions the FASMINC variable is deprecated, and the standard examples require INCLUDE variable to be set up. The section "System requirements" of FASM.PDF does note it, BTW.
Post 10 May 2006, 15:42
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kaiplak 10 May 2006, 16:08
ok I got to run the cmd example by pressing the cmd app, it gives me ths window saying command parameters and then it list the pathway to the cmd.exe. The FASM works fine and other examples I've tried work fine, just this dumb cmd one. I'm a total nhub at asm so I don't really understand the program. it definitely isn't functioning though. you guys contiually refer to a cmd.exe however the cmd line comes with the asm file, the inc file, a cmd application file, and a readme. No where is there a cmd.exe file. these pathways do nothing by the way they don't have anything to do with the program that I know of.

Som3t!m3s it is better to do or die! there my sig is smaller happy ya bunch of fascists!
Post 10 May 2006, 16:08
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madmatt 10 May 2006, 17:09
Please keep the fasminc variable feature in future versions of the fasmw package. I like this better than the INCLUDE variable. Smile This way I don't have to worry about it and neither does anybody else. Cool
Post 10 May 2006, 17:09
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 10 May 2006, 17:17
The INCLUDE variable is more capable (as you can specify multiple paths), more standard (among many compilers), and allows including by just specifying file name. If you still prefer fasminc, you can set it up yourself, but the decision that it's no longer official has been established for quite a long time already.

kaiplak: what do you mean by "cmd example"?
Post 10 May 2006, 17:17
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kaiplak 10 May 2006, 17:24

I think this topic has gotten way off track, what do these system variables have to do with anything anway. They have no affect on the code it is apparent the code in the cmd zip is wrong or the fact that it is intended for win 95 may be a problem. The other possiblity might simply be how i'm running it i simply open the application. Am I suppose to even compile it , because it is already compiled into the app it appears. I don't see what the FASM compiler has to do with this at all?

Som3t!m3s it is better to do or die! there my sig is smaller happy ya bunch of fascists!
Post 10 May 2006, 17:24
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 10 May 2006, 17:27
Oh, I see....
kaiplak wrote:
ok I got to run the cmd example by pressing the cmd app, it gives me ths window saying command parameters and then it list the pathway to the cmd.exe.

Well this is exactly what this example is supposed to do - it just displays all the command line parameters provided (and the first parameter in command line is always just a path to program). To specify more parameters you'd have to run it from a command line.
Post 10 May 2006, 17:27
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