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Joined: 09 Nov 2005
Posts: 12
xddxogm3 11 Nov 2005, 23:33
everytime i write something in fasm and it doesn't work, i get a bell that rings. i'm at work and this is starting to anoy others, how do you turn the bell off? if it helps, i was assembling my program.

;First FASM Program
                org     100h


        call input_String

        call print_String

        int     20h             ;exit program



        mov     ah,10
        mov     dx,buffer
        int     21h



        mov     dx,buffer
        mov     ah,9
        int     21h


;Data Area
number1:        db      81,"$"
number2:        db      81,"$"
@m0:            db      'Enter Number: ',"$"

i'm not sure why the bell is sounding?? is it my code? can i disable it?
Post 11 Nov 2005, 23:33
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vbVeryBeginner 12 Nov 2005, 07:39
org 100h

mov ah,0ah
mov dx,buf
int 21h

mov ah,9
mov dx,buf
int 21h

mov ah,4ch
int 21h

buf db 0xF      ;store max length we want to accept
    db ?        ;how many written?
    rb 0xF      ;place to store the input

hope this could make you clear a bit.
the bell sounds because when you input the buffer, you miss the termination character -> "$"

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Post 12 Nov 2005, 07:39
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vbVeryBeginner 12 Nov 2005, 07:59
mov ah,9
mov dx,buf
mov [buf],10
mov [buf+1],13
int 21h

add the CR LF so you can really see the tex printed out Smile

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fasm rocks!$
fasm rocks!
Post 12 Nov 2005, 07:59
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Joined: 02 Nov 2005
Posts: 38
estrang 12 Nov 2005, 09:56
It wont print the output if the input doesnt get to the length limit. How can we solve that??

org 100h

mov ah,0ah
mov dx,buf
int 21h

mov ah,9
mov dx,buf
mov [buf],10
mov [buf+1],13
int 21h

mov ah,4ch
int 21h

buf db 0xF      ;store max length we want to accept
    db ?           ;how many written?
    db 0xF dup( 00h ), 24h     ;Create buffer i guess??

Is there a way of creating buffer without using dup() ?? I hate seeing function looking stuffs like this in assembly i dont know why Confused Is this really part of assembly or is it just a function that comes with fasmm??

[code] tag
*Looked at hex dump. So dup() is for shorcut for typing consecutive letters. Get it now.
Post 12 Nov 2005, 09:56
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Matrix 12 Nov 2005, 21:52
hello, xddxogm3

i think i can help with that bell ringing for you,
in your pc, locate the pc speaker, it is enough to cut one of them, but cut both to make sure there used to be a red and a black wire.
then it wont ring.
Post 12 Nov 2005, 21:52
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